
Biological treatment of metabolic disorders

April 22, 201618 min read

Sissi Karz, Naturopath, Agios Nikolaos, Greece

Dear colleagues,

There is an old saying that you are what you eat (and drink). This is obviously particularly true of those nutrients which the whole digestive system can metabolise.

If you see how mindlessly people eat nowadays – reading the newspaper over breakfast or eating while watching TV in the evening – and how often business lunches take place where participants’ heads are preoccupied more with business or the film than with the food, then it is no wonder that the body is not getting the vital nutrients it needs for regulated metabolism and to maintain health.

An extremely important factor connected with metabolic disorders is actually bad eating habits. People don’t tend to chew much and insalivate nowadays. They prefer to have a sip of water, juice, milk, coffee or tea as they eat so that the food can be swallowed quicker. Many people today often don’t make time for the vital task of eating. As a result the entire masticatory apparatus, which plays a very important part in the process of metabolism, is barely challenged any more.

The hugely important digestive juices in the saliva do not flow very abundantly and not only the stomach, but later the intestines too, have difficulty processing everything properly and providing the body with all the necessary nutrients.

So one of the first steps towards eliminating metabolic disorders should be to restore the patient’s nutrient balance by testing out all the nutrient points, treating the superordinate weak tissue point and also the remaining nutrient point which has priority for treatment. Only when the body has all the minerals, vitamins and trace elements in the right quantity and in the right place can it work properly.

A correctly functioning metabolism is the basis for a healthy organism so that not only the body but the whole person is able to feel well.

There is a table with the relevant programs in the manual illustrating this although the original arrangement of the applicators is different.

In the manual the input is always indicated on the nutrient point with the modulation mat as the output on the patient’s back. As before, I prefer to work the other way around and place the output applicator on the relevant nutrient point to bring about a change in utilisation of the relevant nutrient via this zone. The input is best on the opposite hand here. For all nutrient points on the midline the input applicator is also on the midline – mostly around the navel or in the thymus area.


Independent of the nutrient points there are also four zones around these points. These are what are known as the control zones, around the size of the palm, which are helpful in stimulating the specific individual digestive processes.

Around the tip of the breastbone near the two nutrient points for pepsin and hydrochloric acid lies the zone for controlling protein metabolism.

On the right side of the lower edge of the costal arch – around the nutrient point for utilising amaroids – lies the region for controlling lipolysis.

On the left side of the lower edge of the costal arch – around the test and therapy point for better utilisation of chromium – lies the area for controlling carbohydrate metabolism.

Around the navel, where we not only have the two points for intensifying secretion of pancreatic juices but also the two nutrient points for improving utilisation of magnesium and manganese, is the region where it is helpful to stimulate control of pancreatic juice secretion.

These four zones are admirably suited to correcting deficient metabolic functioning as regards utilising relevant foodstuffs and also to helping secrete the enzymes needed for metabolism. They are, as it were, regulators for the particular digestive process.

You should, in principle, test these regions with all your patients to find out which metabolic process is causing the body most difficulty.

To do this you form a small circle with the fingers of one hand and then touch the particular control zone. Normally only one region tests weak. It may happen, however that, in addition to the protein, fat or carbohydrate metabolism region, the zone for controlling the pancreas also tests weak.

In this case you must then test kinesiologically which metabolic process has priority for treatment.

Since fats and protein are also partly converted into sugar, this is possible for all three metabolic processes. Only very rarely do two different metabolic zones need to be treated in succession.

Technical differences between the BICOM 2000 and the BICOM BICOM optima® in the low deep frequency range

Before I continue with my seminar I should like to say that, irrespective whether you work with the BICOM 2000 or the BICOM BICOM optima®, you have a fantastic opportunity to help your patients with either device. Happily, the development of the BICOM BICOM optima® has made a highly important area accessible to therapy for us therapists. Consequently I have also included in my paper the low deep frequency programs in the 1 – 25 Hz range of the BICOM BICOM optima®. Wherever possible, I have included alternative settings in the BICOM 2000 for those of you who use this device. This was only possible, however, in a frequency range between 10 and 25 Hz as only settings above 10 Hz are possible in the BICOM 2000. These alternative settings are not as precise and therefore cannot record all the information from this frequency range in a therapeutically effectively manner, as is possible with the BICOM BICOM optima®. The reason for this is that the bandpass frequency settings are controlled digitally in the BICOM BICOM optima® and, as a result, this process is extremely precise. In addition, only whole number frequencies can be set in the BICOM 2000.

