
Treatment of obesity with Bioresonance Bicom Optima, An effective experience with 457 patients in Buenos Aires

January 29, 202213 min read

Dr. Esteban Busto, MD, Pediatrician, Gastroenterologist, Homeopath, Buenos Aires,Argentina

Based on Dr. Cassandra Mougiakou´s method, specially customized on nutritional recommendations.

Before getting on the nutritional subject and the use of BICOM I would like to point out some important issues to help our patients to meet the objectives of weight loss and change of habits. I am going to transmit my own experience.

It is of relevant importance to hold a medical interview, as complete as possible, asking about patient’s weight history throughout his or her life, and record everything in the clinical history. At a later stage, it could be necessary to come back to this issue once the patient has lost weight and can’t remember the initial difficulties raised at that time. It is very common to hear from patients that they cannot lose weight or that they cannot keep a diet plan. With us they can achieve that and reach an improvement.

However, this is not achieved only by giving the patients a nutritional plan and BICOM treatment. We usually see that, in general, any weight-loss plan in many institutions relies on a self-help group coordinated by a psychologist or a nutritionist, individual psychological care, customized nutritional consultation, apart from the medical consultation. We synthesize all these in our own consultation. We must do all these, at least according to my own experience.

It is very important to focus on all difficulties told by the patients, to commit with them and their objectives, giving them all our knowledge and dedication, adapting the BICOM protocol to their needs, testing new programs which may help us to solve these issues, motivating the patients to go on. The progress achieved is worthwhile.


To describe the whole program very clearly is a major motivation, we give the patients a complete road map. The weight-loss program consists of three phases. Phase I has a minimum duration of 28 days, and it is important because the patients can experiment a good loss of weight plus metabolic and habits changes. The fact that this phase has a time limit, whether the objective is achieved or not, helps to motivate patient, because during this stage patients may experience some boredom. Knowing that this phase has a time limit, regardless the weight issues, makes patients focus on the fulfillment of planning, because he can see an end.

I have the experience to extend Phase I to 35 days and up to 42 days, no more than this.

The extension period is made in agreement with the patient in order to get into the next phase in an orderly manner. During the first week there is an important loss of weight, and if there is any difficulty it is usually overpassed by the happiness produced by the fulfillment of the objective.

The second week of Phase I it is usually the most difficult one, it is still possible to experience some discomfort or hunger feelings and the loss of weight is not as much important as during the first week, this control consultation is the most difficult.

During the third and fourth week everything changes, the patient does not usually experience hunger and may even have some indifference towards food, and continues losing weight, sometimes as much as during the first week. At this stage many patients choose to extend the treatment for one additional week since they do not feel hunger and experience an important loss of weight. Informing patients how is the process motivates them to reach the goal.

Phase II is important because, apart from continuing losing weight, all metabolic changes experienced during Phase I are consolidated, and the diet is the one that we want for the patient to adopt as a lifestyle. It is one week shorter than Phase I. The patient experiences a feeling of satisfaction because he has a more sociable food plan, which may combine several ingredients, and it is more appetizing. Furthermore, he would be very pleased to see that he continues losing weight during first stage of Phase II.

Finally, Phase III is agreed with the patient, proposing a diet plan which contains at least 80 % of the Phase II diet and a 20 % of any foods that the patient would like to eat occasionally. The experience is that as time goes on the patient can maintain their weight.

The patient must keep a daily weight control, I will give you two examples:

a) Comparison with money: when we are paid our wages or salary we do not spend all of it at the next day indulging ourselves with all we want, we administer the money, first we cover our priorities and then we save some money for our own pleasure, it happens the same with Phase III, we don´t indulge with all the food we want, we should administer it cleverly. The other example is

b) Children: children are always searching for limits, we will not do the same with food, if we had ice cream and during the next days we can note that our weight has not changed we will not keep on eating ice cream until we see how much we can have without altering our weight. Furthermore, there is a sensorial issue at stake that will be looked up in depth at a later stage.

