Neurological illnesses, causes and treatment methods using bioresonance therapy
Dr Christa Lund, medical practitioner, Bad Schwartau
Disturbances of the peripheral nervous system are reported on, e. g. neuralgia, impaired sensation, paralysis, „multiple sclerosis”, and illnesses of the central nervous system — of the cerebrum, cerebellum, medulla oblongata and the cerebral nerves.
Case studies of patients suffering from the following illnesses are discussed in detail:
muscle fibrillation
restless legs
multiple sclerosis
trigeminus neuralgia
cerebro organic seizures
sight impairment up to blindness
bulbar paralysis
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
syndromes of the cerebellum
retro orbital pain
impaired motor coordination ON THE CAUSES OF THE ILLNESSES
In principle, viral and toxic contaminations, including metabolic and break down products of micro organisms (bacteria), should be searched for.
Neurotoxic effects also appear in cases of fungal infection. The aflatoxins must be mentioned in this regard (Aspergillus, Mucor!)
Depending on the symptoms in the case of parasite attacks, one should also assume that neurotoxic effects of parasitic decay and of metabolic products are present.
Neurological illnesses are always caused by several factors.
The paper will deal with this in detail.
After careful diagnosis, BICOM® resonance therapy proved to be very successful with specific and general toxin removal, own blood therapy, native preparations made from pathogens and nosode preparations.
I will also discuss this in detail.