
Cancer — a successful alternative therapy approach

May 15, 20178 min read

Dr. med. Uta Schmieden-Lindner

I have been working with my practice team for 16 years offering a combination of mainstream medicine and naturopathic treatments, including for the last 15 years bioresonance therapy. When carrying out diagnosis and particularly when evaluating the success of treatment, I draw on the full range of classical medicine tools including laboratory tests, ultrasound, CT or MRT, endoscopy plus other procedures as required. In addition, I test using the tensor. In my practice therapy is primarily administered using naturopathic methods based on the following maxim: “As much classical medicine as necessary, as much naturopathy as possible.”

Cancer therapy in particular offers opportunities in naturopathy for a truly holistic approach to treatment, and the bioresonance method, with its very specific therapy options, can play a very valuable role in this area.

  1. The causes of cancer

    1.1 Conventional medicine

  • Environmental toxins: incl. asbestos: Lung cancer

  • Medicinal products: e.g. Phenacetin: Kidney cancer

  • Viruses: e.g. human papillomaviruses: Cancer of the cervix, hepatitis viruses: Liver cancer

  • Bacteria: e.g. Helicobacter pylori: Stomach cancer

  • Genetic causes: family history of predisposition to certain types of cancer

  • Cause often unknown

1.2 Naturopathy

  • Principal problem: diseased physical milieu: Over-acidity (Nutrition), Environmental toxins (e.g. Heavy metals), Medicinal products (e.g. Antibiotics)

  • Dental interference foci:

  • root-treated teeth

  • various metals

  • Disturbances around the place of sleep: Metal bed, Electro smog, Watercourses

  • Stress

  1. Cancer treatment

2.1 Conventional medicine

  • Surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, antibody therapy

  • Result: The slowdown in tumour growth comes with serious side effects (hair loss, nausea, diarrhoea, pain, debility). Impairment of the immune system. Usually no

2.2 Naturopathy

Unfortunately, many cancer patients only turn to alternative therapies when they discover that conventional medicine can no longer help them. In such situations naturopathy can usually only offer palliative care as a way of easing the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy and improving the patient’s quality of life.

  • General measures (Nutrition, place where patient sleeps etc.)

  • Uncoupling the causes of cancer (teeth)

  • Infusion therapy (Vitamin C and alkaline infusions)

  • Medicinal products (Curcum in, Selenium, Probiotics etc.)

  • Mistletoe therapy

  • Oxygen therapy

2.3 Bioresonance therapy

  • Stabilising the diseased organ systems (liver): program 311.11 or 430.2, Kidneys: 6 or 480.1, Lymph: 930.3, Bowel: 565.0 or 960.5), in channel 2 apply the appropriate organ support

  • Detoxification, Elimination (Chemotherapy, Heavy metals, Environmental toxins) with 970.5, then 998 or 979.1

  • Reducing the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy (elimination ampoules from the CTT tumour test set)

  • Combatting pathogenic viruses, bacteria and fungi (998 or 978.1), highly effective mycosis therapy (971, 972)

  • Treating allergies and food intolerances

  • Testing and attenuating the pathogenic effects of disturbing dental foci.

  • Hormonal regulation (eg adrenal fatigue)

  • Optimal additional effect via channel 2 of the BICOM BICOM optima® for cancer patients: Treating acidaemia in channel 2 when applying metabolism, kidney or stomach programs

  • Reducing the oxygen deficit when treating the tumour itself or when treating lung disease

  • Outstanding therapy option: Place the original tumour tissue as a native smear on a slide, fixed if necessary, in the input cup and treat using an inverse program, test the program

  1. Case studies

3.1 Palliative care

3.1.1 48-year-old female patient with metastatic breast cancer Case history

  • Suffering from breast cancer since December 2010

  • Chemotherapy since 2011 following lymph metastases

  • Full mastectomy late 2011, further chemotherapy, advanced lymph node metastases

  • 2013 liver and skeletal metastases

  • from early 2014 Xeloda chemotherapy and Letrozole hormone therapy


  • Marked deterioration in general condition, weak, lack of drive, depressive mood

  • Laboratory values: raised ferritin levels, elevated tumour markers, anisocytosis, vitamin D deficiency

  • Several root-treated teeth and various metals in the mouth

  • Particular problem: Tooth 1,5: root-treated, painful, inflamed roots clearly visible on X-ray

Therapy and Course of treatment

  • General measures (nutrition, infusions, medication)

  • Therapy begun on 2.4.14

Therapy sessions 1 to 3 involved treatment with general detoxification and stabilisation of the organ systems, then mycosis therapy, eliminating heavy metals, eliminating effects of chemotherapy etc.

  • 4th treatment: first treatment of the tooth focus 1,5 with bioresonance therapy, with immediate marked improvement in general condition, psychological state and laboratory values

  • Further stabilisation following extraction of tooth

  • Stable, good general condition until September 2014, then increasing problems due to continuation of chemotherapy (Xeloda)

  • Once chemotherapy was discontinued, stabilisation achieved by December 2014


Despite advanced terminal cancer we were able to gain six months with outstanding quality of life and no problems or pain. Up to mid-December 2014 the patient still enjoyed an acceptable quality of life without pain.

