
Practice Oriented approaches to Post Operative Treatments

May 18, 202416 min read

Silvia Kimmerle, Naturopath, Pliezhausen, Germany

Operations present patients and therapists with very special challenges. It is therefore helpful to draw up a list of questions so that the anamnesis and subsequent treatment can be carried out in a targeted, calm and structured manner.
This creates trust and security on both sides. Generally speaking, and here with a particular focus on post-operative treatments, the following questions are very helpful for further consultation and planning of treatment sessions.

1. What must be paid particular attention to in the anamnesis?

  • Was this the first operation or had there been some before?

  • Reason for surgery in general: accident, illness, planned surgery

  • |s problematic wound healing or scarring known?

  • Have there been previous reactions to local anesthetics, anesthetics, administered medication, suture or wound care materials?

  • Are there any other known allergies/intolerances?

  • Was the patient very afraid of the procedure?

  • What was the patient’s compliance with the surgery?

  • Therapy blockages such as radiation exposure, scar interference fields or insufficient capacity of the elimination organs must be given special attention!

2. What particular challenges can arise during treatment?

  • Activate wound healing in general to support or optimize

  • Large hematomas, lymph congestion, circulatory disorders

  • Wound healing disorders due to intolerance reactions to incorporated materials or infections, immune deficiency

  • Wound healing disorders due to patients’ chronic pre-existing conditions

  • Disturbed scarring, adhesions in general

  • Restricted movement of operated joints due to adhesions

  • Skin reactions to medications used, including plasters

  • Narcotic dementia, brain fog, exhaustion, also visual disturbances

  • Slower breakdown of the administered medication and/or ability to eliminate

  • Sleep disorders, severe exhaustion, concentration problems

  • Pain in the musculoskeletal system due to prolonged lying down or resting

  • Trauma, shock, immune deficiency

3. How should the treatment topics be narrowed down in order to clearly define the treatment goal?

  • Important: not all at once!

  • Address treatment limits

  • Observe the patient’s general condition, age and previous ilinesses

  • Set priorities together with the patient

  • Discuss complementary therapies to conventional medical care

It is particularly helpful to summarize treatment challenges into topics which facilitate the subsequent search for suitable measures and helpful programmes in order to create a structure for yourself.

1. Physical trauma, exhaustion, sleep disorders, headaches
Typical symptoms:

  • Very long convalescence

  • Very strong sensation of pain

  • Tired, dull, exhausted, gray skin, dark circles under the eyes

Solution approach:

  • Treatment step: shock programs, energetic blockages, possibly own
    program sequences

  • Psycho-energetic balance test kit, Bach flower/chakra test kit, Gemstone test kit

  • AKl specialist modules: emotions, psychology, flower essences

  • Very thorough stabilization PS 10327 Stabilization A

  • Bodywork, cranio, heat

  • Infusions with e.g. Pascorbin, B vitamins, folic acid and magnesium

2. Slower metabolism of the (additionally) admmlstered medication
(painkillers/sleeping pills, anesthetics, antibiotics)

Typical symptoms:

  • Skin reactions, eczema, severe itching, dry mucous membranes

  • Concentration disorders, “narcosis dementia”, brain fog

  • Exhaustion, sleep disorders, visual disturbances

Solution approach:

  • Treatment with the body’s own information: Opening of the elimination organs, special attention to liver, kidney, lymph

  • Observe any energetic blockages and/or laterality disorders

  • AKl specialist modules: category headache kit, metabolism

  • The main focus here is on supporting the elimination organs, e.g. also through testing the CTT test kit 5 functional circuits (5 elements) with therapy type A.

