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60th BICOM® Bioresonance Annual Conference

Dr. Med Bioresonance on a scientific basis
Dr. Med The mysterious pineal gland and its role in energy medicine
Andrea Knopp Gastritis involving Helicobacter pylori – Case study with the BBC
Katharina JanRen M.Sc. Mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS): Symptoms and treatment
Jenny Blondel Addressing Dysregulation in the Autonomic Nervous System — a Blockage to Healing.
Marco Spychala Itching — Allergy-related skin diseases in the small animal practice
Dr. Jolanta Broistedt Bioresonance instead of antibiotics in dental surgery
Olle Svensson Bioresonance unlimited
Dr. Med Environmental toxins and their influence on mitochondrial function
Silvia Kimmerle Practice-oriented approaches to post-operative treatments
Dr. Med Holistic treatment success with bone healing disorders after fractures
Dr. Med Harmfull effects and blockages of psychiatric medications in our BICOM® practices and how to overvcome them
Irene Kolbe, Post-COVID and Long-COVID patients -Reorganization of the symptoms and effects on therapy
Dr. Med Reversing ageing through Quantum medicine
Christoph Hinterseher Immunology in veterinary medicine
Dr. Rer. Nat Mite treatment in human and veterinary medicine
Dr. Cassandra Mougiakou Meridian programs and their unexpected miraculous effects
Esra Kirsever Could Bioresonance Be an Adjuvant Treatment Option in Oncology?
Dr. Reinald Schriffer, When food becomes an addiction – a holistic medical analysis and therapeutic approach with bioresonance


Autumn Congress 2023

Dr. med. Jürgen Hennecke
Dr. Helga Oberwittler Idiopathic cystitis in dogs and cats
Treatment plan also applicable to patients in human medicine
Dr. Uta Schmieden‐Lindner Autoimmune diseases in general practice
Dr. med. dent. Cornelia Wolschner CMD, craniomandibular dysfunction – the chameleon of dental and oral medicine
Erika Kalbfleisch Mobility problems: When the musculoskeletal system is blocked – in dogs, cats, humans
Brigitte Jonczyk Macular degeneration
Marina Langhojer Gingivitis in the cat
Christoph Hinterseher The meaning of KPU (Kryptopyrroluria) and HPU (Hemopyrrolactamuria)
Cassandra Mougiakou Strengthen the “core” – the stomach and its key position for health
Dr. Christina Eul‐Matern Endocrinological diseases in dogs and horses (and humans)

63rd BICOM® Bioresonance Autumn Conference

Gary Lim
Josef Schneckenaichner Holistic view of the spine
Dr. med. Jürgen Hennecke Scientific proof of efficacy for the bioresonance method Result of a multicentre study
Dr. Aris Wibudi Scientific evidence for the effectiveness of the bioresonance method results of a multicenter case study
Dr Antonina Rome It’s not always candida!
Dr. med. Sabine Rauch Immunology and hematology in the BICOM practice
Dr. Pavla Koželuhová Children are different, adults too
Dr. Cassandra Mougiakou Acute and chronic lower and upper back pain
Jenny Blondel Gut Health and its importance for optimal Immunity
Tanja Gehring Itching, diarrhoea, stomach complaints: Is bile acid loss syndrome behind it?


62nd BICOM® Bioresonance Conference

Irene Kolbe Possibilities in prevention and therapy of acute viral diseases
Ljudmila Vukosavljević Energy blockages in quantum medicine
Jenson Tay Atopic Dermatitis: Absolute results in BICOM patients using the 4 Steps Protocol
Dr. Esteban Busto Treatment of obesity with Bioresonance Bicom Optima, An effective experience with 457 patients in Buenos Aires
Dr Jürgen Hennecke Successful treatment of vaccination reactions – cases from the practice
Prof. Peter C. Dartsch Bioresonance and cells – interactions and beneficial effects
Norbert Lindner Tips and tricks around the BICOM BodyCheck2
Torsten Hartmeier Bioresonance and marketing: the successful way to digital visibility
Antonina Romè How to approach polypharmacy in BICOM bioresonance practice
Dr. Snježana Fijan Bioresonance and nutrition: metabolic syndrome, high cholesterol level


