New possibilities in using CTT with the Bicom Optima
Dr. med. Sabine Rauch, Limburg, Germany
The Combined Test Technique (CTT) is a diagnostic and therapeutic system that allows BICOM® users to identify biocybernetic interactions and discover quickly the real underlying causes of a disorder, helping practitioners develop a comprehensive approach to diagnosis and treatment.
The current test technique is founded on basic research carried out by Mr Alfred Schwarze, who developed the frequency sweep in the BICOM® device. The BICOM® device’s bandpass technology, with its 3- second, spotlight-like frequency sweep of the individual electromagnetic oscillations from 10 Hz to 150 kHz, together with preparation of suitable test ampoules, allows us to detect precisely those substances which trigger in the body the resonance which is needed immediately to maintain the steady state.
The substance being tested is converted directly into a therapy pulse by activating the BICOM® device and its frequency sweep. The pattern of oscillations of the substance being tested is amplified to administer therapy directly in seconds.
Therapists who work with the CTT test sets will already be familiar with this approach. The usual test and therapy programs (192/198 A for stabilising ampoules and 191/197 Ai for pathogenic stress) can be
used on both the BICOM® 2000 and the BICOM® BICOM optima®.
However, I would now like to introduce you to a number of additional new options which the BICOM® BICOM optima® offers when using the CTT.
As you know, the BICOM® BICOM optima® offers the option of therapy using the low deep frequencies. In addition the second channel offers new options for working with the CTT and the various new amplification variants too enable more effective therapy. Of course the BICOM® BICOM optima® offers a whole range of other innovations too (substance complexes, etc.) However, in my brief presentation today I would like to focus on the experience I have had with my patients when combining CTT and the BICOM® BICOM optima®.
Symmetrical amplification sweep
A few years ago Ms Simone Maquinay and Dr Jurgen Hennecke reported on their experience with the decreasing amplification sweep when treating patients with difficult allergies. Ms Karz reported in the last two years about her positive experiences with the symmetrical amplification sweep and an article appeared in the Regumed journal detailing the successes achieved with this new form of therapy.
With the symmetrical amplification sweep it is possible, once the highest amplification setting has been reached, to then regulate it downwards symmetrically rather than immediately starting again from the lowest setting. This is possible for therapy types Ai, A and Di. For therapy type H+Di amplifications in the symmetrical amplification sweep reciprocate one another. Only the Di amplification needs to be set because the H amplification will adapt automatically. The symmetrical amplification sweep has proven to be particularly effective in therapy.
Up to now 77 programs with the symmetrical amplification sweep have been stored in the BICOM® BICOM optima®. Of these, 26
H+Di programs have a reciprocal amplification sweep. All the basic therapy programs in the low deep frequency range incorporate the symmetrical amplification sweep (3130 to 3135). You have all already had positive experiences with the effectiveness of the traditional programs (130 to 135) as individual programs or as a series.
To date the BICOM® BICOM optima® has had three programs with a frequency sweep (120 sec) in the low deep frequency range. Of these, two programs also have a symmetrical amplification sweep. No. 3013 Regulatory program with stress from pathogens (H+Di) and No. 3017 releasing deep:. rooted blocks (Di). The third program with a frequency sweep is program no. 3036 Detoxification regulation (H+Di), but this features continuous amplification. These three programs have proved very effective in my practice and I obtain a positive test result with many patients and so I frequently integrate them into my CIT therapy schedule by including them prior to the actual CIT programs themselves. It is program 3013 that has proved effective not only for combating bacterial infections but also in treating parasites. I use this program immediately prior to the actual CIT programs (191 or 197) or other Ai or Di programs for pathogenic stress.
