
Banishing migraine for good

May 15, 20177 min read

Dr. Hans Schwarz


Migraine is a chronic condition with constantly recurring stresses such as gastro­intestinal dysbiosis, problematic energy flows, stresses in the sleeping area and the need for orthomolecular substances. These are often accompanied by emotional and chemical problems as well as central allergies. The range of the headache can usually be attributed to one meridian.

The treatment concept is based on the content of the “toxin barrel”, which is tested out for each individual patient and prioritised in the treatment plan. The 5 elements are stabilised during the initial sessions. I explained how I detect these stresses in a semi-nar entitled “An effective route to a holistic treatment concept”, held prior to the 2015 Congress.

A brief, conventional medicine overview of migraine

  • The term comes from the Ancient Greek word ἡμικρανία hemikrania meaning “pain in one half of the skull”.

  • Approximately 10 % of the population suffer from migraine.

  • It is three times more prevalent in women than in men.

  • It is periodically accompanied by recurrent, episodic, pulsating pain on one side of the head, accompanied by nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light or noise.

  • Many patients experience migraine aura before an episode. These are
    predominantly visual or sensory disturbances affecting perception.

  • Diagnosis is usually based on the patient’s history after excluding other possible

  • Medicinal therapy includes non-specific analgesics or triptane whilst beta-blockers or the calcium antagonist flunarizine may be administered prophylactically.

  • Non-medicinal measures include the avoidance of trigger situations, certain foods or medication recorded in a headache diary.

The first attempts to treat migraine-like headaches date back to the Middle Stone Age (approximately 8500-7000 B.C.). Source: Wikipedia.


Fortunately, treatment methods are less harsh today!

Holistic diagnosis


As we can see in this chart, we can distinguish 3 different stresses which play a role in migraines:

  1. The trigger factors.

  2. The basic stresses, our “toxin barrel”, that we always examine in the event of chronic diseases and

  3. A genetic component — a given predisposition to migraine.

I find that the following stresses occur most frequently in relation to migraine:


I will present 3 case studies to help explain this in more detail.

Before I come to that, I would like to show you how migraine can be classified simply according to 4 different types. This classification has proved beneficial for both diagnosis and treatment. The affected meridians may be seen as motorways from which the various problems contained in the barrel branch off into the body.

Migraine types


The organ clock can also highlight the affected meridian system.


Case 1: 25-year-old Mrs. N. F., migraines since the age of 16 

1. Case history

Headaches and migraines since the age of 16, often on Sundays, during the holidays, less often during the week. Headaches that persist during the night are very disruptive. Starting without aura, over the eyes (mostly left), over the forehead and irradiating into the neck, often during the afternoon, starting with vomiting but recently only nausea. Temporary improvement following acid base therapy. Stronger cycle towards the end.


No nicotine, alcohol at the weekend

2. Basic testing

  1. Discussion of test findings, presentation of therapy plan


3. Scars

Stomach meridian on left tibia


Emotional stress and need for orthomolecular medication

  1. Central “Allergies”
    Wheat intolerance in EAP test.

  2. Bacterial infection
    Not yet tested.

  1. Therapy progress

1st Treatment

Slept better after house visit.
Diet discussed once again.
Starting weight 65 kg, 167 cm, target 57 kg.
Treatment of gut and scar tibia (with BRT and neural therapy), start of 5-element stabilisation (including stomach)

2nd Treatment

Gut, continue with 5-E, scar tibia treated once again. Diet is maintained, W = 62.5 kg

3rd Treatment

Continue with gut and 5-E with meridian programs.
No migraines for 2 weeks.
NuvaRing replaced by 2nd-generation contraceptive pill (Microgynon 30 Levonorgestrel, Ethinylestradiol) according to test.

4th Treatment

Treatment gut, element 5-E (liver), scar and chakras.
W=61 kg.
No migraines for 4 weeks.

5th Treatment

Continued with stomach, stomach meridian and crown chakras according to test.
W=59 kg.
Bacterial infection no longer tested (focal toxicosis test set)
Therapy completed for time being.

Good evening Mr. Schwarz

Thank you very much for the lovely Christmas card.

I’ve been virtually headache- and migraine-free for 2 years. Very rarely do I experience a problem — and these are mostly stress-related headaches, which I am able to manage relatively well.

I am very pleased and grateful for your treatment.

