
Atopic Dermatitis: Absolute results in BICOM patients using the 4 Steps Protocol

January 29, 202221 min read

Jenson Tay, PhD, Integrative Doctor and Dr. of TCM, Singapore

Guten Tag! Very warm greetings to you from Singapore! I do hope everyone is well and safe. Welcome to yet another exciting topic of the International BICOM Congress 2021! I would like to thank the organisers of Regumed, for inviting me to be on the panel of speakers this year. Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Jenson Tay, and I am an Integrative Doctor. I am also a certified TCM practitioner, and was trained in military medicine and sports medicine, while serving in the army.

I have been practicing BICOM bioresonance for the past 8 and a half years, and I work in my own private practice together with my partner, Jonathan. Our clinic is a member of the Bio-E network of Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia, and I work under the auspices of Mdm. Linda Rahadian, as the representative of Bio-E in Singapore. The 14 years old Bio-E comprises a network of over 50 BICOM practitioners, most of whom, are medical doctors and several independent practitioners.

Before starting today, I would like to take some time to dedicate this talk to my teacher, Geshe Michael Roach, who is the forerunner of this 4 Steps Protocol we will be learning today. Geshe Michael was the first foreign monk, to graduate with a PhD in Buddhist studies in 500 years. You may be interested to google search, or find his very interesting presentations on YouTube. I would like to highlight that the 4 Steps Protocol is in no way religious, or requires you to be a Buddhist, in order to practice it.

Thinking outside the box

The topic for today involves a very easy, yet effective protocol. I will attempt to introduce it to you, explain the principles of how and why it works, and run you through a couple of examples. It is my wish that you learn this 4 Steps Protocol well enough, and teach it to your patients. In this way, you will expect to see faster and quicker results when it is paired with BICOM bioresonance. Because of what I will be speaking is kind of new to you, I ask that you keep an open mind to what will be shared. Thank you.


These are the contents which will be presented today. We will examine the various diseases being treated with BICOM bioresonance, and how the different modes work. After which, I will run through the basic theories of quantum medicine, and how it works on the human body. Then will come the introduction of the 4 Steps, how and why it works. Finally, I will complete the presentation with case studies based on my practice, methodology, and results.


As BICOM practitioners ourselves, I am sure many of us are used to receiving clients, who present with the following: We often get patients who suffer from chronic or acute autoimmune conditions, eczema, unexplainable pains, psychological afflictions, and so on. As many of whom had received conventional treatments, but had seen little to no results, we can more or less refer to them as “complicated cases”, which most doctors dread.

Therefore, when these poor “souls” come to us, we use our awesome BICOM devices to tackle their afflictions. We have wonderful and effective programs that come in A, Ai, A+Ai, H and H+Di, to regulate the body. We also have programs with Ai or Di to treat pathogens like virus, or bacteria, parasites and fungi. I would like to make a quick mention, of how I am so amazed by the program sequence of 10325 and 10327. Please try them if you have not already done so. I have been seeing much success after applying them on my patients.

Then comes the healing frequencies of using the patients’ own bodily substances. Please refer to the excellent courses taught by Dr. Hennecke, and his partner Simone. The possibility of treatment for most complicated cases is endless when using BICOM bioresonance, and I am sure the majority of you can attest to that. Lastly, always remind your patients to stay hydrated during, and a few days following the BICOM therapy.

Leaping into quantum medicine

So now, we are breaking into the arena of quantum medicine. What is quantum medicine you might ask. But before we move in to that, you have to understand that the human body is beyond physical. Quantum medicine recognises that a human body is comprised of the physical body, which the BICOM bioresonance is already doing a great job fixing. Next is the vital body, whhere BICOM does a fairly good job. The subsequent bodies are the mental, supramental, and bliss bodies, which our BICOM devices have no way of reaching.


Quantum medicine is the merging of quantum physics with medical science. So what is quantum? Basically anything that is smaller than an atom, (that is sub-atomic), is coined “Quantum”. The science of quantum physics differs from the science of classical physics (which is our basic understanding of space, distance, time, our 3D dimensions of length, width and height). The laws of classical mechanics do not apply to the laws of quantum mechanics.

