
Improved quality of life through adjuvant tumour therapy

April 18, 201614 min read

Harald Sievert, Naturopath, Hanover, Germany 

Dear colleagues,

Please look upon today’s lecture as an overview of the treatment of patients with tumours. It is intended to help you to consider a tumour patient just like any other seriously ill patient. I should like to present an approach which starts with the patient’s current situation by providing concomitant therapy and leads on to subsequent stabilisation and treatment of underlying problems.

I CANNOT go into the specific treatment of tumour tissue at this point as there is insufficient time in this lecture and it is not the aim of a 30-minute paper.

This means I would like to offer suggestions as to how to accompany the patient in his acute condition following surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy and subsequently possibly also to treat the disease’s “breeding ground”.

Our task primarily consists of performing structured concomitant therapy, which does justice to the holistic aspect, alongside conventional medical procedures.

A tumour is a systemic disease which should not be regarded as localised. Therefore the tumour and any metastatic spread which has already started should naturally be treated directly.

The problems here are numerous.

Firstly, the patient is seriously ill, not just because of the tumour but also because of the underlying conditions which have caused it.

Secondly, the patient generally comes to us when the disease is in an advanced, metastasising and/or recurrent stage.

What is difficult here is not just providing the accompanying or follow-up therapy for the tumour or therapy for the underlying conditions but that, if possible, we have to tackle all this immediately but obviously can’t!

Our aim is to return the patient to a stable energetic initial condition and enable him to have an acceptable quality of life.

Prerequisites for a tumour

This is always a highly individual disease, frequently based on quite individual underlying circumstances which are almost always caused by numerous factors.

Any stresses which have mounted up over the course of a person’s life may, in principle, be a prerequisite for a tumour, possibly assisted by genetic predisposition.

1. Inherited toxicoses

Tuberculinum and luesinum, in particular, are individual congenital weak points present from the time of birth which can run through a person’s whole life like a live rail as a basic stress and general deficiency.

2. Vaccination noxae

Due to the frequency of scheduled vaccinations, coupled with stress from multiple vaccinations, these represent an aggressive immunological prerequisite, not least because of the accompanying substances within the vaccines.

3. Chronic bacterial conditions

e.g. from recurrent streptococcal infections with latent dissemination of toxins.

4. Chronic viral conditions

These in particular are multiple stresses or ones which develop a long-term effect such as herpes viruses (especially the Epstein Barr virus) or Coxsackie virus.

5. Retoxic conditions

These always hold the risk of previous damage to certain tissues; firstly through the infection itself to which the patient has been exposed and through mesenchymal intoxication from bacterial and/or viral degradation products but also through medication with retoxic action.

The result is a reduction in metabolic activity in terms of Professor Pischinger’s basic regulation.

In this context I am thinking of the classic childhood illnesses which may be experienced several times.

6. Focal stresses

For example, foci in the maxillo-dental region or a peritonsillar abscess sensitise the immune system subliminally but permanently, with the result that it is overworked yet this is not manifest.

7. Intoxication through incorrect diet

Malnutrition and an unbalanced diet, especially from “fast food“, generally lead to a deficient metabolic condition resulting in decreased vitality and reduced immune activity.

The increase in allergic illnesses demonstrates this problem.

Latent fermentation and putrefaction processes from the intestines overload important metabolic organs with fusel alcohols and protein decomposition products. Hepatotoxicity and neurotoxicity and also retoxic strain on the immune system associated with the intestines paralyse the immune performance of the whole body long-term by up to 80%.

8. Environmental contamination

Heavy metals, in particular, but also solvents, insecticides, herbicides, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, dioxins, PCBs, etc. (which are increasingly found in drinking water) have a much publicised toxic affinity to the haematogenic system, the nervous system and to the immune system.

9. Permanent stress of the autonomic nervous system

Geopathic interference fields, electronic smog, ionising radiation and radioactivity exert a continuous influence on the steady state of the whole body.

