
Bioresonance and miasmatic stresses: New opportunities for diagnosis and therapy

May 15, 201710 min read

Gisela Wendler

My name is Gisela Wendler. I have been working in my own practice in Berlin for 21 years.

From the outset I have used bioresonance therapy in my practice, at first I started with Mora bioresonance, then used the Paul Schmidt method, and then soon switched to BICOM bioresonance, because I found the training for bioresonance here at BICOM the most extensive. I have remained with BICOM, at first the 4.4 model and now for about 7 years the BICOM 2000 device.

Certainly, as is the case with other colleagues, you attend many seminars, discover other therapy directions, and let one or the other influence your own work thus making the work in your own practice more and more individualised. One bioresonance therapist will then work “really differently” from another. (Many of you will know this from what patients tell you).

The work therefore becomes the expression of myself, my understanding of disease and my perception of a therapeutic approach with the patient with whom I am working at the time.

And last but not least is the relationship which develops between me and my patient, which likewise should not to be underestimated and which is crucial for the patient’s outcome – hopefully alleviation and, better still, healing. I am confident that our work is not just fact-based, but sometimes takes a vital inspirational direction. Healing is not always possible. If it succeeds, then both sides are grateful.

Healing also always involves a change of awareness

Most patients who come to my practice are chronically ill patients. Of course there are also patients who are acutely ill, which usually makes treatment easier and which will then hopefully be resolved after only a few appointments.

Now I come to my topic mentioned above:

Bioresonance and miasmatic stresses: New opportunities for diagnosis  and therapy

If I am to discuss these two therapies together — miasmatic stresses and bioresonance — it would probably be helpful to explain the concept of miasmas in the first part of my presentation today.

I assume that some of the therapists here today will also be homoeopaths, and they will certainly already be familiar with the comments in this first part of my paper, though I do hope I can introduce some new ideas and points of interest for them too.

It is also relevant in this presentation to describe how I test the respective miasma and how I then carry out therapy in combination with bioresonance.

Now let’s look more closely at the concept of miasmas.

Given that the term originated in homoeopathy, I will first of all mention Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homoeopathy (1755-1843).

After a number of years working in this field he would often notice his patients’ symptoms returning after a time or that his patients came back to see him, but not with the same symptoms; they had not been healed. Through long periods of observation and tests he came to the conclusion that behind the presenting illness there was also an “underlying” pathological condition, i.e. an illness behind the illness.

These ideas led him to consider that there had to be a chronic condition underlying the visible illness.

At that time Hahnemann was not familiar with the terms ‘bacteria’ and ‘viruses’ as these had yet to be discovered, but he did study the routes of infection and believed infection came from bad vapours found in the air (there were no sewage systems at that time); he referred to this form of infection as miasma (Greek), or pollution.

He made a further observation that almost all patients with chronic illnesses had a history of either scabies, gonorrhoea (‘fig-wart disease’ — Greek word ‘sycosis’ = ‘fig’), or syphilis and since that time they had never felt well again. To describe this infection and tendency to illness he used the term miasma.


While there is not time to give a complete introduction to homoeopathy in this presentation, a few important points are nonetheless worth mentioning if the subject of miasmatic stresses is to be understood fully.

Whenever the body is injured (on a physical level but equally applicable to emotional and psychological damage too), our life force may be restricted as a result.

The body has 3 ways of combating such damage:

for Psora: through inflammation and hypersensitivity,
for Sycosis: through hardening, expansion, flaccidity or contraction,
for Syphilinum: through destruction of internal and external parts and destruction of functions of an organism in order to ensure its survival.

An example:

If a healthy person becomes ill with flu, this condition would heal without treatment.
The body deploys an immune response to do this:
redness, swelling and a high temperature.

However, any medications that are taken can have a suppressant effect and this can result in the latent form of Psora being activated, with new illnesses emerging and leaving the patient thinking: “Since I last had flu, I haven’t been feeling too well”.

The Psora has been activated.

If we continue with this same example, a patient with the aforementioned flu would not be able to recover and instead develop complications which could turn into a prolonged illness and possibly deteriorate into pneumonia.

The illness was suppressed at the psoric level and the Psora miasma is activated with its multiple manifestations. In a person with a strong life force, this does not happen at the first suppression of course, but our strategy to cope with illnesses is riddled with suppressions:


Allopathic medication,

Procedures, operations etc.

Growing older with its limitations in terms of being able to fight illness, to adjust emotionally or mentally, are all reasons why the next miasmas are activated.

Treatment with antibiotics and other actions (see above) over the longer term prevent frequent reactivation of a high temperature, which is a normal initial response by the immune system in the psoric phase.


In the image we see even more terms added to the miasma list — even more miasmas.

from the top

Sycosis I, II and Ill
The carcinogenic miasma needs to be added here:

Develops from thickening,hardening (sycosis) and becomes destructive and malignant in the Syphilinum


Could perhaps Borreliosis be placed alongside Syphilinum? Further comment on that later.