The concept that a patient can only be treated in close proximity, physically and at the present moment, no longer applies. As such, quantum medicine has proven that a patient can be treated remotely and non-locally, and time is no longer a criterium. This might seem absurd to some of you, but please bear with me. I do not intend to dive further into this, but my intention is to open up your vision to another spectrum of medical practice.

Since quantum physics recognises a multidimensional energetic matrix, similarly, quantum medicine understands that the human body is multidimensional. However, this is not a new discovery, but a reinforcement of what various spiritual traditions already knew.

Man, being a fractural expression of a multidimensional universe, the field of consciousness, that is, our being, is the foundation of everything.

Quantum medicine sees the human in 5 bodies. First is the physical body, which is not too difficult to explain. Allergies, pain, injury, degeneration and infections, manifest here. Next is the vital body, which is again not too difficult to understand, especially if you work with TCM or Ayurvedic medicine. Any imbalance or disharmony of your meridian, prana or chakra, directly affects the health status of the physical body. Then comes the mental body, which is formed by our belief systems, concepts, understanding, and perceptions. Similarly, any negative thoughts, disturbing emotions, limiting belief systems, can result in disease, pain and suffering.


Next is the supramental body, which is the intuitive body, and domain of archetypes.

What are archetypes? Basically anything that is altruistic and pure in intention, examples of which are generosity, kindness, selflessness, joy etc. The lacking of archetypes within the supramental body directly hits the mental body, which in turn upsets the vital and physical bodies.

Finally, and on top of all, is the bliss body, which permeates all other body layers. Here exists nothing of the physical plane of time and space. The “awareness” of one in unity with all bodies. In this body, the so-called miracles, or spontaneous healing takes place. In quantum medicine, we refer to it as the “Quantum Leap”.

And there you have it, the 5 Bodies of Consciousness brings us to the quantum medicine’s approach, of downwards causation of healing.


Allopathic medicine, which emphasises solely on the physical body, without the knowledge of this structure, cannot benefit from this system of healing. Let us ask ourselves; as BICOM practitioners, can we do any better?

Yes, of course you can! But let me throw this back to you. Have you come across clients who failed to improve, or see results, no matter how hard you had tried? You had gone through all the CTT kits, run the basic therapies, cleared the blockages, stabilised their vital organs, run specialised programs; you advised them on special diets and restrictions, referred them out to other specialists. You had explored all that was possible, and the patient seemed to be cooperative, but nothing is working.

You began to doubt if the diagnosis was accurate, whether the BICOM protocol was lacking, whether the patient had intentionally “blocked” your treatments, so on and so forth. So it seemed there were, as I call it, uncontrollable variables, preventing the healing from taking place, and stopping the patient from getting better. Is there another “out-of-the-box” solution? Please allow me to present to you, the 4 Steps Protocol.

Introducing the 4 Steps Protocol for absolute results in BICOM patients

The name of this protocol is simply called “4 Steps”. As mentioned earlier, it was taught by Geshe Michael Roach. It focuses on teaching people to plant good seeds for anything they desire; from financial success to good health, wonderful relationships, and happiness in life. It is a non-religious secular approach, which is easy to learn and apply. I have been practicing the 4 Steps for the past 2 and a half years, and I have seen tremendous results with my patients who practice it too.

The presentation topic is “Absolute Results in BICOM Patients”. Rest assured that you will expect nothing short of “absolute” results once you start imparting this knowledge to your patients. It is always good to ask your patient if they are open to a non-conventional approach to help heal themselves, a method that requires them to help and do good to others. As a result, they can expect to receive fantastic results in terms of healing too. Most patient will be ever so willing to say “yes”.

Step 1 – Decide what seed to plant. I want to plant a HEALTH seed to cure my, in this case any disease, within a certain time frame. The example I had listed here is – I want to plant a health seed to cure my eczema within 2 months. Anything really, it can be psoriasis, chronic sinusitis, food allergy. Any chronic or acute problem is “plant-able”.

Step 2 – Choose a partner who wants the same health seed and then make a plan to help that person. For example, I choose Nancy who is also suffering from eczema like I do. Or, I choose Peter who has chronic lower back pain. It is useful to note that the partner the patient chooses need not suffer the same medical condition, however, it is always preferred to choose someone with the same disease, in order to see faster and better results.

