
DNA and cell communication via magnetic scalar waves, a possible basic principle of the Bioresonance Method?

August 29, 20248 min read

Prof. Dr.-lng. Konstantin Meyl, Radolfzell, Germany

DNA generates a longitudinal wave that propagates in the direction of the magnetic field vector. Computed frequencies from the structure of DNA agree with those of biophoton radiation.
The optimisation
of efficiency by minimising the conduction losses leads to the double-helix structure of DNA¹.
The vortex model
of the magnetic scalar wave not only covers many observed structures within the cell nucleus perfectly, but also explains the hyperboloid channels in the matrix when two cells communicate with each other.
Potential vortices
are an essential component of scalar waves 11 as discovered in 1990.The basic approach for an extended field theory was confirmed in 2009 with the discovery of magnetic monopoles12. This provides the opportunity to explain the physical basis of life ¹.
With this first introduction
of the magnetic scalar wave, it becomes clear that such a wave is suitable to use genetic code chemically stored in the base pairs of the genes and electrically modulate them, so as to “‘piggyback” information from the cell nucleus to another cell. At the receiving end, the reverse process takes place and the transported information is converted back into a chemical structure. The necessary energy required to power the chemical process is provided by the magnetic scalar wave itself.

Cell communication

When two cells communicate with one another, when the information read in one cell is written to another, the question is how does the process of reading and writing and the transfer of genetic information operate from a technical viewpoint.

Since the magnetic field vector lies perpendicular to the electrical, it inevitably points axially towards the DNA strand. So the movement of the field vortex towards the magnetic field results in a longitudinal wave, which we refer to as a magnetic scalar wave (Fig. 1).

Hydrogen bonds hold together electrically polarised base pairs in a DNA strand by means of Coulomb force. To achieve this polarisation, these hydrogen bonds must be disconnected and this requires electrical field lines directed radially outwards. I am speaking here of a field vortex.


The biochemistry of the cell nucleus, the subject of outstanding research, prescribes in practical terms what we need to look for ¹.

“The coding areas in a DNA strand, the so­ called genes, make up at most 10% of the total DNA (“exons”). The remaining DNA (90%), known as “introns”, consists of uncoded DNA. lntrons were initially regarded as meaningless rubbish. Today biologists and geneticists believe that the role of this uncoded DNA lies in exposing the coded areas and regulating how genes express themselves“² .

Yet introns could also have a completely different function which we will examine in more detail in part 2.

The electrical field of the 4 bases

As we know, DNA is coiled into a double helix with a clockwise sense of rotation (type A or B). The two polynucleotide strands have opposing polarity. Hydrogen bonds form between the bases whereby adenine always forms a base pair with thymine and guanine forms a base pair with cytosin . They make up the character set for genetic information.

Chemists distinguish between the four bases by means of their structure while engineers,on the other hand, would differentiate on the basis of the different charges. The electrical charges are very low yet the distances are too, with the result that extremely high  electrical field strengths can occur, measured in volts per meter.

When at rest the hydrogen bonds follow the field strength and neutralise the difference in electrical charge between the base pairs. DNA behaves outwardly in a neutral manner and , conversely, remains unaffected by external electrical fields.

Only during the selection process are the hydrogen bonds briefly suspended and the base pair separated slightly allowing the sequence of the open charges to be read. This requires a higher electrical  field strength. The magnetic scalar wave (Fig. 1) is, for example, capable of providing the required voltage. Moreover,this is the only type of wave where the field vectors of the electrical field point radially outwards as a prerequisite for interaction with the electrical charge of the bases. The result is a modulation which is transferred on by the wave.

The circularly polarised double helix

The longitudinal wave used here is propagated in the direction of the magnetic field vector. Consequently magnetic forces develop between the vortex fields and these are responsible for the creation of wave nodes as well as for the wave advancing.

Due to the helical structure of the field vortex the field lines are not self-contained, however. They advance in a spiralling motion, similar to a circularly polarised wave (Fig. 2).


The vortex speed (speed of light c) spirals on along the external line. Since the path is more than twice the length as a result, propagating this field information in direction x produces a longitudinal wave travelling at 140,000 km/s. This is derived from the geometrical dimensions4 , firstly,of the diameter of the helix (2 nm) and, secondly, of the distance in direction x (3.4 nm) measured through one full helical turn (Fig. 1) .

The wavelength of the DNA wave

The next question is to determine the frequency and wavelength of the modulated wave running in the direction of the magnetic field vector. The observed tendency for the helix to wrap itself like a coil with two twists around spherical proteins, known as histones, provides valuable information here.

It is obvious that the two twists correspond to half the period. Consequently the transfer from one histone to the next always occurs in a wave node and therefore corresponds to half the wavelength. If one coil carries the positive half wave, then the neighbouring coil is responsible for the negative and vice versa. The alternating direction of twist from one coil to the next confirms that this assumption is correct!

