
Stop the burn out

April 17, 201714 min read

Andreas Geier, Naturopath, Koln, Germany

Definition of the term

The term burnout was first used by New York psychotherapist Freudenberger in 1974. Although today it is widely used to describe a state of emotional and physical exhaustion, there is no standard scientific definition.

A list of definitions according to Rook shows that in all definitions there is an overlap of the terms ‘physical, mental, emotional exhaustion, depersonalisation, reduced work efficacy, unfulfilled needs and expectations, disillusionment, failure to adapt to work’.1

In this paper I refer to the working definition drown up by Schaufeli & Enzmann:

”Burnout is a persistent, negative, work- related state of mind in ‘normal’ individuals that is primarily characterised by exhaustion, which is accompanied by distress, a sense of reduced effectiveness, decreased motivation, and the development of dysfunctional attitudes and behaviour at work. This psychological condition develops

gradually but may remain unnoticed for a long time by the individual involved. It results from a misfit between intentions and reality in the job. Often burnout is self-perpetuating because of inadequate coping strategies that ore associated with the syndrome.”2

In my practice I have successfully treated more than 30 burnout patients so far.

Symptoms, Diagnosis

The catalogue of symptoms for burnout, which was first compiled by Freudenberger in 1974, was added to or set out in a different way over the following decades without an actual catalogue of symptoms being created as a basis for an independent diagnosis in ICD3or DSM-IV4. None of the symptoms can be considered to relate specifically to burnout according to Korczak, Kister and Huber and the majority also point to depression. The plethora of 130 symptoms according to Schaufeli & Enzmann encompasses almost everything, including both symptoms and causes as well as health implications and is therefore somewhat vague.

The listed physical symptoms which are associated with burnout also reflect my own experiences of treating more than 30 burnout patients. Examples include:

Debilitating mental and physical exhaustion
-Chronic exhaustion
-Lack of motivation
-Headache, sore throat, joint pain and muscular pain
-Problems with concentration and memory disorders
-Restless sleep
-Lymph node sensitivity
-Persistent deterioration in condition after physical exertion
-Inability to make a quick recovery
-Retreat and isolation from environment
-Cynical, dismissive feelings towards colleagues, work in general, clients, family members
-Short-tempered ness

1 HTA Report 105, „Differentialdiagnostik des Burnout-Syndroms" ["Differential Diagnostic of the Burnout Syndrome"](Authors: DieterKorczak, Christine Kister, Beote Huber), p. 14 2 ibid., p. 14
3 (The who's international standard diagnostic classification system)4(Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders)

The term burnout syndrome con now be found under key Z 73.0, i.e. under ‘Miscellaneous’ and in ICD-10 under ‘Factors influencing health status and contact with health services’.

Recording symptoms Andreas Geier practice

It is important to tell you that as BICOM® bioresonance therapists we must not hove any concerns about treating burnout patients. There are very clear ohvsical symptoms which we can treat successfully.
It is important when taking a thorough case history to first distinguish burnout from psychological disorders, such as symptoms of manic depression. If I suspect patients are displaying these symptoms I refer them to a psychologist and treat their physical symptoms at a later stage with the support of BICOM® bioresonance therapy.

The most important factor in treating burnout with BICOM® bioresonance therapy is to find the stresses present. These symptoms were present in all of the burnout patients that I treated:

  • Geopathy

  • Environmental stresses (electrosmog, radioactivity, environmental toxins)

  • Metals

  • Food intolerances

  • Viruses

  • Vaccinations

  • ScarsCertain blocks occur time and again:

  • Laterality disorders

  • Shock blocks

  • Stress blocks

  • Overocidity

  • Hormonal blocks in the pituitary gland

  • Blocks in the hormone region

  • Blocks in adrenaline release

Who does burnout affect?

The general consensus is now that burnout syndrome can affect all social groups and almost all age groups, as cases of the disorder have been found in school children, researchers as well as the unemployed and pensioners. Also patients who have been treated by me come from all areas of society and cover a range of occupations, from hairdressers and teachers to administrative clerks. They all have one thing in common, however: they are highly motivated people who really enjoy (or enjoyed) their work or other activities and always push themselves to their limit. And they believe that they can tackle their disorder using the same rationale, which means that they are always fighting against it and consequently burn out. People who just treat their job as a job and take a more relaxed approach are not at risk of burnout in my opinion. They would sooner retire to bed rather than risk becoming affected by burnout.

