Bioresonance Unlimited
Olle Svensson, Therapist, Educator and Representative BICOM® in the Nordic countries
Since | started with the allergy clinic in Halmstad, Sweden in 1999, there has been a huge development both in the world in general and in the BICOM® world specifically. There is a big difference between working with a BICOM® 4.1 without low frequencies, modulation mat, DMI and channel 2 to the Optima V8 that we now use. At the same time, the understanding and explanation of BICOM® and its unique way of treating all patients individually has also changed from talking about the frequency that is inverted, to working with the information that is transported by a wave (which has a frequency). This is what | will talk about in this lecture and explain why | currently do 20-30 treatments via blood per week without seeing the patient. | see myself as successful when | communicate with my patients and see the results this type of BICOM® treatment gives.
At the same time, a similar development has taken place in society, where quantum physics experiments now show what philosophers such as Pythagoras (c. 500 BC) told and wrote down. We will connect these explanatory models with what we do with our fantastic BICOM® and especially when we test and treat via blood from the patient. The choice will be yours how you want and can help your patients in the best way. Whether the patient is on your treatment room or on the other side of the world.
If you have been involved in and worked with BICOM® for many years, you will know that Hans Briigemann coined the phrase “BICOM?® bioresonance treatment with the patient’s own frequencies”. This was later changed to the patient’s frequency pattern. BICOM® detects what is present in the patient and it was called a pattern of frequencies because basically everything consists of many different waves with different frequencies. If you followed Mr. Briigeman during his last years, you probably also heard his lecture at a congress where he talked about quantum physics in relation to BICOM®. This was the start of redefining the entire view of what BICOM® does in its treatment and a new explanation based on quantum medicine was created.
Nowadays we talk about the importance of the information that accompanies the wave that has a frequency. This creates a completely unique and completely individual treatment for all patients The wave differs in appearance, the frequency differs, and definitely the information carried by the wave differs from patient to patient. This way of treatment puts BICOM® in a category of its own and far ahead of other bioresonance devices. It is not even comparable to the equipment that produces its own frequencies.
For humans and animals, all information is in the blood. It flows through all parts of the body and contains all the information from all parts. All processes that are in function or blocked are present as information in the blood. The blood is created for the transport of information and as you physically look at it, the fluid is an intermediate step between the information and the material. As you know, even conventional medicine uses the blood for a large number of tests. This is the reason why it is blood that is used in connection with remote treatments.

4 October 2022
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics to:
Alain Aspect
Institut d’Optique Graduate School — Université Paris-Saclay and Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, FranceJohnF. Clauser J.F. Clauser & Assoc., Walnut Creek, CA, USA
Anton Zeilinger
University of Vienna, Austria
“for experiments with entangled photons, establishing the violation of Bell inequalities and pioneering quantum information science”
Entangled states – from theory to technology
Alain Aspect, John Clauser and Anton Zeilinger have each conducted groundbreaking experiments using entangled quantum states, where two particles behave like a single unit even when they are separated. Their results have cleared the way for new technology based upon quantum information. The ineffable effects of quantum mechanics are starting to find applications. There is now a large field of research that includes quantum computers, quantum networks and secure quantum encrypted communication.
One key factor in this development is how quantum mechanics allows two or more particles to exist in what is called an entangled state. What happens to one of the particles in an entangled pair determines what happens to the other particle, even if they are far apart.
For a long time, the question was whether the correlation was because the particles in an entangled pair contained hidden variables, instructions that tell them which result they should give in an experiment. In the 1960s, John Stewart Bell developed the mathematical inequality that is named after him. This states that if there are hidden variables, the correlation between the results of a large number of measurements will never exceed a certain value. However, quantum mechanics predicts that a certain type of experiment will violate Bell’s inequality, thus resulting in a stronger correlation than would otherwise be possible.
John Clauser developed John Bell’s ideas, leading to a practical experiment. When he took the measurements, they supported quantum mechanics by clearly violating the Bell inequality. This means that quantum mechanics cannot be replaced by a theory that uses hidden variables.
