Nanoparticles – an abstract danger to our health?
Alexander A.C. Rijsberman, Qualified Naturopath, Zug, Switzerland
My work is empirical. This means I can reap the benefits of my experience and investigate a problem in its specific context. There is, however, also the risk that this type of investigation will be dismissed as being insufficiently scientific.
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self- evident (Arthur Schopenhauer). Yet this is where we can seize on a great opportunity. While others engage in ridicule you can gain time until self-evident acceptance becomes the norm.
My theme today is: Nanoparticles — an abstract danger to our health?
With the BICOM® bioresonance method we have at our disposal a great, and probably unique, method of eliminating these particles and this is in fact something that is very easy to do in practice.
What do we mean by ‘abstract’ danger?
Abstract (Lat. ‘abstractus’) means removed, distanced and separated, and describes a thought process which omits details passing to something more simple, or even from the general towards the specific. The term abstract can also be used to refer to a summary.
This is precisely where the abstract danger lies — in such a complex field as this we lose sight of the overall picture because of the sheer number of specialist areas.
In 2009 when treating patients for porphyria and kryptopyrroluria, I found nanoparticles to be the cause. To begin with I was unable to imagine how these particles could be overcome and was convinced that this would be a task for the next 10-15 years.
However thanks to the ingenious BICOM® bioresonance system this has been made much easier.
I am dividing my paper into four sections:

What do we know about the technology of the future?
Very little is known about the dangers to man and the environment from nanoparticles.
This is very surprising. If you enter the term nanotechnology in Google, more than two million entries appear.
‘Nano’ is derived from the Greek word meaning ‘dwarf’.
Compared with an orange a nanometre is roughly as small as an orange when compared with the Earth. Particles in the nanoworld range from 1 to 100 nanometres in size.
54th International Congress for BICOM® Therapists, 2nd to 4th May 2014 in Fulda, Germany

Their properties are interesting. One and the same substance can behave differently depending on size and this opens up new applications.
There are not many good images available of nanoparticles and they mostly resemble dust particles or bacteria. Here are two images showing how medicine is successfully using nanotechnology.
Nanotubes: allowing targeted drug transportation in cells.

Nerve cells coupling with nanoparticle surfaces (top image on right column).
Attached to the appendix to this paper is a list of commercially available nanoparticles (list all sources under ‘Literature’). By no means exhaustive, this list does nonetheless give an indication of the scale and enormous variety of these materials.

Research has been conducted for more than 20 years in the nanoparticle field and today there are more than 2000 products on the market. These are primarily everyday items such as clothes, food and cosmetics. Nanoparticles are particularly controversial when they are used in medicine.
At the present time there is a major gap between this dynamic development and our knowledge of the possible risks. There are no valid safety standards to help us avoid negative effects. Several reinsurance companies fear that nanotubes could have similar effects to asbestos.
In 2003 Greenpeace published a critical report on nanotechnology.
In 2007 American cancer researchers reported that they had found nanoparticles in tissue cells and DNA.
In 2011 several nanoparticle researchers in Monterrey, Mexico became the target of attacks.
There is a great deal of uncertainty because even nowadays no labelling obligation exists.
What are the dangers from nanoparticles?
In the broadest sense, nanoparticles are all “metals”, which alter their behaviour.
This has a series of consequences in the body because the greatest changes are found in mineral substances and fatty tissues.
In the following slides I will show you a few examples of the everyday use of nanoparticles. I am not trying to cause alarm, I just want to draw attention to these problems. Avoidance is no longer an option now; nanotechnology would have had to be monitored much earlier for this to be possible. Not just by us, but by the authorities and governments too.
Where do we find these nanoparticles?
Silicon dioxide
It is known that silicon dioxide is used as an anti-caking agent in seasoning, salt and gritting salt (photo on previous page) and sugar. The particles prevent the absorption of moisture. The same effect is found in flavourings in chocolate, milk shakes and teas. They act as a water repellent on window surfaces, glasses and many paints.

