
Autism Spectrum Disorder

May 31, 201810 min read

He Lin, naturopathy and TCM therapist

Autism spectrum disorder (ASO) is a complex, pervasive development disorder that af­fects several neurological functions. It is characterised by a lack of spoken communica­tion and a reduced interest in social contact and hobbies, as well as by repetitive ac­tions, amongst other things. In the USA, the disease incidence rate for autism spec­trum disorder is 68 : 1, and the rate of it developing in males is relatively high. It is highly hereditary – between approximately 70 % and 90 %. According to reliable data, siblings also have a high probability of developing autism; approx. 10 %-20 %. How­ever, research to identify the physiological and aetiological mechanisms and causes of autism is not moving forward at a very fast pace. Autism involves atypical cognitive characteristics such as impaired social awareness and perception, disrupted move­ments and atypical information processing. Heredity and environmental influences play an important role in the early development of autism. Also, an effective but rarely occurring mutation, and a less impactful but often occurring mutation, increase the risk of developing autism. Autism must be evaluated in a multi-disciplinary and phylo­genetic manner, as early detection is the key to early intervention.

Many researchers have introduced a theory on the symptoms of autism that is based on anatomical fundamentals in terms of brain morphology and functionality. It in­cludes an imbalance of intestinal flora, mucous membrane defects, allergic diseases, heavy metals, etc. that cause damage to the connection of nerve functions, and dam­age to mirroring neurons, cerebellar function disorders and cortical dysfunctions.

The analysis procedure of the Aetiology: BICOM BICOM optima®/DDFAO Scanner

1. Case analysis

1.1. Patients

Between March and August 2017, 112 children suffering from ASD between the ages of 23 and 96 months were diagnosed in Auding. 97 were male and 15 were female.

1.2. Methods

Application of CARS table (Childhood Autism Rating Scale), DDST table, BICOM BICOM optima®, DDFAO device

CARS table: The CARS table is a standard diagnostic material and was compiled in 1980 by E. Schopler, R. J. Reichler and B. R. Renner with the following criteria:

Total number of points

less than 30: does not have autism

between 30 and 60: has autism

(between 30 and 37: mild to moderate autism

between 37 and 60: severe autism)

It can also be evaluated in 0.5 increments for a more precise gradation.

DDST test table (Denver Development Screening Test): This method involves the test­ing of personal and social adaptability, fine motor skills, speech and gross motor skills. It consists of 104 options and is suitable for newborns and children below six years of age. It was created by American scientists, W. K. Frankenburg and J. B. Dodds and is currently used by American nursery schools and health facilities as a routine test for children. If the small children cannot accomplish the selected test options very well, it is believed that they have problems and should be further examined in order to deter­mine a diagnosis. The test consists of 104 options that are divided into four areas of ability.

1.       Personal and social abilities. This test area demonstrates the ability of the children to react to other people and their ability to cope with themselves.

2.       Fine motor skills – the ability to adjust. Here, abilities such as vision, picking some­thing up and drawing are tested.

3.       Linguistic ability. Listening comprehension and articulateness are tested.

4.       Gross motor skills. The abilities to sit, walk and jump are tested here. The 104 test options are partly evaluated through an interview with the parents and partly by the therapist observing the children. The results are split into normal, suspect, abnormal and inexplicable. For the last three types of results, another test will be arranged within a defined period of time. If the result is the same for the second test, they should be examined further. The advantages of this screening method are that you can test suspicious indicators that have not yet shown any clinical symptoms in the children. It can also confirm or dispel any suspicions through further examination. Furthermore, you can observe infants and small chil­dren with a high risk (problems in the pre-natal period) during their development to detect problems early and determine the type of developmental delay that the child is subject to at the same time, in order to enable early treatment.

DDFAO test device: Use of the world’s first low-voltage DC stimulation technology that uses 6 applicators, symmetrically placed on the chest, hands and feet to send the low-voltage DC signals 255 times every 3 seconds to the 22 branches under analysis and 96 regions of the body. The electrical signals are converted to ionic currents in the human body. Through the polarisation movement of the ionic currents between the positive and negative poles, the electrical resistance is received by the tissue, the electrical con­ductivity, pH value, tension and electrical voltage is received by the cell membrane, and the electro-physiological activities of the interstitial cells of each organ are acti­vated. They are analysed according to the one-way conductivity signals of the physio­logical feedback of the flow of time, and the human function data is collected in digital form. The data is presented in 3D using a digital model. In only a few minutes, you can

comprehensively evaluate the function of tissues and organs throughout the entire body.

BICOM BICOM optima®: Diagnosis and therapy device

1.3 Conclusion

The results show that autism is connected with the following factors:

  • Imbalance of intestinal flora: Disease incidence for infants 100 %, 95 % were consti­pated, 5 % suffering from diarrhoea

  • Allergies: Mainly children who are allergic to eggs, milk, wheat; they accounted for 97.3 %

  • Pollutants: Lead, mercury, arsenic 75.5. %

  • Mitochondrial: Mainly damage to the intestinal and nervous systems and lymphs; colorectal ATP damage 45 %; cerebral ATP damage 38.2 %; lymph ATP damage 32 %

  • Effects of harmful bacteria/fungi: Mainly candida albicans 82.5 %

On the basis of these statistics, we have classified the children accordingly and carried out treatment in accordance with this classification.