Based on these ideas I have developed two new treatment options in combination with the CTT, which I would now like to present to you. At the same time I have modified the usual test and therapy programs of the CTT (192 A and 191 Ai), which have a continuous amplification of 10 by adding symmetrical amplification. This has resulted in the following new programs:
“CTT BICOM optima®”
For stabilising ampoules (A):
A, normal frequency, Bandpass sweep, sweep rate 3 sec, sweep sym.,
amplification A = 64, amplification sweep
rate = 48 sec,
test therapy time
For pathogenic stress (Ai);
Ai, normal frequency, Bandpass sweep, sweep rate 3 sec, sweep sym., amplification Ai = 64, amplification sweep
rate = 48 sec,
test therapy time
Integration of the low deep frequencies offers an additional option for testing and therapy. In some patients we see that they still show resonance with individual low deep frequencies during the frequency scan after therapy for pathogenic stress and allergies. Ms Maquinay and Dr Hennecke reported on this in connection with allergens and I too can confirm this experience in connection with other pathogenic stresses. Therefore I have used a new test and therapy program in my patients which offers the option of a frequency sweep in the low deep frequencies and at the same time has a symmetrical amplification sweep. Both an A program (stabilising substances) and an Ai program (pathogenic substances) have been developed. In particular the latter offers an effective supplement to the therapy available hitherto with normal frequencies.
Marcel Riffel had the same idea and gave the tip that the effect can be increased if the 1-second amplification sweep encounters a frequency sweep which also runs through the low deep frequencies individually by the second. So the chance of encountering the Adey Window is increased even more. I have included this idea in my program and during therapy I usually only test the time. For most patients this is 7 or 8 minutes.
CTT low frequency programs
For stabilising ampoules (A):
A, low deep frequency, Bandpass sweep, sweep
rate 240 sec, amplification sweep sym., amplification A = 64, amplification sweep rate = 1 sec, test therapy time
For pathogenic stress (Ai):
Ai, low deep frequency, Bandpass sweep, sweep rate 240 sec, amplification sweep sym., amplification Ai = 64, amplification
sweep rate = 1 sec, test therapy time
I integrate these programs into my therapeutic schedule in order to shorten therapy time or I use them for patients in whom I am unable to find any resonance at the normal frequencies, in order to find and treat residual stress.
CTT with low deep frequencies
While looking for rapid and effective success when treating pathogenic stress I also tested new untreated patients using the frequency scan after I had conducted the normal stress tests with the CTT test sets. In so doing I found a striking concurrence between certain frequencies and certain pathogenic stresses. I then developed a few programs which I would now like to present to you.
Candida is one of the stresses found most frequently in our patients. Previously I needed on average four therapies in order to finally eliminate a Candida stress. I therefore looked for an option of treating Candida stress which would take up less time and if possible avoid having to administer Nystatin or Amphotericin. This produced the following two programs which only differ in amplification and wobble.
Candida program, 1st recommendation:
Input cup: Candida ampoule from the CIT
test set
Output: Modulation mat (MM)
Ai, low deep frequency,bandpass 17.8 Hz, wobble = no, amplification sweep sym., amplification Ai = 15.0, amplification sweep rate 50 sec,therapy time= 12 min
Channel 2: Nystatin, Borax 06, Propolis, Echinacea 04, wobenzym, Amphotericin
Program 192 and the corresponding tested pink elimination ampoule from the CIT fungus test set (e.g. eliminate Mycotoxin). Test therapy time and amplification.
Beforehand it is recommended to carry out a basic therapy, blockade therapy and opening of the corresponding elimination organs.
Following this therapy complex the disturbed element which has priority should always be treated with the err 5-element test set according to the err schema.
Also program 1003 improving intestinal flora is a helpful addition.
Candida program, 2nd recommendation:
Input cup: Candida ampoule from the err test set
Output: MM
Ai, low deep frequency, bandpass 17.8 Hz, wobble = yes, amplification sweep sym.,
amplification Ai = 10.0, amplification sweep rate 50 sec,therapy time = 12 min
Channel 2: Nystatin, Borax 06, Propolis, Echinacea 04, wobenzym, Amphotericin
Otherwise as above.
