An excursion through the veterinarian BICOM practice
Jörg Fiedler, Veterinary Surgeon, Baunatal, Germany
Testing and therapy: practical opportunities
The opportunities to use BICOM® therapy in veterinary practice are actually endless. From A for allergy right through to Z for zoster, every condition can at least be diagnosed and, depending upon the patient or their owner, treated too.
Can you perform BRT successfully even without testing?
Especially for those new to BICOM®, testing should not necessarily be performed on the patient but on a blood sample taken previously.
If some therapists want to work with BICOM® before first using the tensor, there is actually nothing preventing this and I welcome this incidentally. There is a collection of tried and tested program combinations which can be used without having to test the patient.
Once you have gained a certain amount of confidence, you can also use the indicationbased programs from the Therapy Manual and create your own individual therapy for the patient (be bold!).
Position of the applicators
The position of the applicators should provide as much information as possible and necessary from the patient. With animals, the emphasis here is on “as possible”, with the Therapy Manual containing instructions about the positioning of the applicators for each individual program. Please follow these closely!
It is not just attaching the applicators which is often the problem but also the fact that the animal simply does not tolerate the position of the applicators after a while or does not stand or lie quietly for long enough on the applicators. SOLUTION? TIPS?
What should go in the input cup?
For the input cup you should have everything available which is listed for the individual programs in the Therapy Manual, e.g. saliva, urine, blood, faeces/droppings, hair, nails/claws and this then goes in the input cup as indicated in the Therapy Manual.
Basic therapy, elimination of scar interference, hormonal imbalance, geopathy; programs for the heart, liver, circulation, lungs, etc.
Detoxification programs, urinary tract therapy, joint disease, chronic skin disease
Basic therapy, detoxification, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract including oral cavity, pancreas, joint disease
Detoxification, gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, liver, lymphatic system
Nasal secretion
Respiratory tract diseases, allergies, etc.
Respiratory tract diseases
Hair/claws (horn)
Metabolic therapy, skin disease
Otitis, kidney and gallbladder disease
Sweat/cutaneous swabs
Metabolic therapy, skin disease
If you can “only” obtain hair/feathers for diagnosis or therapy, then please ensure the roots are intact.
What therapy time?
Therapy time can generally be taken from the guidelines in the Therapy Manual. However it is also possible to test out the time individually. In other words, you can test the time for each therapy session and for each program to provide effective therapy and not subject the patient to further stress in addition to their actual problems.
My patients show me very clearly, however, if they no longer like a program (H+Di, A, Ai, etc.):
dogs become restless and leave the treatment couch
cats try to escape from their basket or their owner’s hands
horses become nervous and start to paw the ground, etc.
It should be decided individually on a case by case basis whether to prepare drops/minerals and/or a chip. As for dispensing drops, with small animals it has proved effective to administer about 5 drops twice daily and with large animals about 10 drops twice daily.
Where does the BICOM® chip go?
The chip is a little harder to apply to an animal then to a person.
With dogs and cats it is advisable to attach the chip to the collar so that it makes contact with the skin.
With horses it is possible to attach the chip to the halter or possibly with a bandage to the root of the tail.
Some sample pictures to illustrate possible positioning of applicators on animals.
Case 1: Hungarian shepherd dog “Tessa” Chronic otitis with Malassezia and Candida infection
Electrode position for general therapy.
Prog. 570 increasing powers of resistance
Prog. 522 chronic otitis
Prog. 530/500 earache.
Then Candida eliminated with prog. 191 and Malassezia also with prog. 191.
Treatment period: approx. 8 weeks.
Case 2: Guinea pig “Herr von Bödefeld” Eliminating anaesthetic after castration
Anaesthetic in input cup and prog. 999.
Case 3: Horse “Emil” Chronic tendinitis (inflammation of the suspensory ligament)
Problem area in input, modulation mat on back.
Prog. 630/460 sports injury
Prog. 923 tissue chronic
Prog. 133 basic therapy
Prog. 610 lymph oedema and
Prog. 900/910 scars.
Treatment period: approx. 9 weeks with a 10day cycle.
Case 4: Haflinger horse “Maja” Chronic hepatopathy with extreme fatigue and reluctance to move
All hepatic enzyme values markedly raised, anaemia and leucocytosis.
Bioresonance test revealed formaldehyde contamination.
Basic therapy following testing
Release blocks.
Liver therapy prog. 431
Mesenchymal therapy prog. 433
Formaldehyde elimination with prog. 979
Treatment period: 12 weeks with 1014 day cycle.
Case 5: Icelandic horse “Atli” Chronic cough
Bioresonance testing revealed: Herpes infection and Cu contamination. Electrode position: main energy centre in input.
General basic therapy according to test.
Increasing powers of resistance prog. 570 and thymus activation prog. 428
Elimination of herpes virus with prog. 191
Elimination of copper with prog. 979.Treatment period: still continuing as cough recurred.
Treatment period: still continuing as cough recurred.