
Treatment of infectious diseases in veterinary medicine

April 21, 201612 min read

Stephanie Dziallas, Animal Naturopath, Sandstedt, Germany 

My name is Stephanie Dziallas. I am an animal naturopath from Sandstedt and have been working with the BICOM® bioresonance device for about two years. When I lost my two Spanish dogs to leishmaniasis within six weeks of one another in the summer of 2005, I refused to accept that Allopurinol and Glucantime were apparently virtually the only way of treating leishmaniasis. Anger and despair over the death of my dogs spurred me on to search for other methods of treating this disease. Following extensive research I came upon the BICOM® bioresonance device and the success I have experienced in the past in treating chronic infections speaks for itself! I have now successfully treated numerous dogs and cats which were chronically infected with parasites, viruses or bacteria.

Fundamental procedure

Before starting treatment I obtain an impression of the overall constitution of the animal and decide whether homeopathic remedies or phytotherapeutic agents are needed to support the immune system. Bach flower remedies have also proved effective as an accompaniment to BICOM® therapy if animals are debilitated through a negative state of mind.

Where an animal’s immune system is severely impaired or their eliminating organs such as kidneys and liver, for example, are already badly affected, I start in the first therapy session just by releasing the blocks and supporting the eliminating organs. The therapy programs 900 “Activating vitality” and 570 “Increasing powers of resistance” have also proved very effective here. Administering propolis is beneficial to the immune system. I recommend one capsule each day (propolis capsules can be obtained from the chemist) and also apply propolis to the animal during BICOM® sessions. Homeopathic remedies are good for supporting the liver and kidneys. I always fall back on complex drugs to strengthen the affected organs. These should be administered as injections where possible. I also use the 5 element set from the CTT (Combined Test Technique).

In many cases, however, treatment with the BICOM® device is quite sufficient in itself to bring about a cure or an improvement.

As I mentioned earlier, I work with the combined test technique (CTT) and include the 5 element test set in my treatment and testing. The 5 element test set gives me an indication of the greatest “weak point”, as I call it, in the body.

I have observed when working with the combined test technique that elimination of the pathogens (irrespective of which type) should initially be performed with a program with amplification sweep (such as 197, for example). In my experience there is a marked improvement even after just one therapy session and animals require fewer appointments. Why this is so unfortunately eludes me. I discovered it for myself by trying out various alternatives. The second and subsequent sessions are continued with program 191. The same applies to stabilising pink ampoules. They are used in the first session with program 198 and subsequently with program 192. The precise time and amplification obviously need testing out each time.

Activating the eliminating organs and releasing blocks are essential elements of every therapy session. Here too I test out each time whether there have been any changes in the eliminating organs or blocks. With the eliminating organs I note whether the pathogens involved attack specific organs. These are then treated as well. With parasitic and viral infections particularly, it is immensely important to bear in mind liver and kidney functioning, particularly if the animal is in an acute episode. If the liver and kidneys already have limited functioning, it is essential not only that these organs are supported but that other healthy organs are opened for elimination!

When treating a leishmaniasis­positive boxer bitch which already had advanced uraemia, I made the mistake of supporting only the kidneys with the BICOM® device and homeopathy. She was much improved after the first session. However the leishmaniasis was already so advanced that her liver was also badly affected. I only discovered this when it was almost too late. For this reason I always pay particular attention to the liver and kidneys when diagnosing and treating my patients.

With chronic infections in particular, such as leishmaniasis or babesiosis, it is hugely beneficial if treatment takes place before the first episode. The same also goes for cats which have been diagnosed with viral infections such as FIV or leucosis, for example. It is my experience that speedier and more positive results are obtained if infected animals are not yet acutely ill. This is definitely partly due to the fact that the internal organs are not yet affected.

Consequently I ask owners of dogs brought from the Mediterranean region to have a titre test for all Mediterranean diseases1 performed regularly on their pet every 6 months over a 2­3 year period. This applies even if the animals test negative. Likewise cats which spend a lot of time outdoors should also be tested at the stated time intervals for retroviruses and coronaviruses. Only for this reason I recommend laboratory testing here because many pet owners unfortunately still believe that laboratory results are the only correct and reliable ones. These people often cannot imagine that you can test for various pathogens just as well with the BICOM® device (and, in my opinion, better and more safely and, above all, more quickly and less expensively).

1 Translator’s note: these are diseases common in the Mediterranean (babesiosis, leishmaniasis, ehrlichiosis, etc.) where the pathogens are carried by blood­sucking insects.

It has happened in the past in my practice that owners have discontinued treatment and looked for a different therapist for their pet if they did not like my test results. You should always keep this in the back of your mind especially if you are dealing with the chronic infections I have mentioned. But now let us return to the actual topic of my presentation.

Treating infectious diseases

I shall explain how I treat these using case studies.

Case 1: Spanish mongrel bitch

For a short while I treated a young Spanish mongrel bitch which had tested positive for leishmaniasis, yet had never had an episode. It was given Allopurinol as a preventive measure and was in really good shape apart from low body weight and severe hair loss.

After the first treatment session, its hair loss was much reduced and the animal also finally began putting on weight. As well as visiting me, the dog owner also went to her vet regularly to have the readings for the animal’s organs and titre determined. The vet was very pleased with the good results which have remained so.

The leishmaniasis titre remained negative after BICOM® treatment and the vet talked of a small miracle.

Only when we had finished treating the dog did the owner tell the vet that she had taken the animal for bioresonance therapy. This example shows the beneficial effect of treating an animal before a chronic infectious disease such as leishmaniasis breaks out.

In the case of cross infections which are not uncommon in the typical Mediterranean diseases I sometimes treat all the pathogens in one session.

