
Successful treatment of vaccination reactions – cases from the practice

January 29, 202213 min read

Dr Jürgen Hennecke, General Practitioner and Naturopathic Doctor, Aachen, Germany

A typical case

In the early 1990s, a young doctor’s assistant fell ill with a significant general malaise with very unspecific “flu-like” symptoms: unusual tiredness, discomfort and severe headaches and pain in her limbs. The muscle pain meant she could hardly climb the stairs.

Laboratory results were unremarkable – except for a slight eosinophilia, which might indicate an allergic reaction. Further questioning led her to recall that she had had a tetanus booster jab a few days before the onset of symptoms. A tetanus ampoule brought in measured kinesiologically weak and we immediately performed elimination with the BICOM device. At that time, we were still making extensive use of the allergy treatment via the meridians with program 530 and the allergen ampoule under the navel. The symptoms disappeared completely within a few days after this single treatment.


What did we learn from the case described above and also from many similar subsequent cases?

Vaccinations can often trigger non-specific disease symptoms acutely, subacutely as well as after a delay.

A careful anamnesis and energy-based testing of the vaccine are required for diagnosis.

The BICOM device can improve or reverse these symptoms in most cases – even after vaccination has already taken place.

The topic of vaccination

There is hardly a medical topic that is more emotionally charged than the topic of “vaccinations”.

This talk is not about whether certain vaccinations are necessary or useful. The personal attitude and experience of each and every therapist plays an important role here. In my capacity as a GP I have given vaccinations for many years, but I have always advised each patient thoroughly about the benefits and drawbacks. In many cases, I have also recommended an antibody test before vaccination. High antibody titres are interpreted as an indication of immunity, so that a booster vaccination is then not necessary (measles, rubella, hepatitis, tetanus, polio etc.).

However, antibody testing is not recognised for COVID for some reason.

I always accepted my patient’s decision, but informed them about the possibility of energetic elimination. “Fear” is the biggest enemy that can delay or prevent recovery. Fear of a potential disease is just as bad as an exaggerated fear of the possible negative consequences of a vaccination.

Vaccination damage

Suspected damage caused by vaccination is notifiable and must be reported to the competent health authority. The state will provide financial support for recognised vaccination damage – if the vaccination was recommended by the Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO)(German: Ständige Impfkommission – STIKO). At least in theory. In reality, there is often a long legal road before obvious damage caused by vaccination is recognised. I met a patient who developed complete spastic paralysis shortly after a flu jab and had been fighting for over 10 years for recognition of the vaccine damage.

In another case, a flu vaccination led to mental retardation, and in the case of a good acquaintance, a whooping cough vaccination also led to her child becoming mentally retarded. Fortunately, such severe diseases are statistically very rare following vaccinations.

A Bionancetherapy (BRT) can often only be used in a supportive capacity in such cases. However, “less severe” vaccination reactions are much more common, with rather unspecific, although often distressing, symptoms that are not usually interpreted as a result of vaccination, either by doctors or by many patients.

It is very difficult to prove a causal link between vaccination and the symptoms that occurred.

This is why I’m sure the number of unrecognised vaccination reactions and cases of damage are very high. There is no method in conventional medicine that can prove such a connection with certainty, and decisions are only made on the basis of circumstantial evidence or statistical frequency.

Suspected causation:

What are the criteria that support my suspicion of a vaccination reaction relevant to therapy?

Symptoms occurred within a certain period after the vaccination (days, weeks or months, maybe even years afterwards)

The patient has a subjective suspicion of a vaccination reaction (the patient’s intuition should be taken seriously)

The energetic test shows the vaccination as a “stress”. We also test the vaccinations administered in recent years to every chronically ill patient.

Symptoms improve or disappear after the vaccination has been eliminated energetically.

Causes of vaccine reactions:

Every vaccination causes a “modulation” in the immune system. The aim is to stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies (B lymphocytes) and/or to strengthen cellular defences (T lymphocytes) against the particular pathogenic germ.

Possible negative side effects in individual cases (observations made by therapists working in the energetic field, not yet proven conclusively by conventional medicine):

Allergic reactions

Intolerance reactions

Triggering or worsening of other allergic reactions (to food, pollen etc.), especially with a tendency to neurodermatitis, asthma, colitis etc.

Immunological overreaction (because sufficient antibodies are already present).

Activation of “dormant” intracellular pathogens (herpes, EBV etc.)

Autoimmune disorders

Immunodeficiency, susceptibility to infection

Weakness in resistance to cancer cells?

Elimination of the vaccination using the BICOM caps

The aim of the vaccination elimination is to prevent or attenuate allergic and toxic intolerance reactions and to stabilise a potentially overstrained immune system.