61st BICOM® Bioresonance Conference

Dr. Sabine Rauch Possibilities in prevention and therapy of acute viral diseases
Marcel Riffel Cystitis – successful combination of bioresonance therapy, naturopathic ready‐to‐use drugs and micronutrients
Dr. Jörg Schweikart Vitamin D – central pillar for the immune system – latest research findings
Jenny Blondel Infertility: If the Planned Child is Taking its Time
Torsten Hartmeier Fears, worries, panic attacks – possibilities for effective testing and successful treatment
Jorge Costa The missing link: Osteopathy and BICOM in treating chronic lower back pain
Silvie Kimmerle Enhanced diagnostic possibilities and causal therapy approaches on the way to psycho‐energetic balance
Dr. Cassandra Mougiakou Practical approach to handling infections
Dr. Zdravka Svetličić The impact of heavy metals – aluminium on the blood test
Jana Maškova Application of meridian therapy in practice
Andrew Craft Addressing psychological health challenges

60th BICOM® Bioresonance Conference

Dr. Rolf Oesterle Early childhood developmental disorders and delayed speech development
Marcel Riffel Use of the “Degenerated cells” CTT test sets according to Riffel’s system of practice
Jürgen Hennecke Permeability – a new way of dealing with environmental pollution?
Dr. Ljudmila Vukosavljevié New possibilities for the treatment of eye diseases
Dr. Sabine Rauch The family of herpes viruses – a therapeutic challenge
Esther Röder From the practice for the practice
Kirsten Soltau What effects do drugs have on a patient´s micronutrient balance?
Alain Christen Chronic renal insufficiency in animals and humans
Dr. Hans Schwarz Interfering fields in the sleeping space: Investigation and solutions
Dr. Sinan Akkurt Leaky gut syndrome – The leaky gut: myth or reality?
Torsten Hartmeier When the black clouds come – help with Alzheimer’s and dementia
Dr. Jila Maki Autoimmune diseases – is healing possible? Laboratory-based medical evidence from practice
Norbert Lindner Burnout – not just a problem for our patients
Dr. Jörg Schweikart The world of micronutrients
Jenny Blondel Navigating complex hormone disorders with bioresonance
Yoshiro Fujii The usefulness of Bi-Digital O-Ring Test in BICOM Resonance Therapy

59th BICOM® Bioresonance Conference

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Peter C. Dartsch, Dipl. Biochemist The use of cell cultures in medical research
Norbert Lindner, Naturopath Stem cell diagnostics using the BICOM® BodyCheck and possible applications in bioresonance therapy
Pavia Koieluhova, MD Fontana s.r.o. New options for the treatment of young children
Esther Roder, Naturopath BICOM BICOM optima®® and BICOM® BodyCheck before and during pregnancy
Jurgen Hennecke, MD Less is often more overtreatment, treatment rhythms and therapy breaks
Silke Nunner, Naturopath Hemopyrrollactamuria (HPU) a common metabolic disorder with far-reaching effects
Dr. Michael Wagner Hormone replacement therapy during the menopause and with stress management
Sven Peters Effective use of endocannabinoids in bioresonance therapy
Petra Heier, Naturopath Urticaria
Dr. med. Sabine Rauch A new concept: prevention using BICOM® therapy and lifestyle changes
Irene Kolbe, Naturopath Skin and mucosa disorders. A search for clues …
Ron Havenaar Hidden bacteria diagnosis and treatment of mycoplasma
Angelika Prigge-Jugsch, Naturopath Case studies for use in practice
Dra. Med. Linda Rahadian In-vitro study of house dust mite allergy
Dr. med. Wolfgang Rohrer When healing is no longer the primary aim — BICOM® therapy in palliative care
Murat Goksel, MD, Prof. of Neurosurgery Low back pain and bioresonance therapy: Personal experience of a neurosurgeon
Dipl.-Med. Birgit Fleischer Chronic infectious diseases as both the cause and result of mitochondria! damage

58th BICOM® Bioresonance Conference

Dr med. dent. Helmut Huf Events in the invisible realm. An approach to explaining holistic biology theory
Sibylle Arnold-Wissert Adrenal fatigue — the stress syndrome of the 21st century
Norbert Lindner Recognize somatoform disorders with the BICOM BodyCheck and treat them successfully
Cordja Bothe BICOM BodyCheck and bioresonance: An approach to treating multimorbid patients
Jurgen Hennecke, MD Chlamydia — the chameleon of the pathogenic germs
He Lin Autism Spectrum Disorder
Hans Brugemann Information — the universal building block of the Universe?
Dr. med. Sabine Rauch Awareness and bioresonance
Erika Kalbfleisch Tumours and growths: ways of combining individual therapy modules
Cassandra Mougiakou Strengthen the center — the stomach and its key position for health
Claudia Lepper What effects do organs and the psyche have on the malposition of the spinal column?
Jorg Reibig The many faces of intolerance: Histamine, lactose, fructose
Irene Kolbe Vasculitis — new findings and therapy options
Jenny Blondel Polycystic ovary syndrome: A hidden epidemic
Brigitte Wiesendanger A new approach to ADHD therapy
Ori Wolff, MD, Extended application of nutrient points
Esther Roder Multiple sclerosis: Drug-free — a possibility with bioresonance?
Sven Peters Therapy options for severe spinal disk prolapses