To date 198 patients have been treated with these two programs. 73 patients demonstrated resonance with the program in the first recommendation. 125 patients demonstrated resonance with the second recommendation. Only seven patients from recommendation no. 1 required a second treatment. With recommendation no. 2 only six patients did so. All patients were subsequently tested in the frequency scan and amplification scan on Ai and Oi. Only two patients produced resonance again to the Candida ampoule after four to six months. Both patients had in the meantime been given antibiotic treatment by their GP. One female patient also received ongoing inhalative cortisone therapy. A parallel diet regime is also desirable to make patients aware of the benefits of changing to sensible food. Most patients have taken this advice on board, yet the therapy however also works in patients who do not keep to a healthy regime.
Should you have carried out other tests on your patients with the err for other fungal infestations, then test whether you can treat these together with these programs (Combined Test Technique) or whether it is necessary to treat them separately with the usual programs ( 191 and 197).
In a similar way we have developed a “parasite program” which we are using more and more in my practice. Here too it is clear that parasitic infestations disappear much more quickly than when applying the traditional programs. At the same time here it appears to be effective if you add the program 3013 Regulatory program for stress from pathogens or you use as a preliminary program the new program
“intracellular stresses” which I will introduce next.
Infestation from parasites:
Ai, low deep frequency, bandpass 12.3 Hz, wobble= no, sweep sym., amplification Ai = 50, amplification sweep rate 50 sec,
therapy time = 15 min
Input cup: Parasite ampoule (several if necessary)
Output: MM
Following this program I proceed as usual with the err schema and treat, depending on testing, with program 192 or 198 with the ampoule “Anti Parasites etc.” in the input cup. In addition you can also oscillate Samento enzyme drops or Papain using the second channel, or even alongside the above ampoule using the first channel.
When testing your patients for resonance please use this program to test all the ampoules from the en parasite test set found when running the usual programs 191 (197). If you detect resonance then carry out therapy on the patient using the relevant ampoules individually or in combination. The parasite ampoule which my patients respond to most frequently is “Worms 4 (intestines)”. If you do not have the en parasites test set but the test set from the company Dermavit,then you will frequently find a positive result with this program for Ascarides,Enterobis vermicularis and Strongyloides. Ascarides are among the parasite ampoules which test positive most frequently in my practice. I find parasitic infestations in a high number of my patients and since parasites belong to disorders of the gut-associated immune system, they are given prominence in my therapy approach alongside fungal infections and environmental stresses (including heavy metal stresses).
Mr Baklayan has in his seminars highlighted the significance of parasites and the frequent occurrence of certain parasitic infestations in certain chronic diseases. The following classification is taken from his research.
Connections between chronic diseases and parasitic infestation:
• Mycoses: Tape worms, pin worms, Ascarides, Lamblia
• Tumours: Fasciolopsis buski, trichonomads
• Lung disease: Pneumocystis carinii, Ascaris larvae
• Cow’s milk allergy: Ascaris lumbricoides
• Hens’ egg allergy: Salmonella
• Wheat allergy: Eurytrema pancreaticum
• Hashimoto’s thyroiditis: Toxoplasma gondii
• Migraine: Strongyloides
It is recommended therefore,particularly in patients with these clinical pictures or where there is suspected parasitic infestation, that you search for these once again in the low deep frequencies. To do this you can use the above-mentioned en low deep frequency programs or test individual low deep frequencies using the frequency scan to test for resonance.
The ascarides and the ampoule “Worms 4 (Intestine)” have a not insignificant role in connection with allergy therapy. So increasingly in my practice there are patients who resonate with a certain combination of ampoules “Worms 4”, (ascarides), “Milk” and if applicable also “salicylic acid” and “Geotrichum candidum”. We test this combination when we find the individual components in patients and then also treat them together, in case they also produce resonance in combination, mostly with the classic allergy programs. We sometimes find this combination too in patients who only showed a positive result with one or two of these components in isolation. Then
it is a case of a classic coupling, i.e. a new frequency spectrum, a frequency accord with which the patient resonates. Since this occurs in approx. 10-20% of my patient, who on primary testing showed resonance to “Milk”, I test this on all patients. This is also true for the ampoule “Cow’s milk protein” from Dr Schumacher’s test set.