Some loopholes remained after John Clauser’s experiment. Alain Aspect developed the setup, using it in a way that closed an important loophole. He was able to switch the measurement settings after an entangled pair had left its source, so the setting that existed when they were emitted could not affect the result.
Using refined tools and a long series of experiments, Anton Zeilinger started to use entangled quantum states. Among other things, his research group has demonstrated a phenomenon called quantum teleportation, which makes it possible to move a quantum state from one particle to another at a distance.
“It has become increasingly clear that a new kind of quantum technology is emerging. We can see that the laureates’ work with entangled states is of great importance, even beyond the fundamental questions about the interpretation of quantum mechanics,” says Anders Irbéck, Chair of the Nobel Committee for Physics.
The illustrations are free to use for non-commercial purposes. Attribute© Johan Jarnestad/The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences”. These illustrations can be read and downloaded from this website https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/physics/2022/193966-press-release-swedish/
What does that have to do with the BICOM® bioresonance method?
BICOM® bioresonance is a method of information medicine and here is the explanation that was developed together by Professor Steffen Schultz, Dr. Sabine Rauch and REGUMED’s Medical Board. This is the short version that touches on today’s topic. There is a more advanced explana- tion, which | have not included in this context. If you want it, you can ask REGUMED or AKI for it.
Brief description of the BICOM® bioresonance method
The BICOM® bioresonance method is a method of empirical medicine. It comes from regulatory and information medicine, is based on decades of experience and is used as a complement to conventional medicine.
It is now well known that life is only possible if three conditions are met: matter, energy, and information. Information is neither energy nor matter, it is immaterial and comparabile to the meaning of a message from a sending to a receiving system. We also find the aspects of information, energy and matter in traditional, conventional medicine, both in diagnostics and therapy. Every medicine is also a carrier of information.
In addition to the electrical processes in the receptor proteins and bio membranes in general, electromagnetic interactions through light (biophotons) also play a role in cell communication and the transmission of information. Specific electromagnetic wave patterns act as information carriers. These wave patterns can be modulated by the BICOM® bioresonance method to eliminate interfering or burdensome information in an organism. The goal is to restore that flow of healing information (cell communication) and thus support the self-regulation of the organism and the self-healing powers. Individual, patient-specific information or information from natural substances, digitized substances, or information stored on storage medium can be used for testing and therapy.
A model based on three levels serves as an explanation for the effect of bioresonance: material level, immaterial energy level, and intangible information level. The BICOM® bioresonance method works primarily at the intangible information level. Since all levels are interconnected
with each other, there can also be effects on the energetic and material levels. The individual reaction of each organism depends on the current state and ability to regulate, the goal of which is always homeostasis, the restoration of the state of health. Differences that exist between the BICOM® bioresonance method and conventional medicine arise from the different perspectives. While the focus of the BICOM® bioresonance method is based on information and quantum physics principles (wave-particle duality). So, conventional medicine is still based on the material worldview (Newton).
Unlike other “frequency therapies”, the BICOM® method is a method that is highly individual and perfectly adapted to the patient’s needs by using the patient’s own information and the ability to test specific wave patterns of resonance for each patient individually.
Summary of theories
With these explanatory models from researchers and experienced users of the BICOM® method, we understand Hans Briigemann first was talking about “treatment with the patient’s own frequencies” then “the patient’s own frequency patterns”, and at his last appearance at a REGUMED congress, about quantum physics. It all fits together and shows how research has now come closer to understanding how BICOM?® really works.
Now it is time for you and me to broaden our view of the fantastic BICOM® and open the door to a wider way of using it. It’s way of treating is entirely consistent with the way quantum physics now describes the transmission of information. It takes place in the ether that carries all the waves:
from communication between cells to radio waves and telephones. The ether is a part of the human being. The ether is around us and through everything. It is where all communication is transported with the help of waves/energy. This makes our BICOM® “unlimited” when we pair it with the blood of a patient that contains all the information from the patient.
The practical application
Without practical application, knowledge and theories have no value, so now we come to the most important and fun part.
