
The tumour patient in a Bicom practice

April 17, 201627 min read

Marianne Thalmann, Bioresonance Therapist, Güttingen, Switzerland

1. Introduction

Up to about 5 – 6 years ago I would never have dared to treat a tumour patient. When however cancer struck close to home, I no longer had any choice. Since then I have had wonderful experiences with seriously ill people, and with the knowledge I have today I would like to encourage all therapists to help precisely these people and to have the courage to treat them and help them with a unique method – bioresonance therapy.

2. Experiences

From the experiences I have gained I am convinced today

– that people suffering from cancer cannot really be healed by chemotherapy, radiotherapy or hormone therapies etc.
– not in a single case and – at the same time a tumour patient above all must be willing to allow themselves to be helped consistently along the road to self
-healing in every respect; of course the therapist must play their part too – that we as bioresonance therapists are in a position to help precisely these very people to persevere along this difficult path. It is an arduous and often long path but in EVERY case one that is worthwhile.

3. What do I mean by this?

Cancer patients are AFRAID! Afraid of the unknown, the fear of death, fear because for most people this disease means talking about destruction and the end; medicine too usually presents it as something to be truly dreaded.

It is sad that the business of fear is allowed to flourish in this way and frequently we see the uncertainty and fear of cancer patients exploited in unscrupulous ways. Often horror stories or visions of the grim reaper are presented to a vulnerable patient to make him more submissive. This is because patients filled with dread tend to become more submissive and uncritical and their justifiable fear of the unknown leads them to passively accept whatever comes their way.

Therefore the greatest and most important task as bioresonance therapists is a constructive, open, honest and encouraging INITIAL DISCUSSION, which first and foremost frees the patient of their crippling fear. The tumour patient has to learn to keep a cool head in his unfortunate situation, because one thing is certain – fear kills! it is not unusual for such fear to cause death more quickly and more certainly than the disease itself. Therefore a good initial discussion is most important if we are serious about wanting to help cancer patients and promoting their well being.

4. Initial discussion with the patient

“From an anguished individual to a calmer tumour patient”.

– Prior to this discussion in the first session, send the patient an in-depth questionnaire to help form a “preliminary diagnosis” even before initial appointment with the patient. This questionnaire should if possible provide information on:

  • The precise symptoms, any other illnesses suffered previously and related medication, and serious illnesses among members of their close family.

  • Symptoms that occurred, in particular to do with the skin, circulation, breathing, mouth, teeth, musculoskeletal system

  • digestive system, nerves and mental disorders.

  • Full details of any scars. Immunisations and any subsequent side-effects.

  • In women, anomalies affecting the monthly cycle, menstruation and the abdomen generally.

  • Living habits in particular regarding nutrition, exercise, workplace and leisure time.

– In the first session discuss the patient’s medical history with the help of the questionnaire and make as detailed a record as possible of all of the previous history.

– Explain to the patient about the multimorbid development of a tumour disease, its symptoms and its possible causes.

  • It is not the tumour (symptom) that needs to be tackled first and foremost.

  • Priority should be given on the one hand to pinpointing the causes that led to the disease, and on the other to achieving an open and honest approach by the patient towards these “faulty patterns” and so towards meaningful therapy.

– Explain to the patient about the possibilities and limits of bioresonance therapy and about any possible and usually unavoidable additional therapies.

– Question the patient about their mental and spiritual welfare and about their family situation.

– Question the patient about their fear:

  • WHAT are they frightened of exactly? (Most patients are mainly afraid of death.)

– Ask about the REASON for their fear of death.

  • Persevere until you get a very clear, reasoned statement.

– Make the patient thoroughly aware that death (like birth) is natural and inevitable and that in death in fact is a release. In short, take away the patient’s fear of death or at least reduce it with a discussion which will inspire confidence. A therapist can only do this however if they themselves are convinced deep inside of the following principles:

  • EVERYONE must at some time tread the path to the ‘other side’.

  • The point in time is unimportant as long at all times we are open and prepared for it.

  • The most important thing in each case is the quality of life up that point in time.

After this important initial discussion in which it is important to build a basis of trust with the patient, the therapist will then know exactly what the chances are of helping the patient and whether the patient is prepared to really tackle the path to healing.

– Make the patient aware that there must be a willingness to make rigorous changes to his lifestyle in some respects.