J.T. Kent, American homoeopath (1849-1916), was certainly the first within Miasmatics to state that the inheritability of miasmas had to be present without evidence of pathogens (i. e. without obvious infection with a pathogen in terms of traditional medical evidence).

This was the concept: to conceive of disease being transmitted in a purely spiritual way.

And we work with this idea on a daily basis in bioresonance.

We test for a pathogen and traditional medicine finds no evidence of it, yet it has a very obvious effect on the patient’s condition and disease onset.

Here is another thought: It should also be possible for a new-born baby to already have this “infection” at birth. And this is correct, because before it comes into the world an infant may already have syphilis- or sycotic-related stress, with all the associated effects which we cannot go into in more depth here.

Now let’s talk about the pathogens of the various miasmas.

Psora: Sarcoptes scabiei (scabies)
Tuberculinum: Mycobacterium tuberculosis (tuberculosis)
Scrofulosis: Has no specific pathogen, it is the manifestation of the psoric miasma.
Parasitosis: Has no specific pathogen; homoeopathic preparations of allopathic medicines are often needed here.
Sycosis: Neisseria gonorrhoeae (Gonorrhoea = venereal/sexually transmitted disease)
Syphilinum: Treponema pallida (Syphilis = venereal/sexually transmitted disease)

(At this point a thought on Borrelia: they belong to the Spirochaetaceae family,
Other spirochetes include:
Treponema pallida (transmissible from person to person)
Borrelia burgdorferi (transmissible by ticks)
Leptospires (transmissible by warm-blooded animals)
(e. g. Weil’s disease)

These explanations and thoughts form the backdrop to my work and I will explain this further in the next section.

But before I do this, let me mention something which I have been using for some years now to help me with my bioresonance testing and which is additional to the Miasma Table.

These are the Meridian ampoules made by Meripharm. A brief description of these ampoules: with certain Meridian complex combinations you can achieve untargeted detoxification. The following combinations are used:

2 Meridian complex ampoules: No. 3 and no. for substance intoxication
2 Meridian complex ampoules: No.
3 and no. for acquired toxic information
2 Meridian complex ampoules: No.
3 and no. 12 for hereditary toxic information in terms of the miasmas according to S. Hahnemann

When testing 1 place the ampoules, for example 3 and 9 (see above), into the input; if 1 am using these ampoules for testing resonance on a patient, I use the ampoule pick-up on the pink ampoules (from the 5 elements set) and in this way test for any possible stress, e.g. viral stress. Then I also place the other combinations 3 and 6 or 3 and 12 in the

input and test for possible stress with the pink ampoules. If for instance in the input we have the

ampoules 3 and 12 and test positive for a bacterial stress, we can experiment by

removing the input ampoules 3 and 12, and you will discover that the bacterial stress no longer tests.

A miasmatic stress is virtually only ever found on this “third” level with the two ampoules 3 and 12 at the input. And another thought here is that I test Borrelia very often only using these 2 ampoules: 3 and 12 at the input, so you could argue that Borrelia perhaps constitute a new miasma!


For testing I usually use the following elements as well:

E-Smog ampoule
Laterality disorder with the program: 535
CTT ampoules from the 5-element test set:
Metabolic test according to Dr Kohler— mental query
Anabolic metabolic status 0 to +90, if pos., test mentally +5 to +90 Catabolic metabolic status 0 to -90, if pos., test mentally -5 to -90


For each patient I also test a tablet, Metformin (a Diabetes 2 drug), in order to obtain further information on whether the patient’s metabolism is functioning well; if the medication is needed, this is an indication of pre-diabetes and in such cases a change in diet is called for (fewer carbohydrates).

I would also like to point out that the new CTT test set “Hormones, Neurotransmitters, Hereditary toxins” has 5 miasma ampoules available for testing. However, I have not had any experience of using these as yet.

Finally, I would like to draw your attention to something important: I have detected Borrelia stress in approx. 50 % of my patients, usually detected using the ampoules 3 + 12 at the input, i. e. a miasmatic stress, (I refer to this as the 3rd level).

When I carry out a control test to see whether I would find Borrelia and remove the ampoules 3 + 12 from the input, I in fact do not detect Borrelia! —

In summary: Miasmatic treatment combined with bioresonance works for me by using the “pre-ampoules” 3+9, 3+6, 3+12. I find the miasmatic pathogen ampoules almost exclusively when using ampoules 3+12.

Given that I often only detect Borrelia by using ampoules 3+12, should we perhaps be asking whether this is a new miasma? I will leave that question open for discussion. What is pleasing for me is that this method allows me to diagnose Borrelia and treat accordingly. It means I have found a new way of helping my patients.


Dr. S. Hahnemann: Chronic Illnesses
Dr. R. Sonnenschmidt: Miasmas

Dr. P. Vijayaka: The Principles of Miasmas
Dr. L. Klein: Miasmas and Nosodes

Dr. P. Gienov: Homoeopathic Miasmas
Dr. J. T. Kent: Homoeopathic Treasures


infections in Animals

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