
Energy blockages in quantum medicine

January 29, 202212 min read

Ljudmila Vukosavljević,, Belgrade, Serbia

Dear BICOM therapists,

I am glad to be able to share with you some of my experiences in working with the Bicom.

While working with my patients, and from personal experience, I realized the impact of emotions on our health. Often, the results in allopathic medicine are fine, and patients still have problems and cannot find the reason for such a condition, which disrupts their daily lives. Some health conditions are treated with medication, but without a long-term effect.

This, of course, affects the mental health of patients and introduces them into a “vicious circle”.

At the beginning of my work as a doctor, I was mostly focused on the physical health of my patients, so that over time I realized how necessary it is to include the emotional part in both diagnosis and therapy.

As an acupuncturist, I am very guided by the knowledge I have acquired in this area, including knowledge related to chakras such as energy centers, crystals, Bach essences, Schüssler salts … Priority in my work are test sets 5E, Neurological set, Bach essences, Metabolism and Psycho-energetic-balance set.

After an introductory history that can really give us a lot of information, in terms of where the problems are, which side of the body is more loaded (Yin or Yang side), which meridians pass through the loaded regions, at which time the problems are most pronounced (organ clock), BBC2 facilitates work in terms of faster diagnostics. What I also include when reviewing is a quick scan of the most important EAP points. I always end therapies with the EAP Finder, which has proven to be extremely effective in my daily work.

The organ clock plays a big role in my work. I always ask patients when they go to sleep, if they wake up during the night, at what time of day they feel a lack of energy. These are data that speed up my decision which meridians will have priority in resolving emotional imbalances.



Anger (both frustration and resentment) affect Li, Joy affects He, Anxiety affects Lu and SP, thoughtfulness affects SP, Sadness (grief) affects Lu, Fear affects Ki and BL, Shock affects Ki and Hr, Love affects Hr, Hate affects He and Li, Lust affects He, Guilt affects Ki and He.


Lack of activity impairs Qi – Qi deficiency or stagnation

Excessive mental work damages the spleen, and physical KI, LR and HT

Excessive sex damages the kidneys. Excessive striving for power (usually out of fear and insecurity) damages the heart. Trauma leads to stagnation of Qi and Xue.


Depending on the month in which the patient has problems, we get data on the possible load on the organs and meridians.

For diagnostics, I use abbreviated testing of EAP given points:

1. 4th point AL (Allergy meridian acording to dr Voll)

2. 5th point AL (Allergy meridian acording to dr Voll)

3. 7th point ND ( Nerve degeneration acording to dr Voll)

4. 4th point CT (Connective Tissue or OD-Organ degeneration acc. to Dr Voll)

5. 1st point TW (3E) (Triple warmer, classical acupuncture meridian related to hormonal regulation).

7th point ND is very important for all loads, including allergies, intolerances to food … Sometimes we do not notice major imbalances on the allergy meridian, but if the meridian of nerve degeneration is loaded, it can be a significant indicator of what is a priority in work. The load on this meridian is often seen especially in very tired patients with reduced concentration and focus. They report problems such as fog in the head, heaviness in the eyes, muscles …


Which hand I will test, left or right, I determine depending on the patient’s difficulties. I am testing a side with multiple loads. I use this for quick testing as a supplement to other diagnostic options.

New psycho-energetic-balance sets also speed up the testing of meridians and emotions.

By classic testing with the EAP technique and determining the most burdened meridians, I suggest that patients tap on certain acupuncture points (EFT method- Emotional Freedom Technique)

Chakras represent energy centers. They are connected to organs or glands. They mainly communicate with the physical body through the endocrine and nervous systems. There are seven main chakras and many smaller, secondary ones.

The first chakra-root or base

The second chakra-sacral

Third chakra-solar plexus

Fourth chakra-heart

Fifth chakra-throat

Sixth chakra-forehead chakra or third eye

Seventh chakra-crown

What I find in many years of work with patients is the loading of the solar plexus and heart chakra as a priority. When those two chakras are balanced, the others arrange themselves.

I fined these program through individual testing, which proved to be very applicable in a large number of patients with an imbalance in the heart chakra:

H+Di, man.BP, const.amplification, H 0.30, Di 9.00, frequency 528 Hz, wobble yes, interval yes, time 6 min.

Input: flexible applicator to the heart chakra

Output: MM

I often use LDF chakra programs according to S.Rauch as well as S.Maquinay and J.Hennecke, also their program presented at 1st Online Congress: Input-thymus, heart area

Output: MM back

H+Di, low deep frequency, bandpass sweep speed 133 sec, amplification const., H 1,9 + Di 28,0 therapy time 12 min. I also use programs 970.2 (1-3 chakra), 962.0 (4 chakra), 941.0 (5-7 chakra).