When testing is to be done via a drop of blood, the most appropriate test method is the tensor. With kinesiology, you need a surrogate and EAP can’t be done on a drop of blood. This means that these test methods are not suitable for this type of testing.
In principle, all tests and treatments are done in the same way, regardless of whether it is done via blood or directly on the patient in our clinic. We use the same time on programs, the same number of treatment programs and 40-50 minutes of treatment per session. This is regardless of whether it is a patient in the treatment room or if the treatment is done via blood drops. For children and animals, when we treat via blood, the time is adjusted in the same way as if the treatment were to be done directly on the patient.. The timing is decided either generally, based on experience or via tests. Our experience with small children is that about 50% of the treatment time is needed in relation to adults.
For testing (and treatment), always make sure to have two separate drops of dried blood on a coffee filter for example. With two drops, you always have the option of having the patient both in the input and the output. When testing programs for resonance or dissonance, i.e. whether the program is suitable for the patient right now or not, put one drop in the input cup and put the other about 20 cm in front of your tensor test aid (or hand plate applicator connected to the output) in a holder. A test with a tensor is then done between the drop of blood and the tensor test aid. The drop of blocd in the holder in front of the tensor test aid replaces the patient and the drop of blood in the input cup replaces all applicators on the patient. We always use blood because it is what has contact with all parts of the body and therefore contains all the information most strongly.
It is not only medically that blood is used to show the whole in laboratory tests, but also wisdom traditions speak of blood as the mirror of life in humans. It is possible to test and create treatments using other things from the body if there is no access to blood, but it is the blood that shows the most and is best connected to other parts of the personality. When treating with blood, you always use the chip memory device as the output where you put the blood drop. It is the most powerful output and therefore best suited for this type of treatment.
The blood drops theoretically last forever, but we choose to replace them about once a year or if the patient asks and wants new drops to be used. We allow the patient to send new drops if there is a question or hesitation from the patient. It is important that the patient is always “on board with and understands the treatment and the way we treat”. For hygiene and safety, it is optimal if you use dried blood droplets on, for example, a coffee filter. This piece of coffee filter with the drops on, is put in a test tube. This can then be easily stored in a hygienic way. If you know that you have a lot of “electrosmog” in the place where you store your blood droplets, it is recommended that some protection against “electrosmog” is used around or to the side of the stored blood droplets. As “electrosmog” is a big topic and not the topic of this lecture | leave this for yourself to decide what you see as fitting for your conditions.
In our clinic, we do not normally make exact appointments for treatment in agreement with the patient. However, we always have an agreement that treatment can and should be done. Without that consent, the results of the treatments are diminished because you are interfering in something that the patient has not consented to. Most often, without consent, there will be no or a very temporary result where the symptoms return after a short time. If the patient would like to, there is the possibility of booking an appointment and then the opportunity also opens up to ask the patient to help in the treatment with their attention, to improve the result. This said normally we don’t book exact appointments with our patients as it’s not something that has to be done.
Results happen and by paying attention to the patient before you start to test and treat, you can secure results even when the patient does not know exactly when the treatment is taking place. We often have cooperation with and support from therapists. As an example, it is just a very small amount of the therapists in Sweden that offer any kind of complicated treatments such as with degenerated cells, as they are not medical educated enough and they are also not allowed according to the law. In this cooperation we receive the blood and a case history from the patient. We do a complete test of the patient and a treatment plan. The therapist does the “normal” treatments and we do the degenerated cells treatment via blood. It requires less travel for the patient and the patient can talk with the therapist with the possibility for lifestyle coaching etc. and at the same time receive the best help from an experienced and educated therapist/ doctor. This has shown to be very successful and would not be possible without remote treatments. It opens also the door for more cooperation and possibilities with second opinions etc. between BICOM® users.
There are advantages and there are disadvantages to testing and treating via blood. These should be taken into account when choosing the way you work with BICOM® via blood or not. You can choose to use blood drops for testing and treat the patient on site or to do both testing and treatment via blood drops.
Advantages (human and veterinary sector):
Reduces stress with appointments and patients waiting.
