Bioresonance on a Scientific Basis
Hans Briigemann, the company founder, had a dream.
The bioresonance method should become a scientifically recognized method. And then, if possible, there should be a bioresonance device in every doctor’s practice and bioresonance therapy (BRT) should be used as widely as possible alongside drug and physical treatment for the benefit of patients and humanity. Unfortunately, this dream has not yet come true.
Hans Briigemann, who was a merchant himself but had a great deal of medical and spiritual knowledge, always sought contact with doctors and scientists.
At the end of the 1980s, he founded the “Scientific Advisory Board” of the then Briigemann GmbH. Most of the former members are now very old or have already died. The “Scientific Advisory Board” was therefore later dissolved.
As REGUMED still aims to scientifically substantiate and support BRT, the “Medical Advisory Board” was founded in 2021.
The Medical Advisory Board has the following tasks, among others:
Scientific advice to the Academy
Advising REGUMED GmbH on product development
Elaboration of the doctrine
Advising REGUMED GmbH on clinical studies
Various types of evidence are required for recognition as a scientific test and therapy method:
1. Ascientific explanatory model
2. Pre-clinical in-vitro studies (cell cultures / blood samples / laboratory results)
3. Laboratory studies on patients
4. Studies on animals
5. Case documentation
6. Clinical therapy and application studies on patients
1. A scientific explanatory model
Dr. Sabine Rauch has summarized an up-to-date, scientific explanatory model of BRT for the Medical Advisory Board and updated and standardized the nomenclature. The detailed summary was published by REGUMED on its website in 2022.
Here is the short version:
Life is only possible if three conditions are met: Matter, energy and information. Information is neither energy nor matter, it is immaterial and comparable to the meaning of a message from a sending to a receiving system. We also find the aspects of information, energy and matter in conventional medicine, both in diagnostics and in therapy. Every medicine is also a carrier of information.
In addition to the electrical processes at the receptor proteins and biomembranes in general, electromagnetic interactions through light (biophotons) also play a role in cell communication and the transmission of information. Specific electromagnetic wave patterns act as information carriers. These wave patterns can be modulated by the bioresonance device in order to eliminate disruptive or stressful information in an organism. The aim is to restore the free flow of healing information (cell communication) and thus support the organism’s self-regulation and self-healing powers. Individual, patient-specific information or information from native substances, digitized substances or information stored on storage media can be used for therapy.
The effect of bioresonance is explained by a model based on three levels: the material level, the immaterial energy level and the immaterial information level. The bioresonance method works primarily on the immaterial information level. However, as all levels are interconnected, there can also be effects on the energetic and material levels. The individual reaction of the respective organism depends on the current state and the regulatory capacity, whereby the goal is always homeostasis, the restoration of the state of health.
Discrepancies with findings from conventional medicine result from the different approaches. While the focus of the bioresonance method is based on information and quantum physical principles (wave-particle dualism), the approach of conventional medicine is still based on the old mechanistic-deterministic world view (Newton).
Discrepancies with findings from conventional medicine result from the different approaches. While the focus of the bioresonance method is based on information and quantum physical principles (wave-particle dualism), the approach of conventional medicine is still based on the old mechanistic-deterministic world view (Newton).
The quantum physics foundations of the bioresonance method received further support with the award of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics to Anton Zellinger, Alain Aspect and John Clauser for their groundbreaking work in the field of “entanglement”.
According to another theory, water clusters play a special role in the storage of information in living organisms. We consist of approx. 70% water. Due to the electrical poles of the H,0 molecule, more or less stable “hydrogen bonds” are formed in the liquid state. In living organisms, these lead to specific, cloud-like structures (“clusters”) that can apparently store information.
According to this theory, both the administration of a potentized homeopathic remedy and the transfer of information via bioresonance carrier waves lead to the formation or breakdown or modulation of the existing cluster structures, which explains the secondary effect on biochemical processes.
The special role of water as an information carrier also became known through the well-known GRANDER devices, but also through KANGEN water or the work of EMOTO.
2. Preclinical in-vitro studies
Experiments on non-living systems
Study on mineral salt solutions:
Can “non-living” systems, e.g. mineral salt solutions, react to bioresonance? An interesting experiment was carried out in Slovenia in 1998. The information of an acetic acid solution was applied to a neutral mineral salt solution via the BRT device. The treated mineral salt solutions showed clear physical differences compared to untreated samples. The informed mineral salt solutions became acidic, they resembled acetic acid. The pH value of the informed samples
decreased slightly but significantly.