According to a study by the Techniker Kronkenkosse health insurance fund and the F.A.Z. Institute entitled “Customer Compass Stress” 20095 one in three Germans feels permanently stressed, with the 30-39 age group considering themselves to be most affected. More than one in every two employees suffers from agitation, time pressure, information
overload and pressure to be permanently available via e-mail, mobile phone or Blackberry. Nine out often school children and students say that they feel stressed. The top stress factor is exams, as well as pressure to get higher marks, quarrels with class mates, bullying, conflicts with teachers/ lecturers, anxiety about the future and so on. Many professions leave individuals particularly prone to developing stress- related symptoms: 37% of all shift workers feel permanently stressed, perpetually

5 Customer Compass Stress: latest national survey: Extent, causes and impact of stress in Germany, Techniker Krankenkasse/F.A.Z.- Institut, 2009

Exhausted and burnt out. Four out of ten people constantly working overtime are on the brink of burnout. More than half of respondents had the sense that their life had become more stressful in recent years. Irrespective of the difficulty in differentiating between this and other psychological disorders such as

  • affective (mood) disorder

  • exhaustion depression

  • chronic fatigue syndrome

  • neurasthenia which include burnout, health insurance funds confirm the number of disorders in patients suffering from burnout syndrome, which has been increasing for some years now. The Techniker Krankenkosse (TK) speaks in terms of ten million sick days each year,6 and according to the Betriebliche Krankenkosse (BKK) some nine million Germans are affected.
    This has a considerable financial impact on society: according to the German Federal Health Monitoring System psychological disorders and illnesses had cost health insurance funds EUR 26.7 billion by 2006. According to EASG’ this equated to a cost of EUR 20 billion for companies.Physical reactions to permanent stress
    If the human body is feeling stressed, the brain activates the entire body and releases energy reserves in order to meet any potential threat, either through fight or flight. The nerve pathways signal to the suprarenal glands to release stress hormones and neurotransmitters, such as adrenaline, noradrenaline and Cortisol. This leads among other things to the following biochemical reactions in the body:

  • “The heart beats faster and blood pressure rises. As a result more oxygen and sugar is transported to the muscles.

  • Breathing speeds up in order to increase the absorption of oxygen.

  • Digestion is suppressed.

  • Blood is directed away from the skin and the internal organs to the brain and skeletal muscles.

  • The muscles tense up.

  • The blood vessels constrict and the blood is better able to clot to protect the body and contain blood loss in the event of injury.

  • More sweat is secreted, because the body needs to cool down.

  • The pupils dilate.

  • The liver converts glycogen into glucose, which is combined with the free fatty acids in order to provide immediate energy for the muscles.

  • Sensitivity to pain is reduced.”8

According to the principle of fight or flight (which also includes testing, competition, presentations etc.) the organism will return its system to its normal state. If there is no release from permanent stress this can lead to a variety of physical symptoms, which ore also frequently diagnosed in connection with burnout:

  • Continuous production of the stress hormones adrenaline and Cortisol acts as a type of toxin in the body, particularly the neural pathways: environmental toxins and primarily metals are deposited in the nerve tissue, particularly in the myelin sheaths

  • Muscle tension

  • High blood pressure

  • Digestive system disorders

  • Weaker immune defences

  • Depression owing to excessive Cortisol release

  • Cardiovascular disorder

  • Released fats are deposited in the form of cholesterol in the vessels which can lead to artery calcification and even heart attack

6 ibid.
7 (European Agency for Safety and Health at Work)
8 Customer Compass Stress: latest national survey: Extent, causes and impact of stress in Germany, Techniker Krankenkasse/F.A.Z.- Institut, 2009, p. 8
  • Dizziness

  • Sensory disorders

  • Higher pupillary fluctuations

  • Because the entire milieu is weakened a greater number of viruses are activated, particularly Epstein Barr virus, herpes simplex and herpes zoster

Burnout therapy with the BICOM® bioresonance method

For all our burnout patients we start with the basic program. Since geopathic stresses were found in all patients, it is important to integrate a geopathy compensation into the basic therapy from the outset. Environmental stresses, metals, food intolerances, viruses etc. then follow depending on test readings.