As atherapist, you are freer in the way you work. If there are urgent problems and the patient is not present, you can still treat.
You can test the big picture and create a treatment plan without the time pressure of having a patient in the treatment room.
|t is possible to help each other as therapists with a second opinion or to receive help.
You can help athletes before and after performance.
The patient does not need to travel to your clinic.
You can help a person with treatments before and during a stressful situation.
Easier to test stresses with ampules without the animal in the room.
Ampules do not need to be brought to the stable (hygiene and risk of injury).
Removes the risk of injury to the therapist and equipment in case of a stressed animal.
You can prepare animals for competition without having to travel to the competition site.
You can prepare for and keep animals calm while traveling.
Disadvantages (human and veterinary sector):
Can’t test directly, if a scar is an energy blockage.
Cannot treat directly on scars with the information specifically provided by the scar.
Can’t do a temporomandibular joint treatment.
Can’tvisually see changes in the patient during and from the treatment.
Harder to communicate how symptoms change.
Harder with follow-up questions on the case history if no live contact is made.
Can’t flood meridians.
Always need blood from the human or animal.
There may be patients who are reluctant to be treated via blood (we do not treat these patients).
Extraordinary meridians, cannot be treated via blood.
The key to any therapy with BICOM® from my point of view and especially when working with blood, is testing. Testing becomes more important when you do not have the patient in front of you and can ask questions such as “how is your health today?”. As | mentioned earlier, we work exclusively with tensor in our tests. With tensor proficiency as a testing method, you become a skilled therapist and at the same time you can confidently use all parts of your BICOM® and access your BICOM’s full potential. The fact that we have programs with indications in the BICOM® is excellent and very helpful. With skillful testing however you can also choose which of several programs with the same indication, is right for your patient right now. You may also see that sometimes it is the “wrong indication” for your patient that is best suited. For example, when it says “Thymus activation” on a program, it can also be used for a patient with an autoimmune disease after testing with resonance, even if logice would suggest that we should deactivate instead of activate it. This shows what has been explained earlier, that BICOM® creates a harmonization that allows there to be balance and when you are proficient in testing, you can use
any program that shows resonance.
Attention in testing
Testing when working with BICOM® and treatments of various kinds are what give you the information about what should be treated and how it should be treated. If you don’t test, there is a risk that you will just take a chance on what should be treated and how it should be treated. But what if you don’t know what you’re testing? If you test from your own idea of what you think it is, do you ask questions and if so, who do you ask or …….. ? When you look at it from this point of view, it gets complicated, but there are some key aspects you can use that are important for you and also need to be practiced.
Importantly, | don’t want you to be afraid to test because you can test wrong and if you test wrong you can hurt someone. With BICOM®, you can actually do a lot wrong but still get good results from your treatments. It’s in the nature of how BICOM® treats. You don’t have to be afraid of hurting someone, you should always have this with you. This said to get the top results and also to solve unusual and complicated cases, you need to know what you are doing.
Here | will try to give a short explanation so that you can safely continue to work and become better and better as a therapist with the help of testing, where you know what you are doing and why. This time it’s not about the technique of how you hold the tensor, or how you press your arm during muscle testing or how you set up your BICOM®. | reckon you already know this. If not, the recommendation is to take a tensor or kinesiology course through AKI. Here we will take a brief look at the composition of human beings. Your presence in the room, your attention, and how it plays into your testing.
You’ve probably heard that you should always “reset” when you test. What does that really mean? Well, reset is when you have no preconceived notions, no thoughts or feelings that can color the test result. Simple to say, but usually more difficult to achieve at each test occasion. “I’ve seen the case before”, “with these symptoms it’s almost always the case”, “I think it is” or “I always have trouble finding something with the symptoms that this patient has”: These are probably the most common thoughts that come up when you are about to test. In this case, you’re not reset. No thoughts mean no questions are asked, and there is relaxed silence when the testing is done. From this condition, you first pay attention to your patient for whom you are going to test and start the treatment. Then you only pay attention to the tensor when the patient is exposed to a substance together with a program or only a program from your BICOM®. Always pay attention with interest and curiosity to what your tensor is showing you, it simplifies the process a lot.