57th BICOM® Bioresonance Conference

Prof. Dr. Herbert Pietschmann The “Life” missing since Descartes
Dr. med. Sabine Rauch Chronic illness caused by the Varicella zoster virus
Sven Peters The Temporomandibular Joint – New Treatment Options
Dr. med. Uta Schmieden-Lindner Cancer — a successful alternative therapy approach
Irene Kolbe Eye-related conditions: Macular degeneration, impaired vision & herpes zoster ophthalmicus
Eva Pauly Chronic borreliosis — a multisystem condition
Periklis Karakos Epidemiological and Cytogenetic Study of the Bioresonance Effect on Human System
Hans Brügemann A bridge between quantum physics and bioresonance
Dr. Jurgen Hennecke, Simone Maquinay Difficult case studies: Allergological and toxicological detective work
Dipl.-Psych. Hans-Peter Kuhl Unlocking solution-focused potential — bioresonance in the field of psychology
Dr. med. Wolfgang Rohrer Gained in practice, for use in practice: Tips and tricks for practitioners 
Marcel Riffel Case history and diagnosis: important in ensuring success and a promising therapy plan
Dr. med. dent. Rudolf Bracher Pre- and post-operative treatment
Sibylle Arnold-Wissert Low-deep frequencies for shock and trauma cases — treating post-traumatic stress syndrome
Dr. med. Annette Johnson Fibromyalgia, a chameleon among diseases
Dr. Christina Eul-Matern Treatment of endocrine disorders in dogs and horses using the Regumed® BICOM optima® device
Gisela Wendler Bioresonance and miasmatic stresses: New opportunities for diagnosis and therapy
Esther Röder An important aspect of treatment: the influence of the mind on the body!
Dr. Hans Schwarz Banishing migraine for good

56th BICOM® Bioresonance Conference

Dr. Ludwig Hasler Life – resonating theatre
Dr. Jürgen Hennecke, Simone MaquinayHennecke Modern Chakra therapy – new aspects of therapy for chronically ill patients. In cases of lack of energy, lowered resistance and hormonal imbalance
Sven Peters Pain-free: Using the Golgi points to treat heel spur, coxarthrosis and tennis elbow
Dr. Esra Kirsever Effectiveness of BICOM® Bioresonance in palliative care of cancer patients
Irene Kolbe Raised blood sugar: Diabetes mellitus – autoimmune diabetes
Dr. Cornelia Wolschner Craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD) – the chameleon of dental medicine
Jana Böseler-Adler Viral stress in cancer: presenting a complementary therapy concept
Dr. Thomas Heller Nocebo effect: Every word is important
Hans Brügemann Is there a more easily understood and accepted term to explain how bioresonance therapy works?
Esther Röder An emotional rollercoaster: ADHD in children and adults
Dr. Barbara Irmler Monitor the progress of therapy easily using ear acupuncture points
Norbert Lindner Male menopause: fate or opportunity?
Matthias Jacob Therapy of environmental stresses with an individual frequency
Dr. Sabine Rauch The endocrine glands – energy inter-relationships and therapy options
Wilma Meuwissen Psoas muscle as a key to physical and emotional wellbeing
Erika Kalbfleisch Mobility problems: when the musculoskeletal system is blocked – in dogs, cats and humans
Marcel Riffel Integrating bioresonance therapy in an existing allopathic treatment
Dr. Michael Wagner Environmental toxins and nanoparticles: tiny cause but major effect
Brigitte Jocher When hormones get out of control: restoring hormonal balance