It is also good to take note that there are 5 preferred types of people to plant seeds on, in terms of efficacy. Number 1, patient’s own mother, number 2, patient’s own father, number 3, patient’s teachers, number 4, patient’s benefactors, and lastly, those who are in dire need of help. Let’s say there is a patient who has eczema, and wants to plant a seed on his or her mother who suffers from back pain – does this still count as health seed? The answer is yes. Anything related to health is valid.

After deciding on what health seed to plant, and whom to plant it on, we have arrived at Step 3 – Just do it! The patient is supposed to meet the partner that has been chosen, and spend at least an hour per week, to help him or her with their health issue. This form of help can come in the form of sharing information, on how the partner’s medical condition can be improved, or where they could get help from. It could even be the gifting of health supplements to the partner. Just a side note that during this pandemic situation, if a meetup is not possible, a phone call, text message, or zoom meeting would suffice.

Now, we are finally at Step 4 – “Coffee Meditation”, as it has been coined by Geshe Michael. This is a very important step, so may I request you pay attention to it. On the very day after meeting or contacting the partner, just before dozing off to sleep, recap and rejoice that a good deed has been performed. Think of the scene where the meeting took place, the smile on the partner’s face, and contemplate. At this moment, one is supposed to be filled with joy.

A little tip here: the happier the meditation, the better and faster the results. And if you belong to those who tend to fall asleep upon hitting the pillow, may I suggest that this meditation be done right after the meeting. So, why is it called “Coffee Meditation”? Well, I do not have an exact answer to that, but it is understood to be a very casual contemplation, unlike conventional meditations where one has to be seated in a lotus position etc.

“Coffee Meditation” can be repeated as often as one likes.


Now that I have introduced the 4 Steps Protocol, let us do a quick recap: Step 1, choose what seed needs to be planted. Remember the more precise the better it is. Step 2, choose the correct soil to plant on, that is, who am I going to plant the seed on. Step 3, the action of placing the seed into the soil, by meeting or contacting the partner, to complete the act of gifting. And Step 4, nourish the seed by watering it through “Coffee Meditation”.

The science behind the 4 Steps Protocol

And now, please allow me to explain the science of how the 4 Steps work. Step 1 involves the creating of an intention. Not any random intention, but a powerful and precise one. Intention opens up quantum possibilities and creativity. A clear and precise intention intensifies a non-local communication. I apologise if this is too much of a mouthful here. What it means is – when the intention is clear and precise, we start to break into the quantum realm, where space, distance and even time become relative, or obsolete.

Things that were impossible become possible, and things you never had imagined, will manifest creatively. Once a good quality intention is made, the path of healing starts. Step 2 requires the transcendence of the ego, to allow for a creative transformation within the quantum realm. The very famous quantum physicist, Dr. Amit Goswami, taught us that ego-conditioning is a distortion of reality and a state of contraction, where there is no freedom of choice. So what exactly is this “Ego” we are talking about?


Within the ego self exists anger, hatred, jealously, pride, selfishness, fear, doubt etc., everything contrary to archetypes within the supramental and bliss bodies. The ego self is therefore restrictive and self-limiting, and is a state where possibilities and creativity do not exist. These negative traits disrupts the mental body, resulting in a downwards causation of disease. In contrast, transcendence from the ego self to the quantum self, which is to say, the cultivation and application of archetypes such as joy, love, humility, selflessness, courage, patience etc., enables a downward causation of healing.

Step 3 – The act of gifting, through our physical and vital bodies, collapses actualized matter into the mental body which we call “seeds”. During the meet-up or contact with our seeding partner, we engage our physical-vital faculties of senses, emotions, and energy, to create matter. These created matters, with the help of our consciousness, collapse and are imprinted into the mental body. By further implementing supramental archetypes, we set forth chains of creativity and possibility for multiple healing to occur, within the quantum realm.