  • Animal protein must be strictly dispensed with (with the exception of fish) and denatured sugar for at least 6 – 10 months. Options for protein substitution: legumes, vegetables, occasionally fish from healthy waters if possible, possibly substituting with lupine.

  • Should this cause an allergic reaction or severe stress from an allergic reaction, the relevant allergens must also be strictly avoided.

  • If need be change habits regarding food, drink, personal care, exercise, sleep and ways of thinking.

– Identify essential, complementary therapies and additional measures, particularly with regard to mental and biochemical and/or humoral support, possibly even medical and/or surgical procedures.

5. Drawing up a therapy plan

In my opinion it is essential to tell the patient at the first meeting exactly what will happen as a result of any therapy carried out on him/her.

At the same time it is also important to explain to them at least the basic physical laws and in particular the resonance principle with respect to testing stresses and the subsequent therapy. Subsequently a superordinate therapy plan should be produced and discussed with the patient.

5.1 Testing out the priority therapy level

– Consider the time factor and in EVERY session determine the priority of treatment as follows using tensor or kinesiological muscle test.

  • The biomechanical level has priority in therapy (e.g. manual procedures or an operation).

  • The biochemical level has priority in therapy (e.g. Schuessler salts etc.). Often after the administration of Schuessler salts, for example, bioenergetic therapy can be administered.

  • The humoral level has priority in therapy (e.g. autologous blood therapy, infusion therapy etc.).

  • The bioenergetic level has priority in therapy (e.g. bioresonance).

  • The mental and spiritual level has priority in therapy.

  1. Test whether there is (only) currently an overall psychological therapy block. In such cases: Support with Bach or Rosalind flowers, chakra oils etc. In this way it is usually possible subsequently to continue therapy using bioresonance. Otherwise initial psychodynamic therapy is unavoidable.

5.2 Priority at the bioenergetic level (bioresonance)

– Determine the conductance reading, the quadrant readings, both hypothalamus readings (triple warmer points using auricular approach) and all 40 terminal measuring points on fingers and toes (make notes to help with observation / evaluation of therapy, and retest every 4 – 6 weeks).

– Test where the patient sleeps, or at any rate discuss possible need for cleansing/ improvement, in any event remove all electronic devices from the bedroom.

– Test for the priority therapy system using tensor or muscle test:

  • Treatment based on the patient’s own secretions/excretions has priority in therapy?

• Experience: in 60 – 70% of all cancer patients

• Work to Sissi Karz’s therapy system!

• Where tumour therapy is carried out by less experienced therapists (only supportive!), much can also be achieved using meridian/indication therapy (see below “Successful indication therapies in the case of tumour diseases”).

  • Treatment using tumour and/or other ampoules has priority in therapy.

– Testing out the current main stress using a priority test in each case with respect to

  • the general situation in the body using the 5-element test set

  • the patient’s tumour status using the tumour test set.

  • Test out the 5-element test set.

  • Place the tested ampoules in the patient’s hand.

  • Carry out the following test in this way: Does a primary allergy have priority in therapy? Toxic stress? A block?

  • Carry out identical testing with the tumour test set.

  • This test provides an indication of on the one hand, what stress upholds the tumour on the other hand, which (possible additional) stress is weakening the patient’s whole system.

  • If this results in different priorities with respect to the 5-element tumour test set: These two results undergo an additional test for priority.

  • Then differentiate the previously tested highest priority:

• Scar interference fields, geopathic stress, radiation, e-smog stresses, temporomandibular joints and the spine (and ascertain the blocked area using tensor and a magnetic depth probe), medicaments

Toxic stresses
• Parasites, viruses (especially EBV, Hepatitis B and C, HPV) bacteria (practically in each case as toxic foci). Mycoses, environmental toxins, pharmaceutical toxins.

Allergic stresses
• As a rule cow’s milk, wheat, Aspergillus, Candida or mercury. More rarely preservatives or even symptomrelated allergens

– Test each stress additionally for couplings (very important in tumour patients). Where a therapy proves ineffective, couplings have normally been overlooked.

– In cases where an allergy has priority:
Differentiation:The continuous lowering of
allergic diathesis in accordance with Dr Gerhard Rummel’s therapy system has priority. I have expanded this system based on my own experience, firstly because of time pressure, and secondly the therapy is ineffective if allergens coupled with other stresses are disturbing the body. (This is unfortunately often the case in tumour patients.)
Treatment of a
primary allergen while adhering to strict abstinence has priority.