Titanium dioxide

Nano titanium dioxide is found in toothpaste; the higher the intended teeth- whitening effect, the more titanium is found in the paste.
In sunscreens titanium dioxide shields UV rays and depending on the particle size appears white or colourless. Sun protection cream used to remain visible after application, but nowadays with nanoparticles transparent sun protection is possible.
It is also found as a brightener in salad creams and mayonnaises.
It also prevents the growth of algae and bacteria in wall paints.
Aluminium dioxide

Aluminium clay particle coatings prevent CO2 escaping from PET bottles.
Aluminium nanoparticles are found in high quantities in antiperspirants. Today there are deodorants which can block sweat glands for 72 hours.
Aluminium nanoparticles are used as preservatives in vaccines.
Silver oxide

We often find silver oxide in sports clothing. Here it is used to inhibit the growth of bacteria and prevent odour.
Iron oxide

Iron oxide is added as a transfer medium to inks in printer toners and ink cartridges. Iron oxide can be magnetised and is therefore also used as a contrast medium in tomography.
These particles can also be put to good use — it is possible to use iron oxide to bind oil spillages in seawater. Solar cells too and electronic components are made more efficient thanks to these thin-film nanofilms.
Nanotechnology in medicine
Nanotechnology in medicine essentially covers diagnostics, monitoring and therapy. For instance systems can be manufactured which specifically target drugs at diseased cells. Implants too are supplied with ultrafine nano surface structures thereby promoting healthy growth.
In the case of tablets, capsules and ointments, only a fraction ultimately reaches the desired site of action. The greater part is distributed arbitrarily throughout the whole body and can produce adverse effects. One of the long- held aims of pharmaceutical research, therefore, is to develop transportation systems which provide targeted delivery of drugs to the site of the disease.
Very intensive research is under way at the present time to provide targeted treatment for Alzheimer’s and cancer.
In industry, a real gold rush mentality is developing with analysts estimating annual market volume at 27 billion dollars. Other forecasts estimate the potential to be much higher mainly due to new developments and patents in the medical field and food industries.
First of all I would like to demonstrate the changes in minerals:
Generally when a metal meets an acid, a salt is produced. Here I am thinking of the example of sodium chloride. Sodium is a metal and chlorine an acid. When they meet, sodium chloride is produced, i.e. cooking salt. Biochemistry provides a good example with Dr Schussler’s mineral salts.
Using the following table (next page) I would like to highlight the metal-acid compounds, without going into too much detail. The table will help with our understanding of mineral salts in a physiological context.
We are not so much concerned here with the acids because there is no absolute need to treat these. With all acid/base treatments it is over acidity that is treated i.e. acid in excess. Eliminating excess acid makes sense, though it must be remembered that normal acids are the building blocks of all cells.
As an example: Every protein is made up of amino acids, every fat consists of fatty acids and each cell too contains deoxyribonucleic acids (DNA).
What interests us are the new compounds made from nanometals and acids.
I call these new compounds ‘microsalination’. The nanoparticles are able to change the substances involved but we do not know exactly how these changes affect our physiology.
Summary: All salts slowly dehydrate the body; getting “old” means “slow dehydration” and this can be seen particularly well in the skin and connective tissue.

For anyone wishing to know how different metal stresses affect the body I can happily refer them to homoeopathy. Homoeopathy handbooks list almost all metals and describe their effects in minute detail.
The second major change takes place in fatty tissue.
Firstly I will show you a liposome approximately 100 nm in size from an article by the Swiss Cancer League. You can see the bullet-shaped nanoparticles within the fatty sheath.

The next slide shows a three-dimensional reconstruction of the nanoparticles (violet) and their spatial arrangement in the fat cell (top image on right column).
A further fatty tissue is the myelin sheath around the nerve pathways (bottom image on right column).
The myelin sheath forms a lipid-rich, neuron-bearing layer around the axons.
Within the CNS we speak of oligodendrocytes which wrap a sheath around10 to 50 axons, while in the peripheral nervous system we talk about Schwann cells, which are wrapped around
just one axon. Depending on the type of nerve cell, the myelin sheath can wrap around the axon 3-50 times.