Elimination with bioresonance does not affect vaccination protection

The vaccine is physically in the body and cannot be expelled with the BRT. The desired immunological reactions such as antibody formation etc. continue to occur. However, experience shows that undesirable reactions can be attenuated or prevented.

Test and therapy material for elimination:

Personal test box with expired vaccine vials or ampoule droplet residues

If available: a CTT test set “Vaccinations and heavy metals”, now also CTT” C virus extension” test set as well as the ampoules of previously approved corona-virus vaccines.

Both can also be used together (in the input cup).

Minimum prophylactic and therapeutic program

The vaccination is planned and the BRT elimination should occur within an appropriate time frame: immediately after the vaccination, the next day or even later if necessary. The following approach is suitable for large practices with little time and where treatment can be delegated, even without testing if necessary.

Preliminary program:

428.1 “Vaccine damage (supporting)”,

I: Thymus, O: Modulation mat in the back

2nd channel: Substance complex “Vaccine support”, category: other pathogens

Elimination program:

IC: Vaccine (ampoules see above and – where possible – empty original vaccine ampoule with residues),

O: Modulation mat and ball applicators


11310/11311: 963, 944, 998 (Ai with stepwise increase)


197 or 191 (testing of amplification and time), sometimes several amplifications necessary


10325: 3151, 157, 691 (Ai with bandpass and amplification sweep)

In stubborn cases, individual therapy with testing of all parameters may be required.

2nd channel:

Fully tested “pink ampoules” of the CTT (no more than 5). These can also be phased in with an A-program (e.g. 192 or 198) in a separate therapy step.

– Vaccine load (5E test set)

– Intra/extracellular elimination, offset vaccination damage, avoid secondary complications, improve tolerance, avoid secondary complications, vaccination elimination (test set vaccines and heavy metals)

– Stabilise immune system, stabilise DNA/RNA, prevent thrombosis (degenerated cellsI)

Frequency: 1-3x, more frequently if needed (until vaccine no longer tests as a load).

Homeopathic support

The recommended and tested remedies can be taken as globules or included in the 2nd channel.

Thuja D12 or C30 (3×5 glob.)

better for coronavirus vaccinations: camphora C30 (8 globs. before vaccination) and camphora C200 (10 globs. after vaccination, repeat the next day if necessary).

Apis/arnica globuli velati (Wala), 1-4x 5-10 glob. for 3 days

Meteoreisen globuli velati (Wala), 3-4x 5-10 glob. especially for headaches until they subside.

Gripp-Heel 3-4×1 tabl., for “flu-like” symptoms

(The last 3 recommendations taken from Meyer/Wilkens “Corona natürlich behandeln” [Treating coronavirus naturally], AT Verlag 2021).

Taking enzyme preparations (e.g. nattokinase 100g/day or similar) has also proven effective in cases of inflammation and a tendency to thrombosis.

Energetic preparation prior to vaccination

We rarely performed preparation at the practice because most of the patients came after the vaccination or it was difficult from an organisational point of view.

If the vaccination tests as “pathogenic” prior to application: Elimination (at least minimal program) until it no longer tests.

If the vaccination tests “tolerable”, preparation with “A” or “H+Di” can be performed:

One-time a few days before vaccination: 192/198 (“A”) test out the time or 977 (“H+ Di”), test out the time and change bandpass setting if necessary.

Also possible: no direct treatment, instead phasing the A-information onto chip, minerals or globules.

Experience from practice

Preventive therapy (prophylaxis / vaccination support)

At least the “minimum prophylactic program” should be adopted here.

If time is available, the following also makes sense:

Basic therapy

Testing and treatment of the therapy blockages

Testing and treatment of the elimination organs

Treatment of symptoms following vaccinations

Many patients only come forward when new symptoms have appeared following vaccinations that were not present before. Testing the vaccine as “pathogenic” makes the causal link more likely for us.

For organisational reasons, it has only been possible to apply the minimum program once in many cases for the coronavirus vaccinations that have now been carried out. It was only when the vaccination still tested “pathological” afterwards, or when symptoms appeared despite the prophylaxis, that treatment was extended and repeated once or several times.

Symptomatic programs are now also being used.

An animal therapist felt unwell and listless a few days after the AstraZeneca vaccination, complaining of aching limbs and depression. She came to us after about 3 weeks. Almost all the symptoms disappeared just one day after the vaccine had been eliminated and she felt like her “old self” again.

The general condition of a teacher with burn-out syndrome deteriorated rapidly and she suffered massive sleep disturbances after the psychiatrist discontinued her antidepressant therapy while she received an AstraZeneca vaccination at the same time. The combined elimination of vaccine and antidepressant led to an improvement in her disturbed sleep the same night and, after a few days, to a marked improvement in her general condition.