Emotions and crystals:

Blockage-jade, depression-azurite, lapis lazuli, sodalite, moonstone, harmony-moonstone, ruby, emerald, intuition-amethyst, ruby, opal, exhaustion-rose quartz, topaz, citrine, concentration-sapphire, tourmaline, melancholy-onyx , guilt-sodalite, subconscious fear-aventurine, jade, emerald, black tourmaline, psychosomatic diseases-aventurine, self-confidence-citrine, ruby, carnelian, constant fatigue-rose quartz, fear-rose quartz, sodalite …

Case 1: S.C. woman, 43 years old, widow, without work and health insurance, presents due to lumbar pain, difficult movement, open wounds on the lower legs, itching all over the body, urticaria that appears and disappears without an indication of what causes it, depressed mood … Before her husband’s death, she was in good health. There is nothing from the medical records.

BRT test results:

5E– ampoules EARTH and WATER

Psychosomatics / Neurology – acute neuralgia, vegetative nerve pain, endorphins, cortisone / cortisol, stabilization of the psyche, shock, / vegetative dystonia, stress, against external influence. The candida-mix ampule was positive only in combination with the stress ampule, tested on prog. 191 (Ai) as a provocation.

Orthopedic set- Th 8 (connected to the meridian St), L3 (connected to the meridian LI), L4 (connected to the meridian Si), acute load.

Allergic loads – ampule Histamine, stress, the main allergen is milk

Control and metabolism – limbic system, ampules seven levels – emotional

Psycho-Energetic-Balance: Liver-inability to act, despair (Yin tableau), Large intestines-inability to let go (Yang tabelau). Emotional abdominal brain/process trauma, courage and stability(Yang tabelau).

1st therapy:

Black ampule against external influence on 192 prog., Chip

10133 patient with blocked reactions, Ch2 stress, honeycomb ampoules seven level-emotional

3017.0, Ch2 Rescue remedy (ampoule Bach flowers)


H+Di, man.BP, const.amplification, H 0.30, Di 9.00, frequency 528 Hz, wobble yes, interval yes, time 6 min.

Input: flexible applicator to the heart chakra

Output: MM

900.1, Ch2 rose quartz

Only for the first prog. is a stored chip. Other programs were memorized over water (glass bottle on chip memory device). The patient was recommended to drink water in the next few days as needed.

2nd therapy (after 3 days):

10046 Ch2 toxin elimination


561.0, 562.0 Ch2- Intestinal flora to improve

192 prog. Bach flowers-agrimony, oat

3rd therapy (after 7 days):

  • I used prog. 127.1 , test the amplification and time.

  • Input: adhesive applicator on the acupuncture point LI 11, Output-MM back

  • PS 10325 Input: Candida mix and Milk , Output: MM

  • Program for Spleen (S.Maquinay and J.Hennecke): H+Di, Bandpass SW, Amplification SW inc., H 6.30, Di 2.00, SW speed 220 sec, SW speed 30 sec, interval yes, time 4 min.

  • Input: adhesive applicator to the acupuncture point Sp 6 (this is not the original recommendation but my choice)

  • Output: MM

  • At the end of therapy I put patch with small magnet (or you can use patches with seeds) on Shen Men acupuncture point (auricula)

  • Indication

  • Shen Men is considered a Master Point and is used with many other ear points for a variety of reasons. Some common uses of this auricular point include anxiety, stress, depression, insomnia, pain, addiction and detoxification.

Some acupuncture practitioners call Shen Men the most calming and relaxing ear point and is used with all ear point treatments.



Shen Men, also known as the Spirit Gate or Divine Gate, lies in the valley called the triangular fossa. To locate this point, follow the anti-helix upwards to where it splits into an upper and lower branch. At the center of where it splits Shen Men is slightly inward and upward.


4th therapy (after 7 days):

915.2 Remove energy blockages, Ch2 scar (skin/organs)

570.1 Increase the power of resistance

10327 Input cup: Ampules Light and hope, Courage and Stability.

Output: MM

The chip is used to store the session. Place of setting on the seventh cervical vertebra (connected to the Pc meridian, emotions, confusion, anger, helplessness).

I ended the therapy by activating the start and end points according to Dr. Voll, using the EAP Finder.

The patient felt improvement after the first therapy. After the second therapy, all the symptoms began to subside. After the third therapy, there were no physical problems. Seven days after all the therapies, the patient told me that she had found a new job, that she felt great and that she looked at many things in life from a different angle.