The sheaths are interrupted at intervals of 0.2 to 1.5 millimetres by the nodes of Ranvier. This produces faster saltatory conduction.
Because myelin sheaths act as insulation they prevent leakage currents, and the sheath also protects the axon from the action potentials of any other neurons which may happen to cross this neuron.
If we consider nanoparticles more closely we recognise that all particles are ‘metals’ in the broadest sense. All metals conduct electricity. Since nanoparticles like fat but repel water, they are mainly deposited in fatty tissue. As a result the lipid layers around the axon become enriched with metal and lose their insulating effect. The saltatory excitation loses its targeted action and can fizzle out anywhere in the axon or become misdirected.

How do nanoparticles get into the body?
Entry portals for nanomaterials: Skin and mucous membranes, gastrointestinal tract and lungs.
Most nanoparticles are inhaled. Worst of all are the soot particles from diesel engines. At one time sooty particles would remain in the lungs and in the worst case scenario could lead to lung cancer. Today, because of the soot particle filters, the exhaust fumes are burnt once again and so much finer particles are produced. Now they no longer remain in the lungs but are distributed throughout the whole body in blood. It is not just the respiratory tracts that are stressed but also the skin and mucous membranes. Primarily the nanoparticles dry out the membranes through microsalination. This makes the area for absorption of pathogens and other nanoparticles greater. Vaccinations, medications and contrast media should also be mentioned. To look deeper down at cell level, let us turn as ever to the basic system after Pischinger. The particles reach cell membranes through the blood stream. The tiniest nanoparticles easily penetrate the sodium-potassium pumps (top image on right column).

The larger ones are deposited in cell membranes. The nanoparticles migrate further into the cell organelles or into the nucleus.

The tiniest nanoparticles are stored in the helix coils and influence actual cell division by destroying the hydrogen bridges between the DNA bases. mRNAs replicate incorrectly at a replication speed of 50 nucleotides a second. Similar to viruses, cells then produce defective protein building blocks. The vast majority of the absorbed particles are excreted. The remainder can penetrate all tissues and even into the brain and bone marrow. In brief: The nanoparticles dry out the cells, organs and organ systems because of their water-repelling action and produce defective RNA proteins. It is precisely these water-repelling properties that pose the greatest problem for our immune system. I do not know of a single immune cell capable of trapping water-repelling particles. Nevertheless, thanks to bioresonance we are able to train the immune system and eliminate these particles in a highly targeted manner.
The Candida fungus gives us an example of just how important a nanoparticle-free intestinal wall is. The fungus binds heavy metals in the gastrointestinal tract, however the Candida fungus is unable to bind the water-repelling nanoparticles and, even with intensive intestinal clean-up, we go in a full circle. The presence of nanoparticles in the intestine causes the system to malfunction. Instead of toxins being released in the stools, these return to the liver. This phenomenon is well known to us as retoxic syndrome.
The following organs or organ systems can be affected by nanoparticles:
Brain/nervous system: headaches, migraines, chronic fatigue, lack of stress tolerance, mental problems, learning disabilities, symptoms of neurostress, etc. When deposited they in the cerebral nerves, then can lead to dementia, Alzheimer’s, MS and ALS. Eyes: macular degeneration, night blindness and lens opacity, etc. Immune system: susceptibility to infection, chronic infections, allergies, histamine intolerance, auto-immune diseases, etc. Hormonal system: growth and development disturbances, reduced fertility, pregnancy complications, menstruation problems, thyroid gland dysfunction, adrenal insufficiency, blood sugar fluctuations, etc. Digestive system: irritable bowel, upper abdominal problems, food intolerance, gluten, Candida, etc.
Skin, hair, nails and teeth: sun sensitivity, skin disorders (urticaria), hair loss, spots and horizontal marks in nails, poor dental enamel, etc. Musculoskeletal system: back and joint pain, lack of movement in the joints, muscle spasms, muscle cramps. muscle weakness, rheumatic arthritis, etc. How do we rid ourselves of this nanoparticle problem? This is where we need our excretory systems . By this I mean:
the liver/gallbladder system via the defecation process
the kidneys/bladder system via the urination process
the lungs via exchange of gases and
the skin and mucous membranes
Testing and therapy using BICOM® bioresonance
At the start of therapy it is important that all excretory systems work properly so that we are able to eliminate and not redistribute stresses. The fundamental 5 element test set (CTT) provides us with valuable support here. In our practice we work according to the onion principle: i.e. layer upon layer, delving ever deeper into the body. We refer to the top layer as the symptom level. Using the CTT or Schumacher ampoules and depending on treatment priority, we work with the usual BICOM® 2000 frequencies between 10 Hz and 150 kHz.

