Hashimoto’s thyroiditis: New aspects in diagnosis and therapy
Dr. med. Sabine Rauch, Specialist in General Medicine, Simlangsdalen, Sweden
1. General and Definition

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease that causes chronic inflammation of the thyroid gland. The disease was named after the Japanese doctor Hakaru Hashimoto (1881-1934), who first described the condition in 1912.
There are two different known types, the atrophic and hypertrophic forms, with the atrophic version being by far the most common. Both types today are generally summarised under the term ‘Hashimoto’s thyroiditis’. Both types eventually cause an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism).
Thyroid gland tissue is destroyed by T lymphocytes as a result of a malfunction in the immune process, this resulting in turn in chronic inflammation of the thyroid gland. Due to the increasing loss of healthy and active thyroid tissue, the thyroid gland is no longer able to form a sufficient number of hormones or deliver them to the body. At the start of the disease however there are also phases of overactivity so-called leaking hyperthyroidism, and sometimes Hashitoxicosis).
Detectable antibodies form against thyroid gland-specific antigens. The hormones formed in the thyroid gland are normally bound to thyroglobulin for storage. This protein is hampered and destroyed by the thyroglobulin antibodies (TgAb) that are formed. Positive TG antibodies are found in 50-60% of Hashimoto cases. In addition there are also what are known as Thyroid Peroxidase antibodies (TPOAb), which can sabotage the cell metabolism inside the thyroid gland. TPOAb and TgAb can also be detected in blood and are important elements in laboratory diagnostics. Raised TPOAb levels are found in 80% of patients. At the present time the level of antibodies does not allow any certain pronouncement about the degree of severity of the disease but does reflect the extent of immunological activity.
2. Epidemiology and Causes
Chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis is the most frequent inflammatory form of thyroid disease and the most frequent form of primary underactive thyroid. In addition it is the one of the most common autoimmune diseases in humans.
Compared with men, women are affected in a ratio of 2:1 to 5:1. At one time the frequency of the disease was greatest between the ages of 40 and 50, but today more and more children and young people are affected by the disease and the overall incidence appears to have increased rapidly during the last ten years.
There is also evidence of familial clustering, whereby only the predisposition for Hashimoto’s disease is inherited. In addition, it appears that the occurrence of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is also linked to times when hormonal changes are seen (puberty, childbirth, menopause) and also stressful situations. (1)
It is relatively certain that very high doses of iodine (e.g. contrast medium) can trigger Hashimito’s thyroiditis and can also contribute to Grave’s disease. Possible dangers arising from iodisation of food (common salt, and animal feed) are also under discussion. Also iodine-containing drugs such as Amiodarone and also drugs such as Interferon (for treating hepatitis C and multiple sclerosis) and lithium, which inhibits hormone production in the thyroid gland, can be a trigger for autoimmune thyroiditis. Excessive fluoridisation too is being discussed as a trigger, which could lead to hypothyroidism.
3. Effects on metabolism
Bone metabolism: With hypothyroidism there is a reduction in the formation of calcitonin, and so the ends of the long bones are not formed completely or not formed properly. Blood tests do not reveal this as a calcium deficiency, if the common standard values are considered.
Gastrointestinal tract: Hypothyroidism usually slows down the bowel and intestinal transit time and therefore causes chronic constipation. This leads to more frequent infections from bacteria, yeast, a malabsorption of nutrients and an increased risk of food intolerances. A poor digestive function depletes the body of the nutrients that help the thyroid gland to function properly: Zinc, selenium, tyrosine, vitamins A and D.
Lipometabolism: With hypothyroidism the adrenal gland hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline lose their effectiveness. Any fat burning becomes more difficult, because the receptors on the cells, which respond to the fat metabolising enzyme lipase, are switched off. Fat is formed considerably more quickly than is burnt, and this leads to raised levels of triglyceride and cholesterol. Losing weight is more difficult, and the sufferer feels tired and has a chronic craving for sweet and starchy foods. Muscle build-up is more difficult since the growth hormone is inhibited by the underactive thyroid.
