
Hormone replacement therapy during the menopause and with stress management

June 20, 20196 min read

Dr. Michael Wagner, Specialist in General Medicine

Scientific knowledge gained from endocrinology and the rapid growth of knowledge in the field of neuroscience have opened up a range of treatment options that are very much aimed at positively influencing and/or healing diseases or symptoms that impact on quality of life.

The following comments can only give a glimpse of the complexity of this subject.

Symptoms of the menopause such as disturbed sleep, blood pressure variations, mood swings, nervousness, hot flushes and sweats, bring one in three women in this age group in Germany to a therapist. An immense number of people with a considerable level of suffering.

What does conventional medicine have to offer?

Not very much. It has been observed that gynaecologists, and in particular male collea­gues in this professional group, do not really take women’s symptoms seriously. How could they either? Because of the low oestrogen production in men, they cannot know how women with an oestrogen deficiency would feel.

This is borne out by such comments made by a local gynaecologist who advises women — and this is not a joke — to “buy some ordinary milk at the supermarket which contains enough hormones to make your symptoms go away”.

Otherwise hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is suggested, which unfortunately almost always involves taking medication that has a similar effect to hormones but which are not natural hormones.

It is true that these “hormones” are designed in laboratories for optimum absorption, however immunologically they are foreign substances and therefore carry considerable risks.

Bioidentical hormones

The pharmaceutical industry will always try to suggest to women that “bioidentical” hormones are no different from their products (hormones) and would therefore have exactly the same side-effects.

Dr Tina Maria Ritter, 1st edition 2018, Stoffwechselstorung HPU, Wenn Stress krank macht. Das Selbsthilfe Programm [HPU metabolic disorder. When stress makes you ill. The self help programme]. Trias Verlag, Stuttgart

Kauffmann, Sascha, Kaufmann Kyra (2015) Stoffwechselstorung KPU/HPU, die 101 wichtigsten Fragen and Antworten [KPU/HPU metabolic disorder, the 101 most important questions and answers], Hachinger Verlagsgesellschaft

Dr Siegbert Tempelhof, 1st edition 2017, Krankheitsursache Atlaswirbel, Beschwerden heilen, die Arzte ratios machen [First cervical vertebra causes illness, healing symptoms which baffle doctors], Arkana Verlag


Why does this happen?

Substances found in nature such as diosgenin, an extract from yam root, cannot be used under patent law, likewise any other natural substance.

As a consequence, industry must change the substances in the laboratory in order to be able to use them commercially. However this means the substance is no longer natural…

For us bioresonance therapists, hormones are available as “contained” oscillation in­formation in the ampoules of the CTT hormone test sets, or in digital form, just like na­tural hormones.

In all further comments and individual programs, I will make reference to the digital hormone test set. Tests are conducted with the new BICOM BICOM optima®, frequency range up to 250 kHz.

Now to the actual procedures regarding our patients: There are 2 possible starting points:

  1. After taking a patient history in the usual way, the patient is given a saliva test as a baseline (e.g. from the company Ganzlmmun) for measuring free hormones. We use a saliva test because blood tests only measure the bound hormone and the proportion of free hormone has to be calculated using an algorithm.

  2. After taking a patient history all testing is completed using the bioresonance me­

The sequence is as follows:

For “1”, after analysis of the saliva test, the necessary hormones are prescribed as bioidentical substances in creams and/or capsules.

Pharmacies such as the Marktapotheke Greiff, Rotthalmiinster; Rondell Apotheke, Munich; Barenapotheke, Freiburg, among others work with bioidentical hormones.

During the course of treatment other saliva tests must be done.

For “2” possible prescription made having tested out the individual hormones from the CTT hormones test set and concentration with the help of the BICOM potentiation pro­gram. Now the hormones can be prescribed as D potencies or applied to oil or globules (practical application see below).

Here the follow-up checks are completed using the CTT. The correlation with the saliva test results is extremely high.

(I have verified this many times whenever saliva tests were submitted after BICOM tes­ting.)

Stress managementresilience through the bioresonance method

The bioresonance method together with the CTT hormone test set is very effective in determining the qualitative and quantitative levels of stress hormones such as cortisol, adrenaline and noradrenaline.

Stress levels are measured with an Ai program such as 191. At the same time the ques­tion is: “Does my patient need cortisol, adrenaline or noradrenaline attenuation?”

In addition, the natural counterpart of cortisol in the body, DHEA (dehydroepia­ndrosterone) is tested using program 192, the question being: “Does my patient need DHEA?”.

For therapy, the therapy times are then tested out and in channel 2 the stress ampoule is tested.

Individual programs/new programs in HRT

I have tested the following new individual programs using the new BICOM BICOM optima® 250 kHz and these are now being introduced for therapy using selected hormones (other programs are being prepared):

Program I “Stress reduction K”

Cortisol in the input cup; C2: Stress Frequency: 219 kHz; continuous mode H: 5.0 fold; Di: 33 fold

Wobble: no; amplification: constant Time: 15 min

(Assign a free number to the program)

Program II “Stress reduction D”

DHEA in the input cup; C2: Stress/neurohormone deficiency woman/man Frequency: 215 kHz; continuous mode

H: 12.7 fold; Di: 20 fold

Wobble: yes; amplification: constant

Time: 15 min

Program Ill “Menopausal years El”

In the IC: Estradiol; C2: Hormone deficiency ovary Frequency: 227 kHz; interval mode

H: 2.0 fold; Di: 7.0 fold

Wobble: no; amplification: constant

Time: 15 min

Program IV “Menopausal years E2”

In the IC: Estriol; C2: Hormone deficiency ovary Frequency: 201 kHz; interval mode

H: 4.2 fold; Di 22.0 fold

Wobble: no; amplification: constant

Time: 15 min

Program V “Menopausal years P”

In the IC: Progesterone; C2: progesterone deficiency Frequency: 230 kHz; continuous mode

H: 1.7 fold; Di: 10 fold

Wobble: yes; amplification: constant

Time: 12 min

Program VI “Menopausal years T”

In the IC: Testosterone; C2: Testosterone deficiency

Frequency: 182 kHz; interval mode H: 2.0 fold; Di: 0.9 fold

Wobble: no; amplification: constant Time: 14 min

Practical application of required hormone(s)

  1. Using the CTT hormone ampoule/digital A program 192, test which hormones are needed and save/make a note.

  2. Using the potentiation program and A – 192 test out all potencies of the detected hormones and establish the individual requirement (ampoules test set).

Tip for the “Hormones” CTT:

In the BICOMBICOMmultisoft® Pilot Pilot potentiation programs, select no. 50 — 62 and using >> move across to the therapy section, create a separate series and label it with an available number.

Now under “Substances” retrieve the hormones that have been detected digitally in the “Hormones” CU and test out individually in the new series with number 50 — 62.

The results can now be used for formulations/preparations or applied to oil/globules. The time specified in the program of 8 minutes respectively is therefore sufficient.

The potentiation program is of course best suited to follow-up checks. Saliva tests are now no longer necessary because of the high correlation with our measurements.

(Here I have deliberately not mentioned the influence of FSH and LH).

For resilience training

Determine the need for neurotransmitters from the CTT hormones using program 192.

Initially, I would limit myself to the neurotransmitters serotonin, GABA, oxytocin and dopamine as we have the most evidence of their neurobiological importance when it comes to our stress levels.

The potentiation program can now be used once again to ascertain the individual neu­rotransmitter requirement.

Then once again apply to oil/globules or treat directly with program 192 after testing the time, C2: Stress

Many thanks!

Dr. Michael Wagner


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