55th BICOM® Bioresonance Conference

Hans Brügemann Welcome and opening the Congress
Professor Dr. Dipl.-Ing. Steffen Schulz Holistic medicine as scientific world view
Dr. Jurgen Hennecke and Simone Maquinay-Hennecke
Pathogens and poisons — a dangerous interrelationship. Testing and treating combinations of stresses
Marcel Riffel Treatment of Hamer foci using the PowerApplikator and expansion module 1
Dr. Esra Kirsever Treating at-risk pregnancies using the BICOM®
Norbert Lindner BICOM® cupping therapy — available for diagnostic procedures too
Christiane Herrmann Linking physical symptoms to individual teeth
Dr. Matthias Arnold Bioresonance in implantology
Iris Fischer-Rohrs Chronic inflammation and the significance of milieu regulation
Alexander A. C. Rijsberman Resistance to antibiotics and the bioresonance method
Irene Kolbe Viral and bacterial diseases: changes in blood in dark
field imaging during bioresonance treatment
Dr. Sinan Akkurt Quicker and more effective treatment using a specific BICOM® cupping therapy, for example in cases of herniated disk, cancer, etc.
Dr. Sabine Rauch Hashimoto’s thyroiditis: New aspects in diagnosis and therapy
Dr. Helga Oberwittler Idiopathic cystitis illustrated in cats and dogs (also applicable to human medicine)
Bettina Decher What role does the lymphatic system play in the treatment of chronically ill patients?
Dr. Michael Wagner Excellent success in the treatment of restless legs syndrome

54th BICOM® Bioresonance Conference

Hans Brügemann Welcome and opening the Congress
Prof. Dr. Gunter M. Rothe Models and experimental findings relating to the “memory” of water and their significance for the bioresonance method
Dr. Jurgen Hennecke Salicylic acid — a problem substance for allergy sufferers
Norbert Lindner The vegetative nervous system: New approaches in the treatment of symptoms relating to vital functions
Dr. Sinan Akkurt Lung cancer: New prospects for treatment
Dr. Cornelia Schumacher Complex treatment of urogenital disorders using 42 bioresonance
Alexander A.C. Rijsberman Nanoparticles — an abstract danger to our health
Simone Maquinay Tips & tricks for successful testing
Dr. Sumer Zeynep Karabey Traces in the face — organ-related facelifts using 75 bioresonance
Marcel Riffel New options in the treatment of pathogenic substances
Marianne Thalmann Orthomolecular substances: sensible use during BICOM® treatment
Dr. Jutta Schreiber Periodontitis — the most common infectious disease affecting the oral cavity. Basic principles for successful treatment
Dr. Esra Kirsever Bioresonance — an approach to the treatment of intrauterine fetal pathologies
Dr. Bianka Carstens Therapy options for treating chronic respiratory disorders in horses
Irene Kolbe Herpes in different guises: successfully treating viral stresses caused by HPV, Epstein-Barr and Varicella zoster
Dr. Uta Schmieden-Lindner Significant therapy results when treating serious auto-immune conditions

53rd BICOM® Bioresonance Conference

Hans Brügemann Welcome and opening the Congress
Prof. em.
Dr. Herbert Pietschmann
The modern intellectual framework and its limits in 2 medicine
Hans Brügemann Insights from research and practice
Dr. Jürgen Hennecke Why treat only ill people? Bioresonance as a form of preventive health care
Marcel Riffel Different options for treating painful knee conditions
Dr. Sinan Akkurt Migraines and headaches
Bettina Decher Mould – hidden beneath the tip of the “allergy“ iceberg
Dr. Sabine Rauch, Olle Svensson Meridian therapy in the low deep frequency range
Sissi Karz Profound influence on the body through targeted treatment of the individual regions of the jaw
Dr. Jochen Becker Diseases of the spine in horses and dogs
Marianne Thalmann The tumour patient in a BICOM® practice
Dr. Esra Kirsever Treatment of dilated cardiomyopathy with BICOM® bioresonance
Dr. Ernst Beereuter BICOM® therapies in conjunction with scientific and 102 alternative dentistry
Norbert Lindner The healthy therapist: self-treatment option
Dr. Wolfgang Rohrer The inner fire: hormonal control as the basis for efficient bodily function
Dr. Ferdinand Denzinger Treating equine sarcoids as an illustration of tumour therapy
Brigitte Jonczyk Macular degeneration
Dr. Sümer Zeynep Karabey Gluten-sensitive enteropathy / Coeliac disease – a lifelong affliction? A study of over 50 cases