6. Therapy

6.1 Indication therapy according to Sissi Karz’s system

This form of therapy is only possible after thorough training from Sissi Karz or a suitably qualified therapist.

– Basic therapy with subsequent identification of a suitable individual frequency
– Removal of regulation and superordinate therapy blocks:
– Scar interference fields, geopathic and radiation and e-smog stresses

– Correction of hyoid bone and TMJ blocks and therapy of the nerve conduction pathways
– Build-up of any weakness in one half of the brain
– Increasing powers of resistance
– Treating the thymus

c) Therapy of the overall nutrient balance

d) Shock therapy to relieve old stresses/symptoms

After these therapeutic measures the patient’s body is in most cases stable enough to undergo focal or elimination therapies using the patient’s natural secretions or corresponding ampoules.

Priority elimination of foci (very important):

– According to Sissi Karz’s therapy system
– Using therapy for priority focal toxicoses by means of bacteria and focal toxicosis test sets

Eliminating and allergy therapies:
– As outlined in relevant training seminars
The time intervals between therapy sessions usually need to be longer from this point in time to allow the body time to restore balance.

Exception: The patient will in the meantime need additional help using stabilising indication therapies.

6.2 Successful indication therapies for tumour diseases

– All frequency sweep programs (basic therapies) based on the conductance reading or quadrant mean, usually in the low deep frequency range (BICOM BICOM optima® programs 3013, 3017, 3036)
– All meridian programs (especially to accompany chemotherapy)
– Lymph activation 930, 610 (BICOM 2000), additionally 3066, or program sequences 10097, 10098 (BICOM BICOM optima®)
– Chakra therapy
– Shock treatment 10147 (BICOM BICOM optima®), 432 (BICOM 2000) (usually long treatment times necessary)
– Treatment of geopathy, radiation, scars and other superordinate blocks
– Most low deep frequency programs (BICOM BICOM optima®) in particular

3013 (strain from pathogens),
3017 (blocks),
3036 (detoxification),
3003 (increasing immunity),
3028 (large intestine/metabolism),
3035 (lack of energy),
3040 (tissue regeneration),
3053 (immune system),
3066 (lymph activation),
3084 (stress reduction)

  • I have also had very good experience using the following settings: With reference to the lung: 13.8 Hz, constant amplification Di 3-fold, without wobble, interval With reference to the large intestine: 17.5 Hz, Di 8-fold, without wobble, continuous mode and 7.7 Hz or 7.1 Hz, H+Di, H=10.50 Di=14, without wobble, interval With reference to mental state: 8.0 Hz, constant amplification Di 18, with wobble, continuous mode

  • I have also achieved very good results in debilitated patients with the following fortifying therapy on a selection of the aura points on the face as shown below:

  • Always using high H amplifications or H+Di with high H amplification and low Di amplification (usually <2) directly on the points mentioned below (leave the same setting for all points and only adjust the frequency)


– With all indication therapies please ensure the patient’s body is not overburdened. For less experienced therapists – initially it is better to treat tumour patients without secretions in the input cup (my experience: more successes, fewer initial exacerbations).

– In addition use channel 2 with the BICOM BICOM optima®. The following substance complexes have proved their worth time and again in my practice: Energetic energisers, vitamins, selenium, copper, manganese, bismuth, magnesium, excess acidity, oxygen, substances from geopathy and e-smog and stress.

– After each session I also test for any support via the 5 sensory organs.
– The next optimum time for therapy I always re-investigate by testing. Experience has shown: in the first 3 – 6 weeks usually 2 sessions a week then down to one session a week later depending on the patient down to 1 – 2 sessions a month

6.3 (- 6.6) Treatment of relevant stresses using therapy ampoules

As outlined in relevant training seminars:

Very frequently:
– Radiation stresses (possibly coupled)
– Focal toxicoses
– Viruses (Please be careful, this is very difficult if the patient is not yet stable.

Therefore if possible, give viruses priority or those which emerge after treatment for parasites, firstly use an Ai setting and amplification <1, force into masking and later treat these accordingly.)
– The most important stabilising therapy with the highest priority right at the start of tumour treatment is often in the form of two coupled tested attenuation or element ampoules (this places severe stress on the body and involves energetic conflict).

  • Carry out therapy using program 192 (test all individual parameters)

  • Input cup
    – coupled attenuation ampoules (in cancer patients extremely rare)
    – coupled element ampoules (e.g. water element/metal element) where necessary (in most cases) ‘imprint’ the therapy on drops, have the patient take 6 – 12 drops for 3 – 5 days, 2 x daily.