3. Allergies/intolerance reactions to administered medications
(painkillers/sleeping pills, anesthetics, antibiotics …)

Typical symptoms: almost identical, but different in cause

  • Skin reactions, eczema, severe itching, dry mucous membranes

  • Concentration disorders, “narcosis dementia”, brain fog

  • Exhaustion, sleep disorders, visual disturbances

  • Impaired blood pressure

Solution approach:

  • Treatment according to indication with the body’s own information

  • Subsequently test with programs 170.0 Ai or 191.0 Ai

  • Create your own archive of corresponding test materials/ampules, alternatively use native test materials from the patient

  • The main focus here is the therapy of incriminating information with therapy types in inverted form such as Ai or Di

4. Known or identifiable exposure, allergies/intolerance reactions to incorporated materials such as metals, suture materials, plastics, nets, etc.

Typical symptoms:

  • Wound healing disorders, wound infections, pain, swelling

  • Adhesions, restricted movement due to scars

  • Skin reactions, eczema, severe itching, dry mucous membranes

  • Sleep disorders, concentration disorders

Solution approach:

  • Treatment according to indication with the body’s own information

  • Subsequently test with programs 170.0 Ai or 191.0 Ai

  • Create your own archive of corresponding test materials/ampules, alternatively use native test materials from the patient

  • Treatment step: Allergen in input cup, PS 10325 Pathogens Ai

  • The main focus here is the therapy of incriminating information with therapy types in inverted form such as Ai or Di

  • Possibly neural therapy with Pasconeural 1% 2 ml in the output cup

5. Wound healing disorders of unknown origin

e.g. due to infections, immunodeficiency, previous illnesses, unknown allergen

Typical symptoms:

  • Wound healing disorders, wound infections, pain, swelling

  • Adhesions, restricted movement due to scars

Solution approach:

  • Treatment according to indication with the body’s own information

  • Wound swabs from the patient, skin particles, dressing materials

  • Always pay attention to hygiene! (also self-protection!)

  • Treatment step: native sample in input cup

  • PS 10326 Pathogens Di

  • The main focus here is the therapy of incriminating information with therapy type Di, where the patient’s own information is used. This is an alternative to therapy type Ai.

  • Possibly neural therapy with Pasconeural 1% 2 ml in the output cup

6. Pain in the musculoskeletal system in general caused by e.g. long periods of lying down, resting

Typical symptoms:

  • Formation of hard muscle tissue

  • Pain that occurs beyond the surgical field

  • The patient has “had enough” …
    Solution approach:

  • Treatment with the body’s own information

  • Programs from the category: Blockades, Spine o Testing with test kit Orthopaedics 1 and 2, depending on the ampule, using the programs
    191.0 Aior 192.0A

  • Treatment step: Therapy of the incriminating information with PS 10325 Pathogens Ai or harmonization with PS 10327 Stabilization A

  • Possibly neural therapy with Pasconeural 1% 2 ml in the output cup

  • Inaddition, substance complexes from the AKI specialist modules: Sports Medicine, VET-Special, Emotions…

General course of treatment

Medical history, determination of the treatment goal

  • 1st treatment step: Non-specific basic program, after CV measurement

  • 2nd treatment step: Indication-related follow-up programs

  • 3rd treatment step: Therapy of the stressful information and/or harmonization

  • Test for known allergens/exposures (own archive, ampules) by means of tensor testing for resonance or kinesiological muscle testing with the programs 191.0 Ai or 170.0 Ai

Therapy of the patient’s stressful information with

  • 197.0 Ai CTT with frequency and amplification sweep

  • 11310 Ai (944, 963, 998)

  • 10325 Pathogens Ai

  • 10326 Pathogens Di

  • Test for harmonizing A-ampules from CTT/STT, medication, gemstones, Bach flowers by means of tensor testing for resonance or kinesiological muscle testing with the programs 192.0Aor 171.0A

  • Harmonizing ampules or medication determined in this way can be inserted in channel 2 (yellow cup, therapy type A only) at the same time as the A inverse treatment step, or you can decide to carry out an extra harmonizing treatment step afterwards. The following options are then available:

Harmonization of the patient with

  • 198.0 A CTT with frequency and amplification sweep

  • 10327 Stabilization A

For the first treatment step, the preparatory, non-specific basic program, two different test options are available to determine the appropriate basic program:

1st treatment step: Basic program after conductancy value measurement:

  • Basic program, non-specific with the body’s own frequency patterns

  • Conductance measurement, corresponding basic program

  • Standard basic programs (approx. 12 min.) or extended basic programs (approx. 20 min.)