52nd BICOM® Bioresonance Conference

Hans Brügemann Welcome and opening the Congress
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl DNA and cell communication via magnetic scalar waves, a possible basic principle of the Bioresonance Method?
Dr. Jurgen Hennecke The role of the Epstein Barr virus in chronic diseases
Dr. Sabine Rauch New possibilities in using CTT with the BICOM® Optima
Dr. Simon Akkurt Epilepsy in childhood
Dr, Petra Maock-Wontzen Infants and children: First confrontotion with the chemical hammer
Dr. Jochen Becker Gingivitis: an outoimmune disease using the example of a cat
Dr. Willy Hammerschmidt When the back hurts – our supporting structure and its problems
Andreos Geier Stop the burn out
Sissi Karz Effective possibilities of a point therapy
Dogmar Siebert HIV: Making life easier – prolonging life
Dr. Vera Maubach-Chandra Amalgam clean-up – the beneficial therapy for multiple sclerosis patients
Gory Lim Wei Khoon Aggressive children and the Herpes virus
Dr, Jarg Reibig Histamin intolerance – a disorder with many faces
Dr. Karen Eigenbrod The crux with the cruciote ligament with dogs
Dr. Eberhard Wenzel Using bioresononce in on ENT practice: Remove polyps without operating?
Dr. Sümer Zeynep Karabey Autistic spectrum disorder

51st BICOM® Bioresonance Conference

Hans Brügemann Welcome and opening the Congress
Prof. Dr. Norbert Harthun Technology-Therapist-Patient: A subtle combination
Dr. Cornelia Wolschner Tolerance of dental materials and their influence on patient health
Sissi Karz Successful therapy using the symmetrical amplification sweep
Norbert Lindner Acne — a problem not confined to puberty
Dr. Petra Maack-Wantzen Environmental stresses: The body’s toxin warning
Dr. Willy Hammerschmidt Hyperactive children – a major challenge for all involved
Ralf Kiesele Infectious diseases: Acute, chronic, protracted or masked
Dr. Georg Müller “Foot eczema” in horses?
Christiane Herrmann Multiple Sclerosis — does this diagnosis have to spell doom?
Dr. Barbara lrmler Losing weight with BICOM®: simple treatment using the body´s acupuncture points
Dr. Uta Schmieden-Lindner The culprit isn’t just found in the intestine Pancreatitis, gastritis, enteritis & Co
Marcel Riffel Teeth as overriding interference fields in musculoskeletal disorder
Jörg Fiedler Use of deep frequencies and the second channel in veterinary medicine — the HOW and WHY!
Ilona Patz The menopause: hormone therapy is not always essential
Dr. Sinan Akkurt Having the courage to treat advanced stages of cancer using the BICOM®

50th BICOM® Bioresonance Conference

Hans Brügemann Foreword to RTI Volume 2010
Dr. J. Hennecke & S. Maquinay New experiences with low deep frequencies and the second channel
Dr. P. Seftel Focus on tinnitus — a real torment
Dr. C. Wolschner Nutrient points according to Sissi Karz — using them in practice for diagnostics and therapy
Dr. W. Rohrer Post-traumatic & post-operative problem cases in orthopedics
A. Meyer Successful and effective anti-smoking therapy
Dr. Ö. Kiran Polyneuropathies
J. Rüther Vaccinations: ingredients, heavy metals, implications
S. Karz Biological treatment of metabolic disorders
Dr. A. Buff Efficient mycosis therapy using the BICOM® Optima
Dr. H. Wagner Borrelia infection — the latest widespread disease?
Dr. S. von Jordans Vaccine blockages and their impact on animals
Dr. B. Irmler Detecting the main interference fields using ear acupuncture points
Ch. Hermann Tumors: holistic diagnosis and therapy
Dipl. Med. B. Fleischer Mitochondropathies — a challenge for holistic medicine

49th BICOM® Bioresonance Conference

H. Brügemann Introduction
Prof. em.

Dr. H. Pieischmann

The boundaries of scientific knowledge
H. Brügemann The significance of deep frequencies and ways of stabilizing patients during treatment
S. Karz Extended therapy programs bring even more effective treatment
Dr. J. Hennecke,

S. Maquinay

New effective BICOM therapy combinations which save time – (not just) with difficult patients
Dr. D. Stanchina Allergy patients who appear to be resistant to therapy
R. Haussmann Infectious diseases and the BICOM method
N. Lindner Treating chronic inflammatory bowel diseases with BICOM and Multisoft software
Dr. S.von Jordans Borrelia — in dogs, cats, horses, and ferret too
M. Grunefeld BICOM therapy in paediatric practice
M. Riffel Bioenergetic therapy of the shoulder joint
Dr. E. Beereuter Using information from the extracellular fluid for BICOM therapy
Dr. Ö Kiran Successful tumor therapies using the bioresonance method
T. Schank Borrelia infection — what next?
Dr. A. Harte Leopards can´t change their spots — skin disease in veterinary surgery
A. Prigge-Jugsch Simple ideas for treating common acute and chronic syndromes, e.g. otitis, bronchitis, sinusitis
A. Rijsberman Terrorists in the immune system