6.4 Main stress: Allergy

6.4.1 Using the system of Dr G. Rummel

– Every week treat cow’s milk and wheat for 8 minutes respectively.
– In addition and also on a weekly basis sweep programs / situation-related indication therapy.

6.4.2 Using the system of Dr Hennecke and Dr Schumacher
Treat all individual frequencies whilst adhering strictly to allergen abstinence.

Suggested therapy approach
1st Therapy session
: Basic therapy, give priority to disturbed element, possibly attenuation ampoule
2nd Therapy session: Basic therapy, if there is no obstruction at the element level: eliminating organs
3rd Therapy session: Basic therapy, eliminating organs, 1st allergy therapy.

Test whether allergy therapy should take place using Ai, Di, H+Di.

4th/5th/6th Therapy session: Continue allergy therapy, eliminating organs, relieving programs.
– Repeat this step in the next session (doesn’t usually test now).

6.5 Toxic stress (usually pathogens)

Before we can place demands on the body of a cancer patient in applying specific treatment for his pathological stresses, we must always remember that the patient needs to be ‘built up’ first in order to give him the energy needed to tackle the various stresses.

Therapy to eliminate pathogens, especially parasites is only sensible after the body’s milieu has been optimised, and this takes priority in EVERY CASE.

– The first steps in therapy: Basic therapy, if need be elements, attenuation, eliminating organs (as described above).
– Then as soon as the patient is stable: Pathogens (usually weekly) using Ai, Di or H+Di.
– As soon as the pathogen no longer shows resonance, neither on Ai, H+Di or Di:
– Provocation of the pathogen using program 192 (2 – 3 minutes).
– Then fully test out meridian ampoules, 5-element test set and tumour test set.
– Place all detected ampoules together with the pathogen in the input cup.
– Test and if need be carry out treatment using Ai, Di and H+Di.
– Repeat these steps (provocation pathogens and testing) in the next session.

As soon as this test no longer shows resonance:
– Place all detected ampoules in the 5-element and tumour test set together with the pathogen in the input cup.
– Identify ALL individual frequencies via Ai, Di and H+Di and treat the top priority frequency (as described above).

6.6 Coupled stresses

Priority: Cow’s milk allergy;
coupling for this: Fasciolopsis buski

– The first steps in therapy: Basic therapy, if need be elements, attenuation and eliminating organs.
– Then as soon as the patient is stable: Treat the cow’s milk allergen (in isolation), usually using Ai.
– Next therapy session: Treat the pathogen Fasciolopsis buski (in isolation) usually using Ai.
– Therapy session after this: Put the pathogen and allergen together in the input (usually once each using Ai, Di, H+Di).
ATTENTION: In the case of weak tumour patients you should normally use only the ball applicators at the output rather than the modulation mat.

If there is no longer any resonance via Ai,
Di or H+Di:
– Provocation ONLY of the PATHOGEN using program 192 (2 – 3 minutes)
– After provocation, test out the meridian ampoules from the 5-element and tumour ampoules.
– Once again test all the ampoules found from the 5-element and tumour test set together with the pathogen and allergen for resonance (Ai, Di, H+Di) and if need be treat using this combination. If there is no more resonance from this method using Ai, Di, H+Di:
– Test and subsequently treat at all individual frequencies (as described above).

7. Tumour patient undergoing chemotherapy

I clarify with the patient which cytostatic agent is being administered.

Therapy 1 day BEFORE chemotherapy:

After testing! (Not suitable for all patients)

– Apply cytostatic agents directly on the tumour using A (never via the modulation mat!)

Therapy 1 day AFTER chemotherapy:

Eliminate cytostatic agents using Ai (test out applicator position).

– Very high orthomolecular doses!
-> Chemotherapy = orthomolecular depletion

– Apply alkaline therapy: Full bath and foot baths, alkaline supplements, compresses. (Accumulation of a great many toxins – uric acid build up!)

– Support kidney, liver and lymph.