  • Substance complexes: often “Energetic fit maker”, “Stress” or “Exhaustion”

  • Equipping channel 2 according to test (program 192.0 A) or according to experience

  • Switch on DMI in addition, be sure to observe contraindications!

  • Caution: Never use DMI on recently operated patients! (bleeding, heparin or other anti-coagulant medication …)

1st treatment step: Basic program after testing the type of therapy:

  • Basic program, non-specific with the body’s own information

  • Test via program 998.1: determine the appropriate type of therapy

  • Input via menu item 2: 998.1, Enter: Cursor “parked” top right

  • Press button 5: Therapy types, here “Ai” highlighted in red

  • Arrow key up to H+Di, press start button, test for resonance

  • No resonance: Down arrow key to Ai, test for resonance, etc.

  • Once the therapy type has been determined, press the Start button again, Home button

  • Back in the main menu

  • The appropriate basic program is selected depending on the type of therapy determined

  • Applicator input and cup loading as described above

  • DMI contraindications must be observed! (see above)

Basic programs after testing the type of therapy:

  • Therapy type H+Di: 10130, 10132 standard basic program or 10250 extended basic program

  • Therapy type Ai: 10131 standard basic program or 10251 extended basic program

  • Therapy type Di: 10252 extended basic program

  • Therapy type H: 10135 standard basic program or 10255 extended basic program

  • Therapy type Ai+A: 10133 Standard basic program, blocked patient, no conductance!

  • Selection of appropriate substance complexes

  • Equipping the input cup channel 2 according to test (192.0 A) or according to experience

  • DMI: Note contraindications!

The 2nd treatment step is probably the most important and most individualized treatment step of all!

  • Therapy with the body’s own information: secretions, excretions, wound swab …

  • The patient brings with them their own highly individualized laboratory!

  • The compilation of the programs by topic results in a clearly structured treatment plan

This results from the medical history, either indication-related or symptomatic.

  • Please proceed step by step, not all at once!

  • Keep an eye on the treatment goal/time

  • Basic program, 2nd treatment step, 3rd treatment step, Therapy of stressful information and/or harmonization together. Maximum 60 minutes please!

2nd treatment step: General procedure according to indication/findings

  • Narrowing down the search options according to indication/findings

  • Medical history, symptoms or testing with the CTT test kit 5 functional circuits
    (5 elements)

  • Select the appropriate program sequence via menu item 4, test the individual
    programs for resonance if necessary.

  • Or: Menu item 3: Categories e.g. “Blockages”, Enter, list

  • Or: Menu item 3: Alphabetical e.g, “Scar”, press the dot key

  • Patient is at the input: secretion in the input cup, applicator attached via black cable

  • Output test plate attached via red cable, test aid or mat on the back

  • Press start button, test: tensor or kinesiology muscle test

  • If the test is positive: confirm with the comma key, press enter for the last program

  • List of positively confirmed individual programs, enter

To avoid having to test everything again and again, | have compiled an overview of programs and program sequences which frequently resonate from 12 years of practical experience with the bioresonance method, sorted by treatment topic.

Overview of possible programs/program sequences for the 2nd treatment step, sorted by topic:

Topic 1: Lack of elimination capacity in general:

  • PS 10046 Detoxication (general)

  • Exposure to additionally administered medication, anesthesia, antibiotics …

  • Review of the meridian or organ-related programs acute/chronic

  • Liver: 3310.0/310.1 acute, 3311.0/311.1 chronic

  • Liver detoxication: 10093 Liver detoxication, 10165 Toxin elimination

  • Kidney: 3390.0/380.1 acute, 3391.0/381.1 chronic

  • Renal dysfunction: 10114 Renal function weakness

  • Lymph: 3200.0/200.1 acute, 3201.0/201.1 chronic

  • Lymph activation: 10097 Lymph activation, 10098 Lymphoedema

  • Skin: 10067 Skin diseases (toxin elimination): 3036.0, 970.5

  • Further search options: large intestine, pancreas, connective tissue, lung, skin

Topic 2: Scar interference fields, geopathic stress (surgery, intensive care unit, monitoring …)

  • Individual programs: 700.3, 701.1, 702.0, meridian/organ-related spleen

  • Own program sequence for scars: 3458.0, 3459.0, 3432.0, 900.2, 910.3, 927.4 Test!

