
Multiple sclerosis: Drug-free — a possibility with bioresonance?

May 31, 201812 min read

Esther Roder, Naturopath

What is multiple sclerosis (MS)?

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic inflammatory condition of the central nervous system (CNS), through which the components of the nerve fibres are destroyed — as well as myelin, also known as the myelin sheath.

They become inflamed and can harden permanently, so that the nerve’s function —namely, the redirection of information and commands — is disrupted. The body itself is responsible for this destruction, as it sets the immune system on its own, healthy cells for reasons that are yet unknown.

Therefore, MS is described as an auto-immune disease (auto = self).

Without drugs – made possible without medically-advised therapy?

Ultimately, only the subjects themselves can decide, want or agree to this.

As they often lack trust in their own bodies when they are diagnosed or if they are in an acute phase, the subjects mostly choose medical support to be able to get out of this physical/emotional low as soon as possible.

But what about after an acute phase?

Drugs, different medical therapies to fight symptoms?

If the subject now has the awareness/trust/courage to look at other forms of therapy instead of conventional medical therapy, then bioresonance therapy is an excellent and supportive opportunity to similarly help the body out of this situation to find the causes that caused the body to behave in this way.

There are many factors that may be questioned after such a medical diagnosis.

Here are a few examples that can be filtered out by means of an energetic test proce­dure:

  • Locating energetic (tensor) areas in the body with a large amount of damage that are not directly visible through imaging diagnoses (MRT)

  • Emotional and toxic contamination, such as excessive work, drugs, sport, bacte­ria, viruses, fungi, parasites, chemicals = medicines/vaccinations, allergies, etc.

  • Pain body = locating conscious and unconscious experiences that a person has had in their life and emptying/changing these memories bit by bit

  • Examining/changing diet, consumption, daily life

  • Finding deficits in the cells (e. g. too little oxygen)

If nothing else is possible, the subjects can have a look at and do exactly the examples mentioned above, together with medicine, and create a new way of life.

Several people with medical diagnosis = MS were treated

Testing and treatment:

Because I have not changed my procedure for testing and the first approx. 10-15 treat­ments on a body with bioresonance therapy for some time, you can read up on every­thing important about it in the RTI booklets 40 and 41.

Here, I have compiled a short introduction to the first steps.

Bioresonance therapy first treatment:

  • Basic programme: 30133.0 = Ai + A 10 min. (individual adjustment of the pa­rameters, low frequency, bandpass, wobbling, amplification, tempo) test ener­getically, stress/nerves (body thereby becomes capable of regulation)

  • Basic programme: 133.0 = Ai + A 10 min, type of therapy is individually modi­fied, stress/nerves (body thereby becomes capable of regulation)

  • Shock therapy: 3094.0 = H, type of therapy is individually modified; please test length of time

  • Shock therapy: 3095.0 = H, type of therapy is individually modified, please test length of time

  • Possibly: support for ingesting by means of 1- 2 different homoeopathic reme­dies at most, e.g. hypericum perforatum, B6, B12, minerals, trace elements, mi­cro-nutrients

Bioresonance therapy second-fifth treatment:

  • Scars: 900.2, 910.5, 910.3

  • Blockades: 3017.0

  • Electrosmog: 701.0, see manual

  • Organ therapy in order of priority (liver, stomach, small intestine etc.)

  • Inflammations: 3037.0, irritations in order of priority in different areas, e. g. brain, CNS, pituitary gland, liver, kidneys … depending on where the body re­quires it, often in several areas at the same time

  • The patient has 5-8 applicators on the body, sometimes even more

Bioresonance therapy sixth — tenth treatment:

  • Drainage: 3013.0, 979.1, see manual of chemical substances/residues from vac­cines, metals, poisons, e.g. indoor toxins, medicines, bacteria, viruses, para­sites, fungi, always in order of priority for substances that may be drained

  • Organ therapy (in order of priority in different areas/several applicators)

  • Inflammation: 3037.0

  • Nerve damping: 911.1, 423.5

  • Nerve regulation: 3074.0, 3075.0

  • Metabolism therapy: 530.4, 260.2, 261.3, 3106.0, 3107.0 in order of priority

  • Sometimes, up to 4 input cups are loaded with blood, saliva, nasal secretions and ampoules by Dr Schumacher, CTT, orthomolecular substances depending on the energetic testing (bio-tensor).