Whether systemic stress builds up within this fine tuning mechanism or a tumour develops often just depends on the length of time the body has been exposed to these forces.

The diagnostic system

With a syndrome as multipotent as this, it is absolutely essential to use a bioenergetic overall approach.

I have found Dr Voll’s method of electroacupuncture effective in my practice as it gives me the opportunity to identify the patient’s overall situation. As I primarily use EAV testing, I also exploit the opportunities offered by Dr Schimmel’s stimulus test.

In addition to EAV, tensor testing, kinesiology and the RAC test are excellent means of diagnosing patients as they can indicate the route to pursue for therapy.

After carefully taking the patient’s case history (supplemented by laboratory tests), each patient is tested extensively in the course of an initial examination.

Following the test results, the ampoules of the “5 functional circuits (5E)” test set are checked.

They define the patient’s meridian and organ areas which are primarily affected and represent energetic interactions between the meridians

These ampoules are tested with BICOM® program 192!

This establishes the procedure for the subsequent therapy sessions. This testing allows us to identify the BICOM® programs for treating the specific organ deficiencies.

I next test possible pathogenic underlying conditions in a structured manner, once again using the combined test technique, as they give me a comprehensive picture of the general stresses.

Most of the pathogenic stress ampoules are tested with BICOM® program 191.

Depending on manufacture, individual ampoules (e.g. the ampoules with yellow stickers) can also be tested with program 192.

This is indicated clearly on the particular test set.

The sequence I use when testing is roughly as follows:
> Food allergens
> Intestinal situation (fermentative-, putrescence dyspepsia), mycoses and parasites
> Environmental and pharmaceutical toxins
> Toxicosis due to foci
> Viruses and bacteria
> Post-vaccinal complications
> Inherited toxic stresses
> Therapy blocks (scar interference fields, geopathy, electronic smog, etc.).

Obviously I also test the degenerated cells test set (tumour) to determine the energetic status of the patient’s disease.

The specific ampoules are also included in treatment in subsequent therapy sessions.

It is possible to “mark” tumorous tissue bioenergetically so that it is recognised as such by healthy tissue.

At the same time, the healthy tissue can be “activated” so that it can give information to the tumorous tissue.

Degenerated cells can be energetically “marked” with the ampoules of the degenerated cells test set so that they are identified as pathological by the healthy tissue and the body’s own immune system can therefore react against the degenerated cells.

I would urge you to attend the advanced seminar on “Degenerated cells and autoaggressive diseases” before using this test set.

As I said at the start, I CANNOT go into the specific therapy of tumorous tissue here as there is insufficient time in this lecture.

Adjuvant tumour therapy

This brings me to the heart of my lecture.

I want to help the tumour patient to withstand the stresses imposed on him by conventional medical treatment. He should enjoy a good quality of life and be able to compensate for chemo- and radiotherapy. He should also gain the initial energetic condition to handle subsequent stages of therapy. The stages of therapy which might even make it possible to cure his disease.

In the therapy sessions I always perform basic therapy with several follow-up programs.

The follow-up programs depend, on the one hand, on the patient’s current symptoms and, on the other, on the programs required from a therapeutic viewpoint. I obtain these from the table listing the many varied BICOM® programs (by indication).

As regards follow-up programs, particular attention should be paid to therapy blocks, to detoxication programs and to specific metabolic and vitalisation programs which I always check:

> scar interference fields (prog. 910 and 951, but also 931 or 927)
> Geopathy, electronic smog, radioactivity (prog. 700, 701, 702)
> Medication blocks (prog. 847 and 941)
> Autoregulatory disorders (prog. 432, but also 915, 951, 133)
> Tissue processes, acute/chronic (prog. 922, 923)
> Chakra therapies (progr. 970, 962, 940)
> Metabolic therapies (prog. 530, 802, 812, 839)
> Spinal blocks (prog. 580. 581, 582, 211)
> Detoxication and elimination (prog. 930, 970, 430, 432, 480, 481, 482, 371)
>Indication-based, supporting programs (e.g. increasing vitality, prog. 900)

The programs listed above are especially important, particularly in therapy sessions conducted as preparation shortly before chemotherapy and straight after chemotherapy to ensure the patient’s stress is kept to a minimum.