2. Treatment

2.1 Patients

17 children were selected from 113 participants, 15 of which were boys and 2 girls; between the ages of 23 months and 65 months (37 months on average)

2.2 Methods

·            BICOM Optima: Removal of substances tested, The following therapeutic methods were also applied:

·            Dr. Hansler ozone therapy

·            Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (r TMS)

·            HYDROSUN (light treatment system)

·            VITALIFE magnetic field

Assessment of treatment: CARS table, DDST table and observation: Basis 10 times, 20 times and so on. Assessment after treatment:

2.3 Treatment results

Two cases completely fulfilled, three months, treated 60 times; eight cases, two months, treated 40 times; 7 cases, treated 20 times, among which 15 cases still in treatment. 2 cases aborted after one month and 20 treatments (one case aborted due to lack of improvement and the other was due to starting nursery).

2.4 Changes after treatment

Key symptoms

·            15 cases (88.2 %) spoke more than before treatment. Of these, three babies spoke only 2-3 words at the beginning (incl. one baby that was developing backwards); two babies spoke to begin with and could later speak more independently and ex­press themselves; ten cases spoke a lot and could form long sentences; two cases showed no significant changes.

·            16 cases (94.1 %) showed increased attachment to their parents and cognition. The attachment to parents took place after a week. The cognitive improvement stood out clearly after 20 treatments and their mood improved at the same time.

·            Three cases of stereotypical behaviour almost disappeared; 13 cases of stereotypi­cal behaviour reduced significantly and they could keep their feelings under more control.

·            Sleeping improved significantly. The amount of time sleeping was longer, deeper sleep and bowel movements improved after 20-40 treatments. Ten cases could pass stool 1-2 times per day and the properties of the stools were normal, but still contained food scraps. Six cases passed stool every two days, properties were nor­mal, but food scraps were still visible.

Growth and development

After 20 treatments, 16 children increased in height and weight to varying degrees. On average, after 10 treatments, they increased in height by 0.5-1 cm (average of 0.65 cm) and their weight increased by 0-0.6 kg (average of 0.3 kg).

2.5 Side effects

During the treatments, 15 children suffered a short-term fever (approx. 10 minutes, several times a day) due to detoxification. The fever dropped again after drinking wa­ter. In 13 cases, detoxification symptoms appeared (about one day, mainly on the back and face and in the chest and stomach). After drinking water, the symptoms also dis­appeared again. No pain and also no itching.


From the three months of testing and the epidemiological analysis method, some in­formation could be collected regarding the parents of the autistic children. They are very important for the prevention and treatment of persons with autism. After three months of treatment, we determined that the autistic symptoms of the children were caused by multi-disciplinary factors and that each method by itself can greatly improve the symptoms. We must analyse the test results, focus on the main factors and select a suitable concept. However, a significant effect and curing are two very different things. With the exception of 2 children in the centre that have gone into normal school, the symptoms affecting how they treat other children and in terms of height and weight did indeed improve, but whether they can return to society and be integrated into the lives of normal children is something that must be observed further. Autism rehabilita­tion has a long tail effect and requires cooperation between the parents and the cen­tre.

Case analysis

Tao Tao (4 years old)

25th April 2017

Child status: Language skills: Individual words, self-centred, no contact with others Physical status: Weak physical condition, susceptible to colds

Motor ability: Unable to play with a ball, cannot jump and sit. Unstable when walking. Body leans forwards, falls over often

Physical development: Height and weight comparable with children of the same age

Sleep: Wakes up often during the night

Social ability: Not evidently attached to mother

Test results:

Mildly allergic to: Cherries, raw silk

Moderately allergic to: Serratia (enterobacteria) Severely allergic to: Cats

Treatment with the BICOM BICOM optima®: four times in total

1. Allergy therapy

2. Improving the mitochondria! energy

3. Improving oxygen supply


24th May 2017

Language abilities: Improved and can engage in dialogue. Comprehension improved, ability to imagine, speech is not yet clear. Sentences contain three to four words.

Physical condition: clearly improved. Susceptibility to colds reduced. Ability to move increased. Can play with a ball, jump, can sit in a stable position, the body still leans forwards. Falling over reduced. Can string beads.

Social ability: Attachment to mother significantly increased.

Target: Allergy therapy, removing impairments, increasing mitochondria, 8 times


24th June 2017

Linguistic ability has improved significantly. Can form long sentences and engage in comprehensive dialogue. Can sing and tell short stories.

Physical condition improved. Has had no more colds. Gets cold symptoms now and then but they disappear quickly.

Ability to move has been slowly completed. Can play with a ball and sit in a stable posi­tion. Not completely stable when walking. Barely falls over. The body has clearly devel­oped.

Social ability: Ability to observe has increased and can find the respective characters and things again in a complicated book. Uses descriptive language.

Problems with constipation and sleep have been fundamentally solved. Mood fluctu­ates now and then but remains stable.

Target: Detoxification, removing impairments, regulating kidneys, 8 times



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