In the BICOM 2000 bandpass settings are adjusted by analogue means resulting in greater tolerance, technically speaking. Therefore the frequency settings determined for the BICOM BICOM optima® in the low deep frequency range can only be adjusted between 10 – 25 Hz with considerable deviation.

The digitally controlled bandpass enables the low deep frequency range from 1 –25 Hz to be used in its entirety for the first time for therapeutic purposes. In this range the bandpass filter needs a little time before precisely the set frequency is reached. This also explains the slow 120 second sweep for a frequency range from 1 – 25 Hz. This also applies to the wobble in this frequency range.


The two points for pepsin and hydrochloric acid to the right and left of the tip of the breastbone in the angle between the breastbone and the base of the costal arch are linked to the digestion of individual proteins.

Often plant and animal proteins cannot be exploited to the full by the body due to a shortage of pepsin or hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Certain amino acids must be obtained from food since the body cannot synthesise them. The closest to the human body here is meat yet some types of vegetables and wheat are also important sources of protein.

Particular cells in the gastric mucous membrane are capable of forming hydrochloric acid. Pepsin is formed in the mucous membrane of the gastric fundus, a process in which hydrochloric acid is also needed.

Around these two points and the vitamin Q10 point (right at the tip of the breastbone) lies the zone, approx. 56 cm in diameter, for controlling i.e. regulating metabolism of all the proteins through the enzymes in the stomach and intestines. This involves breaking down foreign proteins and synthesising compatible amino acids for the human body and converting proteins into fat and sugar.

The best applicator arrangement for therapy is as follows: This picks up the information from the disturbed intestinal area and brings the therapy oscillation straight to the metabolic zone which is not working properly to bring about a change there.

Input: large flexible applicator, diagonally across abdomen
Output: magnetic depth probe on, protein control point

This picks up the information from the disturbed intestinal area and brings the therapy oscillation straight to the metabolic zone which is not working properly to bring about a change there.

If you prefer to work with the modulation mat, simply switch the arrangement of the applicators, i.e. with the square flexible applicator pick up the input information from around the tip of the breastbone (position in diamond shape) and place the small modulation mat diagonally across the abdomen.

Input cup: saliva

To support therapy also place an egg or some wheat (for vegetarians) in the input cup – or even better in the cup of the 2nd channel with the BICOM BICOM optima® – so that the body can be more easily and better changed by this additional external nutritional information during protein metabolism therapy.

A little bottle of almond oil should be connected to the output so that at home the patient can rub it in over this whole area after every meal. Individualising a particular oil with the appropriate metabolic programs has proven effective for over 20 years now.

Imprinting a chip for 4 days is also beneficial. After this period the individualised almond oil is then used.

The following programs have proved to be very effective for years for controlling protein metabolism.

No. 910 Improving protein metabolism + no. 518 Improving protein metabolism (duodenal problems) + no. 530 Metabolism therapy

These three programs can be stored in succession as a program sequences with the BICOM BICOM optima®.

It is beneficial however also to set as the first program no. 3107 (Metabolic disorder) and as the conclusion (after the three programs in the normal frequency range) no. 3106 (Duodenal problems) to act upon the metabolic process through the brain wave area. This has an even more farreaching effect.

Since, unlike fats and carbohydrates, proteins also contain nitrogen and phosphorus in addition to carbon, oxygen and hydrogen, it is sometimes worth supporting the body where protein metabolism is severely disrupted by performing one of these two programs with the same applicators.

830 is the program for phosphorus metabolism.

The program for nitrogen balance must be set by hand in both devices:

H+Di 89Hz H4.7– Di7
wobble off Interval 12 mins.


A point located at the outer right lower edge of the costal arch right at the side of the body is connected with the processing of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids and amaroids.

If animal and vegetable fats are not properly digested this point appears quite unpleasant and tests weak. Interestingly you often find this in people who are always hungry and/or who have a particular liking for bitter teas, bitter chocolate and bitter herbs.

Fats are broken down in the small intestine and must be processed by amaroids and bile acids so that, once separated into their individual active ingredients, they can be carried through the lymph vessels and also stored in the fatty tissue. Where these functions are not guaranteed, fatty tumours can form with time.

Around this point on the right lateral line lies the zone, some 56 cm in diameter, for controlling the metabolism of all fats (animal and vegetable).