After the contaminations, inflammations and irritations have largely been diverted, it has proved effective to further treat the nerve system with nerve dampening/regula­tion in different areas of the body. Depending on the prioritisation of my energetic testing, I incorporate the brain and the vegetative faulty signalling into the therapy, if this has not yet reached complete performance (100 %).

Therefore, it is recommended to integrate the metabolism and the body’s acid into the therapy, as these are mostly responsible for different diseases.

The therapy programmes are mainly individually tested and configured. Today, I would like to present the first case to you directly:

Case study 1

  • Antje, 31 years old

  • in a long-term relationship without children

  • Commercial clerk, she wants to achieve more in her career than she currently has (largely because she works 8-11 hours a day)

  • Puts herself under pressure

  • Diagnosed with MS at 30 years old in 2016

She noticed the first impaired movements herself, in the right and left sides of her body. After a few days, this progressed to impairments when speaking, swallowing, eating. Holding in urine was only conditionally possible. She also experienced very strong headaches.

She went to hospital with these symptoms and stayed there for 7 days.

In the clinic, she was given high doses of cortisone and, for the first 3 weeks, low dos­age cortisone tablets to take at home to taper her intake.

According to the MRI scan, the foci of inflammation at this time were different areas of the brain, the shoulder area, the thoracic spine and lumbar spine.

Upon the recommendation of the doctors, she was released from hospital and told to inject herself every 2 days with Betaferon.

On the basis of the diagnosis, she took several weeks off from work. Through a detour, she found herself in my office.

Here, everything is much different to a doctor’s statement/MS diagnosis. This surprised Antje, so she asked:

Does it work?

You need to have a good amount of patience and the willingness to change something in your life, was my answer.

She has now decided to listen to herself, be patient and put a little more effort into her body.

Now, it is about energetically locating where in the body (physical level) and soul (sub­tle level) there is a low vibration or where it takes too long to supply the system suffi­ciently.

Antje’s energetic status showed:

Irritations/inflammations of various intensities, through which everything went at a snail’s pace in the CNS, brain, cervical spine, thoracic spine, lumbar spine, sacral, the right and left hips as well as the shoulder and organs.

Deposits of poisonous substances increased the body’s acids so that the body was not supplied properly due to the thickened blood. A lack of oxygen in the cells and in the body itself were, therefore, the consequence.

Antje’s physical contaminations were:

Bacteria: Enterobacteria, chlamydia, campylobacter, salmonella, clostridia Parasites/Worms: (Taenia solium, oxyuris, ascaris)
Fungi: Moulds, different candida, aspergillus
Chemical substances: Medicines during childhood, antibiotics, thiomersal, DEHP, hor­mones, cortisone, Betaferon
Metals: Mercury, copper, zinc, nickel, cadmium

Antje’s emotional contaminations were:

  • Unhappiness at work

  • Unhappiness in her relationship

  • Always under time pressure

  • Barely any time for relaxing/sport

  • Smoking (approx. 30-35 cigarettes)

  • To relax, she drank a beer or even 2-3 in the evening

  • So far, she has failed to change her life

  • Now, she is forced, due to her MS diagnosis, to look for the first time at the opportuni­ties available to her to redesign her life with MS.


We started with bioresonance therapy every 14 days with approx. 20 treatments.

As you can read in the RTI booklets No. 40 and 41, it is always the same procedure, no matter which disease the person has.

Simultaneously, Antje decided, after tapering her intake of cortisone, not to take any more medicines.

To build the body up after each treatment, she took an intramuscular injection of B12 + folic acids approx. 20 times, as well as Vitamin Ultra B Complex during the day and Bio Active Minerals from Vitality in the evenings.

To reduce the larger stresses (parasites, fungi, bacteria), she and her life partner took Parasitus X by Dr Clark, until there were no more contaminations.

To drain out the deeper contaminations (chemicals, viruses, bacteria, fungi), I only work with bioresonance, which I, after the Parasitus X has been completely ingested, test again and, if necessary, treat again.

Current status

  • Hasn’t drunk any alcohol since the beginning of treatment

  • Reduced smoking to 3-5 cigarettes

  • Has applied to another job position internally that allows her to rise up slowly without personal pressure

  • Does sport 1-2 a week with her life partner

  • Is fascinated by how easy it is, in principle, to change your life. Unfortunately only after this physical breakdown.