It is important to transmit certainty when we give the patient our recommendations. The patient should leave the consultation without any doubts, with a total comprehension of the situation. In order to achieve this, we need to be very specific and confident about our recommendations. For example, when we recommend one or two eggs a day, usually there could be people who still believe that egg yolk cholesterol may alter the endogenous cholesterol or damage artery walls, when it has been proven that this is not the case. In order to transmit certainty, we need to be duly informed.

Egg is a high nutritional quality food, there is a long tradition of consumption in almost all cultures. History of egg consumption is lost in time, but there is certain data that place it in India around 3200 B.C.

During the 60´s egg consumption decreased because it was related to the increase of plasmatic cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases.

At present, there are studies on large population groups (Hu et al., 1999, on 170.000 people) which point out that there is no correlation between egg consumption and increase of cardiovascular diseases. There were no differences between people who consumed less than one egg per week and those who had more than one per day.

Further, we have the lipidic hypothesis controversy related to the increase in cardiovascular pathologies. Following, MONICA studies:


Carried out between 1979 and 2002. This is the main study in the world about heart disease, acute strokes, risk factors and population trends. Preparation of report took one year work from all research teams and was based on 35 populations from 21 countries. As per Philippe Busquin, E.U. research commissioner, all those involved in the MONICA study “must be proud of their achievement”. MONICA is an acronym for: “MONItoring of trends and determinants for CArdiovascular diseases.”

In this study, if data for China and Japan is put aside, there is no correlation between hypercholesterolemia and heart disease. Further, in this study we can note the “French paradox” saying that while more cholesterol, less cardiovascular mortality.

The message on diet of Phase I is that we focus on weight loss, while the message on diet of Phase II is that this must be our daily food choice. The diet of Phase II is based on the WHO NOVA classification.

Meal plan based on NOVA system classify food not by its chemical origin but for its degree of processing, giving four degrees:

Raw or minimally processed foods

Processed culinary ingredients

Processed foods

Ultra-processed products

In this last category the word “foods” is replaced by “products” and it is not just a semantic difference.

Ultra-processed foods and drinks in Latin America: tendencies and effects on obesity and implications on public policies.


This report is based in NOVA classification system. The NOVA system groups foods according to nature,

purpose and degree of processing (212, 27). It involves four groups, as mentioned below, which are explained in detail in Annex A:

Raw or minimally processed foods

Processed culinary ingredients

Processed foods, and

Ultra-processed products

The NOVA system allows to study food supply and eating patterns in a country or among countries along time. It also allows to study individual food groups in the systems.

Ultra-processed products cause sensorial alterations with direct incidence on the reward system. The sensorial stimulus produced does not correlate with the nutritional intake thus it increases the physical “anxiety”, producing a stimulus which makes us to repeat the action of eating.

This eating action, triggered by a sensorial stimulus and not by need or “hunger”, introduces us in the so-called reward system which is one of the causes for which overweight is considered a global epidemic. We, the bioresonance therapists, have the chance to work on it through the hypothalamus-hypophysis programs and particularly with the “Dr. Mougiakou ampoule” which also works on this level.

We can see in the following diagram how biology designed the reward system as a fundamental beneficial action, associating reproduction and feeding to pleasure experience.


Going deeper in the reward system concept, we should consider to deal with obesity as an addiction too. I quote an import work on this issue:

“Imaging studies revealed that several specific regions of mesolimbic system, among them the caudate nucleus, the hippocampus and the insular cortex are activated by drugs and food and, at the same time, the release of dopamine from the striatum, a neurotransmitter performing decisive functions in the reward system. Endogenous opioids are also important in this system, they are activated basically in response to the intake of sweet foods. It has been noted that naltrexone reduces compulsive consumption of foods and drugs.

The endocannabinoid system inverse agonists have been used to treat drug addictions.” (The obesity as an addiction. Author: Taylor V., Curtis C., Davis C., Canadian Medical Association Journal 182(4):327)

We should consider every possible aspect, in order to achieve a long-term recovery, and not just weight loss. We count on BICOM as an exceptional therapeutic resource which allows us to offer a therapy for all areas involved in obesity problems.