It is absolutely essential for life that lipometabolism is functioning BICOM optima®lly since fats are converted in the body to sugar which provides us with warmth and energy.

In our bodies there are several important vitamins which are only fatsoluble and, if lipometabolism is disrupted, these vitamins (vitamins A, E, D and K) can only benefit the body to a very limited degree.

For compensating therapy the applicator arrangement is as follows:

Input: large flexible applicator, diagonally across abdomen
Output: magnetic depth probe on the, lipolysis control zone on the right lateral line

This picks up the information from the disturbed intestinal area and brings the therapy information straight to the metabolic zone which is not working properly with the result that fat processing is improved there.

If you prefer to work with the modulation mat, simply switch the arrangement of the applicators, i.e. pick up the input information with the square flexible applicator from the area around the lower edge of the costal arch on the right lateral line and place the small modulation mat diagonally across the abdomen as output.

Input cup: saliva

To support therapy also place a little butter, margarine and/or oil (preferably have the patient bring the appropriate sort with them) in the input cup – or better still in the cup of the 2nd channel with the BICOM BICOM optima® – so that the body is better and easier able to change in its particular metabolism during therapy.

A little bottle of avocado oil should be connected to the output so that at home the patient can rub it in over this whole area after every meal. (Regardless whether fats were used in the meal or not!)

Imprinting a chip for 4 days is also beneficial. After this period the individualised avocado oil is then used to help set lipometabolism regulation in motion.

The following programs have proved to be very effective for years for controlling fat metabolism.

No. 460 Lipolysis problems + no. 520 amaroids + no. 361 Treating fatty tissue

If you are working with the BICOM BICOM optima®, it is better to set one of the two program sequences

No. 10051 = no. 460 + no. 3084 stress reduction

no. 10049 = no. 3038, fatty tissue, regulation + no. 520 + no. 250

It is very beneficial with the BICOM BICOM optima® also to use program 3064, located at 18.5 Hz, to regulate the liver and gallbladder.

As an alternative for the BICOM 2000 there are two settings which lie just above and below this in the frequency range. These two settings must be performed in succession to produce a similar effect to program no. 3064 with the BICOM BICOM optima®.

H+Di    18 Hz     H 4.0 – Di 9
wobble off     Interval    8 mins.
Di         19 Hz                  Di 12
wobble off     Interval     6 mins.


The point for testing and treating incomplete utilisation of chromium is located right on the left lateral line at the lower edge of the costal arch. An adequate supply of chromium is important to ensure sugar and carbohydrate metabolism runs smoothly. It also affects the way insulin works. Chromium compounds sensitise the skin and increase its suppleness.

Under certain circumstances, chromium deficiency can lead to increased cholesterol levels and, as a result, encourage the development of arteriosclerosis.

A metabolism control zone, approx. 56 cm in diameter, also lies around the chromium point as on the other side. On the left side this is for controlling the processes for carbohydrate digestion.

The best applicator arrangement for this metabolism therapy is as follows:

Input: large flexible applicator,diagonally across abdomen

Output: magnetic depth probe on, carbohydrate control point

This picks up the information from the disturbed intestinal area and brings the therapy oscillation straight to the metabolic zone which is not working properly to bring about regulation of carbohydrate metabolism.

If you prefer to work with the modulation mat, simply switch the arrangement of the applicators, i.e. pick up the input information with the square flexible applicator from the left lateral line at the lower edge of the costal arch and place the small modulation mat diagonally across the abdomen as output.

Input cup: saliva

To support therapy also place a little bread, noodles, cereal flakes, etc. (preferably have the patient bring their own products with them) in the input cup – or better still in the cup of the 2nd channel with the BICOM BICOM optima® – so that, through this additional information at the input, the body can be regulated better and more easily in its carbohydrate metabolism during therapy.

A little bottle of sesame oil should be connected to the output so that at home the patient can rub it in over this whole area after every meal. Massaging the body with this oil promotes the body’s internal processing into grape sugar and for general energy production.

It is also interesting that a lot of sesame is used in southern countries for bread, pastries and in sweets. Probably because the beneficial effect of sesame in supporting carbohydrate digestion was discovered at some time in the past.

Imprinting a chip for 4 days is also beneficial. After this period the individualised sesame oil is then used.

The following programs have proved to be very effective for years for controlling carbohydrate metabolism.

