Successful therapy using the symmetrical amplification sweep
Sissi Karz, naturopath, Ag. Nikolaos, Greece
Dear colleagues,
Over the years I have noticed time and again that a patient didn’t do as well as expected with a preset program amplification – i.e. the reaction of their body sometimes fell short of what we were hoping for. Therefore, for some time now I have been checking the intensity of the patient’s physical reaction to a preset program using their palpable pulse on the surface of their wrist after starting a program. If this pulse was not strong enough then I carried out the kinesiological muscle test asserting that: “All amplifications are optimum for this person!”
More and more often adjustments had to be made within a program because the amplification for a weakened body was either too high or possibly a stored default amplification setting was too low making the effect of a program too weak.
At the same time I observed that one or two patients reacted very well to a setting initially but this ceased after just a few minutes, although kinesiological testing showed that this therapy stage had not yet ended. Using kinesiology I then usually found that an amplification needed to be changed.
This is of course a tiresome procedure so I am very glad that in the meantime we have the symmetric amplification sweep with which the organism can be treated slowly and gently – but with more powerful final results. This saves a lot of time and effort and also brings better treatment outcomes.
After this very good experience with the symmetric amplification sweep at the very low frequencies, I gradually set about checking the tried and tested programs in the higher frequency range too. In so doing,
it emerged that patients can react to some programs much better and more quickly if they are introduced gently to the appropriate “indication theme”.
For instance, you would never overtax a patient who displays a weak reaction when using an H+Di program and slowly increasing the inverse oscillations. At the same time, the patient initially gets a higher, stabilising and strengthening H-oscillation, which diminishes slowly and allows the body to make more effort itself to increase its energy capacity.
Through this rhythmic UP and DOWN in amplifications, the patient’s body is never overexerted so to speak but is introduced gently to the changes in its functions.
Even with pure H, A or Ai programs the symmetrical oscillation sweep has very much proven its worth with different programs and brought even more obvious improvements in the patient’s healing process.
Here are a few examples:
One example has already been saved to BICOM® BICOM optima® and this is program no. 925 for balancing a chronic degenerative tissue process. It replaces the former program no. 923 with a constant amplification of H 0.10
– Di 24. In the new program, which is also included in the program series of the same name, we can access a much higher H- oscillation, which thanks to the symmetrical amplification sweep does not cause overexertion of the body and helps bring about a more rapid effect.
By simply feeling the superficial pulse on the patient’s wrist it was very interesting to discover that the patient’s body did not always react in the same way to the same amplifications during the symmetrical sweep. This could be seen most clearly with the H, A and Ai settings . For me this provided yet further evidence that it is very worthwhile to work with the symmetrical amplification sweep. In this way you reach the body in every case and it has to respond.
In the meantime I have also achieved a more obvious and rapid calming effect on excessive irritation in the body by using program no. 922 based on 90 kHz (for treating acute inflammatory tissue processes) using a symmetrical amplification sweep of A 24 and a sweep time of 30 seconds. This change in setting proves very advantageous when treating the superordinate tissue point on the right shoulder.
I have since been using this setting in my practice combined with program no. 3075 from the low deep frequency range (for regulating the nervous system) which once again produces an additional effect leading to a more rapid calming effect on an inflammatory condition.
I made a very interesting discovery during focal therapy for a patient who had pain in the shoulder and neck region, which went right down the arm. I started with basic program 122 because the quadrant mean was very low – however the amplifications needed to be changed. I slowed the bandpass sweep to 60 seconds and increased the amplifications to H 6.8 – Di 12 fold with a symmetrical sweep rate of 40 seconds. I was astonished after a few minutes of treatment time when the patient said to me he could no longer feel any pain and even when moving this was still only minimal. In the meantime this setting has proven very effective in several patients with these same symptoms and they of course share my delight in this discovery.
Who knows what other symptoms may also be improved in the future using a pure
frequency sweep program and a symmetrical amplification sweep. I would encourage all colleagues to research this area.
If there is a hormone imbalance in the body, the acute-inflammatory meridian program of the triple warmer has proven helpful time and again. It is based on 30 kHz and a setting of H 2.0 – Di 0.15. In recent months, however, much higher amplifications have emerged as more effective, however always only with a symmetrical amplification sweep. These are:
H 6.8 – Di 10.0 – symmetrical sweep 46 seconds, 8 minutes.
This setting was very helpful especially for menstrual problems.
Of interest too is the possibility of changing settings when treating the “releasing factors” which trigger hypophyseal hormones and are thus important for metabolism. This is a program in the frequency range of 111 kHz and an amplification of Ai 29. This was in some cases too high for the patient as revealed by the body’s relatively rapid indication that the program had ended. Since, however, I needed this indication more frequently in some patients I hit upon the idea of using the same setting on the patient’s body, but this time with a symmetrical sweep of 50 seconds. The result was amazing because the program could now be implemented more intensely and as a result did not need to be repeated. Better results were obtained in this way for poor hypothalamus values, all headaches and for gynaecological problems too.
The situation is similar with the program for adenosine triphosphate biosynthesis located at 2350 Hertz with an amplification of Ai 1.55. This setting was in many cases no longer adequate after a short treatment time so that an adjustment was necessary in order to optimise the outcome. After I increased the amplification to Ai 4-fold with a symmetrical sweep tempo of 40 seconds, the reactions have once again been outstanding without no need for further correction – in particular for carbohydrate metabolism disorders.
