
Treating tumours in animals

August 29, 20249 min read

Dr. Claudia May, Veterinary Surgeon, Munich


I have been a dedicated BICOM therapist for a number of years now. Two years ago I stood here in Fulda and talked enthusiastically to you about the broad range of bioresonance therapy available and the success it has enjoyed in my practice.

I am still treating all of these disorders but there is one area which I used to avoid completely: treatment of tumours.

I’m not going to bore you today with scientific details concerning the origin and progression of tumours. I think we can safely assume this to be basic knowledge in a setting such as this.

Instead, using a few case studies, I would like to get you thinking about the need for bioresonance therapy in cases of tumours.


Although I had received the degenerated cell test set along with the others, I was reticent about using it on my patients. My orthodox veterinary training had drummed it into me that “if it’s cancer, nothing more can be done”. I did not give much attention to the tumour test set for a long time although the principle behind it is actually plausible:

It is based on the phenomenon of apoptosis which was discovered in the 1970s. It states that every healthy cell possesses a suicide gene (gene p53) which when activated can kill off cells

If this gene is itself damaged, however, this impulse is no longer there and the cell can be continually regenerated.

Those cells which are not recognised by the body as being pathological experience rapid growth and interfere with the surrounding tissue and organs by crowding them out.

The degenerated cells can be energetically marked using the test set ampoules so that the body recognises them as an “enemy” and then activates the surrounding healthy tissue to fight the opposing cells.

Some time later I had a cat with an unspecified disorder in my practice.


Cat with unclear disease

She appeared bloated. Her abdomen was distended which suggested ascites and the animal had trouble breathing and had not eaten for several days or had only eaten a few mouthfuls after some coaxing from the owner

All the signs pointed to FIP, the infectious ascites in cats. I took my virus test set out of the cupboard to quickly check the orthodox diagnosis. But with the best will I could not identify a viral disorder and so I began to test using all the test sets in turn, but to no avail. In the end only the degenerated cell set was left. Thinking to myself “it is only a test and not actual treatment” I began to test and actually found something. I found preliminary problems and degeneration in the small intestine and pancreas.

Conscious that this case was outside my area of competence, I referred the patient to a good animal hospital nearby. The vets there guessed naturally that it was FIP and a subsequent ultrasound investigation of the abdomen showed up ascites as expected. A puncture procedure was carried out straight away, the fluid sample sent for analysis and the patient’s symptoms treated.

After one week the lab results came back: no trace of FIP.

The owner rang me up not knowing what to do next. I recommended another ultrasound examination of the abdomen because I had found something in the salivary gland in the abdomen (I am 44th International Congress for BICOM Users, 30 April to 2 May 2004, Fulda, Germany 12 REGUMED Institut für Regulative Medizin, 82166 Gräfelfing • RTI Volume 28 • April 2004 never more specific than that for fear of alarming pet owners and anyone who has worked with bioresonance knows that there does not always have to be a tumour present, often just the oscillation matches the ampoule). In the subsequent examination a tumour was indeed found in the pancreas which appeared to have been blurred initially by the water in the abdomen. The cat was put to sleep immediately to save it from further suffering; however, I had got the idea that the test set could at least be included in diagnosis during routine testing. I would never have dreamed of using this as treatment, however.

12-year old mongrel bitch

That was until one day when a patient, who was practically a regular at the surgery was brought to me. As a result of poisoning a few years previously the 12-year old mongrel bitch had suffered irreparable liver damage and had already been revitalised a few times using bioresonance.

The owner was distraught. A mamma-carcinoma was identified in her dog which had grown within 14 days from the size of a walnut to the size of a mandarin. Unfortunately surgery was considered very risky given the dog’s history of liver problems and her age, but was urgently required owing to the rapid growth of the tumour. This idea too was immediately quashed following further examinations.

  • An x-ray of the thorax showed there were already multiple metastases in the lungs

  • The owners were advised that chemotherapy was the best option because the dog would otherwise only have a maximum of 2 months to live.

Given the already damaged state of the liver the owners decided against it and came to me again looking for assistance. The dog was presenting with clinical symptoms of intermittent fever, anorexia, weakness and apathy.