Kirlian photography (high-frequency, high-voltage photography according to the Kirlian couple) ofthe treated solutions showed more intense and stronger radiation patterns and, after drying, larger and more extensive crystals were formed than in the comparison group. Although Kirlian photography is not a scientifically recognized test method, these were the first indications that “immaterial information” can be transmitted with the bioresonance device and that even “non-living” substances can be physically altered.
Diploma thesis at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubliana; N. Rojko Vuga in the working group of Prof. Dr. A. Jeglic: Investigation on the transduction of acetic acid information via an electronic amplifier, 1997.
Studies on cell cultures
Study on cancer cells:
As early as 1997, cell cultures of cancer cells were treated with bioresonance over several days. The cells in question were degenerated monocytes (a subgroup of white blood cells) from a human lymphoma (lymph gland cancer). After three days, there was a trend towards an improvement in the malignancy parameters, including an increase in DNA synthesis and the DNA content of the cells by over 20%.
G. Lednyiczky: Uber den Einfluss der Bioresonanztherapie auf die Kanzerogene, in: Niederenergetische Bioinformation, Wiener Internationale Akademie fir Ganzheitsmedizin, Vol. 17, pp. 134-137, Facultas Verlag, 1997, Edited by P.C. Endler and A. Stacher.
Study on connective tissue cells:
Since 2002, biochemist Prof. Peter Dartsch has headed a recognized and renowned institute for scientific research into the effects of therapeutic or toxic substances on cell cultures. In 2019, he presented some of his research findings at the Bioresonance Congress. In a study on cultured connective tissue cells (fibrocytes), which was published internationally in 2021, he was able to
announce the following statement: “… the use of the BICOM optima® mobil device caused a pronounced and statistically significant stimulation of cell activity, which can lead to higher physical performance and thus to improved well-being in humans. In addition, it also resulted in a considerably improved (= shortened) cell regeneration/wound healing by stimulating cell migration and cell division.”
Dartsch PC (2021). Investigations on the Beneficial Effects of BICOM optima® mobile Bioresonance Device on Cultured Connective Tissue Fibroblasts. J Biomed Sci Res 3(1): 133
Studies on blood samples
Study on human serum albumin:
Do blood samples from sick patients change when they are compared with blood samples from healthy patients? An interesting experiment was carried out in 1995 in Kiev with human serum albumin (HSA), the most important protein component of blood fluid. HSA from ten healthy women was mixed and this information was transferred to the HSA preparations from the blood of eight breast cancer patients using the BRT device. Surprisingly, the treated pathological HSA protein levels of the breast cancer patients changed towards physiological normalization. One could conclude from this that bioresonance has a regulating effect on the immune system.
0.V. Zhalko-Titarenko et al: The influence of BICOM® resonance on the structural dynamics of serum albumin of patients with breast cancer, Research Center LEKON of the Ukranian Academy of Science, Kiev, 1995.
Study on leukocytes:
In another study from 1999, various parameters of the BICOM® device were tested on 50,000 (!) blood samples. Ten ampules of blood from the same donor were placed in the input cup and ten ampules of blood in the output cup. The phagocytosis activity of the white blood cells (poly-morphonuclear leukocytes) was tested. Phagocytosis refers to the incorporation and elimination of foreign material or pathogens by these white blood cells. The extensive experiments were carried out within a wide range of different therapy settings. The phagocytosis activity of the untreated control group was 21.1 on average. After treatment with a bioresonance therapy program, it increased to 54.7. This shows an improvement in the quality of donor blocd by increasing the number of active leukacytes after bioresonance treatment. Can bioresonance increase the “appetite” of white blood cells and thus improve the immune defense?
O. Osadchaya et al: Summarizing the in vitro modulation of phagocytosis activity of human polymorphonuclear leukocytes by BICOM® resonance therapy, in: Scientific Studies, REGUMED Institute for Regulatory Medicine, pages 38-46, 1999.
Study on inflammation parameters in house dust allergy sufferers
The doctor and bioresonance therapist Linda Rahadian, who is also the bioresonance representative for Indonesia and other Asian countries, presented a study on blood samples from house dust mite allergy sufferers at the 2019 Bioresonance Congress. It is known that type 1 allergies (acute allergy reactions) are associated with an increased release of interleukin iL-4 and 1L-13, inflammation-promoting messenger substances from the TH2 helper cells (subgroup of leukocytes). At the same time, interleukin I1L-10, an anti-inflammatory and tolerance-inducing messenger substance, is reduced. She was able to show that in the blood samples treated with bioresonance, the inflammation-promoting interleukins IL-4 and IL-13 decreased significantly compared to the untreated control group, while the tolerance-inducing interleukin IL-10 increased. This study may explain part of the anti-allergic effect of bioresonance therapy.
