Immunology and hematology in the BICOM practice
We encounter disorders of the immune system almost daily in the BICOM practice. Faulty reactions of the immune system present as allergies, intolerances and autoimmune reactions or autoimmune diseases. An acute or chronic infection with pathogenic agents or a general immune deficiency can also lead to patients visiting our practices. Ultimately a tumour disease is of course also an expression of a disturbed immune system.
Patients with haematological diseases also visit our practices. Here we see anaemia of various causes, acute and chronic leukaemia, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and less frequently patients with myelodysplastic syndrome or plasma cell myeloma.
The task of BICOM bioresonance as a complementary procedure is the removal of stressful information and energetic blockages. The immune system and thus the self-healing powers of the organism are to be supported and the cell communication freed from disturbances.
On the one hand, this is achieved by working with the patient’s own information in a highly individualised way. BICOM therapists have numerous programmes for the various indications at their disposal for doing this. On the other hand, we can also use am- pules from CTT that contain information on specific wave patterns that can specifically support the immune system. One of these test kits is the new test kit “Immunology/ Haematology”, which I would like to present to you today.
Some therapists are already familiar with part of this test kit as the “Degenerate Cells II /Immune System” test kit. This test kit has however so far only been used by a minority of therapists who specifically deal with the complementary therapy of patients with tumour and autoimmune diseases. This therapists have attended the special seminars for this purpose.
In the last two years, however, new challenges have arisen for therapists. The SARS- CoV-2 virus with its toxic spike protein and also the “Covid vaccinations”, led to new stresses on the immune system, which we are now confronted with in the practices. Both Long Covid and Post-Vac Syndrome seem to lead to reactivation of old, dormant pathogens (EBV, Varicella zoster, HHV, etc.) or dormant autoimmune and tumour diseases. Strong inflammatory reactions (including PIMS) and sometimes overreactions of the immune system (cytokine storm) are observed in various organs (spleen, heart, liver, lungs, brain, CNS, etc.). In addition, there are haematological problems: thromboses, coagulation disorders, anaemia, vasculitis. The toxic effect of the spike protein triggers thromboses, inflammatory reactions as well as vascular and nerve cell damage throughout the body and leads to the destruction of endothelial cells in the blood- stream. The presentation of the spike protein on the surface of antigen-presenting cells or by exosomes leads not only to the formation of antibodies but also to the elimination of the cell (heart, liver, kidneys, brain, etc.).
Two mechanisms for triggering blood clotting by spike proteins:
1) If the spike protein is expressed in vascular endothelial cells, then an immune reaction to the spike protein can destroy these cells. The resulting vascular lesion activates blood clotting. Cytotoxic T cells and other immune effector mechanisms may be involved in this immune response.
2) Spike proteins can be proteolytically cleaved and one of the products (the S1 fragment) can be released from the cell. S1 fragments can bind directly to platelets in the bloodstream and activate them. This in turn triggers blood clotting.
The first mechanism occurs in the already vaccinated or recovered, the second takes place without an immune reaction and can be triggered immediately.
Due to these new challenges, REGUMED GmbH has decided to make the immunology part of the original test kit accessible to therapists who do not perform complementary tumour therapy and has replaced the second part of the test kit with a haematology part. This should help the therapists in the practices to better face the current challenges.
However, before we discuss the new test kit in more detail, here are a few general explanations on how the immune system works.
Due to its basic homeostatic activity, the immune system oscillates in a dynamic, responsive equilibrium. Immune homeostasis is dominated by anti-inflammatory immune functions that ensure immunological self-tolerance. When a specific immune response is induced, many factors determine its quality. Its intensity must also be regulated in order to keep an organism healthy. For example, specific CTLs (cytotoxic T-lym- phocytes) are necessary for optimal defence against viral infections and intracellular pathogens. In contrast, specific antibodies and phagocytes help against an extracellular bacterial infection.
Parasites, on the other hand, require a different defence strategy, in which eosinophils and mast cells must be activated. These are all inflammatory reactions of the immune system. Immune cells are recruited to the site of action where they exert pro-inflammatory effector functions. In contrast, anti-inflammatory functions of the immune system are vital in nutrition and pregnancy. A distinction is made between four immunological effector modules. Type 1 for intracellular bacteria and viruses, type 2 for worms and parasites and type 3 for extracellular bacteria and fungi. Type 4 immune responses control the microbiome (IgA) and the anti-inflammatory functions maintain self-tolerance and quickly return the immune system to homeostasis after an inflammatory response.

Immunology/haematology test kit
The test kit “Immunology/Hematology” was especially developed to support and harmonise the immune system and the haematological system. Burdensome changes and blockages on the information level are to be removed by balancing, supporting and harmonising the immune system and the haematological system.