Case 2: Small terrier from Spain

A small terrier from Spain was infected with ehrlichiosis, babesiosis and leishmaniasis. It was in a very bad state. It often had severe nosebleeds, was anaemic and had limited kidney and liver function. The dog had already been treated with antibiotics and Allopurinol.

This had not been particularly successful however and also affected the animal’s detoxifying organs. Treatment had to be administered quickly as all the signs were that all three infections were active.

In the first session the organs and the immune system were strengthened and the blocks released. In the second session, elimination of all three pathogens was undertaken for the first time.

The dog actually began to detoxify as elimination was being performed. A mixture of pus and blood came out of its nose and its coat began to smell.

Now it is in tip­top condition. There are no signs now that it was once very sick.

I always pay very close attention to the symptoms caused by the actual infectious disease as you can also have a positive effect on these with the BICOM® device.

Case 3: Jack Russel terrier

I was treating a Jack Russell terrier a year ago. The owner was desperate as no therapist could tell her what was wrong with her dog. The bitch suffered convulsive attacks several times a day after which it vomited. The lab tests (a full blood count was taken) were relatively normal. The dog was already in a very reduced general state when the owner brought it to my surgery.

I suspected Borrelia infection and the subsequent test with the BICOM® device confirmed this. In this case the pathogens had spread primarily in the central nervous system.

As the lab tests were by and large normal, we began straight away with elimination. The dog was also treated with a program (after testing) used in cases of CNS disturbance. The daily attacks became less frequent after the very first treatment session. The animal required four sessions in all after which it was a different dog.

It started playing again, was able to keep its food down and as a result also put on weight again. There has been no change in its condition since then.

I take the same approach with cats suffering from cat flu. Eliminating on the one hand and supporting with additional therapy programs on the other. With cat flu I always make a point of also testing the program used for chronic sinusitis (program 500) and so far it has always been required.

Case 4: Newfoundland bitch

In another case of Borrelia infection involving an 11­year­old Newfoundland bitch, it was the heart and joints which were affected.

When the elderly animal came to my surgery for the first time, I could hear the rattling in its lungs even without a stethoscope. Water had already accumulated in its lungs as a result of limited cardiac function. It also had great difficulty supporting itself on its legs as its joints were obviously causing it pain. It had just gone through a severe episode and I was afraid we would lose it. It was first given therapy programs which supported its heart, released the blocks and strengthened its detoxifying organs. I also injected Echinacea to build up its immune system. In our second appointment I began to eliminate the Borrelia because the animal was by then in a much better condition. It came to me for treatment for about 6 months and at each session I used a program to support its heart.

Afterwards the Borrelia titre was negative, its cardiac function was almost completely restored (this emerged during a visit to the heart specialist) and its joints were obviously not so painful as the animal was lively once more. Also it no longer had water on its lungs.

In my last example I would like to speak about the Bach flower remedies I touched on at the start.

Case 5: Sheepdog bitch

I was called to a sheepdog bitch which was in a very bad physical and mental state. Its owner told me that the dog had been like that since she lost her husband. The owner’s sadness about her husband had been a heavy blow for the animal too. Its immune system had also naturally been impaired by this negative mental state. The dog had a viral infection to which further bacterial infections had been added.

I immediately tested out the appropriate Bach flower remedies and supported the animal with therapy programs 900 (Activating vitality) and 570 (Increasing powers of resistance). I also gave it support for its liver and kidneys because these organs had already been affected and the blocks which had tested were released. In its second appointment I began with the elimination.

The dog only required three sessions in total, and the Bach flower remedies, to become a far healthier and happier dog. Its owner wept for joy seeing her dog again running and playing in the fields.


Animal’s condition?

  • Good constitution – begin elimination immediately and strengthen organs, release blocks.

  • Poor constitution – first strengthen immune system (program 900, 570, propolis), support organs, if necessary use homeopathic complex drugs as injections, 5 element kit (CTT).

Which organs are being damaged by the parasite, virus or bacteria which has been detected?

  • Check and monitor function of the particular organs, if necessary support with the BICOM® device and/or with homeopathic complex drugs.

What symptoms are being caused by the infectious disease which has been detected?
What symptoms is the sick animal displaying?

  • Include the particular indication (main symptom) in every BICOM® therapy session.

  • Always support damaged organs but do not “exploit” for elimination.

Is there any abnormal behaviour which has perhaps arisen through or before the animal’s illness?

  • Test out the particular Bach flower remedy and possibly apply to the patient during BICOM® therapy. Give Bach flower mixture to the animal’s owner to take with them.

Eliminating/testing with the CTT test kit

  • 1st session: Ai prog. 197, A prog. 198

  • 2nd and subsequent sessions: Ai prog. 191, A prog. 192
    Always test amplification and time!

Mitigating primary immune response

  • Apply program 127/128 (over­treatment), after testing, to non­pharmaceutical globules in the input cup and give to the animal’s owner to take with them.

Number of sessions

The number of sessions varies widely. Therapy takes longer in animals who have been suffering from a chronic infection for years than in an animal which has only just been infected.


So far I have successfully treated around 14 animals in all with

  • parasitic diseases
    (leishmaniasis, babesiosis)bacterial diseases (borreliosis, ehrlichiosis) and

  • viral diseases (leucosis, FIV, cat flu).

Subsequent blood tests have almost always yielded a negative titre test. Moreover the animals have regained their vitality as is evident just by looking at them.

It really is astonishing how much quality of life animals can regain through BICOM® bioresonance therapy. I am continually amazed that even animals on whom all the treatment options had been exhausted and those for whom the prognosis was no longer good have been given a new lease of life.

I have been told of cats which are playful again after years of illness or dogs which finally get their appetite back and display obvious vitality as they scamper outdoors with other dogs.


infections in Animals

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