L. Rahadian, In vitro study on house dust mite allergy, presentation at the 59th IMA Congress 2019
3. Laboratory studies on patients
Patients with liver cell damage:
In a 1996 study on patients with liver cell damage, the results were astonishing. A group of 14 patients with laboratory-proven liver damage was treated with bioresonance, while a control group of 14 patients remained untreated. While the liver enzymes (gamma-GT, GOT, GPT) remained almost unchanged in the control group, these parameters improved significantly in the treated patients and even normalized completely in some of them.
R. Machowinski and P. Kreisl: Prospective randomized study to test the success of treatment with patient’s own electromagnetic fields (BICOM®) in liver dysfunction, in: Wissenschaftliche Studies, REGUMED Institute for Regulative Medicine, page 77-92, 1999
Patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Two other laboratory studies were carried out in 2002 on patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Antioxidant enzymes in the lymphocytes were examined. An objective change in the laboratory parameters was detectable under bioresonance, which may activate non-specific protective mechanisms in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
B.1. Islamov et al: Effect of Bioresonance Therapy on Antioxidant System in Lymphocytes in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, No. 3, 248-250 (2002).
In the same year, another study investigated heat shock protein synthesis, which is reduced by 60% in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. These values normalized completely under bio- resonance. It is possible that the observed therapeutic effect of bioresonance in rheumatoid arthritis patients is related to the improvement in lymphocyte activity caused by the normalization of heat shock protein synthesis.
B.1. Islamov et al: Effect of Bioresonance Therapy on Antioxidant System in Lymphocytes in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, No. 3, 248-250 (2002).
4. Animal testing
Vitality of Drosophila larvae:
In a 1997 study, even heat-damaged Drosophila larvae (fruit flies) benefited from bioresonance therapy. Vitality improved significantly compared to the untreated group. The response to light stimuli and mobility normalized, and the survival time without food intake increased.
G. Ledniczky: Reconstitution of the vitality of heat-damaged Drosophila larvae by means of endogenous electro- magnetic fields, in: Niederenergetische Bioinformation, Schriftenreihe Band 17 (1997), Falcultas Verlag, Vienna, pp. 122-134, ed. P.C. Endler and A. Stacher.
Metamorphosis of amphibians
The transformation of tadpoles into frogs (metamorphosis) is delayed if the thyroid hormone thyroxine is added to the aquarium water. This effect was also achieved when the information of the thyroxine was only vibrated via the bioresonance device. This is further proof that the bio- physical transfer of information is possible and has physiological effects. This study was conducted double-blind by two independent institutes in Austria and Italy and was published in 1995.
P.C. Endler et al.: Transmission of molecular information by means of a bioresonance device (BICOM®) in amphibian experiments, Erfahrungsheilkunde, Heidelberg, 3/1995, page 186-192.
Activity of radioactively damaged mice:
Radioactively contaminated mice (“Chernobyl type”) were also treated with bioresonance. in the treated group, a normalization of the thymus and lymph node weights was achieved, which indicates an improvement in the damaged immune system. The enlarged spleen that was also observed could indicate increased activity in the breakdown of damaged cells and blood components.
D. Sakkarov et al.: Investigation into the reconstitution of the immune system of radioactively contaminated mice using BICOM® resonance therapy, in: Wissenschaftliche Studien, REGUMED Institut fiir Regulative Medizin, 199,
pp. 48-55.
All preclinical studies were assigned the highest evidence level 1 by an independent review committee.
5. Case documentation
The meticulous documentation of successfully treated patients is of course not comparable with a scientifically designed study. Nevertheless, such case study collections support the argumentation for the clinical effectiveness of bioresonance with scientific and legal bodies, especially when large numbers of patients are involved. Hans Briigemann and later his successars have collected such
documentation worldwide over many years, so that REGUMED can draw on positive case reports from hundreds of therapists and thousands of patients. A big thank you to all the therapists who have contributed to this.
