
Periodontitis – the most common infectious disease affecting the oral cavity. Basic principles for successful treatment

April 17, 201610 min read

Dr. med. dent. Jutta Schreiber, Neubiberg, Germany

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Colleagues,

I am delighted to be able to speak to you at this Congress today on the important topic of periodontitis, which I feel ties in particularly well with the theme of this year’s Congress: ‘Creating together a wave of therapeutic success’.

Because it is only possible to treat this disease, which concerns us all, if there is an effective network of therapists working together.

I would like to take this opportunity to briefly introduce myself. For the past 26 years I have been working as a holistic dental practitioner in my own practice in Neubiberg, a suburb of Munich. I have integrated bioresonance as a core component in my treatments for more than 15 years now.

As a dentist I naturally spend the majority of my time treating patients in my practice. This is the reason why I am attempting to integrate bioresonance therapy as simply and effectively as possible. I often do not have the time to carry out lengthy periods of testing and have to rely on there being a well-functioning system in place. I have of course experimented for some time with separate secondary treatments and have also attended a number of training seminars and congresses in order to keep up to date with the latest practice. At this point I would like to thank all those colleagues who have supported us so tirelessly with new insights alongside their own practice work.

I would now like to ask you a very simple and fundamental question:

“Which type of specialists are visited by the most people, even when they have no obvious signs of illness?”

That’s right — it’s dentists.

By improving prophylaxis for both groups and individuals, the introduction of a bonus system in statutory dental insurance practice, through ‘brainwashing’ in television advertising: ‘Mummy, mummy, he didn’t drill at all…’ or the simple concept of taking a hearty bite from a juicy apple, we have managed to virtually eradicate dental caries and raise general awareness of teeth and gums.

Over the past few years there have been an increasing number of investigations into the links between periodontitis and systemic disorders, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, rheumatic arthritis, obesity and potential complications during pregnancy. This has prompted the German Periodontology Society (Deutsche Gesellschaft for Parodontologie) to run extensive awareness-raising campaigns for better oral health.

As a result of these findings new directives have been devised to enable more effective prevention of disease and treatment for both dentists and the medical profession in general.

Against this background, the role of dentists takes on an even greater significance in terms of general healthcare provision to patients.

I now see it as our responsibility to carry out regular check-ups in future to review the periodontal health of patients and also to use them as indicators of systemic diseases and to communicate this to patients to raise awareness.

Periodontitis can therefore be considered a crucial link in the chain. If dentists work more closely with specialists, such as diabetologists, cardiologists, gynaecologists and naturopaths, it will be possible to detect the early warning signs of diabetes, cardiovascular symptoms and complications during pregnancy.

What we need to do therefore is demonstrate clearly that prevention and treatment of periodontitis is not only considered worthwhile in conservative dentistry, but also leads to clinically relevant improvements in systemic conditions.

Treatment of periodontitis requires provision of life-long care to those patients affected, as it is one of a group of chronically recurring infectious diseases. Bacteria act like antigens, producing lipopolysaccharides, which stimulate the formation of proinflammatory cytokines. This leads to periodontal inflammation resulting in loss of bone, collagen and attachment apparatus.

Some 4-8% of adults and 14-22% of elderly people suffer from severe periodontitis. Around 40-60% of the population is affected by moderate periodontitis.

For many years the clinical picture was dismissed as largely irrelevant and was usually discounted as being in the main an inevitable yet harmless disorder. This is no longer the case. We have moved away from a predominantly mechanistic approach and form of treatment. Up until a few years ago this still meant regular professional tooth cleaning (the more frequent, the better) and occasional administering of a general cocktail of antibiotics.

Recently it has become increasingly clear that a sophisticated microbiological diagnosis is required and equally a more sophisticated treatment, incorporating all available means of infection and inflammation control.

Other important factors in this context include dietary management, smoking, alcohol, stress, medication, genetic predisposition etc.

It is now important to identify the causative pathogens, because through their elevated immunogenicity and/or specific virulence factors, these possess an extraordinary general pathogenicity.

Treatment of periodontitis with bioresonance support

I would now like to provide an example of the treatment administered to a patient suffering from periodontitis with the aid of bioresonance in my practice.

The 68-year-old male patient came to my practice for the first time in July 2013. The x-ray shows the initial findings.

He claimed to feel very healthy. His slightly raised blood pressure did not bother him. The shortness of breath caused by the fact that he was overweight could of course be better, but otherwise he was in good shape.

He had not experienced any problems at all with his teeth!

In fad, he only came to the practice because his wife was complaining about his bad breath and she actually made the appointment herself.

His wife had been a patient of mine for more than ten years and often talked about her husband, but he had previously never seen the need to do something about his supposedly healthy teeth. In fact, he would ridicule her for coming to the practice to have her teeth cleaned four times a year.

An oral surgeon had recently inserted implants into the right hand side of his lower jaw.

His gums were highly inflamed, covered in plaque and tartar and started bleeding at the slightest touch, which was something he had never really been aware of before.

All the relevant dental findings were recorded and the first cleaning treatment began.

We conducted a microbiological determination of the most aggressive bacterial markers in the sulcus fluid and identified the interleukin reaction type, in order to record the level of immune response in the gum.

