
New documentary evidence for biophysical diagnosis and therapy

August 29, 202413 min read

Anja Gatzweiler, Naturopath, Willich


Today I am going to talk about new discoveries on the background to heavy metal contamination and heavy metal intolerance in patients. I am keen to pass on this information as it marks a significant step forward in the diagnosis and therapy system, one which patients gladly accept.

ne which patients gladly accept. Two years ago I had the good fortune to make the acquaintance of a genetic researcher. The biologist’s remarks during a conference on chelates immediately aroused my interest. He was reporting on the problems and implications of the heavy metals that are everywhere around us. We absorb these with our food and also when we breathe. Unfortunately patients today still have a wealth of dental metal in their mouths. This is not a problem in itself as we have an endogenous system for breaking down heavy metals — the enzymes of glutathione S-transferase which are found in the liver and make these metals water-soluble. It also breaks down chemicals from drugs and spray residues, for example.

How does the body break down dental metals?

The metal ions and derivatives pass into the saliva and blood circulation. They are normally made water-soluble in the liver and excreted (see slide at top right).

What if this system breaks down or if the metals do not even reach it? How can this happen?

If one of the following four structural elements of glutathione S-transferase exhibits a deletion, we speak of genetic polymorphisms. These elements are:


Toxic metal ions are broken down by endogenous, i. e. genetically coded detoxication enzymes, the glutathione S-transferase. GSTM 1 is a key enzyme of glutathione S-transferase.

GSTM 1 deletion


How common is this genetic deletion?

So, ladies and gentlemen, how many of you display this deletion, do you think? One in 50, one in 20? I will tell you and believe me, I could hardly believe it, for it is half the people in this room. According to accurate statistics, GSTM I is absent from 50.3 % of the German population. (Source: Brockmuller et al., 1994.)

Obviously the GSTM 1 value is not the only marker which the lab examines.

To all you dentists: Interleukin markers, for example, are closely associated with periodontitis

To all gynaecologists: Endometriosis patients often have GSTM 1 and NAT 2 deletion! It would make sense to clarify this before fitting a copper coil and additional metal implants in the teeth.

To all orthodontists: Where children have an allergic disposition (frequent bronchitis), it is recommended that GSTM 1 and GSTT I are clarified before fitting permanent dental correction.


Genetic deviations are called polymorphisms .


I think you can now imagine the thoughts which then flashed through my mind:

  • better and deeper-reaching detoxication therapy
    is now possible in the knowledge of exact

  • some relapses, e. g. with pollinosis, bronchial
    asthma, neurodermatitis, migraine, can now be
    explained and thus avoided.

How common is this genetic deviation
in patients with particular diseases?

lung cancer
chronic bronchitis — 80 %

Here: GSTM 1 deviation = deletion! ?


Sequence of toxicity of metal ions in dental metals



How do we apply all this in practice? Basically, all heavy metals are tested on all the meridians. Yet not just there, but also in the case of patients with pollinosis, for example, on the paranasal sinuses using the familiar Kurzbak. Ultimately, you will have no option but to test through all the relevant parasites as well. Then you test the heavy metals together with the parasites in the input cup again to make sure that a different heavy metal is not behind it all. This is obviously necessary so as not to send the patient directly into initial exacerbation. For heavy metals, which are symbiotically linked with parasites, may be released in the course of parasite therapy.

But unfortunately also the other way round, go looking for parasites with heavy metals in the input cup. I have even tracked down inherited toxins behind all this.

It became quite crazy when I found 2 heavy metals in a pollinosis patient and with them tested various pollens again using program 998. Yet on their own they did not test as allergens.

Your therapeutic skills will determine how the rest of the therapeutic plan looks. It is now quite clear from the ever expanding wealth of information that each therapist has their speciality. If you proceed with testing in a structured manner tailored to the patient’s symptoms, your patient will thank you for it with speedier recovery and satisfaction. Obviously you should never ignore the holistic approach.

Try not to eliminate heavy metals violently. The condition of the eliminating organs and all other rules, which should be heeded as ever, still apply nonetheless. A number of colleagues have stressed this point over the years.

For example, with highly sensitive patients, first treat the heavy metals with prog. 998, 2 to 3 times if need be, only then eliminate them with prog. 191. Obviously the program parameters should be tested out individually. If a parasite is linked to a heavy metal, after around 3-5 treatment sessions, select prog. 133 to exploit the interaction between the programs. Besides, this brings you more quickly to treatment. For we all have patients whose impatience exceeds their money.

This is just a quick insight into testing. The experienced therapists among you know that the topic would take a whole day to cover properly and we simply haven’t got the time available here.

If my test results arouse my suspicions of a deletion, then I inform my patient about genetic diagnosis and suggest he invests in a test of this kind. We are simply talking about a one off test here, comprising on average 2-4 parameters at € 70 to € 80. The lab’s “IgeL”1 service is of particular interest for private patients.

