
The significance of underlying intracellular stress in chronic, rheumatic and neurological disorders

August 29, 202420 min read

Alan E. Baklayan, Naturopath, Munich

Dear colleagues,
Over the last two years one particular parasitic stress has increasingly caught my attention for the following reasons:

1. its frequent appearance with chronic diseases, especially those belonging to the neurological field of diseases
2. the problems associated with treating it
3. the extraordinary success achieved by treating it carefully but systematically.

I am talking about all the intracellular stresses and, in particular, Lyme disease. Let us turn to this condition for a moment.


Lyme disease was first recognised in the United States in 1975 following a mysterious outbreak of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis near the community of Lyme, Connecticut. The rural location of the Lyme outbreak and the onset of illness during the summer and early autumn suggested that the disease was transmitted by ticks.

The active substance for Lyme disease was discovered by Willy Burgdorfer in 1982. Burgdorfer isolated spirochetes belonging to the genus Borrelia and living in the mid-guts of Ixodes ticks. He showed that these spirochetes reacted with immune serum from patients who had been diagnosed with Lyme disease. As a result, the Lyme spirochete, which resembles the syphilis spirochete, was given the name Borrelia burgdorferi.

As well as ticks, Borrelia burgdorferi can also be transmitted by fleas, mosquitoes, mites, human to-human contact, blood transfusions, gnats and unpasteurised milk.

“Of the more than 5,000 children I’ve treated, 240 have been born with the disease,” says Charles Ray Jones, MD, who specialises in paediatrics as well as general medicine. “Twelve children who’ve been breastfed have subsequently developed Lyme.”


Lyme disease is the fastest growing epidemic in the world. The United States Center for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia confirms that “there is insufficient reporting of Lyme disease”, claiming that the current infection rate should be 1.8 million, 10 times higher than the 180,000 cases recently reported.

Nick Harris, PhD, director of the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS), states “that Lyme is grossly under-reported. In the U.S., we probably have about 200,000 cases per year.”

Dan Kinderleher, MD, an expert in Lyme disease, stated on the Today Show on 10 June 2002 that the number of cases may be 100 times higher (18 million in the USA alone) than reported by the CDC.

In a study of 31 patients diagnosed with CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome), 28 patients, or 90.3 %, were found to be ill as a result of Lyme.

Dr. Paul Fink, past president of the American Psychiatric Association, has acknowledged that Lyme disease can contribute to every psychiatric disorder in the Diagnostic Symptoms Manual IV.

This manual is used to diagnose psychiatric conditions such as attention deficit disorder (ADD), antisocial personality, panic attacks, anorexia, autism and Asperger’s syndrome (a form of autism).

Lyme disease comprises over 200 clinical pictures and has often been misdiagnosed as various complaints including AIDS, allergic diseases, Alzheimer’s, anxiety state, arthritis, autism, brain tumour, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, Epstein Barr virus, fibromyalgia, hepatitis, Parkinson’s. Lyme disease has also been misdiagnosed as a neuro-psychiatric problem as well as schizophrenia.


“Forget about SARS. Lyme disease is spreading steadily and some experts say it can elude standard cures,” it was announced in People Magazine on 16 June 2003. The report told of a patient suffering from Lyme disease who was misdiagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS), an incurable disease which ends fatally 5 years after onset.

Dr. Whitaker reports that virtually every patient suffering from Parkinson’s who they tested, tested positive for Lyme. Professor Luis Romero, MD, PhD reports on three patients diagnosed with Parkinson’s several years previously and whose disease receded by 99 % using pentacyclic alkaloid-chemotype Uncaria tomentosa (Samento).

In the last decade a flood of scientific discoveries on many aspects of Lyme disease has radically altered our understanding of this mysterious disease and also the way to treat it.

In the latest published information by D.J. Fletcher and Tom Klaber on the “Alternative Medicine Website”, Lyme disease is represented as an unknown epidemic:

“Forget just about everything you think you know about Lyme disease. It is not a rare disease, it is epidemic. It is not just tick-borne; it can also be transmitted by other insects, including fleas, mosquitoes and mites and by human to human contact.

Neither is Lyme usually indicated by a bull’s eye rash; this is found only in a minority of cases.