The length of the DNA strand of both twists can be determined in two ways.

An average coil diameter of 10 nm is assumed for the nucleosome core particles consisting of the coil body (histone) and the

DNA molecule wrapped around it3 . The molecular length of a twist in the centre of the DNA  thread is therefore (π·10) nm and the wavelength with 4 twists distributed over 2 histones:


The values cited in the technical literature differ in some cases, as a result of the degree of concentration of the molecule. Error analysis  would help  to limit the possible range of fluctuation.

Published data observed with the help of X-ray structural analysis provide valuable information for enabling the tolerance band to be estimated5.For the second computation we must count the base pairs.

A nucleosome core particle has 146 bp (base pairs), enough for slightly less than 1.8 twists while a full twist consists of 83bp, the two together therefore making up 166 bp. Additional base pairs are required for the transfer from one “coil body” to the next. Unfortunately no reliable data are available on this. The high packing density makes it difficult to count within the condensed chromatin fibre (Fig. 3). In an open, uncondensed fibre the count is 200 bp6 .


The helix progresses along its central axis by 0.332 nm per base pair6 • Multiplied by the number of base pairs, the maximum and minimum wavelength, depending on the degree of concentration, is therefore:



The values determined here apply primarily to B-ONA.
The important result that, at frequencies around 1015 Hz,the DNA wave consists of UV radiation accords with experience from previous measurements.

Prof.Poppspeaksintermsofbiophotons anddemonstrates thattheextremelyweak UVlight transmitted by cells can be detected using highly sensitive photomultipliers9•

In his research Prof. Heine surveyed tunnel structures of the ground substance of the extracellular matrix and the values he determined match the wavelength calculated here10

Once again we see two scientists investigating the same topic of cell communication without incorporating the other’s results in their own research, despite overwhelming agreement in their results.

The reason could be that Popp places cell radiation at 126 nm in the range of the speed of light  whereas Heine works on the basis of structure-borne sound as the speed of propagation. The latter view is probably closer to reality yet there must be an explanation and it lies in the nature of magnetic scalar waves.

Longitudinal waves have no fixed speed of propagation and consequently no fixed frequency, but instead produce the abovementioned noise11•  If we wish to characterise them, we have to use the wavelength for this. This does not change even if the wave is slowed down to lowerspeeds1. The speed of propagation is in turn dependent on the properties of the medium carrying the longitudinal wave.


1-1: Meyl, K: DNA- und Zellfunk, Eine feldphysikalische Erklarung der Zellkommunikation uber magnetische Skalarwellen [DNA- and Cell Radio. Communication of cells explained by field physics including magnetic scalar waves], INDEL Veri. ( 2010

1-2: Meyl, K: DNA and Cell Radio, Double helix structure and cell communication explained by field physics, 2nd World DNA Day- China, 2011, conf. proc. p. 145

2: from L. Fredholm: ,Die Entdeckung der molekularen Struktur der DNA­ Die Doppei-Helix11 [The discovery of the molecular structure of DNA – the double helix], Science, 9/2003

3: Karp, Gerald: Cell and Molecular Biology, 4’h ed. 2005, (Molekulare Zellbiologie, 1st German edition 2005), Springer Verlag, ISBN 3-540-23857-3

4-1: ditto. (Karp, Gerald), p. 503

4-2: Jaenicke, l. (ed.): Molekularbiologie der Zelle [Molecular biology of the cell], 1st German edition, VCH Verlag, Weinheim, ISBN 3-527-26350-0, p. 109

5: Lewin, Benjamin: Genes IV, Oxford University Press, Cambridge 1990, ISBN 0-19-854268-2, page 421

6-1: Alberts, Bray, Lewis, Raff, Roberts, Watson: The Cell, 3rd ed. Garland Publishing, N.Y. 1994, ISBN 0-8153-1619-4, p. 345

6-2: Karp, Gerald: Molekulare Zellbiologie [Cell and Molecular Biology], 1st German edition  2005, Springer Verlag, p. 620

7: Alberts, Bray, Lewis, Raff, Roberts, Watson: The Cell, 3rd ed. Garland Publishing, N.Y. 1994, ISBN 0-8153-1619-4, p. 343

8: Sinden, R.R.: DNA structure and function. Academic Press, 1st ed. 1994. pp. 398. ISBN 0-12-645750-6

9: Popp, A.F.: Neue Horizonte in der Medizin [New Horizons in Medicine], 2nd ed. Haug Verlag Heidelberg 1987

1 0: Heine, Hartmut: Lehrbuch der biologischen Medizin. Grund regulation und Extrazellulare Matrix [Textbook of Biological Medicine. Ground Regulation and Extracellular Matrix], 2nd ed. 1997, Hippokrates Verlag Stuttgar


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