
Echinococcosis treatment using the bioresonance method

April 21, 20169 min read

Sandra Hänni, Naturopath, Täuffelen, Switzerland

The symptoms of echinococcosis range from upper abdominal pains and loss of appetite to jaundice, caused by disturbance to bilirubin metabolism, and portal hypertension.

The main organ in which this parasitic infection develops is the liver, as in 90% of cases, but infestation of the lungs and brain also form part of its clinical picture. It is mainly passed on as a result of poor hygiene from unwashed forest fruits, mush­rooms and herbs. Infection by echinococ­cus larvae produces similar symptoms to those produced by a malign tumour. Characteristic features include inflamma­tions and vascular proliferation with necrosis and cavity formation. It is thought to take 8 to 15 years from initial infection to the first signs of the disease appearing.

If a predator host, such as a dog or cat, becomes infected, the animal will display minimal symptoms, except for an acute worm stress. This is in contrast to animals of prey, such as sheep and mice, which are severely weakened during the larvae stage and succumb to the infection.

Humans are in fact accidental intermediate hosts for the fox tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis. Untreated, it is fatal in around 94% of cases.

In Europe it is prevalent in France, Southern Germany, Switzerland, Austria and as far as the western border of the Czech Republic, the Black Sea and China. The highest infection rates are recorded in the Swabian Alb region where there are 0.02­1.4 new cases per year per 100,000 inhabitants (according to Spektrum Akade­mischer Verlag [academic publishers]).


Case 1: Male patient, born 1933

A male patient, born in 1933, visited my practice in 2001. He presented with severe depression, which took the form of complete lethargy, withdrawal from everyday life and from social situations. This was in complete contrast to his lifestyle up to this point.

The patient displayed non­specific abdominal symptoms, such as a feeling of pressure and bloatedness which became more pronounced after every meal. As a result, he hardly felt like eating anymore. An emaciated, haggard man with a vacant expression on his face sat opposite me. Constant pain in the liver, stomach and small intestine regions gave him no respite, which understandably led to disturbed sleep and signs of exhaustion.

Tests using conventional medicine did not reveal any organic disorders. The antidepressants and sleeping pills he was prescribed did not improve the patient’s condition at all.

Electroacupuncture (EAP) testing revealed an acute infestation of the liver with echinococcosis and less acute signs of borrelia, toxoplasmosis and mycosis.

Using BICOM® therapy we began to treat the echinococcosis with the relevant ampoules. In the days that followed the first treatment the patient began speaking of his own accord again. After the third session his abdominal symptoms had already completely disappeared and he had rediscovered a zest for life. Programs 900 Activate vitality and 960 Autonomic Nervous System, Disorder were used at all times alongside the individually tested follow­up programs.

The sleeping pills and antidepressants were discontinued using 847 Block due to opiates, drug abuse and eliminated with 979 Reaction to synthetic substances without any negative reactions. The borrelia and toxoplasmosis were treated successfully, followed by an intestinal clean­up.

After eleven therapy sessions he started taking his dogs for walks again and took care of his wife, who is wheelchair­bound as a result of MS, which would previously have been unthinkable, given his level of apathy.

Since 2002 his health has completely stabilised and he is full of life. His wife confirmed: “Now I have my husband back!”

The fact that the man was an avid hunter could be a possible explanation for his echinococcosis infestation.

Fall 2: Female patient, born 1960

After years of fruitlessly searching for a solution to her symptoms, I was visited by a patient who was born in 1960. No one took her pain seriously, even though it affected her entire body, and her symptoms were dismissed as “psychosomatic.” Since no one could help her, she became severely depressed and even suicidal. Before this, the patient had never suffered depression, but now she had come to believe herself that it was “only” her state of mind and that she was imagining it all.

It was now clear to me that I must begin BICOM® therapy. As a supporting measure I prescribed her a tested homeopathic acute remedy beforehand so that we could better stabilise her psychological stress.

On the liver point I found a massive stress with echinococcosis and other parasites, such as plasmodia. When asked, the patient confirmed to me that she had suffered from malaria while abroad. Amoebae and a very acute stress caused by pesticides, fungicides and insecticides were also detected. Since the patient had worked for a number of years as a flight attendant I worked on the assumption that a large part of her symptoms were caused by this. (Unfortunately, in our practice this is a well­known problem affecting flight attendants.)

The patient reacted strongly to BICOM® therapy, with symptoms such as headaches, respiratory problems, sleeplessness, joint pain and abdominal complaints, despite the fact that all the elimination organs had been opened up. The initial sessions proved very difficult and required a great deal of encouragement. Nightly panic calls from the patient were not uncommon.

Finally, after 15 sessions we achieved stability. The patient was no longer getting any worse and said to me, “Now I feel myself again.”