48th BICOM® Bioresonance Conference

H. Brügemann and Mrs. H. Brügemann Opening of the Congress
Prof. Dr. S. Schulz Information — our immaterial life principle
Dr. J. Hennecke Menopausal syndrome — successful treatment with bioresonance
Prof. M. Kolbezen Holistic treatment of sports injuries
Dr. W. Rohrer Coupling — a possible extension in testing with the Combined Test Technique (CTT)
K. Heine Using endogenous substances best advantage with BICOM bioresonance therapy
Dr. G. Rummel Standardized method of treatment for allergy induced disorders
Dr. B. Fleischer Diagnosis and treatment of borrelioses-related disorders – various stages and manifestations
Dr. S. Rauch Integrating the eight extraordinary meridians in bioresonance therapy
J. Fiedler An excursion through the veterinarian BICOM practice
I. Patz Use of The BICOM cupping applicator therapy to treat hypertension
Dr. J. Lahodny Carcinoma aftercare using bioresonance method
S. Hänni Echinococcosis treatment using the bioresonance method
S. Dziallas Treatment of infectious diseases in veterinary medicine
S. Karz Promising opportunities for treating parasites using blood and saliva
H. Sievert Background stresses and treatment for Multiple Sclerosis

47th BICOM® Bioresonance Conference

H. Brügemann and Mrs. H. Brügemann Opening of the Congress
Dr. G. S. Hanzl Changing thought structures in postmaterialistic science and the consequences for new medical ethics
H. Brügemann New scientific documentation on the BICOM bioresonance method
Dr. J. Hennecke Therapy for headaches
Prof. Dr. C. W. Smith Frequencies: Effect, functions and meaning for the living organism
J. Wehrhuhn Treating broncho-pulmonary diseases
U. Ritz A good anamnesis saves time
Prof. Dr. Feng Yi Zhen, Liu Li Ping and Wong Jin Rong Clinical effect, safety and mechanisms of BICOM 2000 system to asthma in children
M. Riffel Therapy of the spine via the tooth and jaw region
J. Rüther Fidgety Philip and littl dreamer; treatment of ADHS with the BICOM
Dr. R. Oesterle Treating the causes of ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease
Dr. E. Beereuther BICOM – the efficient addition to dental pratice
A. Barrie PhD, D. A. Barrie Chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia
Dr. F. Denzinger Ataxia and ataxic lameness in a horse practice
Dr. Ö. Kiran In 124 cases of herrniated discs: Bioresonance therapy instead of operating
A. Prigge-Jugsch Effective pain therapy instead of painkillers
H. Sievert Improved quality of life through adjuvant tumour therapy
Dr. M. Jaecks Allergies and fluoride

46th BICOM® Bioresonance Conference

Brügemann, H. Introduction to the BICOM Congress 2006
Hennecke, J. Experience in treating bronchial asthma
Schwarze, W. Treatment of post-traumatic pain and vertebral pain syndromes without side effects
Sievert, H The significance of the acid-base balance in BICOM practice
Pacber, W. Borreliosis treatment in veterinary medicine with parallels to human medicine
Maquinay, S. Individual pain therapy using the body’s own information
Klammrodt, A. Vaccine damage and its repercussions — Diagnosis and therapy with BICOM
Kramer, D. Experience of testing and treating degenerated cells with the BICOM Combined Test Technique
Hug, D. Some instructive cases from the field of sports medicine
Seeger, M. BICOM bioresonance therapy and imprints of the foot zones on the plate applicators
Ahrens, C. Integration of bioresonance methods — Experience a financial viewpoint
Wang J. Lu S.J. Clinical study of treatment of allergic asthma and allergic rhinitis using BICOM 2000
Brügemann, H. Are there evidence-based studies on the efficacy of the bioresonance method?
Schuder, S. The significance of the tooth-organ relationship in diagnosing functional and organic interferences
Baklayan, A. E. Specific environmental toxins in relation to the syndromes asthma, Parkinson’s and diabetes