Other couplings or combinations which I frequently find in my patients are: “Candida”-“Yeast”, “Candida”-”Wheat”, “Candida”-”Wheat/Yeast” and “Aspergillus”-“Wheat”. Also “Candida” and “Geotrichum candidum” partly in combination with wheat and/or yeast. You can also treat these combination with the Candida programs described above in case the patient shows resonance in this respect. In most cases in my practice “Candida” was no longer testable thereafter. In a few cases the coupled food however had to be treated again individually. Only one therapy was necessary (e.g. 944, 998 etc.)
Geotrichum candidum (lacteal mould) is a mould which is primarily involved in producing aroma in milk and milk products such as hard cheese, Camembert and other types of cheese but is also present in
tomatoes and fruits. Geotrichum candidum is a facultative pathogenic yeast which lives as a saprophyte in the intestinal tract and also on the skin. Geotrichum candidum is found in 30% of stool samples in healthy subjects and in 60% of stool samples in gastrointestinal diseases. A disturbance in the micro-ecology of the gut e.g. by systemic cortisone therapy or an antibiotic may be enough to open the door to facultative pathogens. In the oral cavity we often see a coating similar to candidosis, in the gastrointestinal trod it can lead to similar symptoms as for candidosis and Geotrichum candidum is frequently linked with recurring vaginal mycoses too. Geotrichosis frequently manifests as a bronchopulmonary affliction with the formation of pulmonary caverns or diffuse peribronchitic or tumourous infiltrates. Also there may be inflammatory granulomas on the extremities or face. Usually this clinical picture only emerges in consumptive diseases or immune deficiencies. The corresponding ampoule for Geotrichum candidum is the new “Mould mix” ampoule from the en fungal test set.
Note as an aside: “Salicylic acid” is also used in my practice frequently in combination with “fructose” or “wheat”.
“Revealing” stresses
Time and again we come across patients in whom because of the clinical picture we expect certain pathogenic stresses but which do not test using the traditional test methods. Frequently it is a matter of intracellular stresses. In my workshop at the 2010 Congress I introduced you to the possibilities of “revealing” stresses. At the time I recommended theampoule “Unmask” to you from the test set “Degenerated cells” as a method. The patient is treated for approximately 3 minutes (test this out!) on program 192 (A) with this ampoule in the input cup. Then the patient is tested again for pathogenic stresses (with program 191 (Ai)).
There is s second option where you can use this ampoule to test A ampoules, i.e. for stabilising ampoules. Then you can leave the “Unmask” ampoule in the input cup as well and so test them together with the corresponding A ampoules (e.g. teeth).
There is yet another third option when using this ampoule – you can use them in the second channel. Usually the ampoule is used with program 192 at a continuous amplification of 10 in the 3-second frequency sweep. The second channel only offers the option of therapy on A, all frequencies, but you can adjust the amplification. Experience has shown an amplification of 10 to be effective. You can test and try the amplification beforehand. Please remember that the second channel has its output only via the mat. You therefore have to test your patient using the mat. So you test the combination of a therapy impulse of an A program with the “Unmask” ampoule in the second channel with the Ai program 191 (197) and the ampoule to be tested (e.g. Borrelia) in the first channel. In this way you can test several ampoules one after the other while the “Unmask” ampoule runs in the second channel.
Another option for testing hidden stresses and to increase the patient’s responsiveness to testing and treatment is to use the electro stimulation device. Dr Rohrer uses this very often routinely before testing his tumour patients and other patients with complex clinical pictures, and I also use it frequently before my tests and therapies and recommend it in my seminars. The electro stimulation device has two frequencies 3.6 Hz and 1550 Hz, however it also has –
similar to a TENS machine- a flowing current which can be set individually by the patient. This fad gave me the idea that with the help of the BICOM® BICOM optima® and the symmetrical amplification sweep I might be able to achieve a similar effect. Working with Mrs Carrier Verhaar we developed a program which clearly helps to recognise and treat intracellular stresses more effectively. We have tested this program since its development in September 2011 on numerous patients and, with Ms Verhaar’s kind consent, I would now like to present it to you.