And, except when it is diagnosed at a very early stage, Lyme is rarely cured by a simple course of antibiotics. Finally, Lyme is not just a disease that makes you “tired and achy” – it can utterly destroy a person’s life and ultimately be fatal.” (, 2003.

Many specialists are agreed that Lyme has reached epidemic proportions. How has this been possible? It came as a great surprise to learn that a large number of chronic sufferers – i. e. Borrelia burgdorferi sero-positive patients – were not only located in areas which were known to be endemic but also throughout the whole world, i. e. in nonendemic areas. And this fact has also upset the research of many specialists in biological medicine and in the health authorities and forced them to examine critically the old concept of Lyme as too many contradictions were arising (quote: Harvey W.T., Salvato P., 2003).

In their article “Lyme disease: ancient engine of an unrecognized borreliosis pandemic?”, W.T. Harvey MD, MS, MPH and P. Salvato MD propose that perhaps there are two very similar and unified, yet distinct, forms of human Borrelia burgdorferi infection:

1. the Borrelia infection or Lyme disease which is currently regarded as the only acknowledged Borrelia burgdorferi infection: the form transmitted by insects
2. the form they call epidemic borreliosis, a disease transferred directly between humans via various routes, yet definitely by sexual contact.

The former which is transmitted by insects can, however, overlap both forms if present for a year.

Harvey and Salvato assume that there are a much larger number of “non-Lyme” cases who are infected with Borrelia burgdorferi displaying an extraordinary variety of symptoms, ranging from asymptomatic infections to the severest chronic diseases which are clinically completely misdiagnosed.

The number of these infections worldwide throughout all the continents is far more prevalent and is estimated to be at least 15.5 % of the earth’s population, if just the period between 1000 and 2000 A.D. is considered.

They have called this extremely high infection rate “epidemic borreliosis”. With epidemic borreliosis, the infection is transferred directly personto-person, i. e. within the uterus, through breastfeeding and sexual contact. It remains latent and unrecognised. As it is never treated, it accompanies the patient throughout their life as a latent chronic persistent infection.

The activation and reactivation of this infection is widespread as a result of adverse events which weaken the immune system and keep occurring. The infection is also transferred by insects.

The authors maintain that transmission by insects was probably the primary infection and distribution route. This intensifies the infection of the remaining population in these areas. In other words, insect-borne Borrelia infection leads either to primary infection or to repeated infection which the patient has to deal with time and again throughout their life.

If we consider Borrelia infection as epidemic borreliosis which has existed for over 1000 years (as has been confirmed by the discovery of Borrelia DNA both in animal and human tissue from archaeological finds), we can assume that the pathogen Borrelia burgdorferi, which is an infectious organism, must continuously survive and complete its lifecycle. It has an unbelievable ability to switch off the carrier’s immune system and continue its lifecycle regardless of what the original infection route was.

In the case of insect-borne infection, the Borrelia spirochetes use various tools to trick their victim’s immune system:

1. They may hide within the carrier’s cells.
2. They may hide within the actual substances of the carrier so that they cannot be seen or discerned by the carrier’s immune system.
3. They may also alter or modulate the carrier’s immune response by mutating their antigens.
4. There is also a whole range of highly complex immunological processes which enable them to keep the host’s immune system in check. It is beyond the scope of this lecture to explain these in detail.

The latest morphological studies of Borrelia burgdorferi show that Borrelia exist in at least three different forms.

1. The extracellular bacterial form: the wellknown spirochetes
2. The spheroplast or so-called CWD (cell wall deficient) form, also known as “L-form” and
3. A recently identified cystic form.


Borrelia burgdorferi infection can waver to and fro between these three forms, i. e. switch from the L-form to the cystic form, to survive an adverse environment, e. g. if the pH level of body fluids alters during chronic infections and inflammation or if antibiotics are taken. And it can switch back to the spirochete form to continue its natural lifecycle in order to grow and reproduce if the conditions become favourable again so that the chronic infections go on. The L-form and cystic form have no cell walls and so cannot be destroyed by socalled “beta lactam antibiotics” taken to eliminate spirochete forms. The spheroplasts are sensitive to tetracycline and some erythromycins. The cystic form can only be tackled with metronidazole. However, as there are various Borrelia burgdorferi genera and they can consequently continuously alter their antigen profile and sensitivity to antibiotics, treatment keeps failing, even if all known clinical remedies are used!

