Pioneers are trailblazers, bridge-builders. What do we have in common with them? We too are trailblazers; trailblazers for a new type of medicine.
One of my patients called me and asked whether I could help out a good friend of theirs who had some or other inherited disorder resulting in iron overload. Since I enjoy a challenge, as you will see, I said I’d give it a try.
The thyroid produces two hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) which stimulate the metabolism of virtually all the body’s cells and also affect most other endocrine glands. The pituitary gland regulates production of these hormones through a feedback system.
The patient history revealed that a total prosthetic replacement of the right hip joint was carried out in December 2002. During the subsequent recuperation period, a fist sized abscess developed at the site of the operation. This advanced so progressively that it was necessary to readmit the patient to the hospital where she had been operated on. An ultrasound examination carried out on re-admittance revealed a considerable accumulation of fluid in the right hip joint which extended to the joint.
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