From the practice for the practice
Esther Röder, Naturopath, Hofbieber/Schwarzbach, Germany
Today I will present four different cases from my practice whereby patients were able to experience noticeable improvements after treatment(s) with the BICOM optima after a short amount of time.
Testing/treatment procedure
Determination of the energetic status, tensor test (printout in the RTI booklet)
…where is the limit of the person’s body reached, where is the “congestion” most noticeable (specific questions for the best possible body therapy)
… what does my counterpart need here and now (intuition, gut feeling)
… find out the exact time for the body (tensor), when accompanying therapy can be used with various substances (e.g. Sanum-Kehlbeck, Kattwiga, Laves, Dr. Clark, Orthomol, Wala, Bach flowers …)?
To what extent could BBC help?
1. Case study
Marie: 1 year old, neurodermatitis combined with extreme itching all over the body and pustular formation, sleepless nights with lots of crying and restlessness. After approx. 5 months she was allowed to eat anything that could be found in the fridge.

First session with BICOM bioresonance therapy, duration approx. 90 minutes
Current situation
Overweight, nervous tension throughout the body, very sluggish behaviour displayed during body movements. Nocturnal convulsive sobbing and severe flatulence.
Fungi = candida, mildew
Bacteria = Escheria coli, Campylobacter coli, Helicobacter
Chemicals = Aflatoxin, Pesticide, PCB
Metal = chrome, lead, copper
Individual testing (tensor) of the therapy parameter(s), the treatment time and the placement of the applicators
Basic therapy 3133. / Ai + A / 4 min / channel 2 neurodermatitis / left palm with adhesive applicator
Basic therapy 133. / Di / 6 min / channel 2 neurodermatitis / left palm with adhesive applicator
Chronic liver meridian 311. / H / 4 min / channel 2 liver autoimmune / applicator see BICOM
Inflammation 3037 / H / 12 min / channel 2 neurodermatitis / applicators on the abdomen and lungs
For home
Change of diet to goat milk, spelt and millet porridge, potatoes with courgette, pumpkin, aubergine and linseed oil until our next meeting in 3 weeks
Individual Bach flower mixture with 2 x 15 drops per day
Second session, 3 weeks later, duration about 40 minutes
Intestinal treatment with lumbar spine complaints 560. / H + Di / 8 min / channel 2 gut-regulation / applicator see BICOM
Metabolic disorder 3106. / Di / 10 min / channel 2 acidosis / applicator see BICOM
Allergy therapy histamine intolerance 984. / Ai + A / 12 min / channel 2 acidosis /applicator see BICOM
Inflammation 3037 / H + Di / 10 min /channel 2 small intestine autoimmune /applicators on the abdomen, bronchi and spine
Marie experiences less itching during the day, only a few slightly reddened spots and is physically less tense. At night, she is still struggling to sleep due to crying and restlessness.
Third session, 3 weeks later, duration about 40 minutes
Gallbladder meridian gall bladder chronic 371. / H + Di / 7 min / channel 2 biliary colic / applicator see BICOM
Nerve regulation 3074. / Di / 12 min / channel 2 nerve building / applicator see BICOM
CNS disorders 940. / H / 13 min / channel 2 stress / applicator see BICOM
Skin appearance is completely normal and itching is no longer present. Marie’s abdomen is only slightly bloated.

Additional information for home
Passiflora suppositories and globules from Wala with individual intake if necessary.
Fourth meeting, 4 weeks later, duration about 40 minutes
Improve intestinal activity 830. / Ai / 8 min / channel 2 intestines / applicator see BICOM
Intracellular stress 3460. / A / 8 min / channel 2 stress / applicator see BICOM
Stress agitator 978. / Ai + A / 10 min / channel 2 stress / input cup: bacteria and fungi
Current situation
At this point, Marie was also allowed to eat organic meat. Her mother (Nicole) has maintained the goat’s milk.
About 2 weeks after their appointment Nicole, called me to tell me that Marie only woke up once last night. You can only imagine what that means for the whole family if everyone is sleeping better.

2. Case study
Sophia: 5 years old, extremely weak immune system, was sick all year round for about 1 ½ years with a cough, cold, and aching limbs, cries often, is very affectionate, tired, pale, gaunt, development has been delayed throughout her body.
