
Gingivitis: an autoimmune disease using the example of a cat

April 18, 20166 min read

Dr. med. vet. Jochen Becker, Tespe, Germany


Many of my colleagues who work with four- legged patients have already noticed that gingivitis in cats is on the increase. In my practice alone, gingivitis makes up about 10 percent of all feline disorders and the signs are that this trend is continuing to grow.

From a purely conventional medical perspective, various causes are invoked for this disease. The formation of plaque, for example, is named as the bacterial cause of gingivitis, as is so-called FORL (feline odontoclastic resorptive lesion), yet hormonal causes may also trigger gingivitis. Moreover, autoimmune disorders and viruses are discussed as possible causes of this inflammation of the oral cavity which is extremely painful for cats.

Gingivitis is frequently also associated with severe inflammation of the angle of the mandible, known in the technical jargon as faucitis. The universal view of conventional medicine is that this is the result of the cot being infected with the leucosis virus, feline Aids or some other disease which can only be detected in the blood with difficulty. There is also general agreement that treating chronic gingivitis in cats is often very frustrating and usually only possible by extracting all the animal’s teeth. However, no-one has any idea why extracting the teeth results in gingivitis being healed. Other attempts to treat the condition with conventional medicine consist of injecting the cot under anaesthetic with a regular cycle of female sex hormones and interferon, an extremely unpleasant experience for the animal producing, in some cases, only a slight improvement

As a bio bioresonance therapist the approach adopted by conventional medical practitioners is incomprehensible. Prescribing “onti” preparations symptomatically and extracting all the teeth symptomatically cannot be the solution – and ultimately does not deliver. This method was not successful in human medicine 50 years ago back in 1955, when it was thought that, to prevent rheumatoid disease, all the patient’s teeth had to be extracted. Why should it be any different today with cats?

Therapeutic approach in mv practice with bioresonance

Here too, as ever, effective bioresonance therapy consists of the following steps:

1. Basic programs

2. Releasing energy blocks

3. Treating the deficient eliminating organs

4. Indication-specific programs

5. Treating specific problems

6. Stabilising the patient

Basic programs

Gingivitis always presents as a severe inflammatory disease, in some coses with putrid exudative symptoms and causing considerable pain. Clearly this is a process which should be assigned to Yang: heat, redness, pain. Consequently the body’s ability to regulate is severely limited and, in my practice, is generally treated with the basic programs 3131.0 and 131.0. Testing the basic programs usually results in the programs mentioned above. Occasionally we find after testing that the basic programs 133.0 and 3133.0 also display “reaction­ blocked patients”. These programs are usually found in cats which have previously been given a significant amount of drug treatment and in whom program 847.0 (medication block) can also very often be found to be an energy block.


The most common block found in cats which have not previously been treated is program 530 (hyoid bone and temporomandibular joint block). Anatomically this lies closest to the brain as one of the main regulatory centres and therefore explains the influence exerted by basic program 3131 as a low deep frequency program.


In naturopathy the gum area is assigned to the “stomach chronic” 331.1 meridian and the eliminating organs belonging to the teeth are the kidneys. In testing both the “stomach chronic” 331.1 program and program 480 (renal weakness) also resonate in most cases of gingivitis.

Indication-specific programs

Naturally it always makes sense with such severe disorders to find the relevant programs by testing. However, with such dramatic and, above all, painful disorders, maximum attention must be paid to delivering help very quickly so that, even at the eat’s first visit, a start must be made directly on therapy in order to provide immediate relief.

As a result we deploy the following initial steps at this early stage in therapy:

1. Basic programs 3131.0 and 131.0

2. Blocks in animals having received considerable previous treatment,

847.0 in addition to 530

3. Elimination programs

Stomach meridian chronic 331.1 and renal weakness 480.1

4. Indication reference

Inflamed gums 511.1

Immune system

Since gingivitis is defined as an immunological process, the cause of the immune dysregulation is crucially important for subsequent therapy.

Just as with other organisms, the immune system of the cat is primarily located in the Payer’s patches of the mesocolon and therefore requires a functioning intestine with healthy intestinal flora. Consequently it is not surprising that,in a large number of affected cats, program 565.0 (regulate intestinal activity) also resonates, in addition to the eliminating organ kidney 480.1 and, when testing the five elements, the large intestine of the element metal also resonates as well as the kidney, allergy and teeth meridians of the element water.

Testing, therapy

Testing the eliminating ampoules of the human five element set generally indicates fungal infestation, impaired elimination, stressed interstitial cell tissue, viral infection and heavy metal contamination to be the cause.

When testing priority according to the CTT test method, the most important area with gingivitis is usually allergy,fungus-related. The broad meridian stresses and the various resonating combined ampoules generally represent the next stage.

Therefore, as the fifth step in the first session, I always treat the patient with program 198 without testing and, switching to a symmetrical amplification sweep, the “allergic reactions”,“fungal infestation” and “chronic stress” ampoules.

Further testing of the individual problems then reveals infestation with Candida and allergy to milk and/or sugar as the main allergen in 99% of cats with gingivitis. I often do not differentiate between the combined ampoules of the “test kit viruses/fungi” as none of the underlying substances are regarded as meaningful and I treat all the combined ampoules with program 198 and symmetrical amplification.

Since bioresonance supplies the organism with frequency patterns with which it can resonate, no negative effects are anticipated. However, it is important to recognise here the benefit of including in the treatment a problem which is possibly not a main priority.

Further problems commonly encountered in cats with gingivitis are heavy metal contamination and viral and bacterial infection.

Candida therapy

In our practice the main focus in these cases, however, is clearly Candida therapy as the first step since, after treating Candida infestation, a large number of the additional problems initially present can no longer be tested.

We treat Candida here with the following programs:

-197 with symmetrical amplification, “Candida Mix” ampoule from the viruses/ fungi en test set in the input cup


-978/998 with the Candida ampoule from the basic test set

Channel 2: Candida infestation and also

Amphotericin B

If the eat’s condition improves we do not alter anything in the first three therapy sessions, but we check again after the third therapy. Very often, when testing the five element test set, we find only the allergy and impaired elimination as combined ampoule (pink) respond.

The main allergen is then first treated three times before proceeding to treat the allergens still present.

Practical experience

All of my cats with gingivitis have recorded a marked improvement, generally after eight therapy sessions. In 32 of the 36 cats treated a full recovery was achieved (in some cases now almost a year ago) after a further six sessions. Two of the remaining four cats experienced a relapse after six months while the other two are treated once a month as a stabilising measure to keep them symptom-free.

Bioresonance therefore provides on opportunity, even with this autoimmune disorder regarded by conventional medicine as incurable, of healing the patient and sparing them a life of cruel suffering.


infections in Animals

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