
Therapy options for treating chronic respiratory disorders in horses

April 17, 20167 min read

Dr. med. vet. Bianka Carstens, Veterinary Surgeon, Rotenburg, Germany

Bioresonance in my practice

Over the last two years bioresonance has become a key element in my holistic practice. Since then, within my otherwise predominantly chiropractic equine practice, many patients have been coming to me not only with restricted musculoskeletal movements, but internal problems as well. A large number of these patients are chronically sick animals that have been treated exhaustively with conventional medical methods. Bioresonance has been introduced as a key therapeutically/ economically viable option in my practice in different stages: firstly, I succeeded in personally convincing my clients of the numerous promising advantages of bioresonance (not least by emphasising how enthusiastic I was about this holistic form of treatment). Secondly, word-of-mouth recommendations have increased thanks to a great many positive and often remarkable therapeutic success stories. We now also treat patients who have been referred to my practice by bioresonance colleagues who are unable to offer treatment locally.

Respiratory diseases in horses

I see increasing evidence of animals starting off with a “simple” cough before developing chronic symptoms, i.e. their condition escalates into COB/COPD (chronic obstructive bronchitis / chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). Standard medication to loosen the mucus and dilate the bronchi is no longer having the desired effect. For the moment there appears to be no explanation for this.

Similarly, frequently prescribed cortisone treatment only helps the animals in the short-term, if at all. The horses can no longer exercise and their owners cannot ride them or use them for any other purpose.

Aetiology/pathogenesis of COB or COPD

A number of different terms are used to describe this condition. It is sometimes named after the causes of the disease or its symptoms: recurrent airways obstruction, chronic bronchitis, asthmatoid bronchitis and lower respiratory tract inflammation.

COPD can be triggered by various factors. In fact, multiple factors are often at work behind the scenes. It can start with an acute viral or bacterial infection. Increasingly severe environmental stresses are also impacting on horses.

These forms of stress are compounded by stress triggered through inhalation allergens found in the animals’ feed or accommodation: two of the most common are fungal spores and hay dust. Horses are reacting more and more frequently with cough and dyspnoea when left to graze next to fields growing certain agricultural crops (essentially oil seed rape and corn). Increasing stress levels triggered by insecticides and pesticides are identified with the help of bioresonance and are often a key element in this multifactorial process.

Cough, nasal discharge, dyspnoea, poor performance, fever, loss of appetite and weight loss.

Conventional medical diagnosis
Adspection, palpation (test lymph nodes/ cough reflex), auscultation, percussion, laboratory tests (including blood gas analysis), bronchoscopy (incl. testing of tracheal bronchial secretion, if required), X-rays, ultrasound scans and lung biopsy.

Therapy: conventional medicine

  1. Optimal housing conditions (outdoor box --> plenty of fresh air), bedding comprising wooden chips instead of straw (fungal spores), damp or moistened hay. In this instance, animals are often fed haylage or silage instead of damp hay —> however, we frequently detect an intolerance to silage when carrying out bioresonance analysis.

  2. Treatment of the acute episode of
    COPD or acute respiratory tract infection:
    Medication to loosen the mucus and dilate the bronchi, antibiotics if necessary

  3. Physiotherapy — where practicable, and tailored to the symptoms

  4. Herbal cough remedies (thyme, etc.), black cumin oil

  5. Glucocorticoid therapy (short or long- term)

  6. Inhalation therapy

  7. Lung lavage (= hyperinfusion therapy)

  8. Desensitisation
    The order may vary.)


Good to cautious depending on initial reports and duration of the disease.

Bioresonance options in the treatment of chronic respiratory tract diseases

As mentioned earlier, in our practice, we are increasingly seeing animals that have been exhaustively treated with conventional medicine. Current medicines are no longer working. We therefore seldom have to consider whether the medication in question should be discontinued during our therapy.

We recommend that the medication is discontinued gradually if possible.

