Salicylic add – a problem substance for allergy sufferers
Dr. med. Jurgen Hennecke, Aachen, Deutschland
For every new allergy patient, we test the most important food additives as well as basic foods. In recent years, we have noticed that, in addition to the well-known basic stresses such as milk, wheat and Candida, more and more people are reacting to the “Salicylic acid” ampoule. Treatment using this information, possibly in combination with other substances, has substantially alleviated the symptoms experienced by many of our patients.
Substance and availability
In chemical terms, salicylic acid (2-hydroxybenzoic acid) is an aromatic compound because of its benzene ring. Salicylic acid derivatives are widely available naturally or are synthetically produced for a variety of applications. They are contained in essential oils and are present as plant hormones in the leaves, blossoms, fruit and roots of various plants. Salicylic acid or spiraeic acid was previously obtained from willow bark (sallow) or from Filipendula ulmaria (meadowsweet or mead wort). Today, a large variety of derivatives are produced in the chemical industry. They are used as colouring agents and odorants (e.g. mint flavouring), as preservatives in the cosmetic and perfume industry (sun protection products, creams and bath additives) and as ointments or antirheumatic agents (acetylsalicylic acid, e.g. Aspirin) in the pharmaceutical industry. Salicylates are all around us. It is hard to escape them! We believe that other allergies and intolerances develop in some patients who regularly consume small quantities of acetylsalicylic acid, even prophylactically.
Salicylate intolerance
Generally, salicylates can trigger pseudoallergic reactions, which means that the pathological symptoms only appear after an individual limit has been exceeded. The type of derivative, the preparation and combinations with other substances also seem to play a role. For instance, foods containing salicylates are often tolerated in small quantities. However, the consumption of greater quantities may trigger a whole range of symptoms in correspondingly sensitive patients (see Table 4 at the end of this paper). Total avoidance is virtually impossible. We give the patient a leaflet (Table 5) and advise him/her to reduce the quantities of the relevant foods accordingly.
In the case of hay fever patients, cross- allergies to pip and stone fruit, nuts and spices can apparently be traced back to salicylates, at least in part. In many cases, salicylic acid treatment combined with fresh fruit and nuts has helped.
Test and therapy
We use the “Salicylic acid” test ampoule (Additives test set, Dr. Schumacher).
The following are added to the input cup: salicylic acid test ampoule, one acetylsalicylic (ASA) tablet and substances supplied by the patient such as ointments, creams, cosmetics or foodstuffs. Ideally, the patient should bring along pieces of fresh fruit or vegetable in a glass tube (test tube).
In some cases, salicylic acid is also tested in combination with other foods or substances (Table 3). In this case, the combination can be treated together. Amongst our patients, the wheat—salicylic acid combination is the most common, closely followed by the milk-salicylic acid combination. Combinations with sugar, fruit or other acids (citric acid, ascorbic acid and tartaric acid) also exist. In these cases, we initially treat the combination 2-3 times. In some cases, the salicylic acid has to be treated once again on its own.
Therapy (2-3x) is mostly carried out in the program sequence 963, 944 and 998. In refractory cases, therapy is tested individually. Meridian-directed allergy therapy (program 530) has also proved effective in the treatment of mucous membrane contact symptoms. In this case, a small tube containing the allergen is placed below the navel and a second tube is held between the lips.
This allows us to substantially increase the individual tolerance threshold. In most cases, foods containing salicylates are tolerated without any problem after therapy.
Beware: Patients with a known allergy to acetylsalicylic acid should also avoid medicinal products containing this substance. Life-threatening allergic reactions have been described despite normal energetic testing. (Tables 1-3, at the end of this paper)
General information
The regular consumption of medicinal products containing salicylates such as acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) seems to trigger new allergies and intolerance. Nowadays, small doses of ASA (100 mg) are frequently used as anticoagulants to treat circulatory disorders and heart disease. ASA is often administered prophylactically. We noticed a link between the onset of allergy and ASA consumption in quite a few of our patients. It is not always possible to discontinue this medicinal product. However, therapy can substantially improve tolerance.
The case involving a child with ADD syndrome and hyperactivity was particularly striking. On examining the patient’s history, we learned that the mother had been required to take ASA throughout her pregnancy. She suffered from placental insufficiency and had experienced several miscarriages. She had to take ASA in order to have her four children. Only the youngest has ADD and proved allergic to milk and salicylic acid in the test. After eliminating the allergies with bioresonance therapy, the little boy was almost symptom-free.
Guilia M., who was four years old at the time, had been suffering from abdominal pain accompanied by nausea, for two years. The symptoms generally appeared a few hours after eating any type of fruit. The test highlighted intolerances to wheat and salicylic acid. The parents did not want to treat the wheat allergy. Following the three- fold elimination of salicylic acid in combination with fresh fruit, the little girl could eat fruit again without experiencing any symptoms whatsoever.
