BICOM Babies
Michaela Garbotz, Naturopath, Leipzig
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The company REGUMED often calls upon us to report on the most special part of our practice – our babies. As the final speaker I now have the pleasure of introducing four of these children to you. However, I don’t want to give a medical lecture on infertility and sterility. We live from our practice and the processes cannot be viewed statistically.
I always ask any parents planning to have a child to come in and see me. When do patients start thinking about having a child? What underlies the desire to have a child? The four cases presented highlight different reasons for wanting children.
First Case
“We would like to have a baby and have tried everything medically possible but nothing has helped. We even tried IVF treatment once.”
In terms of energy, the husband in question is very intense and the wife so unassuming that I had to move them apart because I found myself looking at him the whole time.
Case history
Wife: Recurring ovarian inflammation over the past 10 years. Very strong pain one day before her period and on the first day. These pains are so strong that she continually has to take time off work sick. Doctors tried her on all types of medication to stop the pain. She stopped taking the pill 3 ½ years ago as she is trying for a baby.
The day of the appointment is the second day of her period, coinciding with severe depression.
Husband: Neurodermatitis which he is proud to have under control using creams and ointments. Definitely did not wish to undergo treatment.
BRT for her:
− Basic therapy 125
− Activation of vitality 900
− Basic therapy 135 for fatigued patients
− Hormone regulation 980, 981, 934
− Liver metabolism/liver detoxication 430
− Harmonisation of nervous system 911
BRT for him:
− Skin disorder 442, 403, 480
− Chakra balance 970, 962, 940
Homeopathy: for both: Nat-m C1000.
Just eight (!!!) weeks after the initial appointment came the call: “I’m pregnant!”
Anna-Viktoria, born 27.02.2004.
Second Case
“We really want a baby but I have already had two miscarriages. I’m so scared it will happen again.”
I knew the husband already as he was a patient of mine suffering from back pains. He was always very anxious and something of a hypochondriac. Spinal column treatment was carried out with arsenicum C200. His body’s harmony was restored over time.
His wife is a hairdresser and very decisive, although her strong emotional attachment to her husband means that she too is very anxious. As a result of the miscarriages this anxiety became even more pronounced.
− Basic therapy 125
− Activation of vitality 900
− Basic therapy 135 for fatigued patients
− Elimination of hair dye 999 and 944
− Hormone regulation 980, 911, 904
Homeopathy: arsenicum C200.
After 12 weeks she became pregnant and I was assisted throughout the pregnancy by a gynaecologist colleague of mine.
Weekly appointment with simple harmonisation and removal of radiation stresses
− Basic therapy 125
− Activation of vitality 900
− Basic therapy 135 for fatigued patients
− Geopathic balance 700
− Radiation stress 701, 702
In the 14th week of pregnancy the cervix became 2 cm dilated, which caused considerable concern.
From this point on, arsenicum Q 12 daily each evening, 2 drops until the bottle is finished
Weekly BRT:
− Basic therapy 125
− Activation of vitality 900
− Basic therapy 135 for fatigued patients
A healthy baby Emily was born at full term on 28.08.2003.
Third Case
“I am now in my second marriage and my dream is to have a child with my present husband. However,
I’m 42 years old now and I’m worried about complications, especially for the child.”
The patient was very anxious, but this was exacerbated by external pressures. She was clearly also under considerable strain.
The patient’s husband suffers from sleep apnea and needs to sleep with a respirator
Therapy Wife:
− weakening of nervous system 911 and 423
− thuja C200 for general feelings of strain/weakness
− 4 weeks later, pulsatilla C200 to strengthen her femininity.
Therapy Husband:
− blood pressure balance 970, 127
− eliminating energy blocks 915, 918
Homeopathy: opium C200
Three months later, pregnancy without complications – she even managed to cope with gynaecological checkups.
Marian was born on 06.05.2003.
Fourth Case
“My little daughter is now two years old and I would love to have another baby. However, because I suffered badly from neurodermatitis and Crohn’s disease when pregnant with Svenja, I’m worried about taking the risk.”
For one year now the patient has been undergoing treatment with me for the aforementioned disorders. There have since been no symptoms of Crohn’s disease. The neurodermatitis was difficult to manage because of the patient’s attempts to do things her own way. Unfortunately the patient is so talkative that every question required a 10 minute answer, which was also quite difficult.
The husband is “healthy” and did not require any treatment.
− Allergy treatment for cow’s milk, wheat, program 944, 963, 999
− Basic program 125 for harmonisation
− Activation of vitality 900
− Basic therapy 135 for fatigued patients
− treatment of inoculations and cortisone using current methods.
− thuja C200
− after 4 weeks pulsatilla C200
− after 4 weeks lachesis. Q4 until pregnancy occurs.
The pregnancy ran smoothly and without any worsening of symptoms. The baby has grown well as a result of weekly BRT and is very large. The baby was delivered by caesarean section.
Björn Erik, born 26.03.2003