When is this type of genetic defect suspected?

Obviously not when you only find 2 heavy metals, e. g. cadmium and lead in the liver and nothing else. For nowadays virtually every cauliflower is contaminated with these toxins. But if you find 4 or 5 heavy metals and not just on the liver, the suspicion is strengthened. In time you will get a good feeling for it. My hit rate is about 90 %.

The lab test


With the patient’s consent, I take just a few drops of blood from the finger pad and put these on special filter paper supplied by the lab. I place this under a lamp to dry and send it to the lab in a specially provided franked envelope. The blood will keep for several weeks like this.

You can expect to get the results back after about 3 weeks and can discuss them with your patient. From the lab you receive an analysis for the patient with a detailed diagnostic and therapy report. It contains advice on supplements and also on therapy. Ultimately, the type of therapy you choose naturally remains the therapist’s decision.

If deletions exist in the structural elements of glutathione S-transferase, it is vital that the patient takes the precursors to these amino acids. These are:

L-arginine • glycine
L-cysteine • glutamic acid.

They are available in a capsule together with vitamin C and chlorophyll.

The lab supplies an BICOM optima®l supplement for individual genetic defects and combinations of these. You can order these direct from them. The amino acids are set in a single capsule. An appropriate amino mineral powder is also available, as unfortunately substances, which should not actually leave the body, are always chelated out during heavy metal detoxication. Adequate orthomolecular provision is therefore absolutely essential.

It may also happen that the lab suggests that certain parameters are checked further. This is generally possible with the blood they already have. The patient also almost always agrees to further tests as he does not want to interrupt the job of clarifying the issue.

Please also consider the many diseases whose cause has not yet been determined.

Relationship between other genetic deviations and certain diseases

Bear in mind that many other genetic deviations may be connected with diseases. Refer to the two tables on the next page. But this would go beyond the scope of this lecture too.

However, those of you interested in finding out more about this aspect are welcome to contact me. Dr. Celeda and I hold lectures and training seminars in my practice every so often. Relevant problem cases are also discussed on these occasions.

So that you do not find yourself on the ropes like this one day, take a handful of pills each day tailored to your particular genetic defect.



A therapy system based on a holistic approach obviously applies to all the case studies which follow. As ever, blocks, whether post vaccinal or scar interference fields, are always right at the forefront of the therapy sequence. It goes without saying that retoxic childhood diseases must be considered just as much as bacteria, viruses, mycoses, inherited toxins and parasites, with parasites occupying a special position. Colleagues continue to deliver outstanding lectures on these topics, especially Herr Baklayan. I have deliberately ignored these aspects in my case studies.

Case study 1: child (male) born 31.05.1989

Testing revealed: vitamin and mineral balance disturbed, metabolic prog. after Dr. Hennecke, zinc point with prog. 600, Mercurius solubilis, Mercurius corrosivus, Argentum metallicum, arsenic, lead, allergy: cow’s milk and hen’s eggs

Serological result: zinc deficiency



Zinc replacement was administered for months, yet with no result. Neither the serum zinc level rose nor did the hair grow!


After detoxifying all contaminating toxins, balancing the zinc point and administering zinc orally, hair began to grow again. August 1996 zinc in serum 125 (60-110) 4mol. I then immediately discontinued zinc.

Relapse December 2000: Circular hair loss again


Paediatrician and paediatric clinic: emotionally induced through stress at school.

Testing revealed: Argentum metallicum, lead and arsenic again.

Genetic diagnosis: GSTM 1 deletion


After providing the deficient amino acids appropriate for his age,

• L-arginine • glysine
• L-cysteine • glutamic acid and
• L-lysine • chlorophyll

it was possible to detoxify the child successfully. Hair quickly began growing again at a remarkable rate. No signs of recurrence since then!

Case study 2: male born 23.01.1950

January 2001: pain in the hands for years, particularly in the morning resulting in restricted movement. Patient is plumber, owns large plumbing business.

Testing revealed: Coxsackie virus, Borrelia, Strongyloides, Streptococcus, tonsillar focus, tonsillitis, polyarthritis, aluminium.

Therapy: everything was treated observing holistic factors. Patient’s condition certainly began to improve but I was not at all satisfied with the result

Testing again: tested the hands directly with Kurzbak. I did not always necessarily select inverse frequency.

Result: Aluminium, Cadmium, Stannum metallicum, Plumbum metallicum, Argentum metallicum. As a result, genetic diagnosis was carried out.

Genetic diagnosis: GSTT 1 deletion

Therapy: after administering amino acids, vitamin E, manganese, vitamin C infusions, 5 bioresonance detoxication therapy sessions, the patient has so far been symptom free.