After basic therapy and individual followup programs the patient is just connected with the BICOM® mat and output leads to his applicators and stabilised with the ampoules from the 5 functional circuits test set (5E) in the input cup.

I select program 192 (similar to 198) when using these ampoules and test out amplification and therapy time.

This gives me the way into the organising principles of the 5 element theory to stabilise the acutely affected organs in the patient’s current situation.

In the next stage of therapy I use the ampoules with the lilac stickers from the degenerated cells test set which are regarded as supportive and eliminating ampoules:

Preventing ascites
Lowered resistance
Eliminating chemotherapy
Stabilising RNA
Building up intestines
Stabilising DNA
Bonding free radicals
Genetic defect
Promoting healing
Hormonal compensation
Eliminating hormone therapy
Stabilising immune system
Killer cells
Preventing neoplasia
Stabilising the nervous system
Eliminating radiotherapy
Preventing thrombosis
Stabilising cells

I select program 192 (similar to 198) when using these ampoules as well and test out amplification and therapy time.


L. H., female, born in 1944

A few months ago a patient consulted me who I had given considerable help to in the past for generalised tendomyopathy and recurrent sciatic pain as well as metabolic disorder of the liver.

She had recently been diagnosed with breast cancer, where the cell union was located within a cystic breast tissue. The operation was to be performed shortly.

My accompanying therapy:
Two therapy sessions were first held within a week’s interval of one another and two days before the operation a third therapy session was held.

Fortunately there was no evidence of the overlying energetic blocks which are generally the first to be tested (e.g. electronic smog, geopathy, etc.).

After conducting the relevant basic therapy, the main focus of the follow-up programs was on activating and vitalising the metabolism.

I activated the whole body with programs 922 (tissue processes acute), 839 (cell stimulation), 900 (activating vitality), program 422 (improving vital capacity) and 930 (lymph activation).

In addition, the patient was stabilised with program 198 using the ampoules from the combined test technique’s 5 feedback circuit test set (5E). I considered it important to use the ampoules for the organ stresses expected during and after surgery: lymph, connective tissue, liver and stomach meridian.

Breast-preserving surgery was performed with the additional pleasing result that apparently no lymph glands were affected.

Nevertheless eight chemotherapy treatments were administered at three weekly intervals.

Further accompanying therapy was given between two and five days before each chemotherapy session and, where possible, shortly afterwards (generally on the second or third day afterwards).

The main focus here was on testing and treating blocks and general detoxication; obviously also taking account of metabolic programs.

The programs against blocks were:
847 or 941 Blocks from medication and
951 tissue blocks The detoxication programs were: 970 Toxin elimination
430, 431  Liver detoxication
310 liver acute
370 Gallbladder acute
930 or 610 Lymph activation

The following metabolic programs tested alternately:

> 580 (lack of energy)
> 422 or 900 (vital capacity)
> 812 (acid-base balance)
> 530 (metabolic therapy)

In these therapy sessions too, after the follow-up programs, the patient was stabilised with ampoules from the combined test technique’s 5 feedback circuits test set (5E) and the ampoules from the degenerated cells test set.

From the latter the following primarily tested:

> Eliminating chemotherapy
> Stabilising immune system
> Stabilising cells and
> Stabilising DNA.

Throughout all these months my patient had only minimal side-effects as I can also prove with many other therapies of this type. Unfortunately she lost her hair but she only experienced a very moderate form of nausea, never any vomiting and only very slight sensory disturbance in her arms and legs (this only after her seventh chemotherapy). She maintained her functional capacity, her sleeping-waking rhythm was not disturbed and, above all,she, who I knew as “fragile”, was always in good spirits!

