
The meaning of KPU (Kryptopyrroluria) and HPU (Hemopyrrolactamuria)

October 05, 20235 min read

Christoph Hinterseher, Veterinarian, Munich

 The terms KPU (Kryptopyrroluria) and HPU (Hemopyrrolactamuria) refer to a metabolic disorder in humans, dogs, (cats), horses, polar bears, alpacas, tigers and hummingbirds.

Metabolic stress causes a disturbance in cellular porphyrin ring metabolism, resulting in a constant and high loss of the vital vitamin B6 as well as zinc and manganese.

These vitamins/minerals are then excreted in such high quantities in the urine that they can no longer be balanced by a normal diet.

Often, other micronutrients are also lost, such as chromium, magnesium or even

vitamin D. It is self‐explanatory that a deficiency of essential vitamins and minerals can lead to a variety of symptoms. In addition, disorders of heme‐dependent enzyme systems occur.

Visible symptoms include:

  • All symptoms for liver and kidney problems

  • Eczema, itching, general skin problems

  • Susceptibility to tendon and ligament damage

  • Respiratory problems

  • In horses: recurrent colic, fecal water

  • Problems in the musculoskeletal system

  • Digestive problems (diarrhea, flatulence)

  • Bone demineralization, tooth demineralization

  • Psychological abnormalities (headshaking, overly nervous behavior, )

  • Non‐responders, i.e. patients that do not respond to therapies or respond much too weakly

Malfunctions can occur when:

  • Wrong / improper diet

  • Too frequent administration of medication (deworming, antibiotics)

  • Geopathogenic stress, E‐smog stress

  • Stress (housing conditions)

  • Exposure to pathogens (viruses, fungi, bacteria, parasites)

Competent analysis and advice

  • KPU detection by means of laboratory diagnostics (pyrroles in the blood)

  • Determination of indicans in stool (laboratory diagnostics)

  • Determination of indicans in keratin (hair / coat)

  • Evaluation of the results

KPU and bioresonance Procedure

  • Medical history

  • Investigation

  • Determine overall clinical picture

  • Collect blood sample/droplet for testing

  • Test the cause of the metabolic stress using the bioresonance method and eliminate the


  • Interference fields and blockages (e.g. scars, radiation, geopathy )

  • Organ stresses (e.g. liver, kidney, lymph, spleen, )

  • Allergies and intolerances (e.g. lactose, gluten, feed, )

  • Pathogen loads (e.g. viruses, bacteria, parasites, mycoses, )

  • Toxin exposures (e.g. vaccinations, heavy metals, chemicals, environmental toxins, )

Programs for blockages

Description                                              Program (P) / Low deep frequency program (LDF) / Sequence (S) P: 471.0 / 700.3 / 701.1 / 702.0

Geopathy/radiation exposure

Cervical sympathetic chain

S:      10160


Organs/elimination organs (programs and sequences)

The following programs are suitable for testing and therapy:

Description                                                 Program (P) / Low deep frequency program (LDF) / Sequence (S) P: 930.3 / 830.3 / 610.4







LDF: 3066.0

S:      10097 / 10098

P:      565.0 / 560.1 / 561.0 / 960.5

LDF: 3028.0 / 3438.0

S:      10040

P:      480.1 / 481.0 / 482.0

LDF: 3078.0 / 3079.0 / 3080.0

S:      10114

P:      430.2 / 431.3 / 452.1 / 569.0

LDF: 3063.0 / 3064.0 / 3468.0 / 3427.0

S:      10093

P:      468.0 / 580.3 / 935.0 / 829.1 / 852.0

LDF: 3081.0

S:      10118

P:      210.3 / 211.9 / 423.2

S:      10095

Spleen                                                          P:      300.2 / 301.8 / 535.3 / 429.0

P:      930.2 / 970.3 / 290.2 / 442.1 / 470.1 / 934.6 /

350.4 / 351.2


LDF: 3041.0 / 3042.0

S:      10066 / 10067

Metabolic programs

Description                                                    Program (P) / Low deep frequency program (LDF) / Sequence (S) Improve protein metabolism           P:      910.1 / 590.4 / 518.2 / 960.6 / 970.7

Inflammation                                                LDF: 3037.0

Detoxification regulation                        LDF: 3036.0 Promote enterogastrone action           P:      840.0 / 420.3

P:      360.5 / 361.2 / 520.2 / 250.2 / 835.2 / 460.6

Improve lipometabolism


Fat digestion problems Carbohydrate metabolism disor‐

S:      10049

P:      775.3 / 460.1

S:      10061

P:      819.1 / 530.9 / 500.5 / 922.2

Other programs

Description                                                     Program (P) / Low deep frequency program (LDF) / Sequence (S) P: 310.2 / 311.6

Improve blood values

LDF: 3021.0

S:      10029

Improve blood formation                        P:      3412.0

Furthermore, in the 2nd channel you can find many substance complexes that you can apply for stabilization. For example, under the category metabolism ‐> substance complex: hyperacidity, CO2 excess, oxygen deficiency or under neurology ‐> substance complex: stress etc.

You can also additionally test the corresponding meridian ampules, which also contain useful in‐ formation, and treat them in parallel via channel 2 in the yellow cup / honeycomb.

This can additionally support the opening of the elimination organs and stabilizes the patient.

(For this purpose, please also test out the time of therapy in channel 2 ‐ otherwise it will always run as long as the main program).

Meridian/organ‐related or indication‐specific follow‐up therapy

  • Programs 200 to 391 acute/chronic, organ‐specific programs

  • Indication‐specific programs

(400 ‐ 999 from therapy manual or BICOM optima program manual) Test time, amplification, applicator placement and optimal secretions.

All animals with a KPU problem are also noticeably nervous and stressed. The following programs can also be used here:

  • 0 / 3137.0 and at the same time the CTT ampule “Stress” and/or “Yin/Yang balance” can also run in the 2nd channel.

Additional treatment proposal

Mumijo Shilajit (Asphaltum punjabinum) / Healing Earth

Mumijo is an ancient natural remedy from the mountains of Central Asia. The mostly black‐brown substance is collected in the mountains of the Himalayas and is said to have numerous healing ef‐ fects, especially due to its high content of fulvic and humic acids. It is particularly suitable for all patients with a KPU problem, as it not only binds toxins and transports them out of the system, but at the same time also supplies missing vitamins and minerals.


5 days / max. 5 x per year / repetitions as required and hematological control (!) Dog 10kg                2 x 50 mg / d

Cat 3kg                       2 x 20 mg / d Horse    500kg         2 x 3 g / d Human     70kg           2x 400 mg / d

It cannot be overdosed! For horse patient try adding it into a carrot / banana or stirring it into ap‐ ple puree. Capsules can also be opened.

We wish you and your animal patients all the best!


infections in Animals

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