Some allergies are hereditary, while others are acquired. Acquired allergies usually occur as a result of a weak immune system, which can be caused by inadequate nutrition, stress or dehydration. An allergic response occurs when a person becomes in contact with an allergen through inhalation, food or their environment.
An inflammatory response is triggered by histamine production, leading to skin problems such as itchiness, rashes or eczema or breathing difficulties when a person is in contact with an allergen. Some people also experience bowel issues, anxiety and may produce an excessive amount of mucous. More extreme problems are seen in severe cases, such as fits, anaphylactic shock, a drop in blood pressure, unconsciousness or mood swings. Food allergies can even impact on hormone levels, causing mental health issues such as depression.
BICOM® Programs to be Used
There are a range of BICOM® programs for the treatment of allergies so the most appropriate one to use depends on the specific type of allergy that the person has and its severity.

Supplements to take
Vitamin D, vitamin C, iodine
Other therapies
Antihistamine medication is commonly prescribed to ease the symptoms of allergic reactions. Avoiding the allergen that a person has problems with, if possible, will prevent the unpleasantness that it causes. Conventional allergy treatment targets the symptoms, rather than the underlying cause of allergies. Drinking more water and making sure all of a person’s nutritional requirements are met can go a long way to help prevent and treat allergies. Introducing a wider range of gut bacteria can assist the digestive system and the immune system, helping to prevent allergies from occurring. Vitamin C has powerful antihistamine and antioxidant properties so can be supplemented to help support the immune system and prevent allergies.
Experiences and case studies
One individual who had developed an unpleasant allergic reaction to the fur of their own cats, thought that the cats would have to be re-homed. Fortunately, they decided to try bioresonance therapy. After just one session, the symptoms had gone completely and the whole family were delighted that they could keep the cats after all.
What is the right pollen allergy therapy?
With a wide range of programs and program sequences to choose from, this question is on the minds of many BICOM therapists.
Whilst the most optimal therapy still comes from setting the individual therapy parameters individually, the stored programs and programs sequences are also very effective, because they have been developed by therapists under practical conditions.
For pre pollen season treatment we recommend a therapy of the basic stresses. This includes therapeutic blockages (scars, geopathy, e-smog, spinal blockages, jaw joint, shock therapy, etc.), strengthening the elimination organs (especially liver / kidney / lymph) as well as treating the basic stresses (cow’s milk, wheat, candida, amalgam, etc.).
Direct pollen therapy has also proven effective pre-seasonally. For this purpose, we recommend program sequence 10310.
For acute pollen treatment, we recommend using program sequence 10317. Here it is very important to use the native substance – and not only ampules. It is also recommended to add an ampule of rainwater to the input beaker. In this way, any radioactive contamination is also included at the same time.
Other environmental toxins should be also considered. Dr. Hennecke and Ms. Maquinay recommend the following “environmental toxin mix”: Scotch tape strips, rainwater, ozone, ozone water, diesel exhaust, cigarette smoke, pesticides, potting soil, garden soil, forest soil; KTT: pesticides, insecticides, fungicides.
If these measures do not lead to the desired results, there are the following alternatives (according to Dr. Hennecke and Ms. Maquinay):
Under main menu / Single parameter:
Pollen 1: Therapy Di = 4 / Normal = 1 / BPSw = 1 on 6 sec. / A-constant = 4 on 64 x 3 min.
Pollen 2: Therapy Di = 4 / Normal = 1 / BPsw = 1 on 6 sec. / A-constant = 4 on 32 x 3 min.
Pollen 3: Therapy Di = 4 / Normal = 1 / BPsw = 1 on 6 sec. / A-decrease = 1 on 32 x 60 sec.
(without wobble, without interval), time automatically set to 11 min. (First save program parameters individually and then merge them as a sequence).
Another alternative approach is to work with the 10325 Ai or 10326 Di sequence (both in the new BICOM optima or extension module 1).
Therapies can be repeated at intervals of 2-3 days. As a rule, 3 sessions are necessary.
Often, pollen allergy sufferers also suffer from viral loads (mostly adenoviruses). You can treat this with program 996.0 “Virus therapy”. Instead of the virus ampule, blood is added to the input beaker.
It is also recommended to use Program 3136.0 “Intracellular Stress” (new BICOM optima) to make “hidden” loads visible (blockages, toxins, viruses, bacteria, fungi, tumors, etc.). Here the diffused frequency patterns are ordered, and made more testable and treatable.
Parameters for the BICOM optima B21-B25
(Main menu / Single parameter)
H + Di Program: Nr. 1
Low deep range: Nr. 2
Bandpass: Nr. 2 => set to 3.6 Hz Wobble: yes => Ampl. Sym SW.: 6 Amplification: Di to 15.0, H to 3.2 SW speed: 50
Time: 8 minutesPlease follow the instructions in the device and save it as a separate program. We wish you much success in implementing our tips!