
Detecting the main interference fields using ear acupuncture points

April 22, 201611 min read

Dr. med. Barbara Irmler, Munich, Germany 


Using regulative natural remedies – regardless of whether these comprise acupuncture, homeopathy or even bioresonance therapy a point is often reached at which the desired advance or treatment outcome is not achieved therapeutically. This begs the question as to whether the limits of the respective methods have been reached or whether hitherto disregarded or undetected barriers to treatment have emerged.

The second problem facing therapists is the extent of the tested stresses we encounter in treating our chronically sick patients, most of whom are suffering from more than one illness. This begs yet another question: Where do I start with treatment? Which stresses have priority and which are of secondary importance in the disease process?

This presentation seeks to demonstrate how foci and treatment barriers can be detected in order to facilitate efficient diagnosis, therapy and treatment evaluation.

The interference field

Interference fields are defined as foci that affect resistance to cures and to regulative methods in particular. Interference fields manifest as minimal periods of chronic stress, which the body must balance by expending energy. The interference initially emerges in the functional area, with changes in diseased organs and laboratory parameters becoming evident only at a later stage. Moreover, it is often impossible to detect foci using conventional diagnostic techniques (laboratory, Xrays, etc.).

The first symptoms of a focus are mostly nonspecific: chronic fatigue, sleep disorders, a drop in performance, a tendency to develop infection, lengthy periods of reconvalescence following acute illness accompanied by alopecia, premature ageing and a grey pallor suggest that an interference field could be the cause.

The presence of a focus is also indicated in the event of only hesitant reactions, if indeed any, to regulative techniques, the onset of marked, initial reactions (in the worst case scenario without a subsequent healing response) or frequent recurrences.

Frequent interference fields include the teeth, lymphatic tissue and organs, temporomandibular joints, paranasal sinuses, scars, chronic inflammation, noxious substances, the intestine and mental stress.

Not all interference fields have the same intensity, and have correspondingly negative effects on the body. This is clearly illustrated in the barrel model. In the “barrel of life”, dregs that may be significant for a disease are often taken to be the inherited disease (e.g. as is frequently the case with allergy sufferers). More and more “chunks” are added throughout life such that the barrel eventually overflows. This can happen sooner or later, depending on the person’s constitution. The patient will initially experience nonspecific sensory disorders such as fatigue, poor concentration or listlessness. This will subsequently lead to individual bouts of illness. If no action is taken to eradicate stress, the acute ailments will build up and eventually portray a chronic clinical picture. As regards the symptoms, it doesn’t matter how long a chunk has been in the barrel – with a corresponding constellation, a very old scar or a tooth exposed to root canal treatment long ago can suddenly contribute cybernetically to the clinical picture.

To clearly illustrate this, traditional medicine takes a cloth and attempts to wipe the slate clean. With natural remedies, we try to establish which chunks are in the barrel and then try to fish them out. As far as the patient is concerned, the most effective approach is obviously to start by removing the boulders and ignoring the pebbles.


Discovering the interference fields

The exciting question is now how to best find and weight the interference fields (especially the hidden ones). Obviously, there’s little point therapeutically in starting with minor stress and disregarding major foci.

This is where auriculomedicine with its diagnostic options proves useful. Ear acupuncture, like bioresonance, can be used not only therapeutically but for diagnostic purposes too. All parts of the body are shown on the ear, like on a map. To put it simply, the structure of the ear resembles an upsidedown embryo (see Figure 2).


Images of the most important reflex zones are shown below for those interested in ear acupuncture: the musculoskeletal system, the internal organs to the right/left and areas in the head (Figures 3 to 6).


A specific feature of ear acupuncture is that only points that correspond to a pathologically changed organ (e.g. tooth, tonsils, etc.), have a changed electromagnetic signal, i.e. can be detected. They are often spontaneously painful on pressure.

There are several techniques for examining the ear in ear acupuncture: use of the stirrup sensor (pain elicited on pressure), the point search device (measurement of skin resistance) or the Nogier reflex, also auriculocardiac reflexes abbreviated to ACR. The ACR is a pulse reflex mediated via the sympathetic nerve. It is usually palpated on the radial artery. It is triggered when a pathologically changed acupuncture point is examined.

Interference field reference points

The first person to describe ear acupuncture and ACRs in Europe, French physician, Paul NOGIER, noticed during his examinations that the histamine point also reacted electrically on examination in patients with a very strong interference field. He subsequently concluded that detection of an active histamine point must indicate a strong interference field. He described this point as an interference field reference point. Four other reference points were subsequently detected in auriculomedicine (school according to BAHR), which highlighted weaker foci in terms of grades.

Thus, in auriculomedicine we have a kind of “alarm system” on the one hand, which gives us a rapid overview of the presence of a focus and, on the other hand, an opportunity to assess the strength of a focus.

Reference points 1 to 5 are also named after the substances used in their empirical examination and detection, based on the principle of local resonance: Type 1: Histamine, Type 2: Endoxan, Type 3: Prostaglandin E 1 or in abbreviated format: PE 1, Type 4: Vitamin C, Type 5: Ginseng or laterality. The points depend on whether a person is leftor righthanded. In a righthanded person, points 2 to 5 are on the right and the histamine point is on the left, and viceversa for lefthanded people.