At the same time as dissolving the blocks and eliminating toxins the stressed body should be systematically  built up. Treatment with the err five element set is the key component in my therapy system and I consider it to be THE build-up program. This makes elimination simpler and easier to tolerate, stabilises the patient during treatment and also saves time, because I can also use it in the second channel. Sometimes it is only necessary to carry out build-up programs. For example, 900 (Activate vitality) is a tried and tested program.

It may also be the case that several sessions are needed in order to eliminate a stress, something I always recommend with Epstein Barr viruses, for example. It is also normal for some blocks, such as stress or shock blocks, to be treated over several sessions, in some cases as many as three times.

You should not find this surprising­ burnout patients often suffer a certain tension or strain over a number of years, which means that certain processes no longer occur automatically. The body cries out for support, we provide it and sometimes it is needed more than once.

I generally treat patients once a week. Programs can therefore result in information being sent to the body and relieving the patient’s stress. It is rare for me to provide treatment twice in one week. To phase out treatment after elimination a fortnightly session can be added in which further block therapy, stabilisation of the five elements, eliminating overacidity or supporting the liver are treated. But generally the patient has already recovered by this point;their body is for the most part able to realign and readjust itself.

In the case studies at the end of this paper the therapy steps are set out in detail for three patients and there is a brief overview of a further seven cases. All patients are now doing well, working again or have their family issues under control again. Only a few continue to come into  the practice for stabilisation treatment once a month.

Support through medication and other measures

I use relatively little medication to support my therapy. Ayurvedic herbs in the form of Veda products from Maharishi Veda have proven particularly effective, e.g. Veda 208 to stabilise the nervous system. Veda 208 also helps to stop depressive thoughts. Veda 538 is a brain tonic used to build up new synapses. Dysto-loges is a homeopathic drug which brings about a relaxation of the vegetative nervous system. I also successfully use Nervoregin ampoules from the company Pfluger in order to stabilise the nervous system. MK aktiv from MK Naturpharma is a dietary foodstuff used to treat an increased need for micronutrients in burnout cases.

If patients have acute anxiety, I also give them Aconitum nacellus C 30, 1 x 5 globules as well as Ignatia C 30, 5 globules/day. I prescribe Ignatia, which means ‘gracious’ or ‘merciful’, particularly to those patients who are tough on themselves and believe that they can use their mind to overcome their disorder. The drug helps patients become ‘more gracious’ towards themselves and others.

Lasea soft capsules contain a high percentage of lavender oil, which is calming and good for a restful sleep. This is also true of the product Maharishi Ayurveda MA 107: two tablets before going to sleep ensure patients get all-important sleep during the treatment phase.

It is also important to maintain the milieu in an alkaline state. To support the patient, acid-base drugs such as Basica and base baths are proven to reduce acid levels.

And last but not least I tell my burnout patients to take a long walk in the fresh air twice a day, because during treatment they have a greater need for oxygen and the power of nature can prove amazingly beneficial.


The figures mentioned for the programs used relate to the BICOM® BICOM optima® device. At the end of this paper you will find tables with recommendations for the previous model, the BICOM® 2000.

Case 1 Anna, 60 years old, married, teacher, 1 daughter
Treatment period: 4 months
Number of therapy sessions: 6


  • Physical and mental exhaustion

  • Problems with concentration

  • Insomnia

  • Amnesic aphasia

  • Acute noise sensitivity

Supporting medication

  • Veda 208

  • Dysto-loges

  • MK aktiv

  • Nervoregin ampoules sc.

