Skin and mucosa disorders. A search for clues …
Irene Kolbe, Naturopath
Dear colleagues, dear Mr Sinn and all the staff at REGUMED. Paradigm shift
When I was asked to present at this Congress I knew immediately which topic I would like to discuss with you today. Over recent years we have all witnessed a change in the way we view diseases and how they develop. We have seen a particularly dramatic shift in the way causes are investigated from the point of view of intestinal microecology and, linked to this, how we view these causes. Although microecology and specific additional parameters have been looked at previously, microbiome research has significantly expanded our horizons.
With this in mind, I would like to present to you three cases from my practice. These all involve skin and mucosa disorders and include the respective intestinal examinations, as well as the various bioresonance programs used to complement the medical treatments.
Medical history data, problems encountered, establishing causes and treatment plans
Patient 1: 9-year-old boy
Caesarean section, breastfed for the first 10 months. Development slightly stunted, first significant cold at 2 months, followed by recurrent infections, including a middle ear infection (otitis media); paranasal sinuses were rarely clear. This resulted in altered speech and jaw development.
Potty trained at an early age. Still had cradle cap at the age of 3, which stunted hair growth.
Initial consultation in 2017: The boy’s voice was nasal and his hearing was poor. He was brought to the practice because he regularly wet the bed at night and often wet himself during the day too. The questionnaire revealed that the boy had experienced pyelonephritis for the first time in 2016 and, prior to this, recurrent cystitis alternating with middle ear infection and paranasal sinus inflammations.
Previously treated with antibiotics, but with no lasting success. The children’s hospital carried out a full range of test procedures to investigate the bedwetting, but confirmed that there was no evidence of disturbed function and suggested that the cause may be psychosomatic. As a result he was referred to a child psychologist. This only exacerbated the bedwetting at night and he continued wetting himself during the day. The boy himself wanted to try a different type of treatment because he was feeling excluded at school. He couldn’t go for sleep-overs at other children’s houses and school trips were out of the question. This was placing an increasing psychological strain on the child.
A visit to an osteopath led to a short-term improvement and a suggestion too that the family might wish to consider a non-medical practitioner specialising in mucosa disorders.
The family were advised of the various diagnostic options that had not yet been fully investigated.
Testing took place using bioresonance: tissue block, stress from microorganisms and mucosa dystonia.
For this reason, I ordered a microecological report using a stool sample, with IgA supply at the mucous membranes as an additional parameter.
Excerpts from the report are as follows:
Significant reduction in the immunological colonising pathogens and an acute decline in protective flora and reduced mucous membrane protection through IgA. Not uncommon in children born by caesarean section.

Bioresonance programs
Bedwetting 1, 980.2,
Bladder irritation 0, 490.1
Tissue block 0, 951.1
Release blocks 0, 3084.0
(energetically)Stress from pathogens 0, 950.1
Inoculation stress no result found
The programs were changed relatively quickly and tested again at each session. The scalp problem, as an elimination zone, cleared up after almost the first treatment. The accompanying treatment with medication was administered in parallel.
Treatment with medication
The medication was tested and changed frequently based on the bioresonance test results and programs.
Over the course of 6 treatments the following remedies were used: Notakehl drops and Fortakehl drops with NaCI in inhaler Arsenicum album C 30 and followed by C 200
Colibiogen children’s drops
Mucozink powder
Berberis/Hypericum comp. globules
Other prescriptions
Because the nasal polyps were so large and there was no significant change as a result of therapy, the parents decided to go ahead with surgery.
This interim measure resulted in an improvement in the eustachian tube (tuba auditiva) and consequently improved air supply, improved hearing and led to a positive change in the progress of the therapy.
In terms of diet we were able to speak to the boy to agree some targets. He was not allowed sweet food after 4pm and this type of food was to be restricted at other times too. He was to avoid dairy products where possible and in the morning not leave the house without drinking a hot cup of tea.
Patient 2: male patient, 48-years-old
Sporty male, lives from the end of November to the start of April in his home in the Alps, where he owns a large ski school employing more than 20 staff. The remainder f the year he spends in Lower Saxony undertaking freelance office work.
Impaired hearing in his left ear due to a sports injury sustained at the age of 16.
Several episodes of sudden hearing loss. Neuronal pain symptoms in the facial nerve area generally at the end of the ski season.
Visited the practice owing to increasing bouts of recurrent bronchitis in the winter months and also at the end of the ski season. For the past two years no full remission following his return to Lower Saxony.
In connection with this he increasingly suffered from meteorism and a change in stool colour (liver stress as part of leaky gut syndrome).
Stools progressively turned pulpy and were no longer well formed.
Arrangement of a microbiome test with the following selected results:

Microbiome parts presented using a traffic lights system:

These foods are considered low in FODMAPs and should be consumed in order to provide the necessary muco-nutritive and protective microbiota.

Remember that foods are seasonal!

Treatment with medication
Treatment administered in sequence according to the development of symptoms and results of tests:
Colibiogen drops
Mucozink powder
OmniBiotic Power drink pouch
Symbiolntest drink pouch
Metacare Griffonia + capsules
Hepatodoron tablets, alternated with Taraxacum comp. drops (Ceres)
Other prescriptions
Low FODMAP diet
(FODMAP is the abbreviation for “Fermentable oligo-, di- and monosaccharides and polyols”. These are a group of carbohydrates and sugar alcohols which are present in many foods and poorly absorbed in the small intestine. This results in what are known as “silent inflammations”.)
Patient 3: Baby born in February 2018
Initial medical history at 4 months
Skin appearance blotchy, identified as “baby acne” by a medical practitioner. Worsening of symptoms from the age of 2 months: weeping eczema.
Child had been breastfed, but up to this point not inoculated. Spontaneous birth after uncomplicated pregnancy. Second child in the family, older sister, 3 years older with no skin or mucosa disorders.
No similar pictures in family medical history. On the paternal side of the family, evidence of mild psoriasis in previous generations.
Shortly before initial medical history was taken, 3-way vaccine led to acute exacerbation in symptoms. Photo from when the child was first brought to the practice:

Bioresonance programs

Treatment with medication
Sequence of medication, sometimes combined or alternated daily.
All ointments prescribed to date were discontinued.
Omni-Biotic Panda
Fortakehl drops percutaneously
Spagyric therapy after Krauss (Ku 3, Lf 1, Sx 3, Gw 3)
Symbiolntest powder
Other prescriptions
While breastfeeding the mother’s diet should be free of animal protein for as long as possible. Food intake increased with addition of a new foodstuff.
Changes as a result of treatment:

Affected skin slowly healed.
His face improved from session to session.

Skin and mucosa disorders often require some clever detective work and in the majority of cases these can be linked to the gut.
Research in this area is now much broader and I was amazed to see how the gut-headbrain axis was being investigated in a French clinic as part of a large microbiome study looking into degenerative conditions such as Parkinson’s disease.
The question posed covered a number of different fields.
I would like to end with a statement from a presentation that I found extremely apposite: “There are 2 pathways into or out of the body and there are 4 pathways from the gut to the brain.”
Thank you for listening and I hope this has given you some impetus to explore and research this topic further, to build up experience and to share this with colleagues!