Migraines and headaches
Dr. Sinan Akkurt, Izmir, Turkey
Dear colleagues and bioresonance friends,
We are together again here for the 53rd International BICOM® bioresonance congress. I would like to start with thanking Mrs. and Mr. Brügemann who provided me this opportunity for the last three years and Dr. Sümer Zeynep Karabey for her tremendous contributions to my vocational growth. I am at the opinion that they are commendable.
In case there are some colleagues who have not attended the congress before, I would like to state that I made a presentation about cancer two years ago and about epilepsy diseases last year. On the other hand, this year I prepared a speech on headache and migraine. First of all, let’s have a look at headache diseases and especially migraine.
Headache is one of the most common medical complaints people observe. Generally, pain is a feeling which is observed by carriage of stimulations formed by chemical and mechanical incidents around pain receptors (nociceptors). The term is generally used for the feeling sensed up to the sub-occipital region on the orbit.

Primary headaches
A Migraine
1. Migraine without aura
2. Migraine with aura
– Migraine with unique aura
– Headache with unique aura, not similar with migraine
– Unique aura without headache
– Familial Hemiplegic Migraine (FHM)
– Sporadic Hemiplegic Migraine
– Basilar Migraine
3. Periodical Syndromes of Childhood Era Which Might Be Common Initiator for Migraine
– Repetitive vomiting
– Abdominal Migraine
– Benign Dizziness in childhood with attacks
4. Retinal Migraine
5. Migraine Complications
– Permanent Migraine
– Migraine Status
– Resistive aura without ischemia
– Infarcts due to migraine
– Epileptic seizures due to migraine
6. Possible Migraine
– Possible Migraine without aura
– Possible Migraine with aura
– Possible Permanent Migraine
B Tension based headaches
C Cluster headaches and chronic paroxysmal hemicranias
D Other headaches unrelated with structural lesions
Secondary headaches
A Headaches resulting from head traumas
B Headaches related with vascular disorders
C Headaches unrelated with vascular disorders
D Headaches resulting from addictions or lack of substances
E Headaches resulting from extracranial infections
F Headaches resulting from metabolic disorders
G Head and face aches resulting from structural disorders of cranium, neck, ears, sinuses, teeth, mouth and other parts of head
H Headaches resulting from psychiatric disorders
I Cranial neuralgias and nerve aches
J Unclassified headaches
Definition of Migraine
It is a special case headache which is widely known as “semi headache” in the society and of which the most significant characteristic is that it is seen periodically together with cold sweating covering half of the head and the face.
Migraine is a complex disease situation which contains neurogenic, vascular, gastrointestinal, autonomous and psychogenic disorders at the same time. As a result of recent studies, integrated neurovascular theory is accepted instead of vascular theory regarding pathologic physiology of migraine. Migraine is a primary neural process. The cause of migraine is an excessive stimulation of the cortex. In addition to this, neural depolarization triggered by inner and outer factors and a wave of “Spreading Cortical Depression” (CSD) formed as a result, are accepted as activators of aura and trigeminal vascular system of migraine. Besides, migraine can also be responsible for psychological disorders since it results in serious dysfunction limiting life and living quality. Migraine is placed at the 19th rank (12th for woman) on the list of World Health Organization (WHO) of diseases causing dysfunction.
MIGRAINE DIAGNOSIS CRITERIA (International Headache Community)
• Having at least 5 attacks in 6 months
• Headache lasting in between a couple of hours and a couple of days (4 – 72 hours)
• Observing at least two of the below mentioned characteristics
– Headache being in medium or high intensity
– Headache becoming worse with physical activity
– Headache, one-sided
– Headache, throbbing
• Headache related with at least one of the following factors: nausea, vomiting, noise sensibility or light sensibility
• Not detecting any other reason for headache in history or examination of patient
Types of Migraine
1. Migraine without Aura (Simple Migraine): The typical features of this type are: one-sided, throbbing, in medium or high intensity, growing worse doing routine physical activity, nausea, photophobia and phonophobia. Migraine without aura forms 70 – 90% of attacks.
2. Migraine with Aura (Classic or Focal Migraine): It is generally seen as appearing of colors in geometric shapes in the semivisual field together with aura in the form of light chains. Throbbing headache is mostly at the opposite side of the symptoms and patients might experience nausea, vomiting, photophobia, phonophobia and anorexia. Migraine with aura is mostly observed together with such temporary neurological disorders as visual field disorder and hemi-sensorial loss. Headache generally appears after neurological aura symptoms, lasts about 4 – 72 hours and is responsible for 10 – 30% of migraine attacks.
3. Sub-types of Migraine which are rarely seen
a. Lengthened aura
b. Familial hemiplegic migraine
c. Basilar migraine
d. Retinal migraine
e. Migrainous infarct
f. Ophtalmoplegic migraine
g. Status migraenosus
Definition of Migraine Attack