We treated the remaining stresses, including plasmodia and amoebae, without any major reactions. Finally we eliminated the malaria prophylaxis drugs Lariam and Fansidar, which again led to a massive improvement.

Since February 2005 no further acute stresses have appeared and the single mother with two children has her life under control again without the need for medication.

As well as eliminating the tested stresses the following programs were often used: stabilisation via the 5­E kit with wood and earth elements; in the case of wood, with the liver, fatty tissue, gallbladder ampoules and in the case of earth, with the organ degeneration, metabolism, central nervous system ampoules. The following meridian programs were also used to stabilise the patient:


Case 3: Female patient, born 1968

My third and most acute case of echinococcis posed a real challenge.

The patient, born in 1968, came to my practice presenting with acute, advanced alveolar echinococcosis. The patient had already had to endure major surgery on the lungs and inferior vena cava, as well as a liver transplant. I will show you some photos so you can picture what this parasite is capable of.

According to the diagnosis the patient was given a life expectancy of six months in 1990 unless a suitable replacement organ could be found. At this point the liver had been almost completely destroyed by the echinococcus larvae.

In an operation lasting 18 hours the donor liver was implanted. Two years later and, incidentally, as the first woman in Switzerland with a donor liver, she gave birth to a completely healthy little sister for her two­year­old son.

In 1999 she suffered a recurrence of echinococcosis in the inferior vena cava. A stent had to be inserted to keep the passageway clear.

In 2004 it became inevitable that she would need an operation on her inferior vena cava. I will now show you a few images which speak for themselves.


Figure 1: Image taken when localising the tumour


Figure 2: Surgically removing the tumour


Figure 3: Final incision to separate the tumour


Figure 4: Photo of the tumour showing the inferior vena cava


Figure 5: Photo detailing sections of the stent


Figure 6: Photo of the removed tumour


Figure 7: Indication of size

At our first meeting the patient explained to me that the assumption was that the echinococcosis had now infected her brain and the transplanted liver and lungs again. This was despite the fact that she was taking Zentel, a form of medication to clear parasites, which caused the patient to suffer acute diarrhoea. As a result of this major surgery and the shattering prognosis, and with no improvement in sight, she lost all hope of getting better.

Echinococcosis tested positive on all EAP points measured! Since we were working under enormous time constraints, in addition to BICOM® therapy and the fox tapeworm ampoules I used a zapper with a special programmed echinococcus multilocularis chip based on 441 kHz to 462 kHz. This was used to try to stabilise the situation more quickly.

Here too the patient’s condition deteriorated dramatically at the start of BICOM® therapy. Increased susceptibility to infection, no doubt exacerbated by Prograf, the other drug she was prescribed as prophylaxis against liver rejection. For up to a week the patient lay in bed with flu­like symptoms. One BICOM® therapy session initially applied just to stabilise the patient and open the eliminating organs, such as meridian flooding, plus basic therapies after the conductance test, were sufficient.

Follow­up programs frequently used were the liver program 430, lymph activation 930 and general toxin elimination 970,

Of course, follow­up therapies were tested individually and adapted to the patient’s current state of health.
In July 2006 the patient underwent a routine examination at the hospital using a positron emission tomography (PET) scanner. By injecting a radioactive sugar compound, which is chemically altered with fluorine­18 (fluorodeoxyglucose, FDG), usually into the vein in the arm, images of the pathological processes can be seen based on how quickly the sugar is burned.

To the surprise of all present the result was negative except for a small, active point on the liver. After just ten BICOM® sessions this was an excellent result.

Now orthomolecular substances were used at the same time with the bioresonance therapy. These were also all tested with EAP on the patient. Humic acids to bind toxic substances and produce a liver­regeneration action and lysine to fight infections and chronic inflammations were prominent. The doctor treating her was able to reduce the dosage of immune suppressants. However, following her liver transplant it would never be possible for the patient to stop taking Prograf altogether.

In October 2007, after a personal consultation with the doctor treating her I received confirmation that in the past year,

i.e. since the start of treatment, no further secondary foci had formed. It appears that her long period of suffering has come to an end.

Once serological tests confirmed that Zentel was no longer present the patient informed her doctor and me that she had not been taking the medication since the start of treatment.

The patient works for one day each week and starts training to be a receptionist this spring. From being completely unfit for work and suffering pain and tiredness bordering on exhaustion she is now making a new start, full of renewed energy. This confirmation is reward enough for this wonderful method of treatment.

Through BICOM® therapy I was able to successfully treat the patients in these three cases, two of which their doctors had classified as psychosomatic cases. The therapy gave these people back their quality of life. In the third case an encouraging result was achieved using mainstream medicine accompanied by BICOM® therapy.


infections in Animals

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