The histamine point (type 1) is found on the apex of the ear, the endoxan point (type 2) can be found in an extended line from the anthelix to the cheek, corresponding more or less to acupuncture point 3E 21. Interference field reference point PE 1 (Type 3) is positioned at the rear of the ear lobe near the insertion zone. The vitamin C reference point (Type 4) is approximately 2 cm above the apex of the ear, more or less on a level with the gallbladder 8 acupuncture point. It indicates a relatively weak interference field. The last reference point – laterality or ginseng (Type 5), lies approximately 3 cm in front of the tragus and corresponds to the laterality control point in ear acupuncture (see Figure 7 on next page).

Extrapolated to the barrel model, the various types of interference field can be weighted and portrayed as follows (see Figure 8 on next page):


Examination of reference points

Examination of the five reference points will provide a quick overview, which is useful for establishing the intensity of any foci a patient may have. Ear acupuncturists use the ACR for this purpose. The points are either examined electrically using a small, 3V hammer or with corresponding reference ampoules. The pulse is palpated at the same time in order to check whether the ACR can be triggered. If this is the case, it is assumed that the corresponding type of focus is present.

Many of you may (still) be unfamiliar with ACR. However, you are already working with biophysical test methods such as, for instance, the tensor technique, kinesiology and EAV.

One of the good points about natural remedies is that they all work towards a common goal using various methods – acupuncture seeks to achieve YinYang balance, homeopathy strives to restore an “unhappy lifestyle” whilst bioresonance attempts to ensure energy harmony in oscillation patterns. Ultimately they all represent different languages delivering the same message. The same applies for the test methods: the information you are looking for can be found using various techniques.

Analogy of the biophysical test methods

During acupuncture, a strong ACR is emitted when examining an “active” point. This point can be a symptom point requiring treatment (e.g. nose point in sinusitis), a focus or even an interference field reference point.

Bioresonance therapy mainly uses tensor methodology or kinesiology depending on the examiner’s preferences or the nature of the task at hand. Many examination techniques lend themselves more to kinesiology whilst others are more appropriate for the tensor method. The same result is achieved even when different test methods are used. As we can see here:

Kinesiology: Typical example: The test reveals muscle weakness on examining a stressed organ(e.g. intestine). The Candida ampoule also weakens the muscle – fungal contamination. To find out whether there is a correlation between the two, the Candida ampoule is tested via the intestine. Based on the principle, “minus times a minus makes a positive”.

Tensor technique: The tensor oscillates on testing a stressed organ: ↕, a similar result is achieved on examining a focus or substance tolerance. To establish whether the detected organ (e.g. paranasal sinuses↕) is intolerant to milk (↕), test the milk ampoule on the paranasal sinuses. This will give rise to an indicator change and the answer is positive (↔) if the assumed correlation exists.

Testing the reference points

The interference field reference points can also be tested kinesiologically or via the tensor method.

If a type 2 interference field (endoxan) exists, for instance, then the following response is obtained on examining the reference point:

Strong ACR
Tensor: ↕
Kinesiology: Muscle weakness

All five reference points are examined using the preferred test method to give a quick overview of how many foci are present and how many must be tested and classified.

Allocating reference points to the interference fields

As mentioned above, a reference point reacts in the presence of a related interference field. This is known as the resonance effect: The interference field and reference point have the same electrical or electromagnetic oscillation pattern. This enables a reference point to be correctly allocated to the corresponding focus.

The ear acupuncturist uses various aids such as a cable: One end of the cable is connected to the reference point (e.g. type 2, endoxan); the other end is used to search for the relevant focus – either via the reflex zones on the ear or directly on parts of the body. Assuming that, for instance, a scar is allocated to this interference field reference point, the other end of the cable is run over the scar. If there is a connection, a positive ACR is obtained. This is confirmed by a positive oscillation (↔) in the tensor test or a strong muscle in the kinesiology test (indicator change: minus times a minus gives a positive).

Prioritising allergy treatment and detoxification

The aforementioned test methods can also be used to weight the different stress factors. This facilitates the decision as to which allergens should be treated first or whether detoxification or microbial decontamination is a priority. The reference points are tested with the relevant stress ampoule and allocated accordingly.

Example: Stresses were detected with wheat and protein. To find out the extent of the intolerance, examine the interference field reference points with the test ampoules in succession. In our case, wheat was tested on endoxan (strong muscle, tensor ↔) and protein on type 3 PE 1. As far as the patients are concerned, this means that the wheatrelated stress possesses greater energy than the stress associated with protein. Treatment should therefore begin with wheat.

Treatment followup by testing the reference points

In a favourable treatment scenario, a focus weakens continuously. A histamine type interference field (1) is lowered, for instance, to type PE 1 (3) or vitamin C (4) and can no longer be detected at the end of treatment. The treatment course can thus be assessed. If an interference field remains stubbornly at the same level of intensity, the interference present is most probably eluding regulative methods and must be treated another way (e.g. dentistry or surgery).

Success with the treatment of a food intolerance or progress with elimination therapy may likewise be tested using interference field reference points.

Methods used in ear acupuncture can thus be incorporated into bioresonance therapy facilitating both diagnosis and treatment. This structured approach saves time and paints a clearer overall picture.


Gleditsch J. M.: Reflexzonen und Somatotopien [Reflex Zones and Somatotopias], WBV 1983.

Pischinger A.: Das System der Grundregulation [The Basic Regulatory System], Haug 1990.

Popp F. A.: Wasser und biologische Informationen [Water and Biological Information]. In Engler I.: Wasser. SommerVerlag, Teningen 1989.

Strittmatter B.: Das Störfeld in Diagnostik und Therapie [The Interference Field in Diagnostics and Therapy], Hippokrates 1998. 


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