“Intracellular stresses” program
Ai, low deep frequency, bandpass 3.6 Hz, wobble = yes, amplification sweep sym., amplification Di = 1S.O, amplification sweep rate SO sec, therapy time= 8 min
Input cup: Saliva, where applicable blood
Input: Solar plexus
Output: Modulation mat (MM)
Channel 2: “Stress” ampoule from the test set “Allergic stresses”, alternatively: Substance complex neurology/stress
Increasingly in the last few months I have had this program run in advance for parasitic infestations and bacterial and viral infections in patients or integrate it into my therapy plan as appropriate.
1. Basic therapy
2. Follow-up therapy (e.g. remove therapy blocks, open eliminating organs, indication or meridian-related programs)
3. “Intracellular stress” program
4. Pathogenic stress using Ai (e.g. see “Parasite program” or 191/197 in the input cup: parasitic stress ampoule(s)
S. Elimination using A (program 192/198, in the input cup: pink elimination ampoule)
6. Stabilisation of the tested ampoules from the S-element test set using A (program 192/198), then if necessary attenuation with the tested attenuation ampoule on A (192/198)
This is how a typical therapy day looks provided the patient produces resonance with the tested ampoules and programs. The pattern we see emerging is that stresses can be treated more quickly, elimination processes are seemingly accelerated (confirmed by patients themselves) and that patients feel very relaxed after therapy. Therapy time appears to be reduced when treating viruses in particular.
You can use this program to “Unmask” too by running it prior to your testing: H+Di, low deep frequency, bandpass 3.6 Hz, wobble = yes, amplification sweep sym., amplification Di = 1S.O, amplification sweep rate SO sec, therapy
time= 3 min
Input cup: Saliva, where applicable blood
Input: Solar plexus
Output: MM
Channel 2: “Unmask” ampoule from the
“Degenerated cells” test set
This increases the responsiveness of the patient to testing. I continue to use the electro-stimulation device as before but also add this program to my diagnostics and therapy.
Integration of the second channel
As already mentioned above, we can use the second channel for example to test the “Unmask” ampoule (A) in the second channel in combination with a stress ampoule (Ai) in the first channel and in this way increase patient responsiveness to testing.
In this way you can also carry out a priority test if you want to test two ampoules which are both deployed with A. Here for example you might wish to priority test the ampoules of the S-element test set ,the dental test set or other A ampoules. To do this you have
to reduce the amplification in the second channel to 1, while the first channel retains a continuous amplification of 10 as determined when using program 192. In this way you can compare the common pulse of an ampoule which needs a 10-fold amplification with an ampoule which requires as it were no amplification. If resonance is apparent then the 11weaker” ampoule or the ampoule which has priority is to be found in the first channel.
In this way you can also test tooth-organ and organ-tooth relationships.
Over the course of several presentations in recent years we have introduced in particular the meridian and element ampoules of the 5-element test set as ampoules which lend themselves very well for instance for use in the second channel in conjunction with elimination or stabilising programs.
I would now like to present a number of other program combinations frequently used in my practice where en ampoules may be supplemented to good effect in the second channel (next page).
This has been only a brief selection of options available to you when using the CIT ampoules in the second channel. In principle you can use all A ampoules in which you find resonance in combination with the program which has been set.
I hope this short presentation has inspired you in terms of the new options offered by the BICOM® BICOM optima® when combined with CIT. Of course CIT also works extremely well with the programs originally developed for the BICOM® 2000 and will continue to do so. If, however, you do own a BICOM® BICOM optima® I would be delighted if you tried out the programs I have suggested here or maybe even develop new programs yourself using the many new options available with the BICOM® BICOM optima®.