First session with BICOM therapy, duration approx.90 minutes
Current situation
Parasites = ascaris, strongyloides, aspiculuris, oxyurs
Viruses = Rhino, Adeno, Borna, Epstein Barr, Variola
Fungi = Candida, Aspergillus, mould
Bacteria = Streptococci, Enterobacter, Staphylococcus, Chlamydia,
Vitamin, mineral and trace element deficiency
Individual testing (tensor) of the therapy parameter(s), the treatment time and the placement of the applicators.
Basic therapy 3133. / Ai + A / 5 min / channel 2 neurodermatitis / left palm with brass applicator
Basic therapy 133. / Di / 8 min / channel 2 defensive increase / left palm with brass applicator
Small intestine chronic 291. / H / 4 min / channel 2 small intestine autoimmune /applicator see BICOM
Inflammation 3037 / H / 12 min / channel 2 neurodermatitis / applicators on the abdomen, bladder, lungs, heart and kidneys.
Only the inflammation program was stored on a chip and she should wear it on her shirt in the navel area as she has a very sensitive skin
For daily intake at home
Parasitus X with 3 x 8 drops in water before eating.
Second session, 2 weeks later, duration about 40 minutes
Sophia processed the first session very well physically. Her mother could already notice that she was less clingy or tearful.
Deep blockades 3017. / A / 6 min / channel 2 stress / applicator see BICOM.
Intestinal treatment with lumbar spine complaints 822. / Di / 7 min / channel 2 small intestine autoimmune / applicator see BICOM.
Stress agitator 978. / Ai + A / 12 min / channel 2 defence increase / input cup: parasites and fungi
Inflammation 3037 / H + Di / 15 min / channel 2 defence increase / applicator see BICOM
Third session, 2 weeks later, duration about 40 minutes:
Eliminate scar-internal 900. / H + Di / 4 min / channel 2 scars / applicators on the abdomen, heart and lumbar spine
Eliminate scar-internal 910. / A / 5 min / channel 2 scars / applicators on the abdomen, heart and lumbar spine
Meridian lung chronic 211. / H / 6 min / channel 2 pneumonia / applicator see BICOM
Stress agitator 978. / A / 10 min / channel 2 defence increase / input cup: parasites and fungi
Inflammation 3037 / H / 15 min / channel 2 Vitamin B / applicators on the abdomen, heart and lumbar spine
Sophia hadn’t had an infection for a month, which was a blessing as now she was able to finally go back to kindergarten.
Her mother ensures she gets a balanced diet every day.
The test with the tensor showed that Sophia has started to process the food better.
Fourth session, 4 weeks later, duration about 40 minutes
Electro-smog radiation exposure 701. / A / 6 min / channel 2 water veins / applicator see BICOM
Liver meridian chronic 311. / Di / 6 min / channel 2 liver autoimmune / applicator see BICOM
Intracellular exposure 3460. / A / 10 min / channel 2 iron deficiency / applicator see BICOM
Stress agitator 978. / Ai + A / 10 min / channel 2 iron deficiency / input cup: parasites and fungi
For at daily intake at home:
Colibiogen for children / Laves with 1 x 1 teaspoon. ca. 30 min before a meal
Fifth session, 4 weeks later, duration about 40 minutes
Pancreatitis chronic 829. / H + Di / 7 min / channel 2 chronic pancreas / applicator see BICOM
Metabolic disorder 3106. / H + Di / 8 min / channel 2 acidosis / applicator see BICOM
Metabolic disorder 3107. / A / 12 min / channel 2 acidosis / applicator see BICOM
Stress agitator 978. / Ai + A / 10 min / channel 2 defence increase / input cup: various bacteria
Current situation
In total, it took us about 12 weeks to help get Sophia’s body to a higher oscillation with BICOM therapy, so that her immune system relearned what it should/was allowed to do.
Currently, we see each other every 3 months to prevent toxin overload. She goes out alone to play, does not constantly look for her mother and has started to try out things herself, she has also become more courageous and energetic.
3rd Case study
Edwin: 13 years old, severe headaches and abdominal pain, usually absent from school once to twice a week making a transfer to the next year very difficult for him as he can hardly concentrate and follow the lessons. Comes home from school exhausted and needs to sleep for 1-2 hours. He is overweight because he lacks the exercise that his body urgently needs. He’s on his phone a lot, which provides him with an escape.
