Early childhood developmental disorders and delayed speech development
Dr. Rolf Oesterle, MD, Specialist in Internal Medicine, Munich, Germany.
My experience with bioresonance therapy (BRT) I am particularly pleased that, on the occasion of the 60th BICOM Congress, I can and will once again talk to you about my experience with BICOM therapy. This is especially as I have been active with this extraordinary method of treatment since the very beginning.
I would like to relate my experience with the treatment of 12 children with “early childhood developmental disorders and delays in language development” in the last two years. These children all came to be treated by me after diagnosis by recognised specialists from Kiev/Ukraine.
The first case was in 2017 when I was presented with a 3-year-old boy with a pronounced speech development disorder. He had not spoken any words except for “mum” and “dad”, and only occasionally made other inarticulate sounds.
His medical history was unremarkable but using BRT I could determine a vaccination load with a6-fold vaccine. After only 2 treatments of this vaccination burden at two-monthly intervals, the boy began to develop speech and language within a few months and reached the developmental stage of children of the same age.
This was the trigger case and became known about by word of mouth to other parents, as well as to the subsequent child patients. Children with developmental disorders are typically cared for in special neurological centres in Kiev, where extensive examinations, including genetic tests, occupational therapy, speech therapy etc. are performed.
The symptoms of the disorders in these children were mainly the following:
Developmental problems in growth.
Severe developmental disorders in neurological functions, in language development and communication.
Disruption in social contacts.
Impaired perception and actions.
Aggression, eating and sleeping disorders, seizures, overreaction with throwing objects on the floor, head banging, clumsy movement, problems with gross and fine motor skills etc.
Sometimes there was also the impression of autistic spectra, although I do not wish to go into the symptoms in detail here, since our colleagues Ms He Lin and Ms Wiesendanger reported on this in detail at our last congress.
It is however worth mentioning Ms He Lin’s finding that the following factors play a major role in autism: imbalance of the intestinal flora, food allergies such as eggs, milk and wheat, and toxic exposure. I will come back to this later.
The outcomes of my tests on the 12 children were as follows:
9 children had a major food allergy to wheat or cow’s milk, namely
5 children to wheat and 4 children to cow’s milk, and
7 of these children had additional vaccination burdens.
In total, 9 of these 12 children had vaccination burdens, the remaining 3 children only had food allergies and one child had an ascarid infestation.
In 3 children, I found only vaccination burdens and no food allergies.
It is also interesting to note that several children had already been diagnosed at home with “digestive disorders and food intolerances”, in most cases as “lactose intolerant” or “gluten intolerant”. At this point I would like to say a few words about the catchwords lactose intolerance and gluten intolerance, which have become more frequent in recent years.
What is known as lactose intolerance is diagnosed either by an exposure test or an H2breath test. In both cases, a certain concentration of lactose dissolved in water is administered. In the first case, digestive disorders and diarrhoea are judged to be positive. In the H2 breath test, the detection of hydrogen in exhaled air is considered positive, as it is not normally present in exhaled air.
Several months ago an extensive study was published in our gastroenterological journal, according to which 2000 so-called lactose intolerant patients were examined in detail. It could be proven that over 70% of these patients were false positive. Why? Because the concentration of the lactose test amount was far too high, so that even healthy people showed reactions and were classified as pathological.
The concentration should have been reduced a long time ago, but has not been done so far. I myself have never treated a single patient for lactose intolerance in my 30 years of working for BICOM. Where corresponding symptoms were present, it was usually the cow’s milk itself, i.e. the milk protein.
The situation is similar with gluten intolerance. True coeliac disease is relatively rare and should be confirmed by laboratory diagnostics including genetic testing and detection of villous atrophy in the small intestine. Using gluten-free foods usually excludes wheat, so that this alone can bring about an improvement, but not a cure.
Now let us return to the 12 children from Kiev: Of course there were also cases of pollinosis, in particular ragweed, i.e. ambrosia allergies as well as other contact allergies. However, I intend to just concentrate on the main burdens here. By way of example, I will tell you about the typical course of disease and the therapy of two patients.
Child M. K., 5 years old
An “allergic dermatitis” was diagnosed immediately after a normal birth, and this worsened after the BCG vaccination. Early psychomotor development was timely, and normal development was also evident in other respects.
Postvaccinal complications occurred immediately after a diphtheria – tetanus – pertussis vaccination at 1 ½ years of age, with severe obstructive bronchitis lasting 2 months. Subsequently, regression in linguistic and mental development was observed, the rewas increased eye contact and the child stopped using gestures and language for communication. In the following period, viral respiratory diseases recurred with obstruction, aggravation of atopic dermatitis with localisation typically for cow’s milk, i.e. elbows, hollow of the knee, but also on the face and on the buttocks.
It is important to mention for the child’s medical history that it was fully breastfed for 1 year. It was not prone to reflux but it did use to cry a great deal, which can be considered typical for intestinal colic. There was also a tendency of constipation.
My tests: Cow’s milk allergy, vaccination burdens with 6-fold vaccine as well as DTP vaccine.
My therapy: Basic therapy, so-called detoxification and strengthening of the body’s own defences and immediate inactivation of the vaccination load with program 998,10 minutes.
