
Skin Warts

December 11, 20202 min read


Warts are caused by the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), which is transmitted through direct contact with a person who has the virus or an infected surface. This is more likely to occur if the skin surrounding the wart is wet or broken. It can be months after a person has come into contact with the virus that they actually develop a wart. Once a person has a wart on one part of their body, this can easily spread to other areas, especially if the wart bleeds. Children and young adults are the most likely to be affected.


Warts appear on the skin in the form of lumps which have a rough, uneven texture. The hands and fingers are most likely to be affected, though the virus can also affect the genital area. People may have one isolated wart, a few or clusters of many. Warts can be painful or itchy, as well as embarrassing. Plantar warts are found on the soles of the feet and consist of light brown lumps with small black spots. Flat warts may be present on the face and legs and are most likely to affect young people, especially females. Usually, warts will eventually disappear on their own, though this can take a long time, even years.

BICOM® Programs to be Used


Supplements to take

Zinc, vitamin D, vitamin A

Other therapies

A doctor can remove a wart by freezing it with liquid nitrogen or through a small surgical procedure. It is also possible to burn and destroy the wart tissue with a laser. Home wart-freezing kits can also be used. Salicylic acid gradually dissolves warts and can come in the form of a gel, lotion or plasters. Some people find home remedies to be effective such as applying sodium bicarbonate solution regularly and keeping the area covered with a plaster. Medications used include virus-killing drugs and treatments that stimulate the immune system to fight the wart virus. Filing down the wart and covering it with duct tape every day can help to gradually remove the affected skin. Practical measures to reduce the risk of the virus spreading include covering the wart with a plaster when swimming and not walking barefoot in public places. It is important to avoid picking or cutting the area accidentally and hands should be washed after touching a wart. Socks should be changed daily and not shared with other people.

Experiences and case studies

A 23-year-old man had suffered from numerous warts on his hands for 10 years when it was recommended to him that he try bioresonance therapy. After having 3 treatments, all of the warts simply dropped off in the shower. There had still been no recurrence 2 years later.

Read this pdf for more case studies treating herpes viruses.

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