Since we had talked about the downward causation of healing, how do we achieve it? This is where step number 4 comes in – meditation, or contemplation, if you like. Meditation allows us to connect and unify all our subtle energy bodies. And through a vertical movement downwards, actual healing takes place. Dr. Paul Drouin M.D., professor and founder of Quantum University, taught pro-consciousness meditation at length. He mentioned that meditation also allows an individual to evolve from an ego self towards a quantum self…

You can see very clearly on figure 5 shown above, the downwards causation of healing:

Meditation restores morphogenetic fields of all bodies, making them whole and complete.

We recall the 4 Steps Protocol, requiring us to do “Coffee Meditation” before we sleep. But why this requirement? Dr. Bruce Lipton, a biologist and professor of epigenetics, mentioned that before sleep, the human mind operates in a hypnosis-like, low vibrational frequency state called theta. This theta state is very receptive, and is the “record button” of the subconscious mind.

Implementing the 4 Steps from my own experience

Now we have finished exploring the logic and sciences of the 4 Steps, let us see how it can be integrated into our BICOM practice. We have talked about the 5 bodies of consciousness and that BICOM bioresonance does a very good job on the vital and physical bodies. But if we accept that healing takes place in a downward causation, how then do we tackle the bliss, supramental and mental bodies? Well, the answer is simple – 4 Steps!

More often than not, medical practitioners are too focused on the vital and physical bodies. They had failed to realise the existence of the other subtle bodies, the bliss, supramental and mental bodies. We therefore see reversal of diseases shortly after patients get well. Then, there are others who see little to no results, despite following all treatments and advices. The purpose of this presentation is to introduce a new protocol, to tackle the obstacles that are hindering the healing process. The 4 Steps can be taught to patients while the BICOM device is running.

You will be surprised of how willing and open patients are in learning and practicing the 4 Steps. Ever since introducing this protocol within my practice, I have been achieving greater success with BICOM patients. In the next few slides, I would like to share with you the research which I wrote for my Ph.D. degree.

My case studies

10 subjects were chosen, and they all received BICOM bioresonance therapy over a course of 15 weeks. All subjects presented with varying degrees of atopic dermatitis (AD), and various physical beauty concerns. Apart from BICOM therapy 8 subjects used the 4 Steps Protocol, 2 subjects did not. The methodology employed was a documentation of the patients’ goals and intention, the partners they chose and what was their plan, how did they help their partners, how often did they meditate and rejoice in their act of kindness. Let us jump to the results and comparison, by referring to the numbers.


The purpose of this graph is to show the corresponding relationship, between 4 Steps scores and physical beauty satisfaction. Subjects were also graded on how well, and how often they had applied the 4 Steps. Scores were recorded and tabulated, which is what you can see as the blue columns. A higher 4 Steps score indicates that a subject had practiced the protocol well. The perfect score is 40. As you can see from this graph, subjects 1, 4, and 7, achieved the perfect score of 40, which meant they were experts in the application of the 4 Steps.

As a result of this, they received higher satisfaction ratings, compared to those who scored lower. Subjects 9 and 10, did not have 4 Steps scores because they did not apply the protocol. They serve as controls. Subjects who perfected the 4 Steps had the highest satisfaction, with an average of 60% increment in results. Those who practiced 4 Steps fairly well, had an average of 43.3% increment. Even subjects who had learnt the protocol, but did not practice well, had a 20% increment in satisfaction ratings. Subjects who did not practice the protocol, had the lowest rating of 10% increment.


So here you have it again, the comparison of the groups – subjects who perfected the protocol, those who practiced fairly well, those who practiced poorly, and those who did not practice. The case study concluded that subjects who did not practice the 4 Steps, were 6 times less satisfied with their results, compared to those who had perfected the protocol. They were also 4.3 times less happy, compared to those who practiced fairly well. Even those who practiced 4 Steps poorly, were twice more satisfied than non-practitioners. May I emphasize that the results, or satisfaction ratings, were not restricted only to physical beauty, but also applied to physical health, especially the condition of their AD.

Uncontrollable variables

So we have arrived at the final part of this presentation, but before I sum it up, let us look at what has been covered so far. We have reviewed the common diseases that were treated using BICOM bioresonance, and how the different modes worked. We then ran through the 5 bodies of consciousness one by one:

the bliss body,

the supramental body,

the mental body,

the vital body, and

the physical body.

