
Chronic renal insufficiency in animals and humans

December 02, 20206 min read

Alain Christen, Veterinarian, Brügg, Switzerland

In this presentation, I would like to highlight a very important aspect of veterinary medicine.

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) currently affects a third of cats over 9 years old! Therefore, it is very common and considered the most common cause of cat mortality. In 2014, the number of cats affected in Germany was estimated at 11.5 million. So, you can see why this is such an important topic.

I graduated from veterinary school in 1985. The emergence of more and more chronic diseases, my own perfectionism and frustration at being unable to help these patients with conventional medicine lead me to search for alternative solutions.

For 13 years, I have been the lucky owner of a BICOM machine. Shortly after I finished my studies, when I was an assistant in the 90s in Geneva, I did come across some CKD cats, but they were rare and often older patients. Interestingly, they were treated with phytotherapy and immunotherapy at the time, without knowing that these treatments were, in fact, ‘alternative’.


In humans, the most common causes of chronic kidney disease are diabetes and high blood pressure


In dogs, the following causes are known:

Chronic kidney disease may develop due to the following causes, amongst others:

  • Congenital diseases, for example cystic kidneys, kidney dysplasia or, in some breeds, prevalent kidney conditions (genetic nephropathy)

  • Tumours, kidney stones

  • Immune system conditions, e.g., lupus erythematosus

  • Inflammation

  • Unknown cause (idiopathic) – this is often the case in older dogs, for example (chronic generalised kidney disease)

  • Chronic kidney disease can develop from an acute case of kidney failure if the kidneys are permanently damaged by the root cause

Acute kidney disease can be triggered by:

  • Blockage in the urinary tracts, e.g., due to a urethra stone

  • Disturbance in the cardiovascular system, e.g., from a shock, severe blood loss, severe heart diseases or dehydration

  • Severe inflammation, blood poisoning (sepsis)

  • Evidence of kidney-damaging poisons or medicines, for example, heavy metals (lead, mercury), pesticides, solvents or antifreeze

  • Insufficient bloody supply to the kidneys under anaesthesia

  • Fever, high outdoor temperature or insufficient temperature (hypothermia)

  • Infectious diseases, for example leptospirosis

Chronic kidney disease in cats (CKD)

Due to the different types of foods and the resulting metabolic anomalies, the symp­toms and treatments may sometimes differ considerably to chronic kidney failure in humans.

In cats, chronic kidney disease is caused by inflammation in the renal tubules and the interstitial tissue in the kidneys without a discernible cause (idiopathic tubulointersti­tial nephritis).

The opinions and treatment recommendations posed by conventional medicine:

As this concerns a chronic condition, the treatment must be carried out throughout life. First of all, there is food with a reduced protein and phosphorous content which makes the work carried out by the kidneys easier. Your vet will prescribe medicine to avoid too-high blood pressure and improve kidney function.

An example of the composition of renal food: Indications: chronic kidney diseases (all IRIS stages)


Grains, vegetable protein extracts, oils and fats, meat and animal by-products, eggs and egg products, minerals, vegetable by-products. Protein sources: corn gluten, poultry meal, dried egg product.


Crude protein 28.8 %, crude fat 22.3 %, strength 43.3 %

As we will see later, these foods are not appropriate as they contain too many grains. As for treatment with medicine for high blood pressure, there is little to be expected as cats are not miniature humans: the mechanisms of CKD are completely different – as we know.

Chronic kidney disease in cats, holistic stance

Holistic medicine uses the principles defined by Hippocrates: “Let thy food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”.

Those who wish to remain strong, healthy and young and extend their lifespan will do the most in all aspects: breathe clean air, practice daily skincare and exercise, keep the body cool, the feet warm and would rather heal a small woe by fasting than by medi­cine.

The most effective medicine is the natural healing power that exists within us all.