Case study 3: child v.D., female, born 01.07.88

Oct. 1996, testing revealed: polio active, whooping cough active, mumps active, intestinal mycosis, contamination with lindane B, formaldehyde, insecticide, mercury, Argentum metallicum, Palladium metallicum, lead, Ascaris, Oxyuris, cow’s milk and wheat allergy, mould allergy, allergy to various pollens. (Family runs a nursery business and lives on same site.)

Therapy: Following thorough therapy — you are all familiar with it so I will not go into details (post vaccinal blocks, stabilising measures, mycosis therapy, parasite treatment, toxin detoxication, allergy treatment) — it was possible to keep a hold on the pollinosis and the skin kept regenerating. But once a year a minor relapse occurred.

Genetic analysis was carried out because of the recurrence!


  • GSTM 1 in deletion

  • GSTT 1 in deletion


By administering the appropriate amino acids, heavy metals could still be found and could be eliminated successfully. The patient was subsequently given food supplements appropriate for her age and genetic makeup and she has not had a recurrence for 2 years. The same goes for her mother who suffered from pollinosis (with the same genetic makeup).

Case study 4: Frau H., female, born 25.02.56

Nov. 2000: Patient contracted cancer of the right breast with metastatic spread of the lymph nodes.

7.12.2000: Patient consulted my practice straight after surgery but while still receiving chemotherapy and also simultaneous radiotherapy.

Immediate measures: Chemo elimination, restorative therapy, infusions, chromophototherapy.

Blood count: leucos 2900

Testing revealed: Fasc. hepatica, Enterob. vermicularis, chicken pox, zoster virus, herpes virus, gangrene, dental granuloma in tooth 3.4 and 3.5, Necator americanus, Giardia lamblia, Togavirus, Madurella mix, Blastomyces mix, Fusarium mix, Fumitoxin, Aspergillus mix, aflatoxins, mercury, cadmium, lead, tumour nosodes.

Therapy: Patient in good overall state of health and hair also began growing again after being completely bald.

Therapy was conducted using all holistic approaches including involving the dentist until the patient was stable and free from all contamination and stresses. A follow up test revealed that the patient still displayed slight heavy metal contamination.

Lab result: 18.03.02 with CEA (tumour marker) reading 32 (norm up to 5).

19.03.02 PET discharge report (positron emission tomography):

Diagnosis: “… lateral thoracic wall right minor accumulation corresponding to metastatic spread of lymph nodes …”

Patient came to me as soon a possible.

  • I could not test tumour cells on the meridians
    or locally.

  • However: local Aurum metallicum, Platinum
    metallicum, Nicolum metallicum, lead, cadmium,

  • Stages of Fasciola hepatica still tested but after
    the heavy metal nosodes (i. e. also in input

  • The skin and connective tissue nosodes were

  • We set a therapy schedule with 2-3 sessions
    per week. Of course there were continual follow up
    tests when I looked for new information,
    especially tumour nosodes.

  • In the meantime the results of genetic analysis
    were ready: NAT 2 rapid acetyliser (risk of
    getting breast cancer not as high as with slow
    acetyliser! Important to look for aromatic
    amines (constituents of cigarette smoke and
    exhaust gases)! Immediate elimination boosts
    NAT 2 enzyme and consequently more rapid
    healing process! Studies on this can be requested
    from the lab!

GSTM 1 deletion!

When virtually no heavy metals could be tested any longer — what do you think I found locally?

Tumour nosodes of the skin! (could be tested) and, believe me, I had well and truly tested beforehand as I was aware of the urgency and responsibility

Immediate therapy with these therapy nosodes until I could find nothing, absolutely nothing at all.

Once therapy was completed, I considered a histological test appropriate, simply to offer the patient psychological relief.

26.04.02 Rapid section diagnosis

Preliminary result: “… cancerous infiltrate from recurrence of carcinoma of the breast not detectable! …” (histology)

03.05.02 Final histological result:

” … no evidence of recurrence of carcinoma or any other malignant process …” Leucos 5,100, Hb 14.3 g/dl

14.11.02 CEA 0.4 ug/ml
CA 15-3 7.7 u/ml
11.02.03 CEA 0.1 ug/ml CA
15-3 6.8 u/ml

Following appropriate provision for her genetic makeup, the patient has so far not experienced any recurrences!

Ladies and gentlemen, please never let it be said that genetic diagnosis solves all our problems. But, as an additional aid to diagnosis and therapy, I can tell you that it brings us quite a considerable way forward! Not to mention preventive measures!

Toxicity varies from metal to metal. However, the degree of toxicity correlates with genetic deviation in the detoxication enzymes.

I hope I have been able to give you an insight into the world of genetic polymorphisms.

Laboratory information is available from me.


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