Here | would also like to mention Dr. Gerhard Rummel, who developed a somewhat unconventional but successful allergy therapy. More than 20,000 patient cases successfully treated with this method have been documented and collected in a society of therapists founded by him!
6. Clinical studies on patients
Most clinical studies on bioresonance have been conducted with allergy patients. This patient group is particularly suitable for studies, as the effect of the therapy is in most cases immediately subjectively noticeable to the patient and can also be observed by the therapist. The disappearance or improvement of a skin rash, a blocked nose, asthma or intestinal complaints can be easily assessed.
As early as 1990, the pediatrician Dr. Schumacher conducted a study in his practice on 204 children with various allergic diseases (especially neurodermatitis). The patients were questioned and examined between 5 and 11 months after bioresonance therapy. 83% stated that they no longer had allergic symptoms, 11% had improved, only 4.5% had no change and 1.5% could not be assessed. At the time, this was a revolutionary treatment result that other therapies could hardly
dream of.
P. Schumacher: Results of biophysical allergy therapy, in: Biophysikalische Therapie der Allergien, Sonntag Verlag, Stuttgart, pp. 125-129, 2004.
During the same period, Dr. Schumacher published another study on hay fever patients. The season following bioresonance therapy was experienced by 43.4% without symptoms and 50.4% with improved symptoms. Again, a therapy success rate of over 90%.
P. Schumacher: Biophysical therapy of hay fever – therapy results, in: Biophysikalische Therapie der Allergien, Sonntag Verlag, page 147-151, Stuttgart 2004.
In 1993, | carried out a study in my practice. After the development and application of meridian based allergy therapy, | sent questionnaires a few months later to 248 patients, most of whom had been treated with bioresonance without strict allergen avoidance. These included adults and children with neurodermatitis, eczema, pollen allergy, allergic eye, respiratory and intestinal diseases. Of the 200 treatment cases evaluated, 50.4% reported no symptoms and 34.1% reported an improvement. 15.5% were unchanged. Most patients had a long allergic history and had undergone other less effective allergy treatments.
Between 2003 and 2006, a total of 10 studies on allergy treatment were carried out and published in hospitals in the People’s Republic of China. The results, some of which involved large numbers of patients, confirmed the good treatment results from the medical practices. Most of the studies were carried out at the central hospital in the city of Xian, which became famous for the imperial tombs and the Terracotta army.
A first study on 79 patients with allergic skin diseases was published in March 2005. Here too, almost 75% of patients were symptom-free and a further 22% improved.
Du Xia et al, Kinan City Children’s Hospital: Clinical observation on 79 cases of allergic skin disease treatment by bioresonance device, Chinese Journal of Practical Medicine, Volume 4, Number 3, 2005.
Efficacy rates of 60.8% were also achieved in two studies on chronic hives. The breakdown by age group in the first study showed the best results in the group between 1 and 15 years of age (90%).
Zhang X et al: Clinical observation on 54 cases of treatment for hives using BICOM® bioresonance device, Journal of Leprosy and Skin Diseases of China, Vol. 21, No. 8, 2005.
Two studies looked at bronchial asthma in children. In a study of 300 young asthmatics, bioresonance therapy was compared with conventional asthma therapy with corticoids and antiallergic drugs. One expert commented: “Conventional drug treatment is extremely effective — at least in the treatment of symptoms. It is therefore surprising that bioresonance treatment achieves the same or even better efficacy. The design has a high level of evidence: level 3, so that the results must be regarded as proof of efficacy”.
Yang Jinzhi and Zahn Li, Research Center of Jinan City Children’s Hospital: 300 examples of treatment for asthma using BICOM® device in pediatric patients, Maternal and Child Heaith Care of China, ISSN 1001-4411, 2004.
Another study compared three groups of 172 children with bronchial asthma or allergic rhinitis. The best results were achieved by the group treated with bioresonance alone (effectiveness 85.6%), closely followed by the group treated with the BICOM® device after unsuccessful treat- ment with medication (79.6%). The worst result was shown by the group treated with medication alone (efficacy 69.1%). Evidence level 1-2.
Huan Shuiming et al: Clinical observation of the treatment of allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma of children with the bioresonance device, Zhe Jiang Medical Journal, Issue 6, Volume 27, 2005.
The largest study was a follow-up study of 1639 patients (!) with bronchial asthma and other allergic diseases. One reviewer commented: “… spontaneous cures, placebo effects and the like cannot explain the percentage (83%) of patients with recovery in this allergy area.”