As carnivores, cats are largely dependent on animal protein, as the glucose in amino acids is the most important energy source. The enzymes used in the breakdown of amino acids are adapted to the high level of protein eaten and their activity is largely independent of the levels of protein in food, so in the case of low protein intake, cats break down their own body’s protein (mainly protein stored in the muscles) (catabolic metabolic state).

In her book “Dogs Would Live Longer If…”, Jutta Ziegler documented and explained how industrially dried cat food (made with 30 to 40 % grains) plays an important role in the development of CKD.

The composition of healthy food for cats should be:

3 – 4 % grains (if at all), meat and non animal by-products, it should not contain any additives and it must be wet.


Due to malnutrition (too many grains and too little water), waste products are pro­duced which must pass through the kidneys and over time, they will impact kidney function. Nowadays, it is scientifically known and evidenced that the frequency of vaccinations and chronic dental problems have an effect on the appearance of intersti­tial glomerulonephritis (immune system-mediated).

Relationships (The Soul)

“The goldenrod (solidago) is the specific kidney function tool. It is indicated, in particu­lar, for kidney issues which are related to painful experiences in relationships and part­nerships and in the loss of relationships.”

Is CKD incurable?

Researchers are investigating how stem cells can aid the repair of damaged nephrons in kidneys and restore kidney function. Scientists are researching how kidneys are able to regenerate and which cells are used in this process. It is still not clear which types of cells are used in kidney regeneration.


A precise diagnosis can help us apply targeted and individualised treatment:

Blood count (anaemia)

Urea, creatinine (increases if 75 % of kidney function is lost)

SDMA (symmetrical dimethylarginine), which can detect when the kidneys have lost just 40 % of their function.

Ultrasound: renal architecture, calcification, renal pelvis, shrunken kidneys, synthesis of cysts/urine for bacteriology


  • Remove blockages

  • Support, stimulate kidney function

Renes Plantavet (phytotherapy, organotherapy) Solidago/Ubichinon/Coenzyme, Protocol SUC Heel Ceres Solidago, Solidago Comp

Gemmotherapy: Juniper for calcification Mycotherapy: Cordyceps

And all preparations that you may otherwise know of

  • Trace elements, micro-nutrients “Oligotherapy”

  • Stimulate cell generation, “stem cell therapy”

  • “Renal diet”: high-value protein, reduced phosphorous, wet food

  • Care for their soul, relationships

Bioresonance therapy and CKD treatment

I believe that bioresonance is irreplaceable when treating CKD. Namely, it helps us select the individual treatment that works in “resonance” with the patient and allows us to achieve fascinating results through the possibility of “cell stimulation”.

The following programmes may be used after testing:

  • Remove blockages

  • Remove grains: 910, 900

  • Remove vaccination blockages: 991, (990)

  • Immune system blockages 953, 582, 3053.0

  • Blockages in the tissue: 433, 923, 839, 402

  • Circulatory disturbances in the stomach: 504, 3031.0

  • “Symptomatic” Nephrotic syndrome: 827, 822 weak kidney function 480, 330, 481, 482, 3078.0, 3079.0, 3080.0

  • Cell stimulation, cell regeneration: 839, 951, 3124.0, 3125.0,0

  • General drainage: Toxins 970, 290, 331, 3036.0

  • Specific drainage: Nitrate CTT ampoule; pesticides CTT ampoule with 191.0 or 197.0 or sequence 10325

  • Emotional fixations: 900

  • Chakras: 970 (1-3), 962 (4), 940 (5-7)

  • Choice of medicine: 171, also monitor with 170 so that the planned medication (e.g., organotherapy) is well tolerated!


2 cases of cats with CKD were presented. As I said, the exact process is not important here but the fact that some very young cats can be affected by CKD and that a long­term “reasonably good” prognosis can be achieved with holistic care using bioreso­nance.

I would like to thank the company REGUMED and all those who spoke here before me today. I wish you success in treating CKD in cats in your practice!


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