8. The most frequent supporting measures at the biochemical level

– At different times take an alkaline powder (3 x daily) and Schuessler salt no. 7 (3 x daily) (usually for about 3 – 4 weeks)
– Schuessler salt no. 8 (Ly), Schuessler salt no. 7 (intestines), Schuessler salt no. 10 (LV/GB) (usually for about 3 weeks)
– Salvestrol (must be accompanied by Vitamin D3, possibly Vitamin K) Long-term therapy:

  • The CYP1B1 enzyme, which exclusively occurs in cancerous cells, activates Salvestrol in a manner that ONLY cancer cells are destroyed and not the surrounding healthy cells. In other words, apoptosis is set in motion again as long as the metabolic status allows this to happen.

  • Salvestrols occur in fruit and vegetables which have not been sprayed with mould-killing products. The patient should therefore stick to organic fruit and vegetables and if possible include these in main meals.

– Vitamin C, selenium, copper, manganese, polyphenol (a component of green tea), lysine, proline, Omega 3 fatty acids

– Bitter apricot kernels (contain Vitamin B17, have a painkilling action) – enzymes should be taken as a supplement.

– Regulat® (fermented fluid with an enzymatic action, helps regulate metabolic processes) also acts as an analgesic if sprayed onto the skin.

– Drink oil (Olive oil, Argan oil: take a teaspoon of this pure each day.)

– Rinse mouth with oil (oil pulling)

– Engystol (Heel) (viral therapy)

– Lymphatic agents (always with viral therapy, e.g. Lymphomyosot (Heel)

– Colloidal silver (as a drink)

9. Additional measures

– Intense zapping in addition to bioresonance is often to advantage in difficult situations involving severe stress from multiple pathogens, (often 4 – 5 hours a day (in any case orthomolecular support of elimination)

– Infusion therapy

  • with chelate formers. This accelerates detoxification in particular the natural removal of heavy metals from the body.

  • Ozone infusion (analgesic affect, detoxing, promotes circulation and counters bacteria, viruses and fungi).

  • Vitamin infusions, especially Vitamin C

– Craniosacral therapy

– Homoeopathic concomitant support

– Psychodynamic therapy (in each case at least a concomitant requirement).

10. Statistics

To date I have cared for 23 tumour patients in my practice over a prolonged period (minimum of one year uninterrupted).

Unfortunately, insecure patients can often discontinue treatment after a few weeks or months and put their faith exclusively in conventional medicine (mostly however only temporarily and after a few weeks these same patients come back).

Testing main priority

6 x allergy:

– 3 x cow’s milk (of which 2 x coupled)

– 1 x coupling with e-smog + Geotrichum candidum

– 2 x coupling with Fasciolopsis buski (of which 1 x additionally coupled with e-smog)

– 1 x wheat (coupled with Yersinia)

– 2 x Candida

8 x block:

– 1 x scar interference fields

– 7 x radiation stresses (coupling particularly with parasites)

7 x toxic:

– 1 x Listeria

– 1 x Fasciolopsis buski

– 5 x focal toxicoses with

2 x mental and spiritual level.

Usually no later than the second priority testing we detected geopathic and other radiation stresses or affected teeth or tonsils, and these need to be treated.

In ALL patients there was a causal emotional stress which came to light while the first priority therapy was running or as a second priority or as an accompaniment to this, which in each case had to be treated. What is exciting however is that even blocks caused by emotions do occur as coupled stresses and lend themselves very well to treatment.

The patients’ state of health at the present time (January 2013)

11 patients: Their states of health range from good to very good.

6 patients having chemo/radiotherapy, 4 of them following surgery

5 advantage patients without any form of conventional treatment.

11 patients: Without exception patients having surgery and radiotherapy. 

During concomitant bioresonance therapy they felt moderately to very well, however all of them have died. 

1 patient in this group came to me for treatment for 4 years and 5 months until finally her liver and kidneys completely failed as a consequence of the cytostatics. In this time she had a total of 62 (!!!) chemotherapy sessions. But during the whole time the patient felt okay to very well (in spite of hair loss and problems with her finger and toe nails towards the end), apart from the last 3 weeks in which she really deteriorated. 

1 female patient: 66 years old with cancer of the uterus. 

Surgery on my advice. On no account did she want radiotherapy and died 21 months and 8 days later, within 10 days of being admitted to hospital. 

A total of 34 bioresonance therapies and 2 psychodynamic therapy sessions. She felt well to very well during this time and was totally pain free until two weeks before her peaceful death. 


  • Bioresonance therapy helps in EVERY case to improve the well-being of these seriously ill people, irrespective of which specific approach is adopted. 