My experience data:

Between August 2016 and April 2019, 457 patients received treatment. This represented 2685 consultations. Treatment was based on Dr. Cassandra Mougiakou´s method, which consists on a three phases plan. In Phase I there is a weekly consultation an it has a minimum length of 4 weeks, which may be extended to 5 or 6 weeks.

In this phase the patient is thoroughly tested and all therapies resulting from the testing are carried out. Then a chip is programmed with the weightloss ampoule (very important), it is attached to the skin over the abdominal area, according to my own experience over the liver region on the right hypochondrium.

This program is really welcome by patients. Only 36 patients gave up on the program, representing 8 %, due to several reasons (many of them described as personal reasons). Fifty five patients (55) underwent Phase I in a customized program, without following the protocol due to difficulties to follow weekly controls, anyway all of them achieved loss of weight.

The group is completed with 366 patients who followed Phase I with all corresponding controls as per protocol. This group consists of 270 women who lost between 3 and 10 kilograms in 28 days, and 96 men who lost between 3 and 16 kilograms.


We can note from the graphics of Phase I that the time interval for the loss of 6 to 9 kilograms is longer in the male group. During this stage we can see a major weight loss, the weekly consultation being very important for the chip setup.

At the end of Phase II a control 206 patients were supervised, 142 females and 64 males. This control at the end of Phase II became important for the long-term success, strengthening metabolic changes produced during Phase I and educating patients about a change of food habits. Further, during this stage weight loss goes on.

The diet proposed for Phase II is the one we give patients to incorporate in their daily lives. It is based on the WHO NOVA system as mentioned before.

Following, the graphics for patients undergoing Phase II are shown.

We can observe that weight loss is continuing, being remarkable on the male group.


(two graphs follow)

Frequencies used came from clinical records and biosensor tests, specially focused on blockages, metabolism, hormonal system, check wheat / milk / yeast. Frequencies mainly used: 3108.0, 3106.0, 3107.0, 3050.0, 3072.0, 3073.0. For wheat / milk / yeast problems 936.0 was used. To a lesser extent were used: 433.2, 3017.0, 3094.0, 3095.0, 3088.0, 3087.0.

On every consultation, we talk with the patient about the results of the week, and if it becomes necessary new tests are carried out. Each consultation consists of a 30 minutes interview and 30 minutes therapy approximately. However, same as other therapies, program is focused on tests results and personal history, giving priority to weight loss.

The incorporation of this food model helps patients not to gain weight again.

Obesity is a very complex issue which has overcome the caloric hypothesis. It becomes necessary to open to all aspects of obesity, sometimes, but not always, it will be necessary to deal with it as an addictive behavior. It is important to consider social handicaps which make this issue a global epidemic and not an individual problem, and to consider obesity interrelation with immunity. Some authors consider it as chronic inflammation since adipose tissue lymphocytic infiltrations were found on obese patients’ autopsies. We can often see this when treating, as pointed out in Dr. Cassandra Mougiakou´s protocol, allergies, yeast problems and other food intolerances. Lastly, I will say a few words about hormonal hypothesis, for you to continue later.

Hormonal hypothesis is based on the insulin interaction as a fattening hormone par excellence. This hormone produces the adipose tissue and it is important to understand its interaction in order to understand what is happening to our patients, insulin is correlated to stress (cortisol and adrenaline), depression (serotonin), sexual hormones and obviously the metabolic system, being prominent the glucagon, the more recent ghrelin and other mediators.

Following, an illustrative graphic:


With Dr. Mougiakou´s protocol, the use of the ampoule and the BICOM therapy customized for each patient’s problems, we will efficiently help our patients´ evolution, achieving an initial loss of weight in a relative short period of time. For this, we rely on three fundamental pillars: Bioresonance therapy with a special ampoule mounted on a chip and attached to the patient, the food diet plan and our commitment. We must educate our patients in order that they give up on ultra-processed foods so they do not relapse. It is also important for us, the therapists, to be updated on any changes at nutritional levels that may occur so that we can transmit our recommendations with certainty.

Dr. Esteban Busto

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