First session with BICOM therapy, duration of 120 minutes
Current situation
Parasites = Lepidoglyphus mite (plum), Ascarius, Oxyurs
Viruses = Coxsackie, herpes, Epstein Barr, glandular fever
Fungi = Candida, Tricho-phyte, Aspergillus
Bacteria = Helicobacter, Rickettsia, Campylobacter
Metal = chrome, nickel, aluminium, lead, copper
Chemicals = PCB, pesticides, vaccine contamination, drug additives
Individual testing (tensor) of the therapy parameter(s), the treatment time and the placement of the applicators
Basic therapy 3133. / Ai + A / 10 min / channel 2 stress / left palm with brass applicator
Basic therapy 133. / Di / 10 min / channel 2 stress / left palm with brass applicator
Liver meridian chronic 311. / H / 10 min / channel 2 liver autoimmune
Inflammation 3037 / H / 20 min / channel 2 stress / applicators on the abdomen, bladder, lungs, heart, kidneys, brain and pituitary
For at daily intake at home:
Parasitus X with 3 x 20 drops in water before eating
Second session, 4 weeks later, duration about 60 minutes
He feels a little more comfortable in general.
Deep blockades 3017. / A / 10 min / channel 2 stress / applicators on the brain, abdomen, heart, bronchi, kidneys and pituitary
Small intestine meridian chronic 291. / Di / 10 min / channel 2 small intestine autoimmune / applicator see BICOM
Stress agitator 978. / Ai + A / 12 min / channel 2 defence increase / input cup: parasites, fungi and viruses
Inflammation 3037 / H + Di / 20 min / channel 2 stress / applicators on the brain, abdomen, heart, bronchi, kidneys and pituitary
For at daily intake at home:
One additional ampoule of Orthomol Immune once a day for parasitus X
Third session, 5 weeks later, duration about 60 minutes
Edwin would like to lose weight, but has not yet understood that you can/must do physical exercise to become more athletic or to lose weight.
He noticed that his headaches have subsided to such an extent that he has not missed school for over 5 weeks. He can handle the volume in class a little better.
Eliminate scar-internal 900. / H+ Di / 6 min / channel 2 scars / applicators on the heart, bronchi, abdomen, kidneys, brain and pituitary
Eliminate scar-internal 910. / A / 5 min / channel 2 scars / applicators on the heart, bronchi, abdomen, kidneys, brain and pituitary. Intestine with lumbar spine complaints 560. / H / 10 min / channel 2 intestinal improvement / applicators on the abdomen and lumbar spine.
Stress agitator 978. / Ai + A / 12 min / channel 2 defence increase / input cup: various bacteria, viruses and fungi.
Inflammation 3037 / H + Di / 20 min / channel 2 stress / applicators on the heart, bronchi, abdomen, kidneys, brain and pituitary. Fourth session, 8 weeks later, duration about 60 minutes
Fourth session, 8 weeks later, duration about 60 minutes
He’s doing really well physically. He’s had no more headaches since the last therapy 8 weeks ago and had lost around 2.5 kg thanks to daily exercise without reducing his food. He feels good and has moved on to the next year at school. He has also developed a taste for cooking and is motivated to do more for himself.
Metabolism meridian chronic 261. / H / 14 min / channel 2 acidosis / applicator see BICOM
Small intestine meridian chronic 221. / H + Di / 9 min / channel 2 intestine improvement / applicator see BICOM
Exposure to synthetic substances 979. / Ai + A / 12 min / channel 2 deficiency zinc /input cup: chemicals and metals
Allergy therapy histamine intolerance 944. / A / 15 min / channel 2 increase powers of resistance/ input cup: histamine ampoule / applicator see BICOM
Current situation
Edwin lost a total of 4 kg and was able to catch up well in school thanks to his regained sense of well-being. A further treatment appointment is still pending, because he feels very well and sees no need for one at the moment. I hope for his sake that he will continue to develop positively and that he will get in touch with us if problems arise.