Procedure for testing:
The new test kit “Immunology/ Haematology” contains 7 blue ampules with white writing and 35 orange ampules with black writing. These contain the information of organs, organ systems and components of the haematological system and the immune system, which are transported on specific wave patterns and tested with an A-pro- gramme (192 or 198) accordingly. The blue and orange ampules can be used individually or in combination with other ampules of the same colour from this test kit, provided there is common resonance.
The pink ampules with black writing contain harmonising information and are tested and treated with an A-programme (192 or 198). They serve to balance, support and harmonise the immune system and the haematological system. They can be used individually or in combination with other pink ampules, provided there is common resonance.
Ampule information:
The ampules contain wave patterns that convey information that corresponds thematically and are related to the respective labels of the ampules. The information serves to balance, support and harmonise the immune system and the haematological system.
Blue ampules with white lettering:
Spleen: Contains information of the spleen as a haematological and immunological organ, including the energetic significance of the spleen in TCM and its connection to the 3rd chakra in Ayurveda medicine.
Lymphatic system: Contains information of the lymphatic system as a whole and its components.
Bone marrow: Contains information of the bone marrow as the seat of the haematopoietic system.
Thymus: Contains information of the thymus as an organ of the immune system, including the energetic significance of the thymus and its connection to the 4th chakra in Ayurveda medicine.
Reticuloendothelial system: Contains information of the reticuloendothelial system as a component of the immune system.
Mitochondria: Contains information of mitochondria, the ATP-producing power plants of the cells.
Microbiome: Contains information of the microbiome and its components as an essential part of the immune system.
Orange‐coloured ampules with black writing:
The orange ampules with black lettering contain wave patterns that convey information that corresponds thematically and in terms of content to the respective inscriptions on the ampules. The information serves to balance, support and harmonise the immune system and the haematological system.
Pink ampules with black lettering:
Stimulate erythropoiesis: Contains information to stimulate erythropoiesis and regulate and balance the formation of erythrocytes.
Stimulate leukopoiesis: Contains information to support myelopoiesis, granulocytopoiesis, monocytopoiesis and lymphocytopoiesis and to balance and regulate the production of these cells.
Stimulate thrombopoiesis: Contains information to stimulate thrombocytopoiesis and to regulate and balance the production of platelets.
Stress reduction: Contains information designed to support stress, calm, balance and relax.
Shock/Trauma: Contains information that is intended to support the overcoming of old traumas/states of shock.
Vegetative dysfunction: Contains information that has a calming effect on the autonomic nervous system and a balancing effect on symptoms of vegetative dysfunction.
Scar tissue balancing: Contains information to help with the energetic removal of scars. It is supposed to activate the excretory organs, reduce side-effects and eliminate stressful information with anaesthetics.
Eliminate intracellular pathogens: Contains information to support the elimination of incriminating information by intracellular pathogens.
Inhibit inflammations: Contains information that is intended to weaken inflammatory reactions and stimulate the self-healing powers.
Immune modulation: Contains information to support immune balance and regulatory T-cells.
Cell regeneration: Contains information to support the self-healing powers, the formation of new healthy tissue and cell regeneration.
Cell protection against radiation exposure: Contains information to help improve cell protection against radiation exposure and promote cell renewal.
DNA stabilization: Contains information intended to stabilise DNA against external influences.
RNA stabilization: Contains information that is intended to stabilise RNA against external influences.
Prevent thrombosis: Contains information that should prevent the formation of thromboses and stabilise the vessel walls.
Prevent autoantibody formation: Contains information intended to stimulate regulatory T cells (Treg) and prevent the formation of autoantibodies through selection and suppression.
Compensate acid-base balance: Contains information to help balance respiratory and non-respiratory acidosis and alkalosis.
Improve intestinal flora Contains information designed to improve gut flora and prevent dysbiosis.
Approach to therapy:
1. Basic therapy
The patient is connected to the input and output of the BICOM device.
In addition, the patient’s secretions and excretions are in the input cup.
2. Follow‐up programmes
(removal of therapy blockades, opening of elimination organs, meridian-related and/or indication-related follow-up programmes).
The patient is connected to the input and the output of the BICOM device.
The input cup also contains secretions or excretions of the patient.
3. Harmonisation (step a)
The patient is only connected to the output of the BICOM device.
The tested blue ampules with white writing and/or the orange ampules are in the input cup, provided they have previously shown resonance to an A-programme (192 or 198).
They are treated with an A-programme (192 or 198).
Always test amplification and time!
4. Harmonisation (step b)
The patient is only connected to the output of the BICOM device.
The tested pink ampules with black writing are in the input cup, provided they have
previously shown resonance to an A-programme (192 or 198).
They are treated with an A-programme (192 or 198).
Always test amplification and time!
5. Stabilisation
The patient is only connected to the output of the BICOM unit.
