Neurological Complaints in Bioresonance Practice Part 3: Diagnostics with the combined test technique (CTT)
Part 1 on “Neurological complaints in bioresonance practice” dealt with neurological autoimmune diseases and other neurological diseases and how to use the new test kit “Pharmaceuticals and Neurology”. Of course, this test kit should not be missing when diagnosing with CTT. In addition, however, the following test kits should be tested for energetic testing of the causes of neurological diseases:
5 Functional Circuits (5 Elements) Dogs, horses or cats
Vaccines, Metals and Miscellaneous
Parasites/Environmental loads
Allergic Strains
Other test kits that can provide additional information depending on the disease:
Hormones, Organs, Neurotransmitters, Miasma Orthopaedics or Orthopaedics/Sports Medicine Bach flowers and chakras
Dog special
Horses special
The first test kits represent the basic diagnostics. With the help of the “5 Elements Test Kit” we can get an overview of the extent of the energetic disturbances and the priority of the stressful information from the point of view of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
After that, it should be determined whether there is stressful information from vaccinations or other pharmaceuticals. This is done by the test kits “Vaccines, Metals and Miscellaneous” and “Pharmaceuticals/Neurology” or by testing native substances. The special ampoules of the genetically modified nucleic acid injections, which became commonly known as “Covid vaccinations”, should be tested primarily on dogs with neurological complaints. Sometimes this information can show resonance on dogs, even if they themselves have not received it materially. It can represent a considerable energetic blockage for the therapy and should therefore also be treated at the beginning, after the elimination organs have been opened. In horses and cats, this phenomenon has only been observed in very rare cases.
Heavy metals are often found as stressful information in neurological patients. However, in the therapeutic plan, they should only be treated after sufficient opening of the elimination organs and, if possible, after improvement and stabilization of the internal milieu. It is particularly important here that therapy times and amplifications in therapy are individually adapted to the patient.
As part of the diagnosis, the testing of all medications and dietary supplements that the patient takes should also be carried out, even if this is not directly related to the topic of CTT.
The diagnostic scheme is taught in the seminars on CTT. It is important to form combinations of stressful information, which are then treated by the patient according to a special scheme. The aim is to remove energetic blockages and stressful information in order to achieve undisturbed cell communication so that the self-healing powers and the immune system regain their full functionality.
To do this, it is first necessary to put the internal environment in order by eliminating allergies or other pathogenic information. The goal is homeostasis. For this reason, allergic strains and intolerances are first tested, with the focus here being primarily on the “chronic central allergens”. For this purpose, it makes sense to test the feed completely. Allergens often go in combination with parasitic loads. Therefore, the test kit “Parasites and Environmental loads” should also be tested in this context. Combinations can be used for therapy if they show common resonance in energetic tests. They should not simply be formed on the basis of a laboratory value or other testing but should always be checked by energetic tests (biotensor, kinesiology, EAV, etc.).
Wheat, gluten and other grains can also form combinations with salicylic acid, but also with chemical stresses and fungi. Therefore, they should always be tested in connection with fungi.
Many patients with neurological autoimmune diseases or other neurological complaints suffer from a reactivation of intracellular pathogens (EBV, varicella zoster, chlamydia, etc.). The information on these pathogenic loads can be found in the “Viruses/Fungi” and “Bacteria” test kits. A useful addition is the “Herpesviruses” test kit, which contains new information from all virus strains and can therefore also be supplemented very well with the other CTT ampoules.
Extracellular bacteria can also form combinations with allergens or other environmental stressors.
The “Immunology and Hematology” test kit offers the possibility of exerting a direct influence on the immune system by using the harmonizing ampoules in therapy. In the case of neurological diseases that also affect the endocrine system or orthopaedic causes, the above-mentioned additional test boxes can be a further aid in diagnostics and therapy.
Please note that ampoules from different test boxes that are tested for Ai can also be used together with the ampoules of information on pathogens (e.g.: “Acute nerve pain” from the “Orthopedics” test kit, together with “Peripheral nervous system” from “Pharmaceuticals/Neurology” and “Varicella zoster” from the “Viruses/fungi” test kit).