  • 10160 Radiation exposure: 3017.0, 701.1

  • 10175 Adhesions: 3125.0, 927.1

  • 10193 Cell stimulation: 3086.0, 839.1

  • 10026 Blockage in tissue: 3040.0, 951.1

  • 10058 Tissue process chronic: 3040.0, 325.0

Topic 3: Energetic blockage, laterality disorder, exhaustion, depressive mood

  • Own program sequence: 3017.0, 3084.0, 915.2, 571.0, 572.0, 535.2 Test!

  • Own program sequence: 3426.0, 658.0, 307.0, 587.0, 428.3, 549.4 Test!

  • 10105 Muscular coordination problems (opiates): 3074.0, 941.2

  • 10151 Vertigo, problems with equillibrium: 3098.0, 431.1

  • 10007 Activate the left side of the brain: 3086.0, 572.0

  • 10008 Activate the right side of the brain: 3084.0, 571.0

  • 10045 Lack of energy: 3035.0, 580.2

  • 10150 Debility, occasional: 3125.0, 422.2

Topic 4: Vegetative dysregulation, stress, shock/trauma

  • Own program sequence: 3017.0, 3084.0, 915.2, 3093.0, 3094.0, 3095.0 Test!

  • 10169 Vegetative dystonia: 915.2, 940.2, 960.4, 900.1

  • 10170 Vegetative disorder: 3021.0, 960.4

  • 10147 Shock treatment: 3094.0, 3095.0, 214.4

  • 10006 Regulate adrenaline secretion: 3053.0, 953.0

  • 10111 Nerve regeneration: 3074.0, 231.1

  • 10027 Remove energy blockages: 918.0, 3084.0

Topic 5: Supporting wound healing acutely after surgery, pain, hematomas

  • Own program sequence: 3124.0, 931.2, 930.6, 951.5, 927.7, 461.7 Test!

  • 10185 Stimulate wound healing: 3096.0, 931.2

  • 10187 Wound healing after surgery, adhesions: 3124.0, 927.2

  • 10188 Wound healing, injuries: 922.2, 910.7, 930.3, 951.5

  • 10192 Cell regeneration after surgery: 3124.0, 951.3

  • 10081 Bone injuries: 922.3, 927.7, 930.3, 910.7

  • 10080 Bone pain (post-traumatic): 3057.0, 650.0

  • 10125 Bruises: 3038.0, 630.2

  • 10145 Pain treatment: 3017.0, 3092.0, 425.0

  • 20006 Pain after extraction: 130.0, 911.3, 650.0, 931.3

Topic 6: Wound healing disorders, infections, scar interference fields after surgery

  • Own program sequence: 3458.0, 3459.0, 3432.0, 900.2, 910.3, 927.3 Test!

  • 10048 Pathogen treatment: 930.3, 970.5, 570.1, 978.1, 998.1

  • 10024 Strain due to pathogens: 3013.0, 915.2

  • Acute tissue process, inflammation: 3037.0, 922.2

  • Implant post-treatment: 970.4, 290.3, 334.4, 402.2, 422.7, 524.4

  • 10122 Post-surgery treatment: 920.0, 511.2, 911.6, 940.3

  • Test for incompatibility of the incorporated materials 170.0 Ai, 191.0 Ai CTT

  • Own archive: Suture materials, plates, screws, ceramics, metallic alloys: Relief with PS

  • 10325 Pathogens Ai, possibly neural therapy

Topic 7: Infections, immunological defects, immune deficiency

  • Own program sequence: 3432.0, 3434.0, 3058.0, 953.0, 582.0, 657.0 Test!