The tested stabilising ampules of the test box 5 function circuits
Are in the input cup: Priority element ampule, meridian ampule(s), pink stress ampule(s) (A-programme 192 or 198).Subsequently, therapy is carried out with a damping ampule (if required). (A programme).
Always test amplification and time!
It is advisable to also make use of BICOM Trace Elements or BICOM Oil during the therapy or to imprint the therapy information on a BICOM chip.In most of the patients we have treated in our practice in the last few years, the “Degenerated Cells II /Immune System” test kit was used alongside therapies with the patient’s own information and, of course, also used together with other CTT test kits. Before the new test kit came on the market, we used the test kit in complementary tumour therapy as well as in patients with autoimmune diseases.
Now we have some new interesting ampules that expand the therapy spectrum: The blue ampules “Mitochondria” and “Microbiome” are mainly used to support
the immune system in its anti-inflammatory, balancing function and to support cell communication. These ampules can of course also be used in the 2nd channel or together with other harmonising ampules from other test boxes such as: “ATP” from the hormone test kit or “Intestinal Defence strengthen” from the test kit “Viruses/Fungi”, as long as they show common resonance to an A-programme (192 or 198).
The 13 new orange ampules from haematology are intended to help harmonise the haematopoietic system and the coagulation system. Please bear in mind that this is purely “immaterial” information and that resonance to these ampules merely means that this information is suitable for harmonising therapy. Conclusions about changes in the blood and coagulation values in the sense of “medical” laboratory tests cannot be drawn from this and should therefore not be communicated to the patient!
5 new ampules have been added to the harmonising pink ampules. “Stimulate erythropoiesis”, “Stimulate leucopoiesis”, and “Stimulate thrombopoiesis” contain information that is intended to support and harmonise the erythropoietic, leucopoietic and thrombopoietic systems. Another ampule “Prevent thrombosis” can be used especially in cases where thrombosis has been caused by the spike protein or as a result of the “Covid vaccinations”. Of course, this ampule, like all others, should only be used after testing and not as the sole therapeutic approach, but only as complementary support in addition to conventional antithrombotic therapy. If necessary, it can be supplemented by the ampule “Prevent thrombosis” from the “Degenerated cells I” test kit or by the other orange-coloured ampules of the coagulation system, if they have found common resonance in the energetic testing for an A-programme. Two ampules “Stabilise DNA” and “Stabilise RNA” were taken from the “Degenerate Cells I” test kit.
The harmonising ampule “Cell Protection against Radiation Exposure” was also added due to current events. Many patients who live in areas under the influence of 5 G radi- ation have recently been showing electrosmog stresses that cannot be controlled by the conventional programmes and the ampules from the “Parasites and Environmen‐ tal Stresses” test kit alone. Therefore, this ampule was designed as a supplement to the already existing gold-coloured “5 G” ampule. Depending on the test, the ampules can be used individually or in combination with other ampules for harmonisation and protection against radiation exposure.
Now I would like to report a case of thrombocythaemia (values between 480000- 650000 platelets with accompanying heptosplenomegaly. The patient had received hydroxycarbamide (Litalir tablets 500 mg 3 times a day) for thrombocytosis known for 8 years. During the therapy, anaemia developed (with Hb values between 7.8 and 9.0) as well as symptoms of exhaustion, shortness of breath and lack of energy (described side effects of the medication). The patient required epoetin beta (Neocormon 30000 IU) once a week and regular blood transfusions at increasingly shorter intervals. This led to a considerable reduction in quality of life.
Since the beginning of the BICOM therapy, first with the “Degenerate Cells II/Immune System” test kit and later with the new “Immunology/Hematology” test kit, his condition improved slowly but steadily, so that in the end he only needed blood transfusions at increasingly longer intervals and his performance improved considerably. In addition to the use of the test kits, interfering information from the side effects of medicines and vaccinations was treated and special attention was paid to the function of the elimination organs and the spleen, kidneys and adrenal glands.
At the time of printing this lecture, we have only a few experiences with patients with anaemia, disorders of the kidneys and adrenal glands. We also only have few experiences with the new ampules in patients with disorders of the haematopoietic and coagulation systems, as the test kit has only been on the market for a short time. How- ever, these experiences have been positive throughout. The many good results of the last few years with the immunology part of the previous test kit in various diseases of the immune system give us hope that this test kit will be a great success and will be very helpful in the current situation in our practices.
We have also gained initial experience in the treatment of dogs and horses. However, only in our immediate vicinity. There will certainly be many more possibilities for application by veterinarians and animal healers.
I wish you a lot of fun and success in using the new CTT test kit and look forward to welcoming you again at one of the AKI seminars. On 22/23 October there will be a seminar in Cologne on the subject of “Disorders of the immune system and autoimmune diseases” in German, at which I will report on further experiences and possible applications of the test kit.