In simple terms man’s personality consists of the mental life (or body), the emotional life (or body), and the physical body. Thoughts create, the emotional life magnifies, and you see symptoms in the physical body. Of course, it can also go in the other direction so that the physical body is damaged, the emotional life enlarges, and the thoughts continue revolve around the injury, which means that it persists.
With BICOM®, we can loosen the blockage so that the correct information can flow and healing can take place. All communication takes place through the ether that is in and around everything, in the same way that a radio wave or a telephone is also “sent” in the ether and is not stopped by a human body or by a wall. Then, of course, there is also yourself, which we often forget. When you, as yourself, are awake, your attention increases and you do not take the information through your emotional life or your mental life, but you get more uncolored or unchanged information.
This means that you are then connected to intuition (which comes “from above”) and not to instinct (which comes via emotion).
The easiest way to get to the point where you pay attention without it being influenced by the thoughts or feelings that exist in your own personality, is to use the here and now. The physical space that surrounds you is always in the present and thoughts and feelings have nothing to do with present time. They are always based in this context on a stimulus (someone presses the button) that starts the thought or feeling, and it happens constantly if you don’t stop it, so that you can “look out” yourself. The attention always comes from yourself and how much you can be awake and direct the attention is also the indication of the presence of the self.
There are two simple tools that you always have with you and can use to be in the present. It’s the room you sit in for your testing and it’s breathing. If you pay attention to the room or your breathing, you will notice how quiet it becomes. No thoughts, no unwanted feelings. Only you can pay attention and that’s what you want to achieve. You want tobe able to attention to yourself without the attention being colored by your emotional life or mental life. From this state, you can
begin to test your patient, paying attention with interest to what the tensor is doing in front of you. Then there are no questions, no preconceived notions and the tensor will show you the result of the test, when you curiously pay attention to it.
You can learn a lot more about this in other courses, but it’s a start that will make your testing easier to do and more accurate.
Important references
In connection with treatment, we often use blood in the input cup also when we treat with ampules. When this is done, it is important that tests are done without a preconceived notion. Important is to test if it fits or if it there is too much information. Our experience is that it is suitable in most cases and also that it improves the treatment. It’s a change that we’ve made and an adaptation that we have made to our environment in recent years. It comes together with new stresses, that are affecting humans. These include all wireless services, from the control of cars, to smartphones and computers, as well as new genetic modifications that enter our bodies, via new chemicals that are used around us and in our food. These changes in our environment led us to start a standard test of whether the blood fits together with ampules for the treatment. This is in all treatment we do with BICOM®, not just in programs where we use the patient’s own information.
The discussions in previous lectures, regarding whether only saliva, urine or something else should be used from the patient, became less relevant to me, when the quantum physics perspective is understood, in that all information is in all cells in the body. The complexity of our environment is also reflected in the patient and their blood. It has been shown that in most cases it is appropriate to include blood in the treatment and we also believe that we see improved results in general. After testing treatments with blood in the input for more than 2 years, our experience says that it is positive. You should test for yourself how it fits into your treatments.
Small warning
I know that there are question marks in society about treatment via blood and that there are also people who do not want our treatment method to spread. There is a much greater resistance in general society than there is from you who read this text and know the effects of treatment with
BICOM®. Therefore, at our clinic, we are cautious in marketing, that we perform this type of treatment where the patient is not present. The normal procedure is, that unless the patient specifically asks for this type of treatment, it is not the treatment we are charging for, but it is instead a chip that we send to the patient that the patient is charged for. In other words: You activate a chip at the same time as you do the treatment. It can also be minerals or ail, but from a logistical viewpoint it is easier with a BICOM® chip. The chip is sent to the patient after the treatment and the patient uses the chip until next chip arrives in the post.
| wish you the best of luck with your BICOM® and that you are of great help to your clients. Remember that what you have heard today is my experience and experience from our clinic. You should test practically what you see as interesting and use what is beneficial for you and your
Good luck!!!