Presentation at the 45th International Congress for BICOM® Users: Study on 1639 asthma patients by Dr. med. Yuan Ze and Dr. med. Wang Haiyan, Xian Central Hospital.
This said, not only allergic clinical pictures have been clinically investigated. There are also “clinical” studies on muscle and joint problems. Two groups of patients with fibromyalgia syndrome were treated with physiotherapy and point massage. One group also received bio- resonance therapy. Both groups reported an improvement in their symptoms. In the bioresonance group, however, the effect occurred more frequently and earlier and was stronger and more lasting than in the comparison group.
F. F. Gogoleva: New Approaches to Diagnosis and Treatment of Fibromyalgia in Spinal Osteochondrosis, Ter Arkh. 2001, 73(4): 40-5.
A study on patients with osteoarthritis of the knee (gonarthrosis) showed sensational results. Two groups of patients received conventional medical therapy. One group was additionally treated with bioresonance. The pain symptoms subsided much faster in the bioresonance group and lasted much longer. Accordingly, the bioresonance group recorded a treatment success rate
of 94%, compared with 57.5% in the control group. The joint sonography showed an improvement of 75% after bioresonance compared to 32.5% in the control group.
Maiko Olu, Gogoleva F.F.: Outpatient Bioresonance Treatment of Gonarthrosis, Ter Arkh, 2002, 72(12): 50-3.
In another study, a group of 12 top athletes with overuse syndromes were treated with bioresonance alone, while a second group of 12 athletes were treated with conventional methods such as ultrasound, stimulation current, cryotherapy and anti-inflammatory drugs. In the bioresonance group, the therapy time was shorter and the number of treatments required was lower, while the effectiveness was the same.
B. J. Pape.z, Joze Barovic, Maribor Teaching Hospital, Department of Medical Rehabilitation, headed by Primarius Zmago Turk: Report on the use of BICOM® resonance therapy in the overuse syndrome of high-performance athletes; Scientific studies, REGUMED lInstitute for Regulative Medicine, 1999.
Another topic: functional gastrointestinal complaints. In a corresponding study, the symptoms improved by 48.2% in the bioresonance group and by only 3.8% in the placebo group.
J. Niehaus, M. Galle: Placebo-controlled study on the effect of a standardized Mora bioresonance therapy on functional gastrointestinal complaints, Forschende Komplementdrmedizin, 2006, 13:28-34.
The role of the media
The recognition and acceptance of a therapy method depends not least on its dissemination and presentation in the media.
A good journalist in earlier times researched a topic as objectively and neutrally as possible and then reported on it. It was part of professional ethics to first present the researched “facts” and possibly – separately – to present one’s own opinion on the topic. Unfortunately, things are different today.
The mainstream media, at least, increasingly give the impression that they no longer do proper research, but simply copy from existing reports or statements from scientific and political bodies. Their own opinion (or the opinion of the editor) is then cleverly mixed with the facts so that the reader not only receives information about the topic, but also an idea of what they should think as a “reasonable” citizen.
It is therefore not surprising that the opinions of so-called conventional medicine and its political representatives have been “regurgitated” for decades. For decades, attempts have been made to not recognize alternative medical procedures, including homeopathy and bioresonance, and to denigrate, ridicule and devalue them as charlatanry. They would prefer to ban all alternative
medicine and the “alternative practitioner profession” as well. This has already happened in some countries. In Germany, we are lucky that most potential voters use and support naturopathy.
This makes scientific studies all the more important.
However, anyone who believed that all these studies, some of which are very convincing, would have helped the bioresonance method to gain general scientific recognition will have been disappointed. Opponents of the method and the authorities criticized the often unprofessional study design and foreign studies were viewed with scepticism.
For this reason, a new study according to internationally recognized scientific criteria was necessary.
On the one hand this was for BICOM® users and patients, who have been waiting for years for scientific confirmation of their positive experiences with the bioresonance method. They want irrefutable arguments and evidence in order to be able to counter the numerous critics and skeptics.
On the other hand, there was also a very pragmatic argument. Due to a change in the law, all medical devices had to be re-approved by TUV in order to obtain or retain certification as a class 2a therapy device. For certification, it is necessary, among other things, to demonstrate the current state of research. Standardized criteria must therefore be used to assess the studies.
The new 2022 approval study
REGUMED spared no expense or effort to provide this scientific proof. This was not only to support its German customers, but above all to remain competitive on the international market. The BICOM® device received this important approval back in May 2021 based on a very positive interim result. The final study results were available at the end of May 2022!