  • 10073 Immunodeficiencies: 3053.0, 953.0

  • 10074 Low immunity: 570.1, 428.2, 930.3, 560.1, 561.0

  • 10077 Infection defense: 3013.0, 950.1, 951.1

  • 10155 Increase the powers of resistance: 3003.0, 570.1

  • 10052 Fever treatment: 700.1, 570.7, 422.5

  • 10164 Thyroid activation: 3108.0, 428.2

Topic 8: Spinal blockages (pain, prolonged lying down, consequences after surgery)

  • Own program sequence: 3072.0, 3073.0, 3448.0, 581.2, 3065.0, 211.2

  • 10107 Neck pain: 3072.0, 532.1, 502.5

  • 10094 Lumbar spine complaints: 3065.0, 560.2

  • 10091 Sacrum/coccyx blockage: 211.2, 3065.0

  • 10183 Spinal blockage: 3017.0, 3077.0, 915.1

  • 10184 Spine segments blocked: 581.2, 3031.0, 3041.0

  • 10096 Lumbar spine syndrome/sciatica: 915.2, 581.2, 970.5

  • 10080 Bone pain: 3057.0, 650.0

Topic 9: Temporomandibular joint/tongue bone blockage (intubation, grinding, fears …)

  • Own program sequence: 3017.0, 3084.0, 3425.0, 530.2, 570.9, 538.0 Test!

  • 10087 Cramp-like pain head: 3059.0, 710.2

  • 10112 Nerve pain, pulling: 3076.0, 651.0

  • 10142 Pain, cramp-like: 3059.0, 710.4

  • 10141 Tooth area pain: 3120.0, 3121.0, 510.1

  • 10027 Release energy blockages: 918.0, 3084.0

Topic 10: Blockage due to medication (paresis, muscle coordination disorders, constipation, blood pressure derailments, tachycardia, respiratory distress …)

  • Own program sequence: 905.0, 918.0, 847.0, 941.1, 991.2, 428.0 Test!

  • 10105 Muscle coordination disorder: 3074.0, 941.3

  • 10028 Blood pressure too high, supportive: 3019.0, 270.2

  • 10042 Blood circulation problems in the abdomen: 3031.0, 504.0

  • 10043 Blood circulation problems in the head region: 3032.0, 502.1

  • 10068 Heart problems, nerve-related: 904.0, 906.0

  • 10017 Dyspnea, acute: 210.2, 3005.0

Procedure for the 2nd treatment step:

  • Call up the programs tested as in resonance after the basic program

  • Position applicators accordingly, load input cups accordingly

  • Select substance complex (symptomatic or category and test)

  • Equip channel 2: possibly test beforehand using the 192.0 A CTT program!

  • Load output cup/chip memory accordingly

  • Start Procedure for the testing the 3rd treatment step: Therapy of stressful information with an Ai program

  • Possible allergen in input or grasping applicator connected to black cable

  • Patient is not at the input!

  • Enter and start program 191.0 Ai CTT or 170.0 Ai

  • Test for resonance with the tensor or kinesiology muscle test

  • Incriminating ampules CTT or

  • Create your own archive with native materials/substances, test

  • Have the patient bring the medication administered to them, test it

  • Narrow down the topic, not all at once please!

Procedure for the 3rd treatment step: Therapy of incriminating information with an Ai program

  • Input cup: Determined allergen(s)

  • Patient is not at the input!

  • Output: Modulation mat

  • Menu item 4: 8: Enter number, Enter

  • Program sequence 11310 (18 min.) or

  • Program sequence 10325 Pathogens Ai (please do not shorten the time, 25 min.)

  • Simultaneous stabilization: Select substance complex

  • Input channel 2: e.g. pink ampules from the CTT kit, native medications, etc.

  • Load output cup and/or place chip in the chip memory

  • Start

Procedure for the 3rd treatment step: Therapy of incriminating information with a diet program

  • This treatment step is selected, for example, if appropriate test material is not available (without testing!)