  • In every single case a primary psychological stress was detected sooner or later, and in every single case usually in the initial phase a priority radiation stress. 

  • I conclude from this: 

  • Cancer does not occur without psychological stress or without radiation stresses. 

  • I was also able to learn that patients felt better from month to month if the priority principle was consistently observed. Experience shows that interim “relapses” are usually emotional stresses, which in every case must be incorporated IMMEDIATELY into the therapy. 

  • In the future we will see that bioresonance therapy will prove beneficial for tumour patients over the longer term too. We can only hope that more and more cancer patients will become better informed and overcome their fears to help them confidently embrace an all-encompassing approach to (self-)healing. 


Case 1 Male, 74 years old, oesophageal cancer 

After 32 sessions of radiotherapy and 10 of chemotherapy I accepted him into my practice on 1.6.2010. Status: extremely worrying! 

Conventional medical diagnosis: Nothing more could be done. 

The patient wished to die at home, left hospital and wanted “a little help” on his final journey. 

Therapeutic approach: 

– Energetic conflicts at the element level (wood/water and earth/metal)
2 sessions within 9 days. After this the patient was already feeling very much better. 

– 11 treatments using Sissi Karz’s system over 7 weeks.
(5th therapy uncoupling Hamer focus). 

– 3 August 2010: The patient was feeling amazingly well apart from slight difficulties swallowing (but he was now able to eat everything again). 

– Unfortunately started taking Xeloda (within 3 weeks the patient was in a very sorry state in spite of concomitant bioresonance; he experienced very severely disturbed sleep, plus after
5 weeks bleeding from several toes and three fingers on the right hand). 

– 10 September: Xeloda is discontinued at the patient’s wish. 

– From this point in time: Elimination of Xeloda, detoxication programs/tissue programs, metabolism/nutrition points and meridian support. 

– The patient was feeling better day by day. Sleep disturbance had completely disappeared after two weeks, there were slight difficulties swallowing, but he could still eat everything. 

– 14 September 2010: Psychodynamic therapy (senior position in his company, communication issues), followed by bioresonance again. 

  • 5 October: His condition was very good; final treatment before a holiday in Southern Italy (14 days’ holiday were well tolerated), swallowing problems still roughly the same. 

  • From 25 October 2010 after his return from holiday: repeated therapy with suitable individual frequencies using blood, saliva and urine and 2 focal therapies. 

  • Then focal toxicoses with coupled streptococci/staphylcocci in relation to tooth 16 – maxillary sinus – vertebra (Th7). 

  • The patient recovered so well that thoughts of cancer disappeared. Swallowing difficulties had disappeared. 

  • Over Christmas and New Year: 16 days’ holiday in Valais. 

  • At the end of January 2011: On the advice of the doctors he was given radiotherapy again because he was now feeling so well. 

  • After four sessions of radiotherapy he once again had severe problems swallowing (!!), felt extremely tired and sometimes sudden bouts of dizziness. His condition was very poor. Therefore radiotherapy was discontinued. 

  • Bioresonance therapy: especially cell regeneration programs and detoxification, stabilising organ/meridian therapies.

  • Conventional medicine: 1 stent is inserted (March 2011). 

  • 3 May 2011: The patient made a good recovery again. The swallowing difficulties still there in spite of the stent, but well tolerated. The patient made preparations for a cruise to St Petersburg and departed on holiday with his wife on 9 May 2011. 

  • 18 May 2011: The patient phoned me from holiday: He had gastrointestinal bleeding after eating, and drinking Coca Cola. Return flight home by order of the ship’s doctor. 

  • 2 bioresonance therapy sessions within 4 days and afterwards the patient was feeling really well again. No further problems with his stomach. 

  • He decided to take Xeloda again! And from this point on it really was all downhill. 3 weeks after first taking Xeloda, the tumour ampoules no longer test even when using the “reveal cells” ampoule (point of no return!). Also the patient can no longer be treated using his endogenous substances. Weekly therapy using appropriate individual frequencies. Reaction: successful but only for 1 – 3 days in each case. There was another main stress in his mental and spiritual state, which the patient really did not wish to tackle. 

  • 18 July 2011: Chemotherapy again after Xeloda was no longer tolerated and discontinued. In addition weekly bioresonance (still only meridian, chakra and aura therapy, additional support using Rosalind and Bach flowers as well as Chakra oils). The patient’s condition was poor to very poor. He was becoming weaker and weaker by the day. 