With best wishes for Christmas and the New Year. *0 ii ei Kind regards

Case 2: 26 year-old Mrs. L.C., migraines since the age of 14

1. Medical history (only the relevant findings are listed)

At the age of 14, started to take contraceptives, in the same year, onset of episodes of one-sided headache, without aura, approximately once a week, persisting for 1-2 days, starting in the eye region, irradiating to the temples and forehead, tense neck.

Light sleeper, wakes up at 03.00, mobile phone on bedside table, tired in the morning Diet. Eats everything, not many sweet things. Weight=63 kg, Height = 163 cm, would like to be 58 kg.

Occasional flatulence and wind.

Regular dental check-ups, 8s removed, resin fillings in 16, 26, 27. Medication: Estinette 20 contraceptive pill (Gestodene, Ethinylestradiol) Scars: Right side of forehead, navel, left groin, left heel

Working hypothesis:

  • Scars on stomach meridian (left foot and groin)

  • Migraine (history of stomach-type migraine) and cycle-dependent with

  • Atopy with bronchial asthma (bioresonance therapy during childhood)

  • Wants to lose 5 kg.



  1. Therapy progress

First session

Medical history, collection of blood

Before next session:

Testing, drawing up treatment plan, writing prescriptions Second session

Discussion of test findings, prescription issued and discussion of diet according to plan. Start with Sanum intestinal cleansing.

4 Therapy sessions

5 elements, gut, meridians and scars with neural therapy and BRT.

Change of contraceptive from Estinette 20 (Gestodene, Ethinylestradiol, 3rd-generation) to Microgynon 30 (Levonorgestrel, Ethinylestradiol, rd-generation).

Weight: lost 6 kg in 10 weeks.

5th — 8th Therapy sessions

Wheat, glutamate, focal toxicosis (teeth) and E numbers Consultation on the occasion of the last treatment:

  1. No migraines for 2 months (since end of 2013)

  2. Weight: lost 7 kg


26 year-old female with 3-4 episodes of migraine, of 1-2 days’ duration per month, for 10 years with

  • Stomach-type migraine, 2 scars on stomach meridian, Gestodene contraceptive pill

  • Sleeping area under stress from electromagnetic and earth radiation

  • Intestinal dysbiosis, wheat intolerance, glutamate and sweet substances


Good evening Mr. Schwarz

Of course I remember — I very rarely have migraines now, and when I do they are not accompanied by any aura.

Unfortunately, tension headaches continue to be part of my life. Best wishes from the sun-terrace

Case 3: 43 year-old Mrs. E. C. Migraine after alcohol consumption  1. Case history

Bilateral inguinal hernia surgery at the age of 10.

Mild concussion after falling and hitting head and compression of the cervical spine at the age of 20.

Correction of small toe on both feet at age of 25 (removal of middle phalanx). Total of 3 x acceleration injuries to the cervical spine.

Current disorder

2.5 years ago, onset of left-sided headaches 10 minutes after drinking or smelling alcohol. In recent months, onset of migraine just after smelling perfume. Starts at a point on the upper edge of the left eye socket, in the median third.

System history (pathological findings only)

Medication: Algifor in reserve, no hormone contraceptive

Scars: both small toes, left ankle, bilateral inguinal herniotomy

Diet: eats everything, not many sweet things

Bowel movement: normal, slight foul-smelling wind. Recurrent Oxyuris infestation Weight = 62 kg, height 178 cm

Social background: Head teacher, works part-time, rest of the time she looks after her family. Plays tennis

Teeth: 2 cavities after pregnancy, regular check-ups


Flora status: Decrease in acidulation flora, putrefaction flora, reduced sIgA, Laboratory findings dated 12.15: Ferritin 15.2 vmol/lt (6.6-26.0)

Diamine oxidase within normal range.

Scars: both small toes, side of left ankle

  1. Working hypothesis

Left-sided migraine of bladder type, triggered through alcohol (smells) and glutamate. 2 scars on left bladder meridian, onset of migraine in BI 2 to the left.

Intestinal dysbiosis and alternating current fields in sleeping area.

  1. Therapy progress

Treatment based on the barrel concept, from top to bottom. Administration of orthomolecular substances and Symbioflor drops. Diet based on plan “Diet during BRT with less histamine”.

Start of treatment with 5 elements and meridians requiring treatment. Neural therapy and BRT of scars on the bladder meridian.

After 7 treatments based on the barrel concept, clear improvement in symptoms – she can again tolerate all smells without reacting.

Treatment is still not completely finished – therefore the final evaluation is pending.

These three case histories demonstrate clearly that a holistic diagnosis and treatment strategy are required for the sustained and successful treatment of migraine.


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