After adhering to a 3-month diet without cow’s milk due to travel, the previously extensive neurodermatitis was largely healed, with only roughness of the skin found in some areas. Inactivation of the cow’s milk allergy was now performed with 3 treatments following colleague Marcel Riffel program sequence 10325, accompanied by other therapies such as resolving deep-seated energy blockades, detoxification, boosting the immune system etc. and, in particular, activating both sides of the brain.
I generally also use program sequence 10147, shock therapy.
When the child was seen again after 5 months, there was significant improvement and change: the neurodermatitis had completely healed. The child began to speak, several words, and the words could be much better understood. It sought closeness and contact to other children in the day care centre and its behaviour towards other children was good, without any aggression. It imitated actions that it saw on television and tried to explain them.
Child M. S., 7 years old.
Normal birth, no complications, initially normal development. However, the child cried a great deal in the first 3 months and slept badly. It also had frequent bowel cramps. According to the parents, the child appeared to stop speaking after the measles – mumps – rubella vaccination at the age of 4 months!
The parents waited until the child was 2 years old before consulting a neurologist, who diagnosed retarded speech development. It only uttered indeterminate sounds–no words–and apparently understood a lot, but could not say anything about what it heard. It wanted to communicate with other children, but, as it was not understood, became very angry and irritable.
It was given speech therapy, which enabled it to speak words and even sentences after 6 months.
Subsequently, the child suffered from frequent respiratory diseases and inflammation of the middle ear. The child was hospitalised for acute laryngitis or unexplained high fever 4 times a year. The cause of the frequent illnesses was identified as food incompatibilities such as lactose, gluten, wheat, sesame, cane sugar and protein.
It was conspicuous that, after eating foods containing gluten, it developed extensive eczema on the back of its hands. The child was therefore given a gluten-and lactose-free diet, which further improved its overall condition. However, increased susceptibility to infection continued. It also had middle ear infections several times a year.
Mytests: wheat allergy, exposure to otitis media and Priorix vaccine, i.e. measles mumps rubella. There was also a hay fever, especially against ragweed, which seems to be very common in the Kiev area.
Mytherapy: Basic therapy, so-called detoxification and strengthening of the body’s own defences and immediate inactivation of vaccine burdens and otitis media. A completely wheat-free diet was also prescribed.
When the child came back after 6 weeks for the treatment of the wheat allergy, the parents reported full of joy that the boy had had no more infections in the entire previous weeks and that a positive development had taken place. A therapy for wheat intolerance was again carried out with program sequence 10325, and hay fever was also treated. In addition, we undertook therapy to activate the two sides of the brain according to the programs in the manual.
I was also able to achieve significant success with the other children using bioresonance diagnostics and corresponding therapy, even if the course was often lengthy. There were positive personality changes: after eliminating the main burdens, i.e. food intolerance and/or above all vaccination and disease burden.
The children became calmer and more balanced, their aggression decreased, they tried to communicate and sought contact with other children, and above all their language development improved and with it their communication. The change was so rapid with one child who previously could only say “dad” and “mum”. Whole sentences were spoken at such a fast pace that the child got muddled up and the parents had to make it speak more slowly and clearly.
In another child there was such positive feedback in that the previously pathological EEG had normalised after the BRT and the neurologist recommended that the parents continue this therapy without fail.
I treated my first child with pronounced ADHD in 2009. It was a 10-year-old boy who, according to the mother, exhibited considerable weakness in writing and reading. However, there were far more deficits, as I could see from an expert report: reduced auditory and visual memory span, reduced concentration and attention span, slow working due to increased distractibility, impaired fine and gross motor skills, to name but a few of the important characteristics. He received ergotherapy and learning therapy and was supervised by a school psychologist.
I found burdens in him with Infanrix hexa, Priorix – i.e. measles – mumps – rubella as well as Medorrhinum. There was no food intolerance. The mother reported a noticeable improvement just 14 days after the first treatment.
The boy became calmer and more balanced, reading and writing improved and within a few weeks he could write good essays. He moved up to become one of the best students in his class and developed completely normally. These are of course “highlights” in BRT that perhaps please the therapist more than the patient or their parents.
Finally, a reference to indirect scientific confirmation of the symptomatology of autism and of what we have identified and developed ourselves with our BRT over many years. In July 2018, the Medical Tribune reported on a large cross-sectional study by the University of Iowa according to which children with allergies are more likely to suffer from autistic disorders.
This recent study included data from almost 200,000 children aged between 3 and 17 from the period 1997-2016. According to the study, children with autism were significantly more likely to suffer from allergies compared to those who were not affected. The risk of autism increased 2.3-fold for a food allergy, 1.3-fold for a respiratory allergy and 1.5-fold for a skin allergy.
Considering the inadequacy of diagnostic possibilities for food allergies in conventional medicine, the number of unreported cases is probably very high. Since, according to these studies, many autistic children suffer from gastrointestinal disorders, and allergen clearance can have a beneficial effect on their behaviour, the scientists assume that immunological processes in the intestine could play an important role.
The aim of my presentation was to show you the possibilities offered by BRT for the diagnosis and therapy of even such severe disease patterns and how, through consistent application, corresponding success can be achieved to the joy of the parents, but also to confirm our treatment options.