Liver and gallbladder: Hypothyroidism causes stagnation of the detoxifying functions of the gallbladder and liver, to depleted metabolism of hormones and the formation of gallstones. Because of the inhibited liver function, this in turns leads to a reduction in the formation of active thyroid hormones.
Production of gastric acid: The production of gastric acid (HCI) depends on the hormone gastrin, which is reduced in the case of hypothyroidism. Reduced gastrin or HCI supply can lead to digestive disorders such as heartburn and flatulence. Absorption of vitamin B12, iron and calcium is impaired and this causes inflammation, lesions and infections in the intestines. Around twelve percent of people with hypothyroidism suffer from pernicious anaemia, an autoimmune disorder, in which the immune system destroys the intrinsic factor required for the of vitamin B12 absorption.
Hypothyroidism can also cause anaemia because of insufficient absorption of iron and heavier menstrual bleeding (reduced uptake of progesterone into the cells).
Protein metabolism: Protein digestion is dependent on the level of gastric acid and consequently upon thyroid function. Hypothyroidism and hypochlorhydria can lead to protein deficiency.
Glucose metabolism: The brain consumes most sugar. If glucose metabolism is deficient, then brain function is also impaired (clouded reasoning). Hypothyroidism causes a slower absorption of glucose and delayed utilisation in the cells. This leads to hypoglycaemia with symptoms such as tiredness, irritability and light headedness. Since glucose cannot reach the cells adequately, it may be possible to record sufficient glucose present in the blood sugar test despite severe symptoms of hypoglycaemia. To compensate the energy deficiency, the adrenal glands emit stress hormones which activate the liver to release glucose from its reserves. In the long term this leads to the adrenal glands, hypothalamus and pituitary gland becoming exhausted. Hashimoto patients frequently suffer from insulin resistance or from a “metabolic syndrome”, which can develop into Type 2 diabetes.
Heart: Raised homocysteine levels increase considerably the risk of suffering from heart disease, dementia or other neurodegenerative disorders.
Hypothyroidism appears to contribute to the formation of high homocysteine levels and to impair metabolism of these amino acids.
Growth hormones: Hypothyroidism can lead to the inadequate formation of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) and therefore to deficient cell and tissue regeneration and muscle atrophy.
Hypothyroidism reduces the secretion of various adrenal gland hormones.
Sex hormones: The hypothalamus and pituitary gland (hypophysis) are the primary control centres for the thyroid gland and also for the production of sex hormones. Through the production of LH (luteinising hormone) and FSH (folliclestimulating hormone) the pituitary gland (hypophysis) stimulates the ovaries to produce oestrogen and progesterone and the testes and adrenal glands to produce testosterone, DHEA and Androstendione.
Dysregulation of the hypothalamicpituitary-thyroid axis also leads in the long term to disorders of the hypothalamicpituitary-ovarian axis. Hormone imbalances generally affect the balance between female and male hormones. In terms of symptoms, these manifest as an irregular menstrual cycle and tenderness in the breasts. At the same time reductions in progesterone and oestradiol lead to disorders which occur typically only in the menopause (hot flushes, joint pain, sleep disorders, dry skin, osteoporosis, mood swings and bradyarrhythmia).
Progesterone and thyroid hormones are very closely associated. The catalyst for producing T3 and T4 from iodine and thyroglobulin is the enzyme thyroid peroxidase (TPO), which is located in the thyroid follicles. Progesterone improves the signalling mechanisms of the thyroid receptors and stimulates TPO production. During ovulation there is a surge in progesterone levels, stimulating the activity of TPO and thereby the entire thyroid gland. This also causes a rise in body temperature around the middle of the cycle. Because of this association, even women with a lack of progesterone frequently manifest low T4 values. Symptoms of a lack of progesterone are: heavy menstrual bleeding, depression, weight gain, headaches and other symptoms mid cycle. However, merely using progesterone cream does not help these women, because the cause of the deficiency is not investigated (deficient pituitary function, exhaustion of the adrenal glands, etc).
Thyroid hormones support the uptake of progesterone into the body’s cells by binding with progesterone receptors. Hypothyroidism therefore results not only in a genuine progesterone deficiency with failure to ovulate, irregular periods and excessive growth of the endometrium, but may also lead to symptoms of progesterone deficiency even if sufficient progesterone is circulating in the blood.