Salicylate intolerance manifests in numerous ways. In our practice, we mostly encounter gastrointestinal symptoms, respiratory disorders such as bronchial asthma and skin eruptions.
Chronic urticaria with the appearance of wheals and a tendency towards oedema are frequently associated with salicylate intolerance. This clinical picture, which appears to be more prevalent in women, also seems to be affected by hormonal factors since its onset is often related to menopausal symptoms or hormone problems. Here are a few examples:
Case 1 Y. D., female, 48 years old, chronic urticaria
Itching eczema of one year’s duration (menopause, stress), alternating between the elbows, stomach and legs. Thorough internal and allergy investigations did not reveal any findings. Known lactose intolerance.
Test: Scars on the elbow, navel and ear. Intestinal mycosis, wheat, egg white, yeast, salicylic acid, benzoic acid, glutamate.
Therapy: Basic therapy, removal of scar interference, colon cleansing, stabilisation of the hormone system, 4 x wheat,
2 x salicylic acid.
Following treatment, the patient is entirely symptom-free and can tolerate everything.
Case 2 M. A., female, 45 years old, Pressure urticaria
Over the last four years (works with chemicals in a lab.) recurrent wheal formation on applying the slightest pressure to the skin (touch, clothing). Regular antihistamine consumption (cetirizine).
Test: Scars, thyroid gland dysfunction, intestinal mycosis, wheat, yeast, salicylic acid, coffee, latex, formaldehyde, chemicals (Minutil, Spitacid), Aspergillus mix.
Therapy: Removal of scar interference, colon cleansing, hormone program, 2 x chemicals, 3 x wheat with salicylic acid, 2 x Aspergillus mix.
Marked improvement in urticaria after therapy. Patient seldom requires cetirizine.
Case 3 R. P., female, 58 years old, Quincke’s oedema
Over the last four years (following hysterectomy) recurrent swelling of the face and body.
Test: Scars, thyroid gland dysfunction, intestinal mycosis, wheat, yeast, soya, carrots, celery, tomatoes, paprika, pineapples, kiwi fruit, mangos, sugar, latex, salicylic acid.
Therapy: Removal of scar interference, 3 x Candida, 2 x wheat. The patient was much better after therapy; virtually all allergies had disappeared except for salicylic acid. 2 x salicylic acid, then virtually symptom-free.
Summary: Always test salicylic acid in every allergy patient and all patients with unclear symptoms. There is generally a marked improvement in symptoms after treatment.
Table 1
Foods containing salicylic acid
Fruit: Sultanas, raisins, all berries, dates, apricots, oranges, pineapples, grapes, cherries, grapefruit, peaches, mandarin oranges, nectarines, water melons, kiwi fruit and plums
Vegetables: Endive salad, olives, mushrooms,radish, courgettes, cress, broccoli, spinach, horseradish, onions, asparagus, tomatoes, rhubarb, chicory, paprika, small radishes
Spices: Curry, paprika, thyme, dill, rosemary, nutmeg, sage, aniseed, cayenne pepper, cinnamon
Miscellaneous: Almonds, Black tea, peppermint tea, Port wine
The fruitier the flavour of the food, the higher the salicylic acid content!

Table 3
Presence of synthetic salicylate derivatives
Medicinal products:
– Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin)
– Cross-reactions with other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) e.g. Diclofenac, Ibuprofen
– Ointment for epidermal scales, psoriasis and warts – Bath additives, “rheumatic ointments”
Cosmetics :
-Fragrances and flavourings
– Mint taste
Colouring agents and preservatives (Schumacher test set)
Cross-reactions with
– Azo dyes(yellow mix, red mix, brown mix) – Benzoic acid E 102-212
– PHB-Ester E 142-218
– Anti-oxidising agents (gallate) E 310-312
Table 5:
Patient Information Leaflet on Salicylic acid Intolerance
This is a pseudoallergic reaction, which means that the symptoms (affecting the bronchi, gastrointestinal tract, skin and nervous system) depend on the quantity consumed. It is virtually impossible to completely avoid all salicylates in foods. The quantity consumed should, however, be reduced based on the following table. Through bioresonance therapy, hypersensitivity to salicylic acid can be reduced and the onset of related symptoms can be alleviated.
Salicylic acid is also contained in some medicines (e.g. acetylsalicylic acid, “Aspirin”, some ointments and wart patches). The treating physician must be consulted before these medicinal products are reduced or discontinued. Bioresonance therapy is nevertheless possible. In the case of known allergies to medicinal products, the latter should no longer be taken after bioresonance therapy.
Average salicylate content of some foods (mg/100 g):

The fresher and fruitier the food, the higher the salicylic acid content. High levels are also seen in preserves and concentrates.