45th BICOM® Bioresonance Conference

Felsch, H. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2003 — what are the implications of these new discoveries for BICOM bioresonance therapy
Asbach-Gawenda, L. Treatment of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis with BICOM bioresonance
Henrichmann, S Incurable illnesses — extraordinary cases treated succesfully
Barrie, A. und Barrie, A. Successful BICOM treatment of central nervous system disorders in children
Baklayan, A. E. Results of treating intracellular infestation by Borrelia and other micro-organisms
Baklayan, A. E Results of a pilot study into the link between blood parasites and cancer and their successful treatment
Sievert, H. Practical application of the 5 element theory using concrete examples
Brügemann, H. The fascinating development of bioresonance therapy: Discoveries, research, ideas and hard work
Niggli, H. Zero point energy and bioresonance — Subatomic communication in the biophoton field of cells
Kajasi, A. Use of bioresonance therapy in ophthalmology
Fiedler, J. Treating skin disease in animals (dogs, cats, horses) effectively
Yuan Ze, and Wang Haiyan The clinic results of BICOM 2000 bio-resonance device
Hennccke, J. Successful treatment of liver disorders and liver diseases using bioresonance therapy
Karz, S. Treating spinal and joint disease with BICOM bioresonance and BICOM chips

44th BICOM® Bioresonance Conference

Prigge-Jugsch, A. Treating bronchitis effectively with BICOM bioresonance therapy
Baklayan, A. E. Cancer therapy — a new hypothesis
May, C. Treating tumours in animals
Maubach-Chandra, V. What can be achieved with amalgam elimination
Goder, T.M. Goder, F.-G. Success in treating resistant pathogens and infections which do not respond to clinical treatment with BICOM resonance
Hennecke, J. Treatment of thyroid disorders with BICOM therapy
Sievert, H. Structured approach to therapy using BICOM 2000, including patients presenting difficult clinical pictures
Baklayan, A. E. The significance of underlying intracellular stress in chronic, rheumatic and neurological disorders
Morkos, H. Treatment of serious neurological diseases of children showing two cases including video demonstration of cerebral palsy (CP)
Angene, H. Treating skin disease effectively, particularly neurodermatitis and psoriasis
Lange, G. An effective addition to BICOM bioresonance therapy with hyperactive children
Peña Marvez, R. Treatment of pathologies including cerebral foci with the BICOM 2000, including demonstration
Medved, A. Treatment of psoriasis with BICOM 2000 in the sanatorium
Garbotz, M. BICOM Babies

43rd BICOM® Bioresonance Conference

Felsch, H. Water as an information carrier – Principles, medicinal and physical effects
Sievert, H. Classic and everyday children’s illnesses in practice
Baklayan, A. E. Opening up new dimensions for BICOM bioresonance therapy – spin tester –
Bauer, I. E. Stroke: Early diagnosis, treatment and aftercare using BICOM bioresonance therapy
Valeske, P.-G. BICOMmultisoft® Pilot – One year’s experience using BICOMmultisoft® Pilot
Schäfer, D. BIOSAFE: radiation field neutralization and frequency-adapted electromagnetic interference suppression for individual sleeping areas
Hennecke, I. Identifying and removing therapy blocks caused by radiation stress
Baklayan, A. E. Documented cases of successful cancer therapy and recent discoveries in cancer therapy
Rohrer, W. Treating rheumatic disorders successfully using the BICOM 2000
Gaizweiler, A. New documentary evidence for biophysical diagnosis and therapy
Fiedler, J. Veterinary practice findings
Asbach-Gawenda, L. Relationship of certain viruses, bacteria and fungi to certain chronic diseases and the effect on therapy
Matthey, G. Diagnosing and treating rheumatism and fibromyalgia
Garbotz, M. Surprises revealed in the course of therapy by case histories

42nd BICOM® Bioresonance Conference

Neurohr, R. Biological effects of “light”
Baklayan, A. E. The cholesterol problem and its treatment
Balakireva, O. V. Netschay, I. V. New approaches in the treatment and rehabilitation of bronchial asthma patients (combining bioresonance therapy and Detensor therapy)
Brügemann, H. The new BICOM Multisoft program — Another milestone in BICOM bioresonance therapy
Valeske, P.-G. The new BICOM Multisoft program — practical trial
Hamcke, B. T. BICOM therapy – keeping it simple and notes on macular degeneration
Baklayan, A” E. Useful empirical values for the treatment of asthma
Asbach-Gawenda, L. Successful treatment with the BICOM 2000 supported with dark field images
Sievert, H. Further aspects relating to hereditary toxic stresses for the successful treatment of chronic disorders
von Braunschweig, G. Conservative tumour therapy for the elderly and the importance of central control
Martin, S. Study of the early diagnosis of relapsing breast carcinoma
Lund, Ch.. Rheumatic disorders — dealing with initial exacerbation“ Interesting neuropathy case studies
Hennecke, J. Extended bioresonance therapy incorporating the principles of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) — energetic basis for allergic diathesis
Sextro, R. Drug allergies and intolerance — neglected aspects
Nigrnann, Ulrike The HCl (hydrochloric acid) point and its significance for metabolism and immunity
Goebbels, C. Experience of using bioresonance therapy in veterinary practice
Baumann, A.-K. Study of the elimination of mercury from the human body by means of bioresonance therapy
Hermes, K. The fidgety child — bane of both parents and teachers but an opportunity for your BRT practice
Bauer, I. E. Courage in treating tinnitus