Oestrogen dominance (where progesterone is deficient and outweighed by the influence of oestrogen) may be the cause of a woman’s inability to have children, but may also in the long term contribute to uterine and ovarian cancer. The fact that oestrogen in the liver must first be converted into a water-soluble form before being eliminated and the metabolic pathways in the liver may be hampered by hypothyroidism, leads to the excessive production of what is known as proliferative oestrogen which may cause breast cancer and cysts in the ovaries.
Hypothyroidism can also cause raised prolactin. Prolactin stimulates lactation yet is also present in the body of men and women not breastfeeding. Raised prolactin levels can lead to irregular menstruation and inability to have children. Increased prolactin levels often improve without specific treatment when thyroid hormone levels return to normal.
The production of male hormones is also controlled by the hypothalamic pituitary axis and occurs in women in the adrenal glands and, to a lesser extent, in the ovaries too. An increase in androgens leads to the syndrome of polycystic ovaries (PCO) with male hair growth characteristics, irregular periods, weight gain and acne. Genetic predisposition is assumed in this case, possibly triggered by Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. (2)
4. Symptoms
Initially there are symptoms of hyperthyroidism. In this case there will be nervousness, restlessness, irritability, insomnia, hyperhidrosis, tachycardia, cardiac arrhythmias, shaking hands, thirst, voracious appetite, weight loss and irregularities in the menstrual cycle.
Long term, because of chronic inflammation, there may then manifest symptoms of hypothyroidism:
sensitivity to cold
lack of vitality
pronounced weight gain, independent of eating habits
hypotension, bradycardia
a tendency to low iron and raised cholesterol levels
alopecia, brittle nails, dry cracked skin (and associated itching) and dry mucous membranes
susceptibility to infection
pain in the muscles and joints
formation of oedemas (lids, face, extremities, myxoedema)
increased need for sleep
digestive disorders (constipation)
lack of drive and depressive mood
menstrual disorders, reduced libido
globus sensation, feeling of pressure in the throat, feeling of strangulation, frequent throat clearing, slight cough, hoarseness (vocal cord oedema)
concentration and memory difficulties
eye diseases (Graves’ ophthalmopathy)
The symptoms are diverse and are difficult to classify in the early stages of the disease. Therefore Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is frequently only identified late or even only discovered by chance.
5. Conventional Diagnostics and Therapy
To make a diagnosis, an ultrasound of the thyroid gland is usually performed together with laboratory tests. Relevant to the diagnosis are TSH, T3 and fT3, T4 and fT4, thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPOAb = microsomal antibodies MAb) and antibodies against thyroglobulin (TgAb). A histology examination of the thyroid gland tissue with fine needle biopsy produces a definite reliable result. As far as conventional medicine is concerned, there is currently no cure for Hashimoto’s thyroiditis as an autoimmune process and it is also not treated causally either. When hypothyroidism arises because of chronic inflammation, usually therapy with thyroxine (T4, levothyroxine) is started. Also available is a combined therapy of T4 and T3, either as a combined preparation or in a fixed T4 to T3 ratio or as individual preparations to be dosed to requirement.
6. Holistic Diagnostics
It is worthwhile to test additional parameters in the laboratory. In addition to the above, at least one differential blood count should be performed, plus electrolytes, selenium, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids and optionally other hormone levels should be tested.
My initial energetic diagnosis includes, besides a detailed history and physical examination, the energetic state of the patient (according to Simone Maquinay), testing of excretory organs, therapy blocks and various test sets from the CTT or Schumacher test sets. I test here initially the 5-element test set, so that I can get a picture of the energetic interrelationships.
Chinese medicine does not recognise a consistent pattern for Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Diseases of the thyroid are expressed in various Chinese syndromes. In principle all phases of transformation (elements) can be affected by the symptoms. This should be considered when diagnosing and treating patients with the 5-element test set. If you look at the meridian pathways, you will see that all twelve meridians and the extraordinary meridians (except for the girdling vessel DAI MAI) cross the neck and therefore the seat of the thyroid. Therefore in principle all meridians can be energetically affected by stagnation. The key points of the extraordinary meridians should also be tested from this perspective.