Migraine attacks can be separated into five different sections: prodrome stage observed hours or days before headache, aura stage just before headache, headache stage, stage of headache disappearing and postdrome stage; none of which are obligatory for diagnosis of migraine.
Prodrome: It is formed of stimulating symptoms caused by slight changes in the emotional state or behavior about 24 hours before headache.
Aura: It defines specific focal neurologic symptoms of migraine aura which last about an hour and generally disappears before headache starts.
Headache: It is mostly intense and throbbing for migraine without aura, it is one-sided and sensitive to light and noise. Most of the patients prefer lying down in a dark room without moving.
Result: Sleeping and nourishment help both treated and untreated migraine attacks to become better.
Recovery (Postdrome): Once the headache disappears, some of the migraine patients feel exhausted, others relaxed.
Study at our clinic
After refreshing our memories about headache and migraine, now let’s move on to the study we carry on at our clinic.
The sample of our study is composed of 40 patients who applied to our clinic for migraine and other headache reasons.
In order to describe test and treatment approaches for these cases I can say that:
First, as we do for all patients applying to our clinic, we collected anamnesis and blood samples in full scale from these patients and conducted tests on these samples via CTT test panels. Meanwhile, our patients were examined as follows:
1. We tested geopathy, scar and other blockages.
2. We tested all detox organs.
3. We tested tooth blockages and tooth organ connections.
4. We checked for relations of accompanying diseases (epilepsy, etc.), if any, with migraine and headache.
As a result, we prepared treatment plans for the patients by considering test results of CTT panels and applied these plans:
We applied treatment of geopathy, scars, and other existing blockages at the first sessions for patients with migraine and headache, as we do for other patients. We treated detox organ disorders. Then, we treated the main cause of headache (epilepsy, etc.) of the patients who applied for headache complaints. In addition, we provided treatment to be permanent by treating environmental factors (as in CTT ampoules).
Regarding migraine treatment, we applied specific treatment approaches for the migraine triggering agents (according to the test results using CTT ampoules).

Twenty-eight patients out of 40 applied to our clinic due to migraine complaints, 12 applied for headache complaints other than migraine.
Twenty-eight patients considered in the study are female and 12 of them are male.

When we evaluate the 12 patients with other than migraine complaints we see that 8 of them (66%) complain about pain for less than 5 years, 3 of them (25%) complain about pain for about 5 – 10 years and 1 of them (8%) complains about pain for more than 10 years. In addition, 2 of these patients (16%) are at the age group of 0 – 20, 4 of them (32%) are 20 – 30 and 6 of them (50%) are over 30 years.
On the other hand, regarding the 28 migraine patients, 8 patients (28.5%) experience attacks for less than 5 years, 9 of them (32%) for 5 – 10 years and 11 of them (39.2%) for more than 10 years. Whereas the frequency of attacks is reported as everyday for 10 patients (35.7%), once in two days for 8 patients (28.5%) and once or twice in a week for 8 patients (28.5%) and before menstrual period for 2 patients (7%). In addition, 5 of migraine patients (17.8%) are at the age group of 0 – 20, 10 of them (35.7%) are at the age group of 20 – 30 and 13 of them (46.4%) are above 30 years old.

Distinguishing test results

I want to draw your attentions to the ratios regarding substances such as Candida, cow milk and amalgam which we found as a result of blood tests via CTT panels. Once we apply first sessions of treatment (according to the tests results), we give our patients Candida diet at first and cow milk or wheat diets (by considering priorities) later on. The pain attacks tend to decrease after patients start their diets. If you look at the table you can see that all of our patients have geopathy. I suppose you all know how important geopathy is now for the bioresonance treatment. When we check for percentages, we see that Candida is positive fin 80% of the patients. We applied Candida treatment for these patients as follows:

Therapy 1:
Program characteristics: Ai = 15, 17.8 Hz, wobble turned off, symmetric amplification scan, 50 s, duration of treatment 12 min
Channel 2: Nystatin, borax D6, propolis, Echinacea, Amphotericin B, tea tree oil, duration of treatment 12 min

Therapy 2:
Program characteristics: Ai = 10, 17.8 Hz, wobble turned on, symmetric amplification scan, 50 sec, duration of treatment 12 min Patients Channel 2: Nystatin, borax D6, propolis, Echinacea, Amphotericin B, tea tree oil, duration of treatment 12 min.
After Candida treatment, pink ampoules on CTT VF panel (virus, fungi) should be tested and treated by taking amplification and duration into account using program 192. Candida can be treated in one or two sessions using the protocol invented by Dr. Sabine Rauch.
You can also see that half of our patients had amalgam. The interesting thing here is that once their amalgams were taken out, attack frequency and pain intensity decreased remarkably for most of the patients and even disappeared for some.
We applied migraine protocol described on the table above simultaneously together with pathogen treatments.
N.E., 43 years old, female, pharmacist, migraine patient for 20 years
She experiences migraine and clustering type headache, pain lasting 15 – 20 days and attacks definitely before and after menstrual period. She also experiences attacks frequently except for menstrual period.
There is an increase in frequency and duration of attacks for last one year. She had a traumatic tooth extraction history one year ago. Stress and depression triggered her attacks. She is a Hashimoto patient and used to suffer from Hepatitis A.
CTT result: Wheat, Candida, amalgam, palladium, mercury.
Treatment of scar, geopathy and other blockages are started for the patient.
Candida treatment and specific treatment followed. The pain is observed to decrease relatively. Meanwhile coordination is made with a dentist who is experienced in bioresonance treatment. While the dentist continues dental treatments, wheat and heavy metal treatments are started after Candida treatment. Pain is reduced considerably once amalgam has been removed. Hormonal support and tension type headache treatments are started. The attacks decrease to a once in two months frequency during this period. When tooth organ connection of the patient is tested according to Sissi Karz, tooth blockage with 3.6 hormone related is detected. Right groin related treatment is conducted via program 271. According to recent examinations, patient has no complaints at the time being. The patient no longer suffers from migraine and headache attacks.
As a conclusion, by following the 40 patients who had applied to our clinic for headache and migraine reasons and who were treated by BICOM® bioresonance method we can say that:
70% of our patients have never had a migraine attack
20% had attacks once in six months
5% had attacks once in two months and
5% could not be reached.
So, I can confidently state that headache and migraine diseases can be treated by the BICOM® bioresonance method.
Thank you for your listening to me.