According to the new approval guidelines, every medical product (drug or device) must demonstrate proof of efficacy for the intended use applied for. This intended use, i.e. the “main indication” (“intended use”) for the study, should be an allergy diagnosis: allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis. This diagnosis was chosen because the ability to assess the acute symptoms before and after treatment and thus the effectiveness of the therapy was easiest for both patient and doctor to see.
This is a prospective, multicenter, single-arm, open observational study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of BICOM optima® in bioresonance therapy in patients with allergic rhino- conjunctivitis.
The study was conducted from 25.01.2021 – 10.02.2022. 111 patients (including 28 children between 4 and 11, 14 adolescents between 12 and 17 and 69 adults aged 18 and over) were evaluated. A recognized institute specializing in clinical studies and research was commissioned to conduct the study.
The study was conducted in 8 medical practices. They had sufficient experience with the method and a large patient population to be able to recruit 10 – 15 patients each during the observation period. | was selected as the “lead investigator”. Unfortunately, the corona pandemic coincided with this period, which posed unforeseeable challenges for the organization and implementation in the practices and thus delayed the completion of the study.
Inclusion criteria for inclusion in the study:
Symptomatic rhino-conjunctivitis (caused by house dust, molds, animal hair or pollen)
Mild to moderate allergy symptoms
The expectation that a treatment comprises a maximum of 8 allergy therapies within 5 weeks
Older than 4 years
Signed declaration of consent
There were three questionnaires, which were completed by patients or their legal guardians before the first treatment (“baseline”), before each subsequent treatment (follow-up) and 1-2 weeks after the last treatment (“follow up”). They were asked about the classic allergy symptoms, medication intake and general well-being. This was used to determine a symptom score — mean weekly symptom score (mean wsS). This represented the average severity and duration of the subjectively perceived allergy symptoms. The higher the number, the worse the (average)
subjectively perceived symptoms.
In my practice we treated 12 patients, 9 of them with single allergens: 2x dog, 3x cat, 3x house dust, 1x early bloomer pollen; for 3 patients | treated two allergens: 1x house dust and dog, 2x house dust and mold. As a rule, 3-4 therapy sessions were sufficient, only in one case did | need 7 sessions. Between 3 and 8 treatment sessions were also required in the other test practices.
The results were largely consistent across all age groups!
Here are the calculated scores (average of all patients) before and after bioresonance therapy:
Symptom score (wSS): Before 7.0, After 2.1, Difference – 4.9
Significant improvement!
Medication score (MS): Before 0.142, After 0.08, Difference – 0.062
As most patients were not taking any allergy medication anyway, no change could be expected here.
Quality of life score (QoLS): Before 9.4, After 2.5, Difference – 6.9
Significant improvement!
Acute symptom score (aSS): Before 1.2, After 0.4, Difference – 0.8 Significant improvement!
An excellent, statistically significant overall result!!!
In order to assess the safety of the bioresonance method, “side effects” – adverse events (AE) – were also carefully documented. In the entire study, 4 such events were reported, which were classified as “mild” to “moderate”. As expected, no serious adverse events occurred.
Bioresonance therapy led to a clear, statistically significant improvement in the symptoms of allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis caused by pollen, house dust or animal hair. On average, the subjectively experienced symptoms, the objectifiable symptoms and the quality of life improved by approx. 70%. Transient adverse reactions (mild to moderate) occurred in 5.3% of cases (worsening of nasal and
ocular symptoms, migraine, diarrhea, skin dryness).
The study on “Proven effectiveness of the BICOM® Bioresonance Method in the treatment of allergies” is a first step towards the recognition of BICOM® allergy therapy. The study was published in the recognized medical journal CO.med in issue 04/2024. Corresponding articles in the general medical and publically available press would also be desirable.
We all know that there is much more potential in our BICOM® devices. Studies for other allergic indications such as neurodermatitis, food allergies and intestinal diseases, but also for “non- allergic” diseases, would be desirable. They are however unfortunately hardly affordable at present.
Part of Hans Briigemann’s dream has become a reality:
The effectiveness of bioresonance therapy has been proven according to current scientific criteria. The second part of the dream will show the future. Will the method gain more recognition among doctors and therapists as a result? Will there one day be a bioresonance device in every doctor’s and therapist’s practice? There is probably still a long way to go! We are all working on it. The information age has been around for a long time. At some point it will also reach medicine.