From experience I have found that when diagnosing with the test sets, resonance is relatively frequent with the following ampoules:
wheat, gluten, yeast, milk, lactose, salicylic acid
Candida, Aspergillus, fungal mould mix (CTT)
parasitic infections (here in particular CTT worms 4 (intestines), often in combination with milk, and “fungal mould mix”, salicylic acid, amoeba, lamblia, threadworms, Ascaris, Oxyuris, Toxoplasma viral stresses (frequently Gamma herpes viruses (EBV), Beta herpes viruses, HTLV1 (human T-cell
viral stresses (frequently Gamma herpes viruses (EBV), Beta herpes viruses, HTLV1 (human T-cell lymphotrophic virus 1 (= retrovirus)), enteroviruses (picornaviruses), caliciviruses, rubella viruses, herpes viruses, mumps viruses, parvoviruses, varicella zoster viruses, hepatitis viruses
bacterial stresses (Chlamydia, intestinal bacteria, Yersinia enterolytica, Borrelia)
heavy metal stresses (mercury, amalgam, lead, cadmium)
Iodine, fluorine, chemical contamination (formaldehyde, fungicides, insecticides, pesticides, PCP, PCB)
environmental stresses such as geopathic stress (watercourses, radioactivity) and radiation stresses such as electrosmog, radar beams, radio waves, etc.
Some important precipitating factors should be highlighted separately here:
Gluten intolerance / Wheat intolerance
The molecular structure of gluten is very similar to that of the thyroid; this causes irritation of the immune system. If the antibodies mark gluten to break it down, they also stimulate the production of antibodies against the thyroid, due to the structural similarity. Therefore, every time gluten is absorbed, the immune system also launches an attack on the thyroid.
In carriers of the histocompatibility antigen type HLA-DQ, it is more likely that a gluten intolerance, coeliac disease and other autoimmune diseases, including Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, will develop. The doctor and gluten researcher Dr. Kenneth Fine estimates that 43 percent of Americans have a genetic predisposition to coeliac disease and 81 percent have gluten intolerance. The formation of gluten antibodies can also originate from a barrier disorder of the intestinal mucosa (leaky gut syndrome) and as soon as the digestive system has regenerated itself, gluten is easily tolerated again. (2)
When we carry out our energetic tests using the BICOM® device, more frequently than finding a gluten intolerance, we find a wheat intolerance. Frequently found is a combination „Gluten, Wheat and Candida” or “Gluten Wheat and Aspergillus” or only “Candida and Wheat” or “Aspergillus and Wheat“. I frequently also find yeast in combination with other substances.
I treat these combinations with the tried and tested Candida programs at 17.8 Hz, which I introduced you to in 2012 (13), and then with the usual allergy programs. In every case patients should adhere to at least 4 weeks’ abstinence from wheat and/or gluten and, depending on the set of symptoms and the manifestation of the disease, for even longer.
Hormonal factors
In times of hormonal change (puberty, the start of the menopause, stopping the contraceptive pill, after the birth of a child or after a miscarriage) the occurrence of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is more common. After childbirth a few women develop autoimmune diseases. A fall in progesterone might be a deciding factor in the start of autoimmune processes. Many women who already have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis feel better during pregnancy because of the increase in progesterone levels. However after giving birth the disease can deteriorate again.
Oestradiol has immune-activating characteristics and therefore can encourage Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. However together with progesterone oestradiol has predominantly immune-suppressing properties, which has a favourable effect on the immunological activity of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (3). The positive property of progesterone to suppress excessive immune reactions, should be put to good use by substitution, preferably with human-identical medicines. When replacing female hormones, bear in mind however that they increase the need for thyroid hormones. They increase the quantity of binding proteins and, as a result, more thyroid hormones are bound and thus inactive. Therefore the thyroid hormone dose frequently has to be increased.
Male hormones have a favourable suppressing influence on numerous autoimmune diseases. The use of male hormones and their precursor DHEA is currently being investigated in clinical trials. (3)
I use some new programs here in the low deep and normal frequency range alongside the proven hormone programs from the Program manual.