The first test or treatment comprises the following:

Thorough testing for allergies or intolerance. In addition to tests on standard feed, this also includes testing for stresses from fungi and environmental toxins such as heavy metals or even bacteria and viruses if these have been detected during overview testing carried out using the 5-element set stress ampoules or by using the BICOM BICOMmultisoft® Pilot substance test.

Any specific feed given to the horse is also tested along with bedding and any treats. You would imagine that any bought treats plus apples, bananas, carrots and beetroot, etc. would be kept within reasonable limits. Unfortunately, however, we see time and time again horses being fed unsuitable “treats” or foods such as mandarins, water melons, beans or raw potato peelings, and some of these feeds can prove toxic for the animals.

With the BICOM BICOMmultisoft® Pilot substance test, we also look for cause-related stresses and indication-related organs.

We then look to use the basic program as the first stage in treatment.

Because of the chronic nature of the disease and symptoms we often find that patients are exhausted or may present with blocked reactions. In such instances we treat with the appropriate program series.

The most important blockages and eliminations are subsequently treated.

Our choice of suitable programs is based on the result of the substance or priority test and, of course, the patient’s history and clinical symptoms.

Programs 433 (blocked reactions in the tissue) and 3017 (clear deep blockages) are always tested at the same time and are used in the first instance in the case of positive resonance.

Programs 210 or 211 (lungs acute, lungs chronic) are almost always used too.

Toxins are then eliminated, e.g. with programs 970 (toxin elimination) and/or 3036 (regulate detoxication) or 3063 (liver detoxication) or 3066 (lymph activation).

From the first treatment onwards we add CU therapy to this basic treatment which includes clearing the blockages and activating the elimination process.

CTT therapy

As with humans, stress from Candida and heavy metals is frequently detected in these patients too.

In addition to Candida, a number of other fungi are detected such as: moulds, Cladosporium, Rhizopus and Stachybotrys, etc. We treat these with 978.1 (strain from pathogens) or with a specific Ai program following prior testing of amplification and time.

In terms of heavy metals, aluminium (in some cases as a result of vaccinations) and mercury are frequently detected.

In cases where the allergic component has been prioritised, the principal allergen is treated, e.g. hay dust: initially as an
Ai program followed by stabilisation with an A program, e.g. using the elimination/ detoxication ampoule.

Up to three CTT treatment intervals comprising stress and elimination ampoules with the corresponding individualised A or Ai programs are left to run during therapy.

Finally, we strengthen the body using the 5 elements (5 elements + attenuation). Ampoule selection is based either on the testing carried out or according to the patient’s history in line with TCM thinking.

We link CU programs to our own specific program numbers such as 1001 (Ai) and 1000 (A). These are then individualised; amplification and time are tested prior to each treatment session.

Holistic treatment

Our treatment concept is based almost exclusively on a holistic testing and treatment approach using drops of blood. This type of treatment is given because our patients often live several 100 km from our practice (abroad even in some cases). We treat patients every two weeks in order to ensure adequate therapy. During every treatment session, we use medication-free globules. We then forward these globules to our patients immediately after treatment. Administering 5 globules twice a day has been shown to work well in practice. The duration of treatment depends on the animal’s stress levels. Therapeutic success is generally visible after three to five treatments. A further five to seven treatments are normally required to eradicate all symptoms.

In our experience it would be difficult for us to exploit our testing and therapy options to the full if we carried these out directly on patients.

Our success stories, especially those achieved recently, have convinced us that we are “on the right track” with our therapy system.

Additional therapies

Depending on the severity and duration of the condition, we also test vital fungi or a colostrum-based product (Immuno supplied by the firm Veracus) to strengthen the immune system. This is then also administered. Interestingly, even in cases of milk intolerance, the afore-mentioned colostrum-based preparation is well tolerated.

In order to eliminate Candida (amongst other things) more effectively, owners allow us to administer a prebiotic [e.g. prebiotic C.R. 100% yeast cell extract (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) or brewer’s grain yeast], provided that these resonate during testing.

If an emotional component is suspected, we also test Bach’s flower remedies, which are administered by the owner if required, or are run simultaneously in the 2nd channel.


infections in Animals

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