Moreover, co-infections with other tick-borne pathogens such as Babesia, Ehrlichia, Anaplasma, Mycoplasma, Bartonella, Rickettsia and various viruses almost always occur. This makes treatment of Borrelia burgdorferi infections very complicated and makes it extremely difficult to treat chronically infected patients.

Underlying intracellular stress

In our practice we now test every patient for all these intracellular bacteria. Regardless of what type of patient, after testing for blocks which is something we do routinely anyway, I have recently got into the habit of testing for what I call “underlying intracellular stress.” This discovery has not only frequently proved useful as a test in our practice but also resulted in extraordinary success or improvement in chronic diseases, particularly those connected with all types of loss of neurological function, such as malaise, paraesthesia, perception disorders and other “funny” symptoms such as agitation, disorientation, loss of memory, which are hard to classify. Most patients with these symptoms have underlying intracellular stress.


I have also witnessed some impressive improvements with these diseases. So far we have observed the following:

1. Chlamydia or polio viruses, which according to my testing frequently occur especially with Parkinson’s, are treated and
2. combined with viral infections and post-vaccinal complications, which play a central role as well as
3. the pathogen Clostridium tetani.
4. And we have now made great advances with these diseases when we
5. consider underlying intracellular stress. It is essential that this is treated very thoroughly. (Obviously the environmental blocks must be considered, especially the heavy metals, but not just these!)


Furthermore there is evidence that Borrelia pathogens remain viable within the cells, even within macrophages, lymphocytes, erythrocytes, glia cells, even fibroblasts, depending where they have settled to survive. This way they can survive the effect of antibiotics by settling in these intracellular recesses and continuing the chronic infection. Dr. Joseph J. Burrascano Jr., one of the leading experts and scientists researching Lyme disease, pointed out in the 14th edition of “Advanced Topics in Lyme Disease”, November 2002 that the severity of Lyme disease is directly related to the number of spirochetes. In other words, that a low number of spirochetes produces very mild or even inconspicuous symptoms which may even be overlooked yet persist for years. As the number of spirochetes grows with repeated infection or reactivation of latent infections, the symptoms multiply until they become clinical symptoms which are increasingly visible. Larger numbers of spirochetes can also block the immune system in a manner which is clinically visible and even destroy macrophages and B and T lymphocytes preventing lymphocytosis and mitogenesis so that the key function of the defence system, of the body’s immune system, its immune response, is completely paralysed.

The negative effect on the immune system of the very high number of spirochetes increases the longer the spirochetes are present. To win the battle with Borrelia burgdorferi, it is probably necessary to employ unusual tactics, namely

1. a medicine which restores the normal status and functions of the damaged immune system and
2. returns the immune response which has been modified by Borrelia burgdorferi to its original state.
3. At the same time, the number of Borrelia in the body must be destroyed by destroying the spirochete forms of Borrelia burgdorferi circulating as well as the other forms.
4. At the same time, other infections must be gradually destroyed and eliminated so that the integrity of the immune system is restored, the causes of infection are eliminated from the body and it returns to health.

This is all extremely important and it is almost impossible to meet all the requirements of this task with normal medicinal remedies as they have too many side effects and continuously weaken the immune system as a result. Consequently even clinicians must adopt different routes.


At this point it can be said that BICOM therapy obviously offers us options which are far more effective in this area.