Program: Hormonal balance
H+Di, low deep frequency, bandpass sweep, sweep speed 120 sec, symmetric amplification sweep, amplification H = 2.5 Di = 26.0; amplification sweep speed 40 sec, duration = 7 min.
Input cup: Saliva, if necessary blood
Input: Hair parting (region GV20), navel
Output: mat
Channel 2: If necessary “triple warmer” from the 5-element test set and/or a substance complex from the endocrinology or gynaecology category, depending on test results.
Program: Hormone regulation (Marcel Riffel)
H+Di, low deep frequency, bandpass 2.2 Hz, wobble = no, interval mode, constant amplification H = 2.5 Di = 17.0; duration = 6 min
Input cup: blood
Program series: Hormonal balance
Programs: Hormonal balance, Hormone regulation (Marcel Riffel), 3049.0 Hormone Regulation
Environmental stresses
Chronic stresses on the immune system originate from heavy metals, chemical stresses and geopathic stresses. In the case of radiation stresses, we are faced with new challenges with our CTT test sets and their frequency ampoules together with the traditional programs (700, 701, 702 and 3107) because of the additional frequencies in the GHz range (WLAN, Smartphones, Bluetooth). We can meet these with the help of the development of new programs in the low deep frequency range. (14)
ND 1 (Nervous system Meridian)
Electrode positioning: Hair parting
H+Di, low deep frequency, Bandpass 1.9 Hz, wobble = yes, symmetric amplification sweep, amplification H 6.40 Di 0.25; sweep speed 25 sec, duration = 4 min
Brain 1
Electrode positioning: Forehead
H+Di, low deep frequency, Bandpass 3.6 Hz, wobble = yes, symmetric amplification sweep, amplification H 6.20 Di 0.45; sweep speed 25 sec, duration = 4 min
Brain 2
Electrode positioning: Forehead
H+Di, low deep frequency, Bandpass 10.2 Hz, wobble = yes, symmetric amplification sweep, amplification H 4.20 Di 1.90; sweep speed 25 sec, duration = 4 min
Program: Intracellular Stresses
H+Di, low deep frequency, Bandpass 3.6 Hz, wobble = yes, interval = no, symmetric amplification sweep, amplification H 6.8 Di 15.0; sweep speed 50 sec, duration = 8 min
Input cup: Saliva, possibly blood
Input: Solar plexus
Output: Mat
Channel 2: “Stress” ampoule from the “allergic stresses” test set. Alternatively: Substance complex neurology/stress
Chronic Inflammation
A barrier dysfunction of the mucous membrane with digestive problems is found in the majority of our patients. We often find fungal infections and mould infections, besides the usual stresses from Candida and Aspergillus, parasites (amoeba, lamblia, threadworms, Ascaris, Oxyuris, Toxoplasma), bacteria (intestinal bacteria, Yersinia enterolytica), but also viral stresses (Epstein-Barr virus, HTLV1 (human T-cell lymphotrophic virus 1 (= retrovirus)), enteroviruses, rubella virus, Herpes viruses, mumps virus, Parvoviruses, Varicella-zoster virus), Hepatitis C), borreliosis. In this case I generally test all the al” test sets, without prejudging the outcome, and treat the stresses and infections I find according to the usual CTT plan and the familiar programs, which I introduced to you in 2011 in my presentation “BICOM BICOM optima® offers new options when using CTT”. (13)
Pressure from stress Mental blocks
Pressures from stress lead to disturbances in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and so to adrenal fatigue. With stress our adrenal glands pour out cortisone. A raised cortisone level weakens the immunological barrier in the intestine, delays the regeneration of intestinal tissue and encourages inflammation in this area. As a result the way is paved for dysbiosis, leaky gut syndrome and infections from pathogens, parasites and candida. Stress causes an increase in CRH, which increases the release of ACTH and subsequently to a greater production of Interleukin 1, which in turn leads to a dysregulation of the immune system. The causes of all chronic illnesses, especially autoimmune diseases can be traced back to stress and are frequently accompanied by adrenal fatigue. Therefore an intestinal clean-up and support for the adrenal glands are a must when treating Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. (5)
Besides the usual shock programs, I refer also to the specially developed new stress reduction programs and pituitary gland programs.