No. 819 Carbohydrate metabolism, disorder + no. 992 Carbohydrate metabolism, disorder

To supplement these two programs it is helpful with the BICOM BICOM optima® to set program no. 3107 which is generally very beneficial for disturbed metabolism.

An alternative for the BICOM 2000 is the following setting which lies almost exactly one octave higher than the actual program with the BICOM BICOM optima®:

H+Di          15Hz         H3.0– Di10
wobble off Interval 12 mins.

Since the fission products from carbohydrate metabolism go first to the liver, only then being distributed in the body, it is often also helpful to add program no. 3064 to these three programs with the same applicators. The parameters for the BICOM 2000 are:

H+Di          18 Hz         H 4.0 – Di 9
wobble off      Interval       8 mins.
Di               19 Hz                       Di 12
wobble off      Interval       6 mins.

This is far more laborious to set than with the BICOM BICOM optima® and, in addition, the very low frequency ranges cannot be recorded individually so precisely with normal electronics up to 150 kHz.


Where the muscle test is weak at the two points two fingerbreadths above the navel and also two fingerbreadths to the right, it has emerged that the production and distribution of pancreatic juices is deficient. Insufficient digestive juices are available or too few digestive enzymes are being produced by the body.

Pancreatic juice is rich in various enzymes, digestionpromoting ferments and fermentation agents which are synthesised by the body from food. Treating both points with the appropriate nutrient program serves to improve this process.

To improve control of pancreatic juice secretion, there is a therapy zone around the navel, roughly the size of the palm, through which the two nutrient points of magnesium and manganese can be reached. The best applicator arrangement for this metabolism treatment is as follows:

Input: large flexible applicator, diagonally across abdomen
Output: magnetic depth probe on the
pancreatic juices control zone
around the navel

This picks up the information from the disturbed intestinal area and brings the therapy oscillation straight to the metabolic zone around the navel, which is not working properly, to bring about regulation and support.

If you prefer to work with the modulation mat, simply switch the arrangement of the applicators as follows: place the square flexible applicator on the navel as input and the small modulation mat diagonally across the pelvic area. This is however not quite so good.

Input cup: saliva

To support therapy also place a little honey or unrefined sugar (preferably have the patient bring their own products with them) in the input cup – or better still in the cup of the 2nd channel with the BICOM BICOM optima® – so that the body can be better and more easily regulated in this causal metabolic process during therapy. This measure is beneficial above all because the blood sugarreducing hormone insulin is produced in the pancreatic gland.

A little bottle of peanut oil should be connected to the output so that the patient can rub it in at home all around the navel after every meal. This has proved very effective for over twenty years.

Who knows? Perhaps the increase in diabetes is even connected to the huge consumption of salted peanuts in recent years?

Imprinting a chip for 4 days is also beneficial. After this period the individualised peanut oil is then used.

The following programs have proved to be very effective for years for improving the control of the pancreatic juices.

No. 852 Stimulating pancreozymin production + no. 829 Pancreatic juices + no. 935 Pancreatic disorder

Instead of the last program, those working with the BICOM BICOM optima® should set program sequences no. 10118, where program no. 3081, located at 21.2 Hz and also connected with pancreatic disruption, should be set before program no. 935.

An alternative to this for the BICOM 2000 is the following setting:

H+Di         21Hz      H1.2– Di14
wobble off Interval 12 mins.

It is very important to use the oils mentioned here at the output to permanently support metabolic regulation so that a consistent change can take place in the body. These oils are also very beneficial for most patients with pain in their joints. Try them out.

The BICOM manual also contains other very useful program recommendations for supporting metabolism. Program sequences made up of combinations of settings in the normal and low deep frequency range have proven particularly effective, such as:

10159 Metabolism therapy
3106 + 3107 + 530

10100 Stomach disorders
3107 + 463

10101 Stomach pain
3107 +442

10103 Hyperacidity
3109 + 3102 + 461

10037 Intestinal treatment
3089 + 822 + 921

10038 Improving intestinal flora
3013 + 3028 + 562

10040 Regulating intestinal activity
565 + 3084 + 3116

Program no. 3089 is extremely beneficial for generally supporting the mucous membranes and for stimulating salivation.

This is located at 16 Hz and can be set almost exactly the same with the BICOM 2000.

H+Di        16Hz     H2.0– Di12
wobble off Interval 9 mins.

The input and output applicators for this should be tested out individually.

The BICOM BICOM optima® handbook contains a recommendation.

I wish you every success with my suggestions.


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