1. It is probable that, although Borrelia adopts different forms (spirochetes, L-form and cystic form), the basic oscillation patterns are all the same and that we can detect all three forms of the infection through the different versions of our ampoules and by careful testing and using various amplifications.
2. Also, if the intracellular micro-organisms no longer test in the course of therapy, provocations should still be there to expose the various forms which are still “sleeping”, as it were, and continue treating them. Obviously it is essential here that we do not use a homeopathic ampoule with D potency but an ampoule where it has been ensured that the starting material was Borrelia itself.
3. Careful testing and stabilising of all therapeutic and regulatory blocks as we have been instructed in the basic seminars. This is one of the most important conditions. For it is precisely with these intracellular stresses that we find patients who tend to react in a strange and difficult manner. I recommend at this point that you remember all the classic blocks.
4. Careful testing of additional therapeutic and regulatory blocks from environmental toxins which can block the immune system. I am convinced, dear colleagues, that only by first considering therapeutic blocks is it possible to
systematically treat underlying intracellular stresses effectively in order to prevent constant triggering of these strange reactions. The stresses here include PCB (polychlorinated biphenyl) and formaldehyde, to name but two. I will talk a little later on the method that I have developed to test the intercellular space. Furthermore I will deal with it thoroughly at my workshops of the Regumed Institute.
5. Careful testing of all parasitic infestations as I have found out that this infection does not just like to hide in the intracellular space but also in the parasites we have. Unfortunately I have not managed to discover one specific parasite which acts as the preferred carrier of Borrelia burgdorferi or other intracellular microorganisms. It seems as if virtually every parasite is a possibility. Even the developmental stages of larvae or, with flukes, the cercariae or metacercariae can be carriers of Borrelia burgdorferi or other micro-organisms, as in the case of Schistosoma (leech) and Chlamydia which almost always occur together. Obviously the viral stresses as well which take refuge here. It makes virtually no sense to treat a viral stress if you still allow the virus to retreat to a particular parasite. Think of your herpes patients who were treated with BICOM therapy, soon healed and had 2 months of complete rest but then, as soon as the particular stress and other adverse factors arose, herpes immediately broke out again. I am not talking about re-infection here but that the viruses lie hidden in the parasites and intracellular space. Only by treating the parasitic infestation carefully and thoroughly will viral stresses really be eradicated conclusively

That this is possible was demonstrated to me with a hepatitis patient whose antibodies were positive. After very lengthy and careful therapy, these were then negative.

It goes without saying that the elements must be treated and brought into balance.

And it is also obvious to all of you gathered here that the elimination routes must be treated at the same time.


An innovative approach which I presented in my lecture in Fulda last year (2003) “Documented cases of successful cancer therapy and its system” is the possibility of testing the intracellular space through targeted provocation with an electrical initial current. This initial current is generated in a little add on device to the BICOM and applied to the patient for about a minute up to 1.5 minutes maximum before the test. The frequency generator of the add on device generates a square wave of 1,550 Hz with positive offset. The magnitude of the current is individually adjusted for the patient. This provocation causes a phenomenon known as electrophoresis, namely an opening of the cell membranes, brought about by this current and, as a result, totally different stresses from before can be tested. Consequently it often happens, for example, that we test more heavy metal stresses than before as well as intracellular microorganisms. Above all, this provocation should be carried out at the end of treatment as a last check and definitely once the customary provocation using the A oscillation with the BICOM no longer tests!


Now that we have the chance to expose intracellular micro-organisms, oppose their oscillation patterns using bioresonance, release the immune system from its blocks, there is the added bonus of the, to my knowledge, first plant remedy for treating intracellular micro-organisms and viruses. A remedy which I have been using successfully for the past 2 years and testing shows that it is effective in so called counter testing with virtually all microorganisms especially Borrelia, Chlamydia and viruses. This preparation is sold under the name “Samento”. A scientific study of this remedy is also available whose results I will not keep from you. It concerns the TOA free pentacyclic alkaloidchemotype Uncaria tomentosa (Cat’s claw) which has extremely strong properties for modulating and stimulating the immune system as well as being anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-infectious, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-protozoal.

Antibiotic activity of POA (pentacyclic oxindole alkaloid)

The biological activity of this natural medicine stems from various components. Some of these are pentacyclic indoles, oxindole alkaloids, quininic acid glycosides, triterpene, tannins, flavanoids, proanthocyanidine sterols, oleanolic acid, ketouncaric acid and ursolic acid. Quininic acid glycosides are natural antibiotics and the latest generation of synthetic antibiotics. Quinolones are based on quininic acid glycosides. Pentacyclic oxindole alkaloid is the constituent serving as the main modulator and immune stimulator. It stimulates both the non-specific and the cellular defence, i. e. both directly and indirectly, and provides its stimulating and modulating activity through several mechanisms (e. g. the production and functional activity of T and B lymphocytes is stimulated, the production of cytokines and antibody formation, the stimulation of phagocytosis, etc.). POA is

actively involved in restoring many elements and functional mechanisms both of inherited, and also acquired, immunity which have been destroyed by Lyme disease and other intracellular infections and in restoring the integrity of the immune system. In this way the immune system is once again able to eliminate Lyme disease and the other factors by the natural route. The natural antibiotic activity of the POAs themselves and other biologically active compositions of the pentacyclic alkaloids of Uncaria tomentosa also have an effect.