In order to find the deep-lying stresses, which we now consider as the causal level, we make use of a little trick. These stresses tend to isolate themselves and hide from view. For this causal level we now work with the BICOM BICOM optima®.
We use the following substances as isolating material.
Amyloid Beta (grey ampoule, C7)
Alternatively: Inner membrane of an egg; this is a home-made ampoule. We use the tough membrane from the inside of an egg shell.
The inner membrane of an egg has a very special function. It protects the life within from environmental influences, regulates water balance and the exchange of air. It acts as a protective layer against fungi and bacteria. These properties are interesting for bioresonance because this same layer arises when viruses and tumours seek to hide away from the human immune system.
This membrane itself forms various hormones and in particular human choriogonadtropin. Similar to the placenta, this hormone encourages the umbilical cord to grow towards the fertilised egg cell. In the case of tumour cells, the blood vessels, using the same hormone, grow in the direction of the tumour cell and so the tumour has free access to an energy supply which allows it to grow rapidly.
This membrane protects the fertilised ovum during meiosis, otherwise the immune system would see the haploid chromosome set of the male as a foreign body and resist it accordingly. This is how the placenta protects itself from the mother’s immune system.
For anyone who does not have access to the Amyloid Beta ampoule, you can achieve the same result with a home-made egg membrane ampoule.
On the BICOM® device set program no. 3074.0 (regulate nerve function, at 2.3 Hz) and reprogram to Ai (menu key 5).
(Tip for BICOM 2000: Search for stresses with the potentiation program using key 7.)
Search for the corresponding isolating ampoules and place in the input cup.
(These isolating ampoules should remain in the input cup if they test positive, otherwise nothing will test!).
Now we will search for the nanoparticle stresses
Almost all ampoules can be found in the Dr Schumacher identification test set and food additive test set. Metals and bacteria require special attention. In the case of tested bacteria we speak in terms of cell residues or DNA fragments.
It is also worth testing home-made ampoules using for instance toothpaste, PET bottles, soot particles, pencil leads, colloidal silver, printer inks, dishwasher salt, deodorants, lipstick, mascara, eye shadows, perfumes, silicon oil, lubricants etc. Be guided by your intuition.
Continue to treat with the same setting 3074.0 Ai: the treatment times of 8-10 minutes are normal (set the sweep, amplification and therapy time using the tensor).
Following elimination there is an important speciality, which I want to explain at the end. Primarily nanoparticles cause a problem for the nerves. The immune system wants to fight the nanoparticles, but is unable to do so because the particles repel water but love fat. Now various hormones attempt to support the nervous system. This process is doomed to failure because the hormone system should actually coordinate the immune system and here in particular the hormones prostaglandin, prostacyclin and histamine. The first hormone, which founders, is progesterone, which is the most important initiating hormone for most hormones.
It is all the more important, therefore, to support the hormone system using program no. 3050.0 (instructions in the Manual).
Continue support with minerals and vitamins, especially vitamin B6 and zinc, think about using the 2nd channel and have patients drink plenty of pure untreated water after treatment. Patients often report dizziness and headaches after these deep treatments. It is quite possible and by no means unusual that patients will need to drink an extra 2-3 litres of water on the day of treatment.
This now brings my paper to a close and I would like to thank you for your attention.
This table lists the most common nanomaterials. The list is not exhaustive but allows us to evaluate roughly the size of the particles in each case.