Energetic blockages and stressful information through pharmaceuticals in the human sector

Some pharmaceuticals and their additives can cause side effects and thus lead to physical stress on the elimination organs or even entire organ systems. The resulting symptoms are then often treated with additional medication.
Side effects and intolerances can also arise due to drug interactions. The fact that many older patients have impaired kidney or liver function can lead to the symptoms becoming even more pronounced. When undergoing bioresonance therapy, please remember that the elimination organs should be opened before any therapy with stressful information.
Vaccinations can also have direct side effects or interact with other medications. In addition to the physical level, the energetic level and the information level can also be influenced by pharmaceuticals. This manifests itself in energetic blockages of the meridians or chakras and in generally incriminating information.
Even if a drug or a vaccination has already materially disappeared from the organism due to its half-life or elimination speed, the information of this substance can still block all levels for years or decades as stressful information and thus lead to disturbances in the energy flow and in the self-healing powers.
Cell communication can be disrupted by such harmful information, which is why we as bioresonance therapists should specifically look for it.
The new KTT test set “Pharmaceuticals and Neurology” helps us in this search. This test kit is a revision of the “Vaccinations, metals and miscellaneous” test kit. It is used to test and treat stressful information from medication and vaccinations as well as energetic disorders in the nervous system.
All previous vaccine ampoules have been completely updated and provided with additional information. New substance groups have been added to the “Pharmaceuticals and drug additives” section and new information has been added to existing ampoules. The “Neurology” section contains ampoules with information on individual parts of the nervous system and there are also pink-coloured harmonisation ampoules that contain a lot of new information.
This test kit contains:
23 green ampoules (black font) with vaccination information from the human sector
12 green ampoules (white font) with vaccination information from the veterinary sector
7 blue ampoules (black lettering) with information on pharmaceuticals and additives
8 yellow ampoules (black lettering) for testing & therapy of energetic blockages in the
blockages in the nervous system.
This information can burden the organism and block self-regulation.
10 pink-coloured ampoules (black lettering) with harmonising information to help to alleviate the side effects of pharmaceuticals and vaccinations and to stabilise the organism.
This removes the energetic blockages and the harmful information can no longer block cell communication. This clears the way for the organism’s self-healing powers and self-regulation.
The ampoules highlighted in green are tested and treated with an
Ai programme (191 or 197).
In general, ampoules that show a common resonance can also be treated together.
The ampoules with a pink background are tested and treated with an
A programme (192 or 198).
The yellow and blue ampoules can be tested and treated with A or Ai.
The resonance to the energetic testing of the relevant information with an
A programme (192 or 198) corresponds to a harmonisation of the organism in the case of
superficial stress, while the response to testing with an
Ai programme (191 or 197) corresponds to a provocation and indicates deeper stress or
energetic blockages in this area.
Following therapy type Ai, the latter should be harmonised again with therapy type A using
the pink-coloured ampoules.
Note on the KTT-Digital:
This test kit also has an automatic mode. However, you can also test the ampoules individually using the “Test individual substances” button. Please note that the test mode (A 192 or Ai 191) is not set automatically, but must be checked and set manually for each test with a new test set!
Use of “native” pharmaceuticals in testing and therapy
If we use the original preparations that the patient has received for testing and therapy with the bioresonance method, this is of course still better than an ampoule. For testing with the bioresonance device we use programme 170 / Ai and 171 /A alternatively programme 191 /Ai and 192 /A.
If there is a resonance to the preparation to be tested in the input cup on programme 170 / 191 Ai, it can be assumed that the tested preparation is a burden for the patient or that there is an intolerance. Resonance on programme 171 / 192 A means that the tested medication is expected to have a benefit or harmonising effect for the patient.
Thus, a test in which there is no resonance to 170 / 191 Ai, but resonance to 171 / 192 A means that the tested preparation does not contain any harmful information and is likely to benefit the patient. For example, one also tests whether a dietary supplement is useful from the point of view of energy and information medicine.
If there is an intolerance or in criminating information from a medication that is indispensable due to the animal patient’s clinical picture, this incriminating information can be treated by adding the preparation to the input cup and using an Ai programme such as 998.
The patient is connected via the output of the device (modulation mat) and thus receives therapy at the same time. Of course, the drainage organs should also be opened beforehand. Alternatively, Trace Elements, for example, can be loaded with the desired information in the output cup, which the patient then takes in parallel with the normal intake of the preparation.
In this way, incriminating information from medicines, vaccinations and other pharmaceuticals can be tested and treated. Treatment of this incriminating information can lead to a significant improvement in the symptoms of many different illnesses even after many years, especially if the blockage has been affecting the energy system for a long time.