What surprised me, although from experience it is not unusual, was that her conductivity which usually dropped below 60 with chemotherapy, was 78 after her last chemotherapy session!

Patients who I was only able to accompany after the first or second chemotherapy session without any previous preparation, in other words after general toxicity had become manifest, registered a conductivity reading below 60 at the latest after the fifth chemotherapy session.

Taking into consideration the patient’s prior condition (raised liver values for over 20 years with cirrhosis of the liver of unknown origin and previous history of chronic rheumatism), this was further empirical evidence of the effectiveness of BICOM® therapy.

The extended therapy system

As a result of bioenergetic testing I know the patient’s initial energetic condition, I know his stresses and which therapeutic aims are on the agenda, e.g. antiviral therapy considered as more long term or cleansing dental foci.

Following any anti-allergy therapy which may be necessary, if therapy has progressed well, the patient’s condition is already showing signs of improvement and I start with further more specific stages of therapy.

As a rule this is now the time for antiparasitic and antimycotic therapy.

Then it is a question of whether the patient is ready for any dental cleansing required which, as a rule, is coupled with releasing and eliminating dental materials. Cleansing root-treated teeth, osteitis of the jaw, chronic pulpitis, etc. will also entail the immunity of the entire body being subject to stress.

After dental cleansing the time is right to treat latent viral stress.

Finally, in order to cleanse the entire body, that leaves the childhood illnesses experienced retoxically, post-vaccinal complications and inherited toxins to be treated and in this precise order too.

The latter run through the patient’s entire life like live rails for earlier deficiencies and assume an important position in treatment for the purpose of healing the whole body.

The time for this is relatively late in the course of structured therapeutic measures to avoid overtaxing the patient.

The highly individual requirements of the particular patient’s mechanisms for functioning, reacting, regulating and compensating must always be taken into consideration as a matter of principle.

Sometimes it is just a matter of time before systemic stresses irritate the steady state of the patient to the extent that a tumour develops.

As this is happening on several fronts in the body moreover, wide-ranging reactions which tend towards tumour development are understandable.

Final remarks

At this point mention must obviously be made of the fact that treatment does not always result in success but it is important to motivate the patient continuously.

You are also required to show considerable dedication and skill in managing the patient and decisiveness in order to introduce the individual measures at the right time and in the right order.

Continue treating the patient using immunosuppressant conventional therapy. If you lead these patients out of their overall stressed state, you can achieve much that is beneficent.

I hope I have been able to encourage you to find out about this area and improve your knowledge and skills.

Thank you for your attention.


Selected indication-based follow-up therapies for tumours

Program 570 Increasing powers of resistance
Program 911 / 423 Aggression, nervous problems
Program 432 / 827 / 281 Auto-regulatory disorders
Program 978 Stress from pathogens
Program 979 Stress from synthetic materials
Program 951 / 610 Tissue blocks
Program 927 Tissue blocks due to adhesions
Program 847 / 941 Blocks from medication
Program 915 / 918 Releasing energy blocks
Program 970 / 962 / 940 Chakra therapy for 1st – 7th chakras
Program 561 / 562 Improving intestinal flora
Program 910 / 518 / 960 / 970 Improving protein metabolism
Program 580 Lack of energy
Program 922 / 923 Tissue process, acute/ chronic-degenerative Program 953 Immunodeficiencies
Program 582 Immunodeficiency (internal blocks)
Program 930 / 830 Lymph activation Program 535 / 429 Spleen disorders
Program 433 Mesenchymal therapy (for patients with blocked reactions)
Program 910 Scar interference field Program 631 / 401 Rheumatic pain
Program 425 / 426 Pain therapy Program 432 / 241 Shock therapy
Program 570 Increasing powers of resistance
Program 428 Thymus activation
Program 996 Viral therapy Program 422 Improving vital capacity
Program 507 Yin Yang compensation
Program 839 Cell stimulation



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