The two owners were now standing in my practice and asked whether bioresonance could perhaps help in this case.

Even my confession that I had no experience in the treatment of tumours did not put these people off. They had seen the positive effect this treatment had on their dog all too often. I tried to explain to them that I could not possibly make such a large tumour disappear, but nothing could dissuade them. Bearing in mind that it would not actually cause further damage and that we had nothing to lose, I agreed to give it a go.

Apart from a few supplementary vitamins nothing was undertaken apart from the bioresonance

After the first session we took a week’s break and I asked the owners to note down any changes each day so that we could follow the dog’s progress and see if there was any improvement

At the second session the owners were elated. The dog’s general wellbeing had improved considerably. The dog was eating again and even wanted to go for walks. With the help of a list the owners had brought with them I was able to see exactly how the dog’s health had improved step by step:

Day 1: 50 m walk, 100 g pet food with some coaxing
Day 2: 50 m walk, 200 g pet food
Day 3: 100 m walk, 200 g pet food
Day 4: 2x 100 m walks, 250 g pet food
Day 5: 2x 100 m walks, 300 g pet food
Day 6: 3x 100 m walks, 300 g pet food
Day 7: 3x 100 m walks, 300 g pet food

The fever had calmed down by the second day and remained at a normal level after that.

Even in the following treatments the owners only had positive results to report. The dog’s general wellbeing improved week after week. After two months of therapy the bitch could be taken for walks of up to an hour again, she had put on weight and the most amazing thing for me was that the mamma-carcinoma had not only stopped growing any more but also appeared to have capped itself off and was slowly getting smaller

With my previous knowledge of metatases I knew that I could not heal this bitch but she lived for a further 1 ½ years with a good quality of life and eventually died last year of a weak heart.


That was the start of my change of heart:

  • I would never claim to be able to cure cancer, but then nor can orthodox medicine make such a claim?

  • And yet orthodox medicine still attempts to treat it.

Despite the millions of Euros being invested each year in tumour research, it appears that science has been unable to find the solution to the puzzle.

I’m not against chemotherapy in animal medicine in principle, but in how many cases has it been possible to successfully overcome cancer and how often is it really just prolonging the suffering?

Would the bitch’s disorder have progressed in the same way using chemotherapy? She would have had to come for treatment about once a month for the entire course but don’t you think that would have affected the owners?


Since that time on bioresonance has been offered at my practice as a supplement to tumour therapy. How many owners say “please put them to sleep” when cancer is diagnosed and how many ask whether anything more can be done? Despite the diagnosis, the owner wants to have the pet with them as long as possible.

Even if the pet cannot be healed, isn’t it worth taking seriously the impact of an improvement in the overall constitution and general wellbeing in such cases?

I have often used bioresonance as a backup to chemotherapy and in these cases was able to establish a complete absence of side effects in addition to the usual reactions.

Given that patients treated with orthodox medicine also present with tumours in my practice, I have been able to make a direct comparison between patients exclusively undergoing chemotherapy and those undergoing secondary bioresonance.

In tumour therapy I always stick to the rules of the degenerated cell test set and end the session with a “cocktail” from the orthomolecular test set.

However, when dealing with tumour treatment it is important not to forget that the emergence of a tumour is often not the actual disorder. Instead it is often only a symptom for the final stage in a long development of the disorder. For this reason it is necessary to establish and then eliminate the cause.

A number of factors should be taken into consideration as possible causes:

  • frequent viral stresses (esp. in cats)

  • geopathy or electromagnetic stresses (mobile phone masts, cell phones, overhead power cables)

  • psychological stresses (pressure from the owner)

  • unbalanced diet (deficiencies through eating cheap pet food)

  • immunological weaknesses.

Treating the tumour by itself is consequently not always sufficient. Just as much emphasis should be placed on treating the cause in order to prevent recurrences and to be able to be sure that the organism is cooperating fully.

A healthy lifestyle is important e. g. plenty of fresh air, extended walks, healthy diet …

The body’s regulative processes should not be restricted by other interfering influences.


Finally, I would like to thank you for your attention and hope that anyone who thinks the same as I used to will now be prepared to broach this taboo subject and let themselves be pleasantly surprised by the results.


infections in Animals

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