3.1.2 78-year-old male patient with metastatic prostate cancer Case history

  • 9/2014 acute abdomen with sigma perforation caused by metastatic prostrate cancer, hemicolectomy

  • Postoperative complications with pulmonary embolism

  • Since 10/2014 anti-androgen hormone therapy

  • Radiotherapy recommended but refused by patient

  • End of August 2015 acute deterioration in general condition, with jaundice, cholestasis and risk of liver failure (GGT 1277, PSA 35), treatment in hospital

  • Released from hospital with improved general condition (biliary stent, radiation therapy due to bone metastases), other hormone therapy

  • GGT in lab test on release from hospital 770 U/I

Therapy and Course of treatment

  • Mid October to December 2015 weekly BRT sessions with stabilisation of the organ systems, liver detoxification, mycosis therapy and eliminating heavy metals

  • With supplementary alkaline low-carbohydrate nutrition, probiotics, alkaline and vitamin C infusions

  • Further marked improvement in general condition after just a few sessions, more energy, happier mood

  • Laboratory values: GGT on 25.11.: 135 U/I, on 24.2.16: 56 U/I, later 35 U/I

  • 2016 continuation of treatments every 4 weeks

  • Patient felt well, good quality of life, apart from arthrosis in left ankle joint, no pain

  • In September 2016 the cancer returned, stable with good general condition

  • Until November, when the patient died as a result of constriction in biliary stent


Highly successful therapy thanks to a combination of conventional medicine and naturopathic cancer treatment. The patient gained over a year of life and had a good general condition, without problems, pain free and with a very good quality of life.

3.1.3 80-year-old male patient suffering from Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia Case history

  • Since 2000 increasing IgM levels

  • 2006 IgM levels at 2700, almost reaching critical threshold

  • Patient refused chemotherapy and cortisone treatment

  • Known toxic stresses from mercury, arsenic and lead


  • Besides the known toxins, stresses also from borrelia, fungi, formaldehyde, other heavy metals and chemical substances


  • Treatment of the tested pathogens with bioresonance

  • Elimination of toxins (initially arsenic, lead and mercury)


  • Contrary to usual pattern, the IgM level fell gradually from 2700 to 1800, remaining stable for 4 years

  • More recently it begin to rise again; further elimination of toxins made stabilisation possible


For 10 years bioresonance therapy has helped keep the patient stable and prevented any further advance in the disease, ruling out the need for chemotherapy.

3.2 Curative

3.2.1 50-year-old female patient with breast cancer

Case history

  • 2011 mastectomy due to breast cancer (invasive poorly differentiated ductal Carcinoma)

  • Lymph node metastases (7 pos. lymph nodes)

  • Chemotherapy and radiation therapy refused

  • Several root-treated teeth

  • According to mainstream medical practitioners, no chance of survival without chemotherapy and radiation therapy, refused by patient


  • Good general condition, no symptoms, wound healed

  • Problems with pain from scar

  • Psychological problems related to cancer condition

Therapy and Course of treatment

  • Initially general measures: Nutrition, teeth cleansing (extraction of all root-treated teeth, ceramic implants), vitamin C and alkaline infusions

  • Bioresonance therapy with general detoxication and stabilisation of the organ systems, mycosis therapy, eliminating heavy metals, testing and follow-up treatment of dental interference foci (weekly for 1 year, then 1 x monthly)


  • Good recovery, to date the cancer has stabilised, no metastases, all follow-up checks have been normal (5 years)


3.2.2 51-year-old female patient with breast cancer

Case history

  • Several hospital visits, root-treated teeth since childhood

  • 3/2012 breast cancer, mastectomy with axilla dissection (invasive ductal cancer), 1 positive lymph node

  • Chemotherapy, radiation therapy and Herceptin infusions recommended

  • Chemotherapy discontinued after 2 cycles due to poor tolerance


  • Good general condition, no symptoms

  • Problem: increasing tumour markers in lab tests, tumour activity evident

Therapy and Course of treatment

  • General measures, BRT begun 6/12

  • Laboratory values 3.7.12: Increase in tumour marker CA 15-3

  • Early July 2012 dental cleansing with removal of all root-treated teeth, follow-up treatment with bioresonance therapy (inverse programs with original teeth, also application of CTT elimination ampoules)

  • Laboratory values 1.8.12: Tumour markers had fallen sharply, within normal range!

  • More weekly bioresonance therapy sessions to the end of 2012, then each month up to 5 October 2013

  • To date the progress of the disease has been stable, no metastases


3.2.3 52-year-old female patient with severe chronic pancreatitis

Case history

  • For years the patient had suffered from severe diarrhoea, abdominal pain and
    elevated pancreatic enzyme and inflammatory markers in laboratory tests

  • The cause was unclear, examinations were carried at the University clinics in Regensburg and Munich but the findings were inconclusive

  • Abdomen CT Dec. 2006: large inoperable tumour of the pancreas, suspected advanced pancreatic cancer!

Laboratory values

  • Elevated inflammatory markers

  • Tumour markers (CA 19-9, CEA) still within normal range, IgE and gluten —antibodies normal


  • Gluten and wheat protein allergy

  • Cows’ milk allergy

  • Gut infestation with Candida and parasites

  • Chronic Borrelia infection


  • Adjustment in diet, strict allergen avoidance. Weekly treatment with bioresonance for food allergy and the stresses from Candida, parasites and Borrelia

  • Administration of probiotics


Clinically the patient quickly felt better, the diarrhoea and abdominal pain disappeared. An abdomen CT carried out after 4 months showed the pancreas to be completely normal. The patient can eat all kinds of food again without any symptoms. She is still doing very well.

Initial findings: Abdomen CT Nov 2006


Final findings: Abdomen MRT 4 months later



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