
Gingivitis in the cat

October 05, 20237 min read

Marina Langhojer, Veterinary practitioner, Burgkunstadt

 Welcome, my name is Marina Langhojer, I have been working with BICOM therapy for over 8 years. Today I would like to show you, based on gingivitis of the cat, that even patients with supposedly difficult to treat or even incurable diseases can have a chance of healing with the bioresonance method.

Diseases of the oral cavity are one of the most common conditions for which cats present in my practice.

All gum diseases from gingivitis simplex, gingivitis ulcerosa to FTR can be treated excellently with BICOM therapy.

If one looks at the disease from a purely orthodox medical point of view, various causes are named: ranging from bacterial causes with tartar infestation, to hormonal causes as well as viral triggers and autoimmune diseases.

Often gingivitis, which is extremely painful for the cat, is also accompanied by inflammation of the corners of the mouth.

Orthodox medicine agrees that this is, among other things, an infection with leukosis viruses (feline aids).

Since conventional treatment is usually unsatisfactory and even the extraction of teeth rarely leads to a healing of the disease process, cat owners usually seek a therapist who treats with holistic alternatives.

Treatment with bioresonance therapy has proven to be very, very successful in my practice, not only for gum disease.

All my patients treated so far have been able to keep all their teeth, unless they had already been extracted before the start of the therapy.

What is the proven approach with bioresonance in the implementation of the therapy?

The following outline has proven useful, and not only for diseases of the oral cavity: We start with

  1. Basic program

  2. Release blockages

  3. Elimination programs/ strengthen the elimination organs

  4. Indication‐based programs

  5. Therapy of the stressful information with stress ampules (CTT)

  6. Harmonization with harmonizing ampules (CTT)

  7. Stabilization with stabilizing ampules of the 5‐element test kit (CTT).

Gingivitis usually presents itself as a highly inflammatory disease with a partially purulent exudate. Thus, we are often dealing with a Yang process. Here, the basic program 3131, 131 comes into ques‐ tion.

However, as we are also usually initially dealing with a typical “reaction‐blocked patient”, especially if the patients have previously been treated with medication (for example, with cortisone). In this case, the basic program 3133, 133 is used.

A good option is also to treat with the ampule ´Gum inflammation/gingivitis cat´. This is tested and treated with an Ai program (191 or 197).

In general, it is always advisable to follow a holistic approach when selecting a program. For exam‐ ple, one assigns the gingiva to the stomach meridian. In this case the elimination organ would be the kidney.

I feel that a combination with immunosuppressants such as cortisone is less advisable.

Proven indication‐related program numbers would be, for example, 511.1 (gum disease) and 542.2 (tooth root disease) as well as 510.2 (toothache).

An excellent tip is also the STT Test Kit Endocannabinoids, which has proven itself to be useful for all inflammatory processes, not only in the dental area. This is tested and treated with an A program such as program 192. It has also proven useful to treat the tested endocannabinoid ampules in channel 2.

Proven ultra‐low frequency programs would include 3120.0 and 3121.0 (toothache, diffuse), 3122.0 (dental root inflammation), and 3119.0 (tooth loosening).

Also, all inflammation programs, as well as wound healing programs, pathogen programs, and also all programs that affect the psyche of the cat.

In general, it can be said that all diseases of the oral cavity are also always related to the digestive system, because the oral cavity represents the so‐called cerebral intestine. This should therefore always be considered when selecting a program.

Usually during the testing, the cat also shows a weakness in the element water, which includes the teeth. In the therapy of the elements it is always important which element should be prioritized and thus should be treated first.

Channel 2 also makes up a large part of the therapy success. Tested ampules such as “Teeth” or “Kidneys” can be selected here, or also ampules such as “Bacteria killer”, “Eliminate endotoxins”, “Cell protection against bacteria” and all tested ampules from the “5 Elements Test Kit”, such as “Stomach”, “Large intestine” or “Teeth”.

Channel 2 also has wonderful stored substance complexes that can be used excellently. One sub‐ stance complex that I like to use more often is Energetic Fit Maker, as well as Joy of Life, so that the patient can find new courage to face life, since cat patients are usually not presented in a very joyful state.

If the patient is taking cortisone preparations before the start of therapy, these can also be elimi‐ nated with the help of bioresonance. An Ai program such as number 998 is suitable for this purpose.

When cortisone is eliminated with BICOM therapy, it can be phased out more quickly and there is no risk of upsetting the hormonal balance.

It should be considered that the healing success is somewhat delayed if the animal is still under the influence of cortisone.

A nice effect of eliminating medications via bioresonance therapy is that after cortisone is discon‐ tinued, the symptoms of the disease do not blow up, which unfortunately is often the case when it is discontinued without therapy.

Of course, the patient may also have reactions during or as a result of the treatment. This is not a cause for alarm, but rather desired.

Possible reactions could be that teeth which are no longer intact are rejected by the body and do not have to be extracted manually.

There may be short‐term initial reactions such as increased salivation as well as short‐term elimina‐ tion symptoms such as short‐term vomiting or diarrhea.

An indication that it is a response to therapy would be that the external symptoms appear worse in the short term, but the cat is doing much better in general. For example, the patient may salivate heavily, but is playing again and eating normally.

In the treatment and determination of the cause of gingivitis or FTR, it is also very important to test all intolerances and allergies.

Often, in addition to exposure to pathogens, allergies to cat feed also show up.

If incompatible foods are tested, it would be very important to avoid them, at least for the period of the therapy sessions.

After correct and successful therapy, the animal can usually eat the incompatible food again without negative reactions.

An excellent tip is to provide information on BICOM Trace Elements. The patient can then take these at home.

The corresponding “element ampules” from the “5 Element Test Kit” of CTT as well as ampules such as “teeth”, “stomach” or “strengthen intestinal defense” are suitable as valuable information.

Generally, all these ampules, are tested and treated with A‐programs.

In cooperative cats, it has also proven effective to apply BICOM Trace Elements directly to the gums, but in less cooperative patients it works just as well to simply add them to the food.

On average, I treat the affected cat patient with 6 to 8 treatments.

Of course, depending on the severity and tested stresses, the number of treatments may vary. None of my cat patients have had to have their teeth removed.

Cats usually remain asymptomatic for up to several years.

If recurrences occur, then it makes sense to re‐test and coordinate renewed treatments based on this.

However, in the case of recurrences, not many treatments are necessary to get the cat symptom‐ free again. Here, between one and three treatments are usually sufficient.

Another option is for persistent patients to come to therapy regularly ‐ once a month ‐ to remain symptom‐free.

In contrast to conventional therapy, this is a perfectly justifiable option. Moreover, the animals do not have to put up with any side effects from bioresonance therapy, but instead gain significantly in their quality of life.

BICOM bioresonance therapy offers a possibility to help the patient even with this disease, which is classified as incurable by conventional medicine, and to spare them a long path of suffering.

Thank you very much for your attention and I wish you continued success with your patients with the extremely excellent BICOM bioresonance method!


infections in Animals

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