Program: Stress reduction
H+Di, low deep frequency, Bandpass 4.3 Hz, wobble = yes, symmetric amplification sweep, amplification H 5.30 Di 1.10; sweep speed 10 sec, duration = 7 min
Input cup: Saliva, if necessary blood
Input: Solar plexus
Output: mat
Channel 2:”Stress” ampoule from the test set “allergic stresses” (alternatively substance complex Neurology/Stress) plus ampoule of the primarily disturbed element (relatively frequently also the “Water” ampoule).
Program: Pituitary Control
H+Di, low deep frequency, Bandpass 4.2 Hz, wobble = yes, increasing amplification sweep, amplification H 6.8 Di 10.0; sweep speed 60 sec, duration = 7 min
Input cup: Saliva, if necessary blood
Input: Hair parting (region GV20)
Output: mat
Channel 2: If need be “brain” ampoule from the 5-element test set and/or a substance complex from the category Endocrinology or Neurology, depending on the test
Program: Adrenal gland activation
H+Di, normal frequency, Bandpass 53.5 Hz, wobble = yes, continuous mode, increasing amplification sweep, amplification H 6.8 Di 7.0; sweep speed 20 sec, duration = 8 min
Input cup: Saliva, if necessary blood
Input: Kidney/adrenal gland
Output: mat
Channel 2: If need be “triple warmer” from the 5-element test set and/or a substance complex from the category endocrinology or gynaecology, depending on the test e.g. adrenal gland autoimmune, adrenal fatigue)
Program: Thyroid regulation
H, normal frequency, bandpass 62 Hz, wobble = yes, continuous mode, constant amplification H = 4.4, duration = 5 min
Input cup: Saliva, if necessary blood
Input: Thyroid gland
Output: mat
Channel 2: If need be “triple warmer” from the 5-element test set and/or a substance complex from the category endocrinology, depending on the test.
Program series: Pituitary Control
Programs: “Pituitary control”, “ND 1 (nervous system meridian)”, brain 2
Program series: Adrenal gland activation
Programs: “intracellular stresses”, “Stress reduction”, “Adrenal gland activation”
Program series: Thyroid regulation
Programs: “Thyroid regulation”, 934.3 Thyroid activation, 3088.0 Thyroid problems
To complete the holistic picture we should obviously not forget to consider Chakra theory too. The thyroid gland is located in the region of the 5th chakra. This chakra stands for communication and self-expression. If there are deficits in this region, they should of course be taken into account in the holistic approach. All the more so in view of the fact that Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease.
7. BICOM® Bioresonance therapy of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is not a disease of the thyroid but of the immune system, and therefore the immune system needs to be treated. In 25% of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis sufferers there are additionally other autoimmune diseases and here are just a few examples: vitiligo, Addison’s disease (autoimmune disease of the adrenal gland), diabetes, lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid disease, myasthenia gravis, coeliac disease, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, pernicious anaemia, alopecia areata, alopecia totalis, sarcoidosis, endometriosis. (2)
In my practice, therapy with the BICOM® device is carried out according to the usual schema:
1.) Basic therapy
2.) Remove blocks (e.g. TMJ blocks, geopathy/radiation exposure, hormonal blocks, emotional blocks, energetic blocks, metabolic blocks, scars, etc.)
Open eliminating organs
Programs depending on indication
3.)Therapy for pathogenic stresses (e.g. environmental stresses, fungi, parasites, bacteria, allergies, viruses)
4.) Elimination of pathogenic stresses with the help of the pink ampoules from the CTT
5.)Harmonise/stabilise with the help of the 5-element test set (12)
> Therapy for Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and hypothyroidism is aimed at the priority of the stresses found. These stresses should be treated successively in stages.
– Therapy for the gut-associated immune system has priority in treatment.
– Particular attention should be given to pathogenic microorganisms as triggers (see above).
– Allergies and intolerances should be treated with Bicom.
– Patients with autoimmune diseases should be treated taking appropriate precautions (testing of amplification and time, sufficient stabilisation, opening of the eliminating organs etc.).