  • Since then, no more phases

Case study 2

  • Markus, 49 years old

  • Married to me, 1 daughter

  • Carpenter since 1984, prison officer since 2003

  • Different shifts (early, late, night and weekends)

  • Diagnosed with MS at 40 years old in 2009

He noticed the first impaired movements and tingling in the right side of his body him­self during work. After a few days, this had progressed to impairments when speaking, swallowing, eating also with a shift of the right corner of the mouth downwards. He also experienced very strong headaches with accompanying nausea.

He went to hospital with these symptoms and stayed there for 6 days.

After countless examinations and high doses of cortisone in the clinic, he left the hos­pital with the MS diagnosis.

For the first 5 weeks at home, he took low doses of cortisone in tablet form to taper his intake.

Upon the recommendation of the doctors, Markus had to to inject Betaferon every 2 days.

Before this, he didn’t take any medicines.

According to the MRI scan, the foci of inflammation at this time were different areas of the brain, the shoulder area, the thoracic spine, the cervical spine, the lumbar spine. Following this, there was a 6 week stay in rehab.

On the basis of the diagnosis, Markus took several months off from work.

As the medical officer deemed him fit for service, but not fit for penal service, Markus had to enter retirement at 40 years old according to the advice given by his supervi­sors.

This was not possible for him.

Despite not having completed training as an alternative practitioner, at this point we decided to purchase a bioresonance device, as we had heard of this form of therapy in Portugal.

Markus had clearly decided that medicine should only be the method until he could move his body again or until the tingling is bearable.

Now, for us, it was about energetically locating where in the body (physical level) and soul (subtle level) there was a low vibration or where it took too long to supply the sys­tem sufficiently.

As we were only treated with bioresonance 1-3 times a year in Portugal before then, for me it was a topic that I started on by treating my husband at the beginning.

I, 100 %, relied on all the experiences of other therapists, as they had already done it before and I had only just started. We noticed very quickly that this is the best treat­ment opportunity for him, to set his body into higher motion.

Markus’s energetic status showed:

Irritations/inflammations of different intensities, through which everything went at a snail’s pace in the CNS, brain, cervical spine, thoracic spine, lumbar spine, sacral, the right hip as well as the shoulder and organs.

Markus’s physical contaminations were:

Bacteria: Enterobacteria, chlamydia, campylobacter

Fungi: Moulds, different candida, aspergillus

Chemical substances: Medicines during childhood, thiomersal, DEHP, cortisone, Beta­feron

Metals: Mercury, copper, zinc, nickel, cadmium

Markus’s emotional contaminations were:

  • Shift and weekend work

  • Too little sleep

  • Barely any time for relaxing/sport, as he still had a second job

  • Riding a motorbike was not enough to relax him completely


We treated the body weekly with bioresonance until Markus began to gain strength again.

After each treatment, he took an intramuscular injection of B12 + folic acids approx. 40 times, until the body rejected this high level of B vitamins, thereupon we changed to multi-vitamins and minerals from PM International-Fitline.

Current status:

  • Hasn’t drunk any alcohol

  • At least 1-2 hours of exercise outside per day

  • Eats meat only 1-2 time a week

  • Drinks at least 2-3 litres of water per day

  • Has passed an additional 2 years of education as a judicial administration of­ficer so that he does not have to do any more shift and weekend work

  • Because of this, regulated working hours with replenishing sleep at night

  • Stopped part time job

  • No phases/impairments since then

At the beginning of 2017, Markus had signs of a phase and went to the doctors. His body was checked by an MRI. There are/were no new foci of inflammation. According to the blood values, there were few signs of inflammation and no blisters and pyelitis were present, despite pains and problems during urination.

The doctor recommended antibiotics.

Through the energetic testing, I determined that there were high inflammation values in the above areas, which we treated with bioresonance so that the pains were better and no antibiotics had to be taken.

He was off work for 5 weeks and, because of this, treated intensively over approx. 3
months, 1-2 times a week, with bioresonance. Currently, we treat every 2-3 weeks.

In order to obtain the best possible treatment result and improvement of impairments in the subject, carry out intensive development discussions and treat chronic or auto-immune diseases regularly, approx. 1-3 a month.

With this in mind, dear colleagues, thank you for your attention and I wish you the best for the future, your treatments and therapy.

Esther Roder (alternative practitioner)


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