Even the impact of the popular and well- known program 970 for toxin elimination can be improved still further if, instead of the pre-programmed amplifications H 1.5 – Di 0.95, we increase these to H 6.8 – Di 11 with a symmetrical sweep of 44 seconds. The results were sometimes amazing especially in combination with sweep program no. 3036 in the low deep frequency range – for regulating detoxification. Patients often report that their urine suddenly smells much stronger for 1 – 2 days after treatment and is also cloudier – which is a clear sign of a higher concentration of toxins in the urine.
In the case of the program for the common cold and sinusitis located at 11 kHz, a higher amplification setting with a symmetrical sweep has also proved to be much better than the original H 0.4 – Di 0.15. A very successful setting now is: H 6.8 – Di 8, symmetrical sweep 30 seconds, wobble off, int., 7 minutes.
This setting also proved beneficial in addition to program 420 + program 3103 from the low deep frequency range when treating last year’s summer ‘flu.
Also when treating some nutrition points it has been evident for some time that treatment with the symmetrical sweep is more effective, for example with program no. 804 selenium utilisation located at
H 0.6 – Di 0.40.
Better results are now being achieved especially in patients with old amalgam problems using a setting of H 6.8 – Di 13 and a symmetric sweep of 46 seconds.
With some patients I combine this treatment with the periodontosis program no. 542, where I have been able to increase the preset Ai 0.05 amplification to Ai 1.3 – with a symmetric amplification sweep of 40 seconds.
Today it seems that patients in many cases need more obvious stimuli than previously in order to get to grips with their condition. Because, however, excessive demands and overstimulation in people are on the increase more or less on a daily basis, the body often needs a certain “warm-up” period before it can react BICOM optima®lly to a frequency and its amplification. And this is
where the option of being able to work with a symmetrical sweep is a real blessing. In so doing the body only receives short sharp stimuli in each case, which it can then process more easily in the reduction phase. In the past I often had to allow a break of
1 – 2 minutes during a program for some patients because their bodies were no longer responding – although the therapy stage (determined by kinesiological testing) had not yet finished. These settings with the symmetrical amplification sweep mean it is no longer necessary to “build in” this recovery phase for the body.
From my observations it is clear too that allergies, which continue to be encountered very frequently in Central Europe, can be more easily controlled using settings that incorporate a symmetrical amplification sweep.
Some notes on how I approach allergy treatment:
As before my fundamental procedure continues to be the building up of nutrient points – but in addition two other supportive settings have proved their worth:
Some notes on how I approach allergy treatment:
As before my fundamental procedure continues to be the building up of nutrient points – but in addition two other supportive settings have proved their worth:
1st Option
Input: medium flexible applicator over the neck from mastoid to mastoid – 1
Output: large modulation mat on the back + eye applicator I/O based on HY values
Input cup: saliva
Program: No. 250 Acute allergy (located at 80 kHz)
changed to H 6.8 – Di 6, symmetrical sweep 28 seconds, 10 minutes + in addition program no. 3040 in the low deep frequency range of 6.5 Hz(for tissue regulation)
2nd Option (for unknown allergens)
Input: large flexible applicator across the umbilical-solar plexus region
Output: Button applicator under the chin
+ eye applicator I / O based on HY valuesInput cup: saliva
Program: No. 999 – with symmetrical amplification sweep + in addition program no. 3040 from the low deep frequency range for tissue
Let me take this opportunity also to mention other program changes I have made in the meantime for my patients which have achieved very good results time and again:
Program No. 930
Lymph activation
280 Hz, A 18, symmetric sweep 54 seconds
Program No. 934
4.9 kHz, Ai 12, symmetric sweep 28 seconds
+ program no. 3088 from the low deep frequency range at 1.7 Hertz
Program No. 281
Heart, chronic-degenerative
3.7 kHz, H 6.8 – Di 12, symmetric sweep 54 seconds
Program No. 910
Eliminating scar interference
16 kHz, Ai 1.75; symmetric sweep 33 seconds
Program No. 940
CNS disorders
84 kHz, Ai 3.8; symmetric sweep 34 seconds
Program No. 961
Bacterial infection
57 kHz, A 1.8; symmetric sweep 26 seconds
+ program no. 3013 – Bacteria regulation from the low deep frequency range
Program No. 535
Laterality correction
52 kHz, H 6.8 – Di 36, symmetric sweep 36 seconds
1 These two points relate to an allergic disposition.
Program No. 549
Thyroid hyperplasia
all frequencies, H 1.8; symmetric sweep 16 seconds
Program No. 900
Activating vitality
111 kHz, H 6.8 – Di 4, symmetric sweep 40 seconds
+ Program no. 3086 from the low deep frequency range of 6.3 Hertz for oxygen regulation
Program No. 518
Protein metabolism
109 kHz, H 6.8 – Di 12, symmetric sweep 50 seconds
The following setting has often proved very helpful for nerve pain: H+Di 134 kHz, H 6.8 – Di 13, symmetric sweep 40 seconds
These are the programs I have changed most often for my patients and which I would very much like to recommend to all my colleagues – it really is worth it.
Test these options on your patients and then save them if they are successful under your own program number. This makes work easier.
And above all – experiment yourself using your own preferred indication programs to see how you too can perhaps achieve even better treatment results using the symmetrical amplification sweep.
I wish you every success with it for the wellbeing of your patients.