  • Theinput cup is loaded with the patient’s own secretions/excretions/wound swabs or similar

  • The patient can be at the input with flexible applicators/magnetic depth probe!

  • Output: Modulation mat

  • Menu item 4: 8: Enter number, Enter

  • Program sequence 10326 Pathogens Di (please do not shorten the time, 25 min.)

  • Simultaneous stabilization: Select substance complex

  • Input channel 2: e.g. pink ampules from CTT/STT, native medication etc.

  • Load output cup and/or place chip in the chip memory, start

Procedure for a possible 4th treatment step: Stabilization or harmonization/test

  • If special emphasis is placed on stabilizing or harmonizing the patient, a 4th treatment step can also be added

  • Substance complexes, AKI specialist modules on carrier substance in the output cup, e.g. oils or chip

  • Test for harmonizing ampules from the CTT/STT

1st option: Menu item 6: Substance complexes, short running time: 4 minutes per sub. complex

  • Call up category, e.g. musculoskeletal system

  • Press start!

  • Scroll button down until resonance is displayed e.g. “Scar skin/organ” Enter, start, oil in output cup and/or chip in chip memory

  • Several substance complexes can also be used in succession (4 minutes/each SC)

2nd option: Test for harmonizing ampules (A) from the CTT/STT test kits

  • Test with program 192.0 ACTT

  • Treatment with e.g. program 198.0 A CTT: 10 minutes

  • Here, too, the corresponding substance complex can run at the same time

Procedure for a very thorough stabilization or harmonization of the patient

With PS 10327 Stabilization A, the patient can be very thoroughly harmonized or stabilized across all frequencies and amplification levels instead of performing an inverse 3rd treatment step. This can be considered if the patient is severely weakened and needs to be energetically built up and stabilized first.

Since great attention should always be paid to the treatment time, this harmonizing/stabilizing 3rd treatment step usually replaces the treatment step with inverted therapy types such as Ai or Di, with PS 10325 Pathogens Ai or 10326 Pathogens Di.

  • Test with 192.0 A

  • Determined stabilizing or harmonizing ampule(s) in the input cup

  • Patient is not at the input!

  • Output: Modulation mat

  • Menu item 4: 8: Enter number, Enter

  • Program sequence 10327 Stabilization A (please do not shorten the time, 25 min.)

  • Possibly select/test additional substance complexes

  • Possibly add to channel 2 proven medication/according to testing

  • Load output cup with e.g. oil and/or place chip in the chip memory

  • Start

In practice, these processes optimize the design of a treatment session, especially with regard to the treatment time and the defined treatment goal. They help the therapist to narrow down the appropriate selection of programs to be reviewed, to test for individual resonance and not to want to do too much at once.


3rd May 2023 – Third visit to the practice

The patient was furious that she had had the operation. She thought it had been the biggest mistake of her life. Hence the decision to stabilize her thoroughly today.

  • Basic program according to therapy type: 10252 Di

  • Follow-up programs after testing: 3017.0, 3084.0, 571.0, 925.0

  • Testing of possible allergens Ai: negative

  • Test for stabilization A: Test kit PEB: Emotions Lymph, Courage & Stability, Light & Hope

  • PS 10327 Stabilization A

  • Substance complex: Letting go of fears

  • Channel 2: Lymphdiaral Pascoe

  • Output cup: Drops

  • 5th May 2023 – Fourth visit to the practice

The patient stated that she felt much better emotionally after the last treatment, but had the feeling of being “dirty internally”, which is why the primary focus today was on elimination/ detoxification.

  • Basic therapy according to therapy type: 10130 H+Di

  • Follow-up programs after testing: 3310.0, 310.1, 3063.0, 430.2, 970.5

  • Testing of possible allergens Ai: negative

  • Testing for Di: Propofol again

  • PS 10326 Pathogens Di

  • Substance complex: Lymph support

  • Channel 2 after testing: Crab Apple; Chip

First lymphatic drainage with a manual lymphatic body, intensity 0.8



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