We understood their basic natures and functions, and how the downward causation of healing takes place. We covered the 4 Steps Protocol in sequence, and I listed a few examples to follow. We then looked at the theories behind the 4 Steps, and why they are so effective. We learned about the ego self and the quantum self, and how archetypes help us leap into quantum possibility and quantum creativity, through transcendence of the ego.

Next, we reviewed the limitations of BICOM bioresonance in getting through to the bliss, supramental, and mental bodies, and how the 4 Steps Protocol complements it. Then I presented a 15 week case study, with results derived from my own AD patients. I explained the methodology employed, the results, and comparison. Lastly, we reviewed the results of the subjects who practiced the 4 Steps on various levels. In line with this topic for Absolute Results in BICOM Patients, please allow me to highlight the missing links, or “uncontrollable variables” for absolute results and healing.

Number 1 – a pure and conscious intention, for example, I would like to plant a health seed, to heal myself of chronic eczema in 3 months, so that with better health, I can help more people with their health problems. Such pure, precise, and conscious intentions help open up quantum possibilities, and sets forth the path towards healing.

Number 2 – caring for others instead of oneself. The conventional approach to healing, is to seek treatment. But the 4 Steps Protocol teaches us that in order to heal yourself you should heal someone else first. This transcendence of the ego self enables quantum creativity to cause a downward causation of healing.

Number 3 – the need to physically help others. Faith, without good works, is dead. The physical and vital bodies integrate the supramental archetypes of giving, caring, and generosity into action, thereby collapsing matter, which will be imprinted as seeds within the mental body.

Number 4 – through pro-consciousness meditation, which is the art of unifying the various bodies of consciousness the mental seeds are watered, nourished, and blossoms quickly. Unification of the bliss, supramental, mental, vital and physical bodies, results in the downward causation of healing, setting forth all things to be creative and possible. In quantum medicine, we call it the “quantum leap”.

Therefore, the 4 Steps Protocol is an effective and holistic model that fills the missing links, and ensures absolute and faster results, when practiced in conjunction with BICOM bioresonance.

Further reading and research

For those of you who might be interested, these are the references for further reading. Academically, I am the first to explain the 4 Steps in the language of quantum physics. [In my thesis this is referred to as the “Diamond Cutter 4 Steps Protocol”.] It was received very well, and I was given a good grading for it. I would highly encourage you to read and research more on quantum medicine, since we are practitioners of energy medicine ourselves. Regarding further questions for me, please submit them to Regumed through email, and they will connect us from there…

We have finally come to the end of this presentation. I hope you have learnt something useful today. I would like to thank Regumed, Institute of Regulative Medicine, for this opportunity to share my knowledge. Special thanks to Franz Morin and Claudia Werner for coordinating my work. Also thank you to the translation and editing team. Last but not least, a great shoutout to all practitioners here – Keep up the good work! Please stay safe and healthy.

Danke vielmals!


Drouin, P. (2014). Creative Intergrative Medicine. In (p.90). USA: Balboa Press

Drouin, P. (2012). IM-703-Quantum Healer. In (p.6). Hawaii: International Quantum University of Quantum Medicine

Empowerment of Breath and Quantum Physics [Supplemental material]. (2019). In (Comp.), IQ-700-Pro-Consciousness Meditation (p. 37). Hawaii: International Quantum University for Integrative Medicine.

Goswami, A. (2019). IM-702-Quantum Consciousness and Evolution. In (p.31-32). Hawaii: International

Quantum University of Integrative Medicine.

Lipton, B. [Be Inspired]. (2019, June 26). Reprogram Your Mind While You Sleep | “DO THIS BEFORE BED”

[Video file]. Retrieved from

Roach, G., & Pas, E. V. (2019). A Commentary to The Diamond Cutter Sutra. In (p.7-10) []. Retrieved from Tay, J. (2021). Ph.D. Dissertation. An Effective Diamond Cutter 4 Steps Protocol for Physical Beauty of Atopic

Dermatitis (AD) Patients: Through the Application of Quantum Consciousness. In (p.107-109). Hawaii: International Quantum University for Integrative Medicine

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