– The orthomolecular therapy with the nutrient points according to Sissi Karz makes a good addition to the supplements mentioned below. In addition, these can also be used as a supplement via channel 2. (7)
– The therapy using the new low deep frequency meridian programs likewise shows good results. In this connection there are programs Nerve 1, Nerve 2, Brain 1, Brain 2, Triple warmer 1 and Triple warmer 2 that are particularly noteworthy. (14)
– A Chakra therapy really makes sense and can be performed after appropriate testing.
– Besides the proven hormonal and thyroid programs, the new programs and program series can be used (see above).
– The BICOM optima has some very good substance complexes for treating thyroid diseases. Test in particular the complexes under the headings Neurology, Gynaecology, Endocrinology, Goodies and Metabolism.
– The use of extraordinary meridians, “wonder meridians” has also proved its worth. (11)
Therapy using wonder meridians for hormonal imbalance
(underlined = key points)
Sp 4 Chong Mai: Controls the testes and prostate function as well as the cycle and composition of menstrual blood
Pe 6 Yin Wei Mai / Gb 41 Dai Mai: Helps stagnation and diseases of the urogenital system
BI 62 Yang Qiao Mai: Hot flushes
Lu 7 Ren Mai: Menstrual disorders, hormonal processes, menopause, influences the reproductive system, maintains and feeds the embryo/foetus (prematurity inclination)
Ki 6 Yin Qiao Mai: Gynaecological and urological disorders (irregular periods, sterility, impotence enuresis, dysmenorrhoea, menopausal symptoms) (11)
➢ With all chronic diseases the imprint of the disease should be tested and if applicable treated (see also “Hamer focus”). This can be done according to the traditional method or with the help of the new low deep frequency programs.
Program: Imprint
Ai, low deep frequencies, bandpass sweep, sweep speed 120 sec, symmetric amplification sweep Ai = 21.0; amplification sweep speed 7 sec,
duration = 9 min (test time!)
Input: Imprint
Output: Organ, tumour, joint or meridian
Test time and let the program run again at the same time.
Input: Organ, tumour, joint or meridian
Output: Imprint
8. Accompanying therapeutic measures Emulsified Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol):
Is a strong immune modulator and provides the best support for the regulatory T cells, likewise EPA/DHA (omega 3 fatty acids) in fish oil. Over 90% of people with an autoimmune disease of the Thyroid have a genetic disorder and cannot process Vitamin D properly. The defect is found at the cell receptor and so insufficient vitamin D penetrates into the cell. Vitamin D levels should reach the upper normal range.
Vitamin C: It is essential for distributing adrenal hormones and is a strong antioxidant, which should be taken as a combination of ascorbic acid and bioflavonoids.
Hydrochloric acid: Hypothyroidism can lead to hypochlorhydria and therefore to heartburn. Since the acid content of chyme is inadequate, the gallbladder is not stimulated to secrete bile to emulsify the fats and the pancreas fails to release the necessary enzymes too. The gut can become inflamed and ‘leaky’. Consequently hydrochloric acid supplements should be taken.
Selenium: Selenium is a part of the particular enzyme that triggers the conversion of T4 to T3. Moreover studies have shown that selenium reduces the number of Hashimoto antibodies. Consequently some authors recommend a daily intake of 200 micrograms. (2)
Patients are frequently also deficient in iron and zinc and this should be adjusted. In some situations vitamin A replacement has proved effective.
Therapy with natural thyroid hormones
Treating patients with T4 medication alone often fails to achieve the desired effect. While this treatment does return the patients’ TSH and fT4 levels to normal, unfortunately they still suffer from hypothyroid symptoms. Sometimes there is a distinct improvement in symptoms from giving additional T3 preparations.
Many patients notice a distinct improvement in their symptoms after taking natural thyroid hormones. In most of these cases these preparations contain natural thyroid extract from pigs. There are also preparations derived from sheep or cattle. In addition to T4 and T3 they also contain T2, T1 and calcitonin. These preparations are excellent because they are frequently well tolerated and dosage tends to be based on symptoms rather than lab test values. (9), (2)