The samples were taken with sterile paper points, which are inserted into the periodontal pockets.

At the same time a lingual and buccal swab was taken to test for possible stress from Candida albicans.

An aromatogram was ordered to help determine secondary treatment.

We have been working here for some time with the Munich-based laboratory Lab4dent.

We subsequently supported this with bioresonance treatment.\


2nd appointment after 14 days
Discussion of all results and therapy plan.

Results revealed several highly aggressive bacterial markers, e.g. porphyromonas gingivalis. This can alter gingival cells in such a way that they are broken down by the immune system itself. This mechanism, also known as citrullination, facilitates the emergence of rheumatic disorders. It plays a significant role in the development of secondary disorders such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

The Candida swab was positive and the interleukin gene test revealed a diminished anti-inflammatory effect.

With these findings we were able to convince the patient that periodontitis is an actual disease!

In his case, this had already resulted in tooth loss and further teeth would need to be extracted. He was prepared to receive treatment from a bioresonance therapist at the same time in order to stabilise the basic structures.

A pronounced wheat and cow’s milk intolerance was identified. A clean-up of the stomach/intestine was promptly undertaken.

This meant we could focus in our practice fully on the periodontal issues.

Seven appointments were arranged to cover pre-treatment, main treatment and the rehabilitation phase.

The three preparatory treatments included intensive professional surface cleaning of the teeth and periodontal apparatus, instructions on caring for teeth at home and subsequent bioresonance therapy. These appointments were staggered at fortnightly intervals.

Following the aromagram we blended an oil suitable for oral use. Essential oils with beneficial antibacterial and anti- inflammatory properties were tested, in this instance tea tree oil and red thyme. The patient supplemented his treatment by applying this oil every day with a small interdental brush.

The main treatment was carried out in two sessions. The upper and lower jaws on the right and left hand side were treated separately under anaesthetic. Using deep scaling the root surfaces of concrements were cleaned and inflamed tissue removed from the periodontal pockets. At the same time I treated the pockets with an Erbium: YAG laser to ensure they remain sterile. To finish, another bioresonance therapy was applied, which I will explain later.

Conventional medicine recommends also taking a high dose of antibiotics during this phase of the main treatment, most commonly amoxicillin combined with clindamycin or metronidazole.

My therapy strategy means that I am able to dispense with this.

The first check-up took place after three days and the second check-up, which included secondary cleaning and bioresonance therapy, was carried out after six weeks.

Following microbiological testing we scheduled 8-10 weeks for this patient’s check-ups. The laboratory test results are such that he is taking this very seriously too.

This after-care provided by the dentist and GPs never stops and this needs to be made very clear to the patient.

I would now like to describe the secondary bioresonance therapy administered from the second session onwards.

Up until a few years ago I administered treatment using saliva in the input cup as standard. Added to this was as much of the extracted inflamed tissue, tartar and plaque as possible.

In 2009, inspired by a paper presented here in Fulda by my Swiss colleague Mr Beereuter, I decided to work more closely with a particular type of liquid known as sulcus fluid.

In the case of a physiologically intact periodontal space, the sulcus has a depth of 0.1 —0.5mm. A clear fluid runs from the base of the sulcus, namely the sulcular fluid. If gums are healthy, the flow rate is 8 pl/hour, but this may increase to 44 pl/hour where periodontal disease is present.

According to Mr Beereuter this sulcular fluid tests completely differently to saliva. My experiences confirm this. Sulcus fluid reacts much more intensively to low deep frequencies, particularly in the 6-20 Hz range. Seemingly minor, old and hidden stresses and strains can be treated using this bodily fluid.

Saliva is considered of greater importance in terms of current issues.

I believe this to be very worthwhile and complementary as an additional treatment when working in collaboration with a bioresonance GP colleague.

To this end I now extract sulcus fluid by means of the aforementioned paper points from at least 4 to 6 deeper gingival pockets before dental treatments are carried out.

These soaked points are sealed in an airtight glass tube. This is to protect the anaerobic bacteria.

I always add the blended mouth oil mixture into the output cup. The oscillated chip is affixed after testing, normally in the thymus region.

I normally use the tested essential oils in the honeycomb via channel 2.

In my experience, using sulcus fluid makes the treatment much more intensive and it is therefore extremely important to urge the patient to drink as much as possible. In practice he needs to be drinking 0.5 litres of alkaline herbal tea. We also add the tea to the output during treatment.

Please remember too that this patient was also being treated by another therapist. It was of course imperative that the two practitioners coordinated therapy accordingly.


Further programs that I more frequently use in treatment with sulcus fluid:


I also work using saliva for all acute periodontal diseases with tried and trusted programs from the handbook:


This list is by no means exhaustive.

I would be delighted if more dentistry colleagues began working with sulcus fluid and look forward to hearing about new findings at future congresses.

Thank you for your attention.


Lymph meridian 1

Electrode placement: problem area

I would be delighted if more dentistry colleagues began working with sulcus fluid and look forward to hearing about new findings at future congresses.

Thank you for your attention.

H+Di, low deep frequency, select bandpass, 8.2 Hz, wobble = yes,
sym. amplification, H 6.00 Di 0.55; sweep speed 25 sec, duration = 4 min


infections in Animals

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