Course of therapy
1st session

  1. Basic program after testing

  2. Scar elimination right tympanum (900,910)

  3. Geopathy compensation (700)

  4. Five elements

2nd session

  1. Basic program

  2. Electrosmog treatment (198)

  3. Cell stimulation/oxygen regulation (10193)

  4. Five elements

3rd session

  1. Basic program

  2. Lead (198)

  3. Toxins (970)

  4. Metabolic disorder (10159)

  5. Activate vitality (900)

4th session

  1. Basic program

  2. Amalgam (198)

  3. Laterality disorders (10008)

  4. Five elements

5th session

  1. Basic program

  2. Elimination, general (198)

  3. Shock treatment (10147)

  4. Activate vitality (900)

  5. Five elements

6th session

  1. Basic program

  2. Elimination, general (198)

  3. Energetic blocks, regulation, stress (10027)

  4. Activate vitality (900)

  5. Five elements

 Case 1   Gabi, 43 years old, married, TV producer, 2 children

Treatment period: 3 months
Number of therapy sessions: 7


  1. Physical and mental exhaustion

  2. Restless sleep

  3. Major anxiety disorders

Supporting medication

  1. Dysto-loges

  2. Aconitum C 30

  3. Ignacio C 30

Course of therapy
1st session

  1. Basic program after testing

  2. Scar elimination wisdom teeth (900, 910)

  3. Geopathy compensation (700)

  4. Five elements

2nd session

  1. Basic program

  2. Radioactivity (198)

  3. Overacidity (3109.0)

  4. Toxins (970)

  5. Activate vitality (900)

  6. Five elements

3rd session

  1. Basic program

  2. Generalised elimination on the navel (900, 910)

  3. Wheat (998)

  4. Toxins (970)

  5. Carbohydrate metabolic disorder (10082)

  6. Activate vitality (900)

4th session

  1. Basic program

  2. Wheat (998)

  3. Toxins (970)

  4. Carbohydrate metabolic disorder (10082)

  5. Five elements

5th session

  1. Basic program

  2. Wheat (998)

  3. Toxins (970)

  4. Overacidity, stomach (10103)

  5. Activate vitality (900)

6th session

  1. Basic program

  2. Laterality disorders (10007)

  3. Overacidity (3109.0)

  4. Activate vitality (900)

  5. Five elements

7th session

  1. Basic program

  2. Cell activation/oxygen regulation (10193)

  3. Activate vitality (900)

  4. Five elements

 Case 3  Sabrina, 36 years old, married, insurance clerk, 2 children
Treatment period: 3 ½ months
Number of therapy sessions: 13

1) Symptoms
2) Physical and mental exhaustion
3) Anxiety disorders
4) Sleep disorders
5) Dizziness

Supporting medication
1) Dysto-loges
2) Veda 208
3) Veda 538
4) MK aktiv
5) Nervoregin ampoules sc.

Course of therapy

1st session
1) Basic program after testing
2) Wheat (Schumacher ampoule plus natural wheat) (998)
3) Toxins (970)
4) Overacidity (3109.0)
5) Five elements
6) Activate vitality (900)

2nd session
1) Basic program
2) Wheat (Schumacher ampoule plus natural wheat) (998}
3) Toxins (970)
4) Overacidity, stomach (10103)
5) Double liver (430/431) and lymphs (930)

3rd session
1) Basic program
2) Wheat (Schumacher ampoule plus natural wheat) (998)
3) Toxins (970)
4) Metabolic disorder (10159)
5) Five elements

4th session
1) Basic program
2) Milk (Schumacher ampoule plus natural milk) (998)
3) Toxins (970)
4) Lymphs (930)
5) Liver (430)
6) Five elements

5th session
1) Basic program
2) Milk (Schumacher ampoule plus natural milk) (998)
3) Toxins (970)
4) Energetic shock treatment (10147)
5) Five elements

6th session
1) Basic program
2) Milk (Schumacher ampoule plus natural milk) (998)
3) Toxins (970)
4) Lymphs (930)
5) Activate vitality (900)
6) Five elements

7th session
1) Basic program
2) Beryllium
3) Toxins (970)
4) Liver (430)
5) Five elements

8th session
1) Basic program
2) Lead (998)
3) Texine (970)
4) Lymphs (930)
5) Activate vitality (900)
6) Five elements

9th session
1) Smallpox vaccination (197)
2) Pink vaccination ampoules (198)
3) Five elements
4) Activate vitality (900)

1Oth session
1) Basic program
2) Hepatitis vaccination (197)
3) Pink vaccination ampoules (198)
4) Five elements
5) Activate vitality (900)

11th session
1) Basic program
2) Polio vaccination ( 197)
3) Pink vaccination ampoules (198)
4) Five elements
5) Activate vitality (900)

12th session
1) Basic program
2) Mixed dyes ( 197)
3) Toxins (970)
4) Five elements
5) Activate vitality (900)

13th session
1) Basic program
2) Five elements
3) Activate vitality (900)










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