Remote therapy
Although not promoted by the THERA manufacturer, remote therapy using the THERA device is not only possible, but it can be just as effective as in-person sessions. The concern is that the idea of such a “non-contact” / “voodoo” therapy would be too far of a stretch (believability wise) for most persons who are new to this form of energy therapy. Widespread knowledge of this unorthodox method of application could therefore hurt the reputation of this, especially effective modality and keep otherwise interested persons from seeking to use it. We therefore implore you as a therapist to be particularly cautious introducing its ability to be used in such a way.
Some representation of the person is needed. Traditionally this has been a drop of blood that has been placed on a piece of absorbent paper such as unbleached coffee filter paper. This however legally requires a phlebotomy license, so some therapists use instead a lock of hair or photograph or have the person draw their own blood using a lancet on themselves. In any case, however, actually two samples will be needed – one for the input cup and one for the output cup. In any case, the sample should also be labeled with the person’s name.
Once you have placed the person’s blood sample in the input and output cups, you can proceed with therapy as usual. If you want to use the DMI feature, you will have to plug in the modulation mat and put the blood sample on the mat instead of having it in the output cup. If you want to run a therapy using a vial or vials in the main channel input cup, simply replace the blood sample in the input cup with the vials.
If using hair samples, they can be kept in small plastic zip-lock bags and again, labeled with the person’s name.