A pensioner developed inflammation of a chronic ankle joint arthritis about three days after the first BioNtech/Pfizer vaccination. Anti-inflammatory drugs were only of limited help. It was only after 5 elimination therapies that there was an improvement.

An osteopath experienced a flare-up of a dormant inflammation of the sacroiliac joint following her coronavirus vaccination. The response to the vaccine appears to focus on a body’s “weak points”.

A psoriasis patient with skin fluorescences and arthritis was successfully treated by us using bioresonance after months of treatment and was largely free from symptoms for years. All her previous joint complaints were reactivated a few days after the second BioNtech/Pfizer vaccination and she had to undergo a number of elimination procedures.

Therapy of chronically ill patients with suspected damage caused by the vaccine

Every patient who comes to our practice because of new, unexplained complaints undergoes complete energetic testing. We also test for common vaccinations as a matter of routine, especially if there was a history of vaccination before the onset of symptoms. Here, vaccinations can play a role as a trigger or “aggravator”. Additional allergy, pathogen and toxin elimination therapies generally need to be performed alongside vaccination elimination.


Complete energetic status, including intestinal flora, allergies, chronic bacterial or viral load, fungi and parasites heavy metals and environmental toxins.

Combined load of vaccines with other pathogens?

Therapy classification based on experience and tests

Depending on the patient’s stability or priority testing, elimination of the vaccine can take place at the very beginning (as “relief”) or at a later point in time (after “preparation” by other therapies).

It is not uncommon for parents to report that neurodermatitis or atopic eczema appeared for the first time after a vaccination or that a pre-existing skin disease worsened significantly. The vaccination should probably be seen here as a trigger of food allergies, which in turn provoked the skin changes. This is where five- and six-fold vaccinations, as well as measles, polio, hepatitis B and rotavirus vaccinations, cause the most problems. Besides eliminating the vaccination, intestinal rehabilitation and therapy for chronic food allergies must generally be performed too.

Vaccinations also often play an important role as a (co-)causative factor in AD(H)S syndrome.

We were able to trace a patient’s chronic cough back to a pertussis (whooping cough) vaccination as a result of energetic testing. The cough disappeared a few days after the vaccine elimination.

A student had himself vaccinated against hepatitis A/B for a trip to Thailand. Allergic rhinitis soon occurred during his holiday and persisted for months after his return. Besides vaccine elimination, new allergies to house dust and cat hair, probably triggered by the vaccination, also required treatment.

A student received treatment for depression. The anamnesis revealed that she had been given the HPV vaccination a few weeks before the onset of these symptoms. In addition to other therapies, vaccination elimination brought about a significant boost to her recovery.

A young patient wanted to visit his father in Brazil and was given a cocktail of vaccines with various booster shots, as well as a hepatitis A/B vaccination and a rabies vaccination before departure. A few weeks after returning home, he developed acute Guillain Barré syndrome and suffered tetraspasticity with complete paralysis. His blood was replaced in a tropical hospital department and weeks of rehabilitation followed. Fortunately, he survived the disease and the symptoms receded. He still needed walking aids when he came to the practice. Our energetic testing led us to suspect that the trigger was a combination of the rabies vaccine with an activated Epstein-Barr virus. The residual symptoms disappeared completely following repeated elimination accompanied by fully tested stabilising therapy programs. He is completely healthy again today.

In conventional medicine, Guillain Barré syndrome is also associated with infections with Campylobacter jejuni, EBV, cytomegalovirus, herpes zoster and vaccines (influenza, swine flu) and recently also with the coronavirus vaccines from AstraZeneca and Johnson&Johnson.

We have also been able to test pathological combinations of vaccines with reactivated pathogens in other cases. In these cases, we most frequently found herpes viruses, primarily the Epstein Barr virus, but also cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex or zoster. Be sure to also test for other intracellular dormant pathogens such as borrelia and chlamydia.

It is reasonable to assume that acute or latent infections with other pathogens are one of the main reasons for severe reactions to and damage from vaccines.

Care should be taken to ensure that there is no acute infection at the time of any vaccination. The immune system may well be overstretched if it has to fight on several fronts and then “overreact” more quickly (e.g. allergically or autoaggressively). It also makes sense, if several vaccinations are to be administered, to spread them over several weeks and to carry out elimination each time.


Always check the history of vaccination in the case of any unclear and chronic illnesses.

Test the vaccines that might be relevant and eliminate them.

In difficult cases, look for combinations of vaccines and chronic intracellular pathogens.

Encourage your patients to undergo prophylactic vaccine elimination.

Thank you for your attention!

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