4th Case study
Florian: 32 years old, recommended by his colleague (also a patient of mine), no previous contact with alternative practitioners because he works for a doctor and it has always gone well for him and he does not believe in homeopathy/is very sceptical about it. Now, however, his family doctor no longer knows what to do.
For about a year Florian has experienced severe upper abdominal pain with nausea, bloating, flatulence and sneezing attacks 3-4 times a day about 15-20 times in a row, meaning he was not able to drive without risk. He was only able to perform his work to a limited extent.
Then after 14 days he would experience few to no sneezing fits.
First session with BICOM therapy, duration approx. 120 minutes
Current situation
Allergy substances = house dust mite, grasses, pollen
Fungi = Candida, Cladosporium, Cryptococcus neoformans, Aspergillus
Bacteria = Helicobacter, Escheria coli, Haemophilus-influenzae, Enterobacter, Streptococcus, Rickettsia
Viruses = Varicella, Rhino, Adeno
Metal = chrome, copper, aluminium, lead, arsenic
Chemicals = pesticides, medical additives, aflatoxins, bromine
Very strong acidosis in his entire system
Drinks beer or wine daily
Cooks a fresh and balanced range of food almost daily
Individual testing (tensor) of the therapy parameter(s), the treatment time and the placement of the applicators
Basic therapy 3133. / Ai + A / 10 min / channel 2 stress / left palm with brass applicator
Basic therapy 133. / Di / 10 min / channel 2 stress / left palm with brass applicator
Meridian stomach chronic 331. / H / 10 min / channel 2 gastritis / applicator see BICOM
Inflammation 3037 / H / 20 min / channel 2 acidosis / applicators on the stomach, abdomen and lungs
For at home daily intake
Alkala T Tablets 1-1-1, Fortakehl D5 drops 2 x 10 ml with 10-10-10
He didn’t want to make another appointment, as he wanted to observe his body first and see what it does over the next few weeks. He said he would be in touch. About 6 weeks, later he let me know that he felt better in the stomach area and his sneezing fits were noticeably better. He wanted to book his next appointment.
Second session, 8 weeks later, duration about 60 minutes
I took the BBC with me in order to rule out the possibility that stress, hormonal or metabolic disorders had slipped through my fingers.
Suppression of internal scars 900. / H + Di / 10 min / channel 2 scars / applicatorson the bronchi, stomach area and right knee
Suppression of internal scars 910. / Ai + A / 10 min / channel 2 scars / applicators on the bronchi, stomach area and right knee
Gastric acidosis 442. / H / 10 min / channel 2 improve bowel / applicator on abdomen
Stress agitator 978. / Ai + A / 12 min / channel 2 increase powers of resistance/input cup: various fungi, bacteria and viruses
Inflammation 3037 / H + Di / 20 min / channel 2 stress / applicators on bronchi, stomach area and right knee
He didn’t consume beer and wine during the week and “indulged” on the weekends with 1-3 glasses. He found it good and not hard to achieve.
He told me this probably had something to do with the therapy after all. He does not understand this form of therapy, but he does not want to either and therefore wants to continue, as he had achieved more in 6 weeks than with his family doctor in a year.
Third session, 6 weeks later, duration about 60 minutes
Deep blockades 3017. / H + Di / 10 min / channel 2 deep relaxation / applicators thymus and stomach
Metabolism meridian, chronic 261. / H / 12 min / channel 2 acidosis / applicator see BICOM
Exposure to synthetic substances 979. / Ai + A/ 12 min / channel 2 vitamins Omega3 / input cup: chrome, copper and pesticides
Allergy therapy histamine intolerance 944. / A / 15 min / channel 2 defensive increase / input cup: histamine ampoule / applicator see BICOM
Florian has no more stomach problems.
Sneezing is reduced to 2-3 times in a row, so this is no longer a problem for him.
I suggested he does allergy or pollen therapy in winter ’19/20 if his sneezing does not reduce completely or if he is not yet satisfied. He’s thinking about it and wants to wait and see.
Current situation
He is very satisfied with the current state of affairs and does not want to undergo allergy therapy at this point.
Dear colleagues, I hope that these descriptions of the various cases from my practice have been able to give you the courage to recreate their success and to show you the possibilities of therapy and thus help you further.
I wish you every success with this.
Thank you for your attention!
Esther Röder