Caution: TOA destroys the effect of POA!

According to research conducted in Austria, traditional Cat’s claw products may contain up to 80 % TOAs. Just 1 % TOAs can produce a 30 % reduction in the beneficial effect POAs have on the immune system. Only Samento from Nutra Medix provides a product which is guaranteed 100 % TOA free.


To eliminate Lyme disease and the body’s other secondary infections, it is obviously necessary to eliminate not only the spirochete form but the two other forms, the cystic form and the L-form. If you consider that the life-span of the intracellular form may be precisely that of the cells in which it is found, you can assume that if these same cells die off through apoptosis, the so-called L-forms will be released into their surroundings where they will convert back to spirochete form and grow again and reproduce. They are more accessible to therapy in this form

We must base our approach on adapting the treatment period to the longest life-span.


In this period they will be released back into their surroundings, transform themselves into their spirochete form and once again be able to exert their destructive effect on the immune system.

This spirochete form is destroyed very gradually by our therapy. Each time these Borrelia come into the blood, they will be gradually decimated so that all the cysts which try to transform themselves into spirochete form to be able to continue their lifecycle, are intercepted.

The destruction of Borrelia and the restoration of the wrecked immune system must consequently be carried out in parallel, as must also the elimination of the dead spirochetes with their Borrelia material. This indicates once again the importance of the body’s ability to eliminate substances.

If all this is taken into consideration, it can be assumed that we must continue our therapeutic efforts both with BICOM and Samento for at least 6-8 months. To be safe it is even best to treat for twice the length of the lifecycle, i. e. 12-16 months to really cover everything.

There is a scientific study carried out with Samento (Uncaria tomentosa) which I should like to present to you.

A study proves the effectiveness of pentacyclic alkaloid-chemotype Uncaria tomentosa (Samento) in treating advanced chronic borreliosis (Lyme disease):

Control group

None of the patients made progress, the condition of some deteriorated.
At the end of the study, all the patients were still seropositive to borreliosis

Experimental group

10 % of patients experienced marked clinical improvement.
At the end of the study, 85 % were seronegative to borreliosis.

William Lee Cowden, M.D.
Luis Romero M.D., PhD
Joan Vandergriff, N.D. – nutritional adviser
Hamid Moayad, D.O. – Lyme literate physician
Svetlana Ivanova, M.D., PhD.


1. Carefully test the classic therapy blocks (geopathy, electrical smog, radioactivity, scars, etc.)
2. Test environmental blocks (PCBs, formaldehyde, heavy metals, etc.)
3. Test and stimulate elimination routes


4. Test 5 elements and bring into energetic balance, stabilise patient
5. Test parasitic stress carefully
6. Consider immune blocks: post-vaccinal blocks, colourings, viral stresses, foci, intestinal flora, mycotic stress, etc.
7. Test underlying intracellular stresses, if necessary after provocation with rectangular current, especially Borrelia genera, Chlamydia, Mycoplasma, Ehrlichia and also Salmonella
8. Orthomolecular support, phytotherapy to support elimination routes (cleansing liver and kidneys, building up intestines, etc.)
9. Using Samento (test dosage). Following dosage has proved beneficial:


10. Start to treat Borrelia infestation gently only after patient slightly more stable (Caution:10 seconds to 1.5 minutes therapy time is not unusual. We have experienced violent reactions in multiple sclerosis or MCS (Multiple
Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome) patients!)
11. Keep on with therapeutic efforts until Borrelia infestation (resonance) no longer indicates on any meridians or at any amplification.
12. When resonance no longer occurs, next step: provoke with A oscillation, prg. 192, 64 fold amplification, for 3-7 minutes and check everything with prg. 191
13. If still no resonance, provoke with initial current for 2 minutes to reach the intracellular space and continue treating if necessary


  • Samento (Cat’s claw)

DermaVit KG
Unterer Anger 15, 80331 Munich
Tel: 089-26 56 35, Fax: 089-23 26 97 68


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