  • 26 August 2011: The doctor prescribed antibiotics because inflammatory values had risen sharply. 

  • 5 September 2011: The patient was admitted to hospital as an emergency.
    I accompanied the patient towards a dreadful death which came 17 days later and released him from his terrible suffering. 

Case 2 Male, 48 years old, rectal cancer 

The patient had been divorced for 8 years and since then had had 7 different (female) partners. 

Therapeutic approach: 

– September 2009: Colonoscopy gave diagnosis of rectal cancer. A chance finding from further examinations revealed a pheochromocytoma on the left adrenal gland. 

– Immediately after the diagnosis he decided he wanted no help from conventional medicine. He changed his diet to raw food (!?) on the advice of a naturopath, apart from that no treatment for 1 1⁄2 years. 

– May 2011: Diagnosis – tumour had doubled in size. At this point in time the patient was also suffering from an anal fistula and a chronic mild fever. 

  • The patient steadfastly refused conventional therapy even though the prognosis was devastating (very short life expectancy without surgery and chemotherapy). 

  • 1.6.2011, he came to my practice. His condition was very weak and pain in the abdominal region.  

  • First 2 sessions: Psychodynamic therapy (mother issues, anxiety, rage, helplessness, powerlessness). Result: feeling much better within a very short time. The pain was completely gone. 

  • Further treatments after 20.6.11: Very marked radiation stresses, scar interference fields from accidents, most pressingly a temporomandibular joint and spine block and severe disturbed laterality, two individual frequency therapies, various therapies for nutrient balance (Sissi Karz’s therapy system). 

  • 29.8.11: Psychodynamic therapy (grief/ disappointment). From this point in time: severe, persistent diarrhoea. Even so, the patient was feeling better during this time. 

  • 9.9.11: Shock treatment using the BICOM optima. 

  • Subsequent to this therapy: Cow’s milk coupled with mental block. This therapy required 3 additional follow-up sessions. 

  • Mid to end October 2011:
    2 focal therapies, in between support using low deep frequency programs. 

  • The patient was now even feeling well enough to go for mountain hikes with his new partner. 

  • 20.9.11: Start of allergic diathesis lowering according to Dr Rummel. Result: The patient’s condition became increasingly worse, in particular with respect to the nasty fistula which reappeared after the third allergy therapy. The patient’s temperature rises. The patient absolutely refused to have PRIORITY help from conventional medicine, even though I advised him to have surgery. 

  • October – December 2011: The allergy therapy was stopped. Infusion therapies from a naturopath friend (chelate, ozone, restoration). Treatment with tumour ampoules. Interestingly, within 4 weeks the patient felt well again. 

– 5.12.11: Start of allergy therapy: Cow’s milk coupled with Fasciolopsis buski and e-smog. The patient continued to feel better up to a lapse in abstinence over Christmas. Follow-up therapy which lasted up to 27.1.2012. 

– February/March 2012: 2 indication therapies in relation to the liver and intestine. 

– April: Help sought from a homoeopath (unfortunately no notes available on the agents administered). 

– 9.7.2012: Therapy for Listeria (as the first session in a planned focal toxicosis therapy), two weeks later Listeria and a swab from the fistula, then pathogen and focal lesion ampoules together. 

– Then therapy with the pus discharge only. 

– Infusion therapies again because the patient was feeling very weak and the bacterial therapy was clearly too much for him. 

– 14.10.12: priority testing again at the biomechanical level. I urgently advised the patient to at least have the stoma operation. Otherwise I would have given up on him and I told him this too. He decided on the operation which was performed without problems on 24.10.12. Followed by 3 weeks in a rehab clinic. Bemer therapy was included in treatment to improve micro-circulation and because bioresonance was not an option during this time. 

– As of 19.11.12 indication therapies (eliminating organs and detoxification therapies) 

– 11.12.12: The patient was feeling much better. Continuation of the focal toxicosis therapy (Listeria). The fistula burst under this therapy and the pain finally subsided. 

– Additional measures after 11.12.12: zapping (4 – 5 hours daily), Salvestrol, Vitamin D3 unchanged, additional Vitamin K 

– From 14.1.2013: The patient started work again. 

– Now he comes about every 3 weeks to my practice therapy using his natural secretions. 

Condition as at 4.2.13: He continues to improve, still slightly weak but otherwise feeling very well. He is not undergoing any further conventional medical tests and is feeling very confident. 


infections in Animals

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