41st BICOM® Bioresonance Conference

Baklayan, A. E Practical tumour therapy with consideration for the internal milieu using BRT
Mielke, K. J. The people’s illness, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) – Pathophysiological context of causes of IBS – Treatment of IBS using bioresonance therapy, BICOM
Scherwitz- Joscnhans, E. Childhood allergies and nutrition
Lange, G. Employing orthomolecular substances successfully in the fight against infectious diseases, chronic inflammation, allergic disorders, arteriosclerosis and cancer
Mielke, K.J. The common complaint of heartburn – Pathophysiological context of the causes of the dominant symptom of reflux disease, heartburn – Therapy for reflux disease using bioresonance therapy, BICOM
Schwarze, A. Building biology as a condition of successful bioresonance therapy?
Baklayan, A. E. Which previously unheeded factor plays an outstanding part in cow’s milk allergy?
Schroeder, R. Latest findings on the causes of hyperkinetic syndrome (ADHD) and the importance of a holistic naturopathic approach to treatment
Karz, S. Highlights of my 20 years’ experience with bioresonance therapy; then and now
Sievert, H. Bioenergetic diagnosis for therapy using the BICOM 2000 — A practical case with autoaggressive disease as an example
Keymer, M. New ways of looking at allergic diathesis and establishing links with our allergy therapy, autoaggression diseases and tumours
Popp, F. A. Recent findings in modem physics and a possible connection with bioresonance therapy
Mersmann, L. Biophysical basis for separating physiological and pathological frequency patterns
Heine, K. The unrivalled accuracy of bodily secretions and excretions in bioresonance therapy
Glantschnig, A A very successful treatment for chronic udder inflammation in cows
Dachs, E. Regressive vicariation thanks to BICOM 2000 – documented with reference to darkfield images
Kaul, M. Previously overlooked components of bioresonance therapy in physical and rehabilitative medicine
Bauer, I. E. Evidence of the effectiveness of BRT by means of decoder dermography
Hennecke, J. Simplified application of proven therapy programs with the BICOM 2000
Karz, S Frequently overlooked possibilities to successfully help with BICOM bioresonance therapy

40th BICOM® Bioresonance Conference

Nefiodow, L. On the threshold of the sixth Kondratieff. The health market — the future driving force of the economy from 2000
Brügemann, H. A new era dawns in BICOM resonance therapy
Will, G. Biophysical therapy of mildew fungi contamination
Hennecke, J. New findings on allergy therapy — testing and new therapy methods for seldom encountered blockages and energy deficiency
Potthoff, K.-F. Practice study of BICOM 2000
Beike, A. My observations on BICOM 2000
Asbach-Gawenda, L Effectiveness of BICOM therapy proven with dark-field photographs of three different cases
Lund, Ch. Neurological illnesses, causes and treatment methods using bioresonance therapy
Roth, N. Therapies in changing times — ideas on a complex concept in bioresonance therapy
von Braunschweig, G. Bioresonance therapy as an invaluable tool in a successful practice
Sievert, H. Auto-immune diseases as a result of increasing immune damage — status identification background burdens and a concept for a practically proven diagnosis and therapy system
Ganswindt, Th. Vaccination burdens in veterinary medicine, effects and therapy possibilities of BRT
Keyrner, M. Is promising tumour therapy possible in spite of unavoidable traditional medical interventions?
Maubach-Chandra, V. Integrating BICOM therapy into a dental practice
Hahlweg, M, Effective cleansing via the lymphatic system
Wehnemann, W. M. Your back, your fate?
Heine, K. Old/new practical experiences. New programs from Mrs Karz (Crete)
Kreisl, P. Presently discussed hypotheses on the nature of bioenergetic information
Hey, E. The status of BRT in holistic medicine
Baklayan, A. E Cancer, metastases and their treatment considering parasitic burdens