Case 2: M.N., a 44-year-old woman. She has a 12-year-old son and an older husband. She comes to me due to depression which, as she says, lasts for years. She is constantly worried about her son and husband. Her job is not particularly stressful, but she sees it that way. The first depressions appeared in her early youth, but she did not pay much attention to them. Later, due to the impossibility of functioning, she visits a larger number of psychiatrists and receives allopathic therapy, which does not help her significantly. After that, he decides to be treated with phytotherapy, but the improvements do not last long.

During the anamnesis, I notice changes on her hands, which are dry, very red and cracked. She says that these changes took place several years ago. The doctors she visited gave diagnoses such as Contact Dermatitis, Neurodermatitis, Atopic Dermatitis. She used corticosteroids and skin hydrating creams without much improvement. She denies other difficulties. All lab findings are in order.

The patient reports that she has sudden attacks of hunger, especially the need for sweets. No extra pounds.

BRT test results:

5E– ampules EARTH and METAL

Spleen, pancreas, skin, large intestine

Psychosomatic/Neurology– Candida mix, water vein, cow’s milk, wheat, cortisone / cortisol, stabilization of the psyche

Allergic loads – ampoule Histamine, stress, yeast, wheat, milk, house dust, lamb, pork, sweeteners, colors, flavors.

Bach flowers- aspen, cerato, larch, mustard, solar plexus, rose quarts

Testing EAP- chr. Li, NS, Pc, Si

BBC2 testing shows high entropy points on the pancreas and duodenum.

Schussler salts– Potassium sulfuricum D6 (Very important for the skin and liver. It is needed by the adrenal gland, it helps with digestion and tension in the stomach. The lack of this salt is characterized by the need for fresh air. Worsening of symptoms occurs by staying in closed and stuffy rooms. This is salt for so-called third stage of inflammation. This salt regenerates the mucous membrane. People with a deficiency of this salt are not in mental balance. They feel a constant need to meet the expectations of others. They act as if there is no place in their lives for happiness, love, joy … they do not see a way out of problematic situations. This helps in balancing, realizing one’s own identity and concentrating on important things in life.)

1st therapy:

10251 Ch2 ampule Earth

915.2 Ch2 Water vein

10046 Ch2 toxin elimination

192.0 (A prog.) Input cup: Larch, mustard (Bach flowers). Output: MM

2nd therapy(after 7 days):

3017.0 Ch2 rose quartz from Gemstone therapy (Substance complex)

Solar plexus by S.Rauch:

H+Di, low deep freq., bandpass 240 sec, wobble yes, amplification sym,

Di 2.0, speed 25 sec, time 12 min. Ch2/ citrine

3084.0 Stress reduction somatogenic, general


Ch2 Substance complex- Potassium sulfuricum D6

Shen Men point

Programs were memorized over water (glass bottle on chip memory device). The patient was recommended to drink water in the next few days as needed.

3rd therapy:

Meridian program chr. Spleen/pancreas 301.1

3036.0 Regulate detoxication. Input: adhesive applicator on the acupuncture point SP9. Output: MM

  • 10325 (pahogenes Ai) Input cup: Candida mix, wheat, milk. Output: MM

  • 447.0 Improve nutritient splitting in small intestine

Ch2 Substance complex: intestinal flora to improve

I ended the therapy by activating the start and end points according to Dr. Voll, using.


4th therapy:

S.Maquinay and J.Hennecke program presented at 1st Online Congress:

Input-thymus, heart area

Output: MM back

H+Di, low deep frequency, bandpass sweep speed 133 sec, amplification const., H 1,9 + Di 28,0 therapy time 12 min.

Program for liver:

H+Di, bandpass man., amplification-SW inc., Di 1.00, frequency 93 kHz, SW speed 45 sec., interval yes, wobbel yes, time 4 min.

Input: liver, Output: MM

PS 10110 Nerval attenuation, adults

Ch2 Substance comlex -Goodies- Energy boost nerves

5th therapy:

H+Di, man.BP, const. amplification, H 0.30, Di 9.00, frequency 528 Hz, wobble yes, interval yes, time 6 min.

Input: flexible applicator on the heart chakra

Output: MM

3089.0 Mucosal regulation, Ch2 substance complex-Goodies- vitamins circulation

570.1 Increase the powers of resistance

10197 Improve oxygen absorption

10006 Regulate adrenaline secretion

Prog. 192(A),test ampitude and time.

Input cup: Ampule- stabilization of the psyche

Output: MM

Shen Men point

The patient is without problems for a long period of time. She comes from time to time to maintain balance.

Every day, my Bicom device